Can Only An Act By God Stop Trump From Being President ?

No had McCain not have introduced CFR, the Citizens United would have had absolutely no case to take to the Supreme Court. McCain is a self serving asshole, he really suckered Arizona.

Isn't that like saying, "If that chick hadn't been wearing a short skirt, I wouldn't have had to rape the shit out of her?"

Man, you are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Learn your history dumbshit. McCain wanted to make it easier for incumbents to get re-elected, he trampled all over the 1st amendment. The law refused to allow opponents to run a slant biography of Hillary before the 2008 primaries.

It's not the same as you say, that is a stupid Joe thing to say.

It was a 1st amendment disaster before it was passed. Many smart people knew it was a poorly written law and the courts agreed.

I can't believe you voted for the idiot. :lmao:
Learn your history dumbshit. McCain wanted to make it easier for incumbents to get re-elected, he trampled all over the 1st amendment. The law refused to allow opponents to run a slant biography of Hillary before the 2008 primaries.

Which was a solid decision, as it was clearly a campaign commercial disguised as a movie.

It's not the same as you say, that is a stupid Joe thing to say.

It was exactly the same as I said. Politicians form BOTH parties supported McCain-Feingold, not because they wanted to "protect incumbents", but because they saw the corrupting influence of unlimited money in politics. Or are you cool with the Koch Brothers demanding potential presidents stop by and tell them why THEY should be president?

Wealth transfer is NOT speech. No one is stopping the Koch Brothers from getting on a soap box and expressing their crazy LiberTARDian views. It's when they flood the process with money that it becomes a real problem, at least to most sane people.

I can't believe you voted for the idiot.

Yes, why would I want to vote for a war hero who dedicated his entire life to public service when there are reality TV Rodeo clowns to vote for?
Learn your history dumbshit. McCain wanted to make it easier for incumbents to get re-elected, he trampled all over the 1st amendment. The law refused to allow opponents to run a slant biography of Hillary before the 2008 primaries.

Which was a solid decision, as it was clearly a campaign commercial disguised as a movie.

It's not the same as you say, that is a stupid Joe thing to say.

It was exactly the same as I said. Politicians form BOTH parties supported McCain-Feingold, not because they wanted to "protect incumbents", but because they saw the corrupting influence of unlimited money in politics. Or are you cool with the Koch Brothers demanding potential presidents stop by and tell them why THEY should be president?

Wealth transfer is NOT speech. No one is stopping the Koch Brothers from getting on a soap box and expressing their crazy LiberTARDian views. It's when they flood the process with money that it becomes a real problem, at least to most sane people.

I can't believe you voted for the idiot.

Yes, why would I want to vote for a war hero who dedicated his entire life to public service when there are reality TV Rodeo clowns to vote for?

The Hillary movie whether propaganda or not, was a 1st amendment right. The movie was no different than Fahrenheit 911.

CFR restricted free speech, had the bill attacked the money without attacking free speech there would be no issue.

As far as the TV Clown? Funny that's how you justify voting for the greedy, self serving McCain over 7 years ago. What logic. Did you see into the future and say, hey Trump is going to lead the polls in 2016 so I'll vote for this prick today? :lmao: That is pretty stupid justification.
Should this thread be sent to the FBI as an attempt on Trump's life because every time some right winger said something similar about OBama the left cried that is was an assassination attempt. I really thought that these people were paranoid or the welfare check was late and they were going through withdraw. I now realize that they know that Obama was such an asshole that everyone secretly wish he was dead.
Maybe an act from God is what the Pope had in mind?

I'll put my faith in the American people.

Despite Duck Dynasty being a popular show, I believe our country is still good at the core.

The grotesque people flocking to Trump will see themselves on video footage years from now, the same way racists and segregationists see themselves on 1960's newsreel footage.

They'll be embarrassed and we will forgive them.
I can't wait to watch Trump casinos get hit by terrorists.

Wishing death and destruction on American soil. You are a disgusting POS.
I said nothing of death. Just saying that if he wants to be president so bad his buildings will undoubtedly be targets for terrorists. Thanks for calling me a name like a child would do...Back at cha.

And no one would die if they were hit? Are you really that stupid?

They mere fact you "can't wait" for terrorists to strike this country is pretty messed up and yes, you are a POS when you make such statements.

You made the statement, you own it.
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I trust Hillary much more than I'd ever trust Mr. Trump, who can't seem to hold one opinion long enough to let it become public before he expresses the exact opposite of what he originally said about the same topic. If you believe vetted fact check sites, and I do, Hillary's honesty trumps Trump's any day of the week
Can Only An Act By God Stop Trump From Being President ?
It seems he's unstoppable.

That or the electoral college.

Dump trumps are reading too much into early poles.

They will lose big - WH, Senate, possible house...

Trump WILL make American great again....not the way he thinks.
"An act of God" or something more sinister? It's no secret that the emotional hate filled left might resort to anything including violence to keep the candidate they hate off the ballot.

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