Can Only An Act By God Stop Trump From Being President ?

Where were you when your morons voted in Obabble?

Well, I voted for McCain in 2008. (It's when you guys decided to turn your party over the Mormon cult I had to rethink things.)

But I'll tell you exactly where the country was at. They were at a point where due to Bush's criminal incompetence, thousands had died and millions were losing their jobs.

Now, I know you are still butthurt the black guy won, but let's stay on topic, okay. If Trump wins, it's a sad commentary on the country that we've confused celebrity with merit.

Vote for the idiot who was the catalyst for Citizens United. Man you are really stupid.
What merit did the black guy have...other than being a black guy?
What black guy?

You mean the mulatto that everyone calls a black guy?
He identifies as black. He also identifies as a man. Trump is think about suing to determine the validity of both claims.
Yeah, poor Dems, so confused about everything.


Spot on! Liberals aren't very bright, they are so easy to fool.
If the GOP gets behind one candidate, then they can defeat Trump.

If there is no left wing spoiler in the general, Hillary can defeat Trump.

However, I don't know if the moderates in the GOP will compromise with Cruz.

Also,some of the evangelicals are starting to claim divine providence that Cruz is to be president. If that rhetoric gets out of hand, It will become impossible to set up back room eals with the moderates.

Trump should win the GOP nomination. It is too late if he runs the table after Super Tuesday. Republican tend to align behind the leader after ST.

Thats two weeks from now. Sad
You hit the nail on the head. Obabbles only merit was not being a Mormon cultist. At last we agree on something....yo.

SO why are you still fighting an argument you've lost twice?

Obama won in 2008 because Bush fucked up everything. He won in 2012 because your side let the Mormon Cult bully you into nominating a guy most of you really didn't want. He said stuff like "47%" and "I likes to fire people" and you all wonder why a battered working class didn't sign up for that.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of whining about people voting for Obama, try to figure out WHY they voted for him. Find out why McCain and Romney were scarier alternatives for a lot of people and then don't do that again.

But my guess is you guys will nominate another guy like them and then wonder why people didn't vote for him, either.
We don't have anyone that would appeal to you Libtards. We prefer to work. We just need to get our people out to vote...and stop expecting you guys won't line up in droves for whatever Santa comes your way.
Vote for the idiot who was the catalyst for Citizens United. Man you are really stupid.

Um. No. The Catalyst for CU was that we had too many slugs like Scalia on the court.

We have one less now. Heh, heh, heh.....
We don't have anyone that would appeal to you Libtards. We prefer to work. We just need to get our people out to vote...and stop expecting you guys won't line up in droves for whatever Santa comes your way.

Uh, guy, I currently work two jobs, about 70 hours a week. I don't need to hear that shit about how we aren't working enough.

The real parasites are the guys who pick up 8 figure salaries running big corporations, not the working folks who have to turn to a government program because corporations like Walmart and McDonalds don't pay a living wage.

The dumb ones are folks like you who get screwed by those big corporations, but they've convinced you that single mom wants half your cookie!
Trump is winning because americans are fed up with PC politicians who do nothing but talk and fill their own pockets with OUR money. The establishment in both parties sucks. Kick them all out, pass term limits, being in congress should be a temporary sacrifice from your normal life to help your country, not a financially lucrative lifetime career.

Your solution to being fed up at politicians lining their pockets with our money is to elect a man who lined politician pockets to take our money?!?!
We don't have anyone that would appeal to you Libtards. We prefer to work. We just need to get our people out to vote...and stop expecting you guys won't line up in droves for whatever Santa comes your way.

Uh, guy, I currently work two jobs, about 70 hours a week. I don't need to hear that shit about how we aren't working enough.

The real parasites are the guys who pick up 8 figure salaries running big corporations, not the working folks who have to turn to a government program because corporations like Walmart and McDonalds don't pay a living wage.

The dumb ones are folks like you who get screwed by those big corporations, but they've convinced you that single mom wants half your cookie!
We weren't talking about you specifically. We were talking about Obabbles base in general. The "free shit" crowd...motivated to vote for Santa Claus. Congrats on your two jobs. It's too bad you didn't prepare yourself better so one job would have been enough. But we all can't be that "lucky".....yo.
Only an act of God? Nah, they can take him out like they did Scalia. I have already heard the rumor the Obama administration has been spreading about how Trump likes to sleep with a pillow over his face, too!


(Come on, it was a JOKE! Lighten up.)
Vote for the idiot who was the catalyst for Citizens United. Man you are really stupid.

Um. No. The Catalyst for CU was that we had too many slugs like Scalia on the court.

We have one less now. Heh, heh, heh.....

No had McCain not have introduced CFR, the Citizens United would have had absolutely no case to take to the Supreme Court. McCain is a self serving asshole, he really suckered Arizona.
Can Only An Act By God Stop Trump From Being President ?

Pretty sure a TV commercial aired nationwide for many weeks featuring the Donald claiming the gay marriages he attended were 'beautiful' would boot about 80% of his followers, returning the election to a normal GOP vs Dem election instead of a reverse Ralph-Nader divide and conquer landslide for whoever the dems are running...

Trump fails to realize, or is fighting the revelation of to his followers, that they as a bloc opposed what happened with Obergefell last year: How To Defeat Trumpsters' Worship....Ask Him About His Spine on Gay Marriage..

God doesn't usually make TV commercials. People do. Whichever candidate beats the others to it will get Trump's evangelical and moderate right voters...which is about all of them save a scant few..
Can Only An Act By God Stop Trump From Being President ?

Pretty sure a TV commercial aired nationwide for many weeks featuring the Donald claiming the gay marriages he attended were 'beautiful' would boot about 80% of his followers, returning the election to a normal GOP vs Dem election instead of a reverse Ralph-Nader divide and conquer landslide for whoever the dems are running...

Trump fails to realize, or is fighting the revelation of to his followers, that they as a bloc opposed what happened with Obergefell last year: How To Defeat Trumpsters' Worship....Ask Him About His Spine on Gay Marriage..

God doesn't usually make TV commercials. People do. Whichever candidate beats the others to it will get Trump's evangelical and moderate right voters...which is about all of them save a scant few..

Gay marriage is your personal obsession. Its not Trump's. Nor the electorate's.
Only an act of God? Nah, they can take him out like they did Scalia. I have already heard the rumor the Obama administration has been spreading about how Trump likes to sleep with a pillow over his face, too!


(Come on, it was a JOKE! Lighten up.)

Laughing....I'd ask you if you can back any of that 'take him out like they did Scalia' horseshit. But we both already know the answer, Tin Foil.
We weren't talking about you specifically. We were talking about Obabbles base in general. The "free shit" crowd...motivated to vote for Santa Claus. Congrats on your two jobs. It's too bad you didn't prepare yourself better so one job would have been enough. But we all can't be that "lucky".....yo.

I prepared just fine. It's just your BOY BUSH FUCKED UP EVERYTHING SO BADLY that all the prep in the world didn't help much.

So frankly, I don't get upset if people who "prepared better" (read, fucked over the rest of us) Get the shit taxed out of them.

It's kind of like the two bears who emerged from Hibernation. ANd while the second bear just lived his life, the first one got fat. So when it came time for hibernation, the second bear just ate the first one...


Too bad... so sad... Socialism for everyone, baby.
No had McCain not have introduced CFR, the Citizens United would have had absolutely no case to take to the Supreme Court. McCain is a self serving asshole, he really suckered Arizona.

Isn't that like saying, "If that chick hadn't been wearing a short skirt, I wouldn't have had to rape the shit out of her?"

Man, you are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Pretty sure a TV commercial aired nationwide for many weeks featuring the Donald claiming the gay marriages he attended were 'beautiful' would boot about 80% of his followers, returning the election to a normal GOP vs Dem election instead of a reverse Ralph-Nader divide and conquer landslide for whoever the dems are running...

guy, even the GOP doesn't want to be seen with you homophobes anymore. Here's the reality- the Culture Wars are over. Your side lost. Right-Wing Americans don't care about the gay marriages Trump attended any more than the abortions he's paid for or the wives and mistresses he's left in his wake.

They just want to win. And they've deluded themselves into thinking anyone who gets all belligerent with the Democrats can do it.

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