Can obamacare be gotten rid of when he is out?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Wasn't sure where to put this, but I was just wondering if once Obama is out of office...can this mess be made to go away or is set in stone forever?
Wasn't sure where to put this, but I was just wondering if once Obama is out of office...can this mess be made to go away or is set in stone forever?

I would call for members to join forces and petition their own party leaders to set up
alternative systems they believe in, by party,
and write amending language into ACA that recognizes these options by party
as either approved exemptions or state innovations.

under threat to sue that any penalty or taxatIon under the AcA Otherwise
constitutes taxation without representation, discrimination by creed,
or involuntary servitude, forcing payment by labor hours for insurance instead of health care
services directly either thru singlepayer for democrats or thru free market for republicans
being their creed of choice which cannot be restricted regulated or penalized by federal govt
IF he leaves office, it'll depend on the makeup of Congress and who the President is. If Republicans take over, they'll have to spend the next 4 years undoing the damage, if it can be undone at that point. Electing that communist bastard was the worst mistake this country ever made.
IF he leaves office, it'll depend on the makeup of Congress and who the President is. If Republicans take over, they'll have to spend the next 4 years undoing the damage, if it can be undone at that point. Electing that communist bastard was the worst mistake this country ever made.

Health care reforms depend on people's personal choices and actions to create these, not depending on govt to do so. Ralph Nader wrote the OSHA act into existence and the Consumer Protections laws.

All people need to recognize the same responsibilities.

It was ALWAYS up to the people to do this, especially since we have different views and priorities; some people focus on elderly or vets, others on disabled or incarcerated mentally ill, some are prochoice and believe in singlepayer, while others are prolife and free market.

Now we have an added bureaucracy to resolve, but the responsibility still remains with the people as before ACA.

Depending on govt run by political parties is never going to work until those parties agree to work independently and quit competing to impose one system for everyone else.

Prolife and Prochoice views are not going to change.
And neither are Singlepayer vs. free market health care.

People need to have free and equal choice of programs to support
because of different religious and political views that are equally protected under law.
It's possible it could be made to go away, but recent events do not make it probable.

More likely, if the GOP takes control of the entire government, it may create a two-tier system like Australia.
Wasn't sure where to put this, but I was just wondering if once Obama is out of office...can this mess be made to go away or is set in stone forever?

Dismantling it once it is in place will create a much bigger problem. I find it a bit ironic that so many people have put their hearts and souls into trying to kill this thing rather than trying to improve it and actually make it workable for everyone. There are so many good things that are coming out of the ACA. We really just need to work on fixing the problems with it, and yes, there are problems.
But it is not in place. Obama keeps pushing shit back. The website still does not work. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.
Eliminate the mandate, If the majority of the people want it, it will NOT require a mandate. IMHO

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Eliminate the mandate, If the majority of the people want it, it will NOT require a mandate. IMHO

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I have no problem eliminating the mandate, so long as healthcare providers do not have to provide medical care to those who cannot afford to pay when they chose to not purchase insurance.
Wasn't sure where to put this, but I was just wondering if once Obama is out of office...can this mess be made to go away or is set in stone forever?

Dismantling it once it is in place will create a much bigger problem. I find it a bit ironic that so many people have put their hearts and souls into trying to kill this thing rather than trying to improve it and actually make it workable for everyone. There are so many good things that are coming out of the ACA. We really just need to work on fixing the problems with it, and yes, there are problems.


ACA is here to stay. The congress can continue to use it or they can make it serve Americans.

Just imagine what could be accomplished if both sides worked FOR America and Americans.

And, we all know which side will do each.

I have no problem eliminating the mandate, so long as healthcare providers do not have to provide medical care to those who cannot afford to pay when they chose to not purchase insurance.

That's not ACA though. That describes EMTALA.

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