Can Palestinians Govern "Palestine?"

P F Tinmore, et al,

One thing you have to keep in mind.

The HAMAS model of Palestine was unreasonable and unacceptable. The Fatah Model, while not prefect, was much better than that offered by HAMAS.
Indeed, Israel prefers the Palestinians who will give away the store.

The threat presented by the Arab Higher Committee in 1948, which expressed the oath of a continued struggle is more than 30 years old; and is carried on today in the Covenant of HAMAS. If the Arab Palestinians follow that path, pretty soon there will be nothing left for the Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Israel will continue its colonial project until there is nothing left of Palestine.
Nothing left of your imagined Pal'istan might describe the situation in the competing territories of Gaza and the West Bank.

Let's first be reminded that describing Hamas as a "resistance" group is false and misleading. The Hamas Charter speaks explicitly to offensive gee-had as the means to destroy israel. The language throughout that document is drenched in terms that reiterate Islamic doctrine such as all of the area within Israel described as an islamic waqf.

It's pointless and time wasting to suggest that the history of Arab-Moslem attacks against Israel are defensive or "resisting" anything. The gee-had being waged against Israel by Hamas is entirely consistent with their Charter and in concert with islamist ideology.
P F Tinmore, et al,

One thing you have to keep in mind.

The HAMAS model of Palestine was unreasonable and unacceptable. The Fatah Model, while not prefect, was much better than that offered by HAMAS.
Indeed, Israel prefers the Palestinians who will give away the store.

The threat presented by the Arab Higher Committee in 1948, which expressed the oath of a continued struggle is more than 30 years old; and is carried on today in the Covenant of HAMAS. If the Arab Palestinians follow that path, pretty soon there will be nothing left for the Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Israel will continue its colonial project until there is nothing left of Palestine.
Nothing left of your imagined Pal'istan might describe the situation in the competing territories of Gaza and the West Bank.

Let's first be reminded that describing Hamas as a "resistance" group is false and misleading. The Hamas Charter speaks explicitly to offensive gee-had as the means to destroy israel. The language throughout that document is drenched in terms that reiterate Islamic doctrine such as all of the area within Israel described as an islamic waqf.

It's pointless and time wasting to suggest that the history of Arab-Moslem attacks against Israel are defensive or "resisting" anything. The gee-had being waged against Israel by Hamas is entirely consistent with their Charter and in concert with islamist ideology.
It's pointless and time wasting to suggest that the history of Arab-Moslem, blah, blah, blah.​

What about the Christians?

Palestinian Christian addresses 70,000 supporters in Gaza.


But the recent 42nd anniversary rally of the PFLP in Gaza, which attracted some 70,000 people, raised the profile of the Palestinian revolutionary left and also of the role of women: one young woman of the PFLP, called Shireen Said, stood on stage, giving a salute in military fatigues, and co-chaired the rally alongside her male comrade.


Leila Khaled and Shireen Said Interviewed by Sukant Chandan, "Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day"
P F Tinmore, et al,

One thing you have to keep in mind.

The HAMAS model of Palestine was unreasonable and unacceptable. The Fatah Model, while not prefect, was much better than that offered by HAMAS.
Indeed, Israel prefers the Palestinians who will give away the store.

The threat presented by the Arab Higher Committee in 1948, which expressed the oath of a continued struggle is more than 30 years old; and is carried on today in the Covenant of HAMAS. If the Arab Palestinians follow that path, pretty soon there will be nothing left for the Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Israel will continue its colonial project until there is nothing left of Palestine.
Nothing left of your imagined Pal'istan might describe the situation in the competing territories of Gaza and the West Bank.

Let's first be reminded that describing Hamas as a "resistance" group is false and misleading. The Hamas Charter speaks explicitly to offensive gee-had as the means to destroy israel. The language throughout that document is drenched in terms that reiterate Islamic doctrine such as all of the area within Israel described as an islamic waqf.

It's pointless and time wasting to suggest that the history of Arab-Moslem attacks against Israel are defensive or "resisting" anything. The gee-had being waged against Israel by Hamas is entirely consistent with their Charter and in concert with islamist ideology.
It's pointless and time wasting to suggest that the history of Arab-Moslem, blah, blah, blah.​

What about the Christians?

Palestinian Christian addresses 70,000 supporters in Gaza.


But the recent 42nd anniversary rally of the PFLP in Gaza, which attracted some 70,000 people, raised the profile of the Palestinian revolutionary left and also of the role of women: one young woman of the PFLP, called Shireen Said, stood on stage, giving a salute in military fatigues, and co-chaired the rally alongside her male comrade.

Leila Khaled and Shireen Said Interviewed by Sukant Chandan, "Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day"
"Blah, blah, blah". A compelling response.

The problem is, your cut and paste photo is one you have cut and pasted before.

Nothing in your cutting and pasting addrsses my comments.
What about the Christians?

Palestinian Christian addresses 70,000 supporters in Gaza.


Leila Khaled and Shireen Said Interviewed by Sukant Chandan, "Palestinian Revolutionaries on International Women's Day"

From the linked article:

My story with comrade Leila started in kindergarten when we learned the national songs about the Intifada, martyrs and our heroes like Leila, Ghassan Kanfani and Wadi Haddad.

Heroes who are plane hijackers.

National songs like this one:

"I'm coming towards you, my enemy,
We're going down from every house with cleavers and knives,
With grenades we announced a popular war.
I swear, you won't escape, my enemy,
from the revolution and the people.
How will you escape the ring of fire,
while the crowds are blocking the way?"

[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," Nov. 22, 2014]

It will be generations before this can be reversed.
The security forces in the illegal "PA" in the West Bank is armed, paid, and trained by the US to take out Hamas and other resistance factions. The so called unity government wants to put those forces in Gaza. Of course Hamas is opposed to that. Hamas ran those US supported forces out of Gaza in 2007.

Besides -- you're so deep into denying the Pali failings in this crisis to realize that the BIGGER threat are murders and public street executions that Hamas conducts in Gaza. There is no continued "purge" in the West Bank -- but it's a feature of life in Gaza.
There are hundreds of Hamas members in "PA" jails who have not violated any law.

But yeah, these fine folks are stateworthy. Islamo-justice is a wonder to behold.

If that's their choice, and it makes them happy -- I'm all for it. Wouldn't be the ONLY state in the UN with those handicaps. What can not be tolerated -- is to have that state hijacked by radicalized Islamists with a tendency to project violence across their borders.
What borders have the Palestinians ever crossed?

The ones that Israel has by international treaty and are recognised by the rest of the world.

What borders have the arab muslims claimed as theirs and where is the map showing these borders ?
Hollie, et al,

Yes, this gets more interesting with time.

I find it really hilarious that the Palestinians can't seem to determine who are citizens and eligible to vote.

"The draft Law submitted by the cabinet and based on the ratifications of the
PLC in its session held on 13/8/2005 and on behalf of the Palestinian People we promulgate
the following Law:"

Chapter Three
The right to vote

Article 6 Elections shall be conducted in a free, direct, confidential and individual manner. No vote by proxy shall be allowed.

Article 7 The right to vote shall be practiced according to provisions of this law, for who shall fulfill the following conditions: -
1. A Palestinian, who shall attain eighteen years on polling day.
2. Resident at the electoral district for a period not less than six months from the date of elections.
3. His/her name is listed on the final voters’ list of the electoral district where he/she shall vote
4. He/she shall not be legally incompetent.

Arab-Moslem third world'ers doing what Arab-Moslem third world'ers do.

Palestinian High Court Rules Elections to Be Held in West Bank Only

The Upcoming Palestinian Elections in the West Bank

Voters in the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem will be excluded from the vote.

I have two thought here.

All the outside observers should keep their fingers out of this, to include the Israelis -- especially the Israels.
All the external observers should make it very clear, that the upcoming elections are a Palestinian Domestic Issue. And as such, the Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, stipulates that "nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state."
If the Palestinians find some way to excluded HAMAS, it should not happen because the US, the EU and Israel consider HAMAS to be a state sponsor of terrorism. It should happen because it is really the will of the population. If the Arab Palestinians vote for HAMAS, we will know that they are still a people that approve of HAMAS activities --- even in the light of the International legal instruments and their application to HAMAS and the associate Jihadis, Terrorist, Insurgents, Resistance, rebels and other asymmetric criminals they rely upon.

But in light of the topic of this particular thread, does anyone really think the Palestinians really perform the functions normally associated with government in Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
All the outside observers should keep their fingers out of this, to include the Israelis -- especially the Israels.
All the external observers should make it very clear, that the upcoming elections are a Palestinian Domestic Issue. And as such, the Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, stipulates that "nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state."​

I agree 100%. Palestine had the most democratic government in the ME. It was the model government in the ME. It was judged free and fair by all international observers.

It took the US 3 months to take it down.

LIAR as it was only judged "free and fair" by those who are paid by islamonazi governments, the rest of the world condemned them as typical islamonazi dictatorship tactics
...If the Palestinians find some way to exclude HAMAS, it should not happen because the US, the EU and Israel consider HAMAS to be a state sponsor of terrorism. It should happen because it is really the will of the population... But in light of the topic of this particular thread, does anyone really think the Palestinians really perform the functions normally associated with government in Gaza?

You really believe voting day in Gazastan would (or will) be a fair and honest reflection of the people's will?
Probably no less so than the farce we are having in the US as we speak.

And you would use it as an wxcuse to peddle islamonazi propaganda against the Jews, Israel and the US
Hollie, et al,

Yes, this gets more interesting with time.

I find it really hilarious that the Palestinians can't seem to determine who are citizens and eligible to vote.

"The draft Law submitted by the cabinet and based on the ratifications of the
PLC in its session held on 13/8/2005 and on behalf of the Palestinian People we promulgate
the following Law:"

Chapter Three
The right to vote

Article 6 Elections shall be conducted in a free, direct, confidential and individual manner. No vote by proxy shall be allowed.

Article 7 The right to vote shall be practiced according to provisions of this law, for who shall fulfill the following conditions: -
1. A Palestinian, who shall attain eighteen years on polling day.
2. Resident at the electoral district for a period not less than six months from the date of elections.
3. His/her name is listed on the final voters’ list of the electoral district where he/she shall vote
4. He/she shall not be legally incompetent.

Arab-Moslem third world'ers doing what Arab-Moslem third world'ers do.

Palestinian High Court Rules Elections to Be Held in West Bank Only

The Upcoming Palestinian Elections in the West Bank

Voters in the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem will be excluded from the vote.

I have two thought here.

All the outside observers should keep their fingers out of this, to include the Israelis -- especially the Israels.
All the external observers should make it very clear, that the upcoming elections are a Palestinian Domestic Issue. And as such, the Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, stipulates that "nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state."
If the Palestinians find some way to excluded HAMAS, it should not happen because the US, the EU and Israel consider HAMAS to be a state sponsor of terrorism. It should happen because it is really the will of the population. If the Arab Palestinians vote for HAMAS, we will know that they are still a people that approve of HAMAS activities --- even in the light of the International legal instruments and their application to HAMAS and the associate Jihadis, Terrorist, Insurgents, Resistance, rebels and other asymmetric criminals they rely upon.

But in light of the topic of this particular thread, does anyone really think the Palestinians really perform the functions normally associated with government in Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
Your link does not mention Hamas.

Is that like your links you claim prove that palestine was a nation in 1923, that dont even mention palestine
Hollie, et al,

Yes, this gets more interesting with time.

I find it really hilarious that the Palestinians can't seem to determine who are citizens and eligible to vote.

"The draft Law submitted by the cabinet and based on the ratifications of the
PLC in its session held on 13/8/2005 and on behalf of the Palestinian People we promulgate
the following Law:"

Chapter Three
The right to vote

Article 6 Elections shall be conducted in a free, direct, confidential and individual manner. No vote by proxy shall be allowed.

Article 7 The right to vote shall be practiced according to provisions of this law, for who shall fulfill the following conditions: -
1. A Palestinian, who shall attain eighteen years on polling day.
2. Resident at the electoral district for a period not less than six months from the date of elections.
3. His/her name is listed on the final voters’ list of the electoral district where he/she shall vote
4. He/she shall not be legally incompetent.

Arab-Moslem third world'ers doing what Arab-Moslem third world'ers do.

Palestinian High Court Rules Elections to Be Held in West Bank Only

The Upcoming Palestinian Elections in the West Bank

Voters in the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem will be excluded from the vote.

I have two thought here.

All the outside observers should keep their fingers out of this, to include the Israelis -- especially the Israels.
All the external observers should make it very clear, that the upcoming elections are a Palestinian Domestic Issue. And as such, the Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, stipulates that "nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state."
If the Palestinians find some way to excluded HAMAS, it should not happen because the US, the EU and Israel consider HAMAS to be a state sponsor of terrorism. It should happen because it is really the will of the population. If the Arab Palestinians vote for HAMAS, we will know that they are still a people that approve of HAMAS activities --- even in the light of the International legal instruments and their application to HAMAS and the associate Jihadis, Terrorist, Insurgents, Resistance, rebels and other asymmetric criminals they rely upon.

But in light of the topic of this particular thread, does anyone really think the Palestinians really perform the functions normally associated with government in Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
All the outside observers should keep their fingers out of this, to include the Israelis -- especially the Israels.
All the external observers should make it very clear, that the upcoming elections are a Palestinian Domestic Issue. And as such, the Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, stipulates that "nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state."​

I agree 100%. Palestine had the most democratic government in the ME. It was the model government in the ME. It was judged free and fair by all international observers.

It took the US 3 months to take it down.
I blame the Great Satan for all my self-created disasters, pratfalls and ineptitudes because I'm a helpless child who needs attention and looking after... where's my welfare check?®

And again all you have is one persons word for what happened, and it is touted of white supremacist/nazi/islamofascist hate sites. AND NOWHERE ELSE

This videomap shows the events in 2007, in which the Palestinian organization Hamas took control over the Gaza Strip.​

Do you mean the elected government in Gaza took control of Gaza?

One thing about propaganda is that it does not have to make any sense for the dupes to believe it.

No the unelected terrorists of hamas took over as dictators and started to mass murder fatah members/supporters. Even those who had been elected in gaza by residents with the right to vote

That is why you constantly believe the islamonazi propaganda then, because you are a dupe.................

This videomap shows the events in 2007, in which the Palestinian organization Hamas took control over the Gaza Strip.​

Do you mean the elected government in Gaza took control of Gaza?

One thing about propaganda is that it does not have to make any sense for the dupes to believe it.

Your hurt feelings are not my issue to address.

This thread addresses the questions surrounding the (in)ability of Islamists, competing versions of Islamic terrorist franchises and Islamists with a dedicated welfare fraud: the various versions of "Pal'istanians" and their exclusive use and abuse relative to their ability to govern.

Could it be that an Islamic terrorist franchise with a singular goal of destroying Israel is probably not the best choice to manage the affairs of government?

Israel is successful and Arabs-Moslems are not. Why are places and societies such as Hong Kong, people in South Korea, Vietnam, etc, successful when arabs-moslems are not? Could it be that an ancient theocratic code and a more modern re-writing condensed into a Charter that promotes perpetual war against the Jews is not the best model for a responsible government?

You don't make any more sense than Israeli propaganda.

Ever thought that it is your lack of any meaningful intelligence that is to blame for your inability to make sense out of reality, and you prefer to see things as they are in your fantasy world. The arab muslims were given the chance to make a name for themselves and only managed to be despised, hated and shunned by the majority of the worlds population. They had no idea of how to set up a government and so exercised their free determination to allow foreign influence to rule for them
SAYIT, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, these are very good points to be illuminated.

...If the Palestinians find some way to exclude HAMAS, it should not happen because the US, the EU and Israel consider HAMAS to be a state sponsor of terrorism. It should happen because it is really the will of the population... But in light of the topic of this particular thread, does anyone really think the Palestinians really perform the functions normally associated with government in Gaza?
You really believe voting day in Gazastan would (or will) be a fair and honest reflection of the people's will?

Whether it is a fair reflection of the will of the Gazian People --- is NOT really the issue ∑or the issue.

IF the Gazian people vote in an open and fair election, then, as I expressed to our friend Hollie in Posting #288, it would demonstrate that the 2006 election was NOT a fluke; and that the Gazian People really do prefer to have the intent to provide material, economic and political support to HAMAS (including associate and affiliated Jihadists), a designated terrorist group. THEN at some point, the question will be asked if the Poeple of Gaza bare any responsibility for the pattern of criminal activity attributed to "Islamic Resistance Movement." This has an impact on the "reasonable man perspective" concerning the civil claims, war reparations, reimbursement petitions, compensatory payments, and the denial and dismissal of claims by Palestinian Decedents, associated with the past pattern of criminal behaviors by the Arab Palestinians. Practically and Politically, the reasonable man does not give value to the people involved in criminal behaviors.

I agree 100%. Palestine had the most democratic government in the ME. It was the model government in the ME. It was judged free and fair by all international observers.​

It took the US 3 months to take it down.

America is blamed for damn near every conceivable pain, ailment, ill and wrong ever experienced by the Arab Palestinians. The quasi-attempt to bring some reasonable assemblance rational thought to the outcome of the 2006 Election outcome was to render some kind of help to the Arab Palestinians of Gaza. The US is not suppose to provide and assistance to Terrorists, even if they are a legitimately elected government. Of course, IF the Arab People of Gaza vote for and demonstrate the continued support for the Islamic Resistance Movement of Jihadist and Terrorists, THEN who can blame the US (and other nations) for countering Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.

RoccoR said:
Your link does not mention Hamas.

The link was the generic laundry list of conventions and international laws against those actions that have been taken by the Arab Palestinians, including the Islamic Resistance Movement.


Without regard to the actual election itself, democracy does not start with an election, or end with an election. If the Arab Palestinians hold an election, but never execute the outcome of that election, and are unable to hold a legally mandated follow-on election ---- THEN, it is not a democracy.

Now, IF the Arab Palestinians want to claim that the US exerted such influece that the Arab Palestinians were unable to organize themselves to follow the commitment in the Basic Law --- THEN: The answer to the question of the threat: Can-palestinians-govern-Palestine? --- becomes simple. NO! Whether the Arab Palestinians wnat to blame that on the US (or not) is an entirely different question. The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all.

Most Respectfully,
There you go again trying to mislead the people.

You imply that the people in Gaza elected Hamas to be the government in Gaza. That is false. Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority.

You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain. There are other similar reports from other countries. And these reports match the facts on the ground so you cannot refute them.

Most of your post was just your usual slime against the Palestinians.

And yet strangely the majority of votes were for fatah weren't they, with 60% being for fatah in the count. All hamas won was the most seats/areas because fatah put too many candidates in the different areas they split the vote and lost the election.
But you will never admit that the arab muslims are ever to blame will you, even when the evidence is overwhelming
...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...

While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.

The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.

In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.

What a horrible agenda!

The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.

BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
P F Tinmore, et al,

You are the one trying to mislead the reader.

Yes everyone knows that the 2006 elections were national elections. And everyone understands:

The result was a victory for Hamas, who won with 74 seats of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah won just 45. In terms of votes received, Hamas took 44.45% of the vote, whilst Fatah received 41.43% and of the Electoral Districts, Hamas party candidates received 41.73% and Fatah party candidates received 36.96%. The parliament was inaugurated on 18 February 2006.
This is so well known that it's "Wikipedia" common.

I give readers and discussion group member credit for common knowledge and publicly known information.
Hamas wins Palestinian election

You imply that the people in Gaza elected Hamas to be the government in Gaza. That is false. Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas was founded in 1987.... The Palestinian Authority was established as a limited self-government under the Oslo Accord of the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas condemned the accords, in which the PLO gave Israel its formal recognition.

You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain. There are other similar reports from other countries. And these reports match the facts on the ground so you cannot refute them.

Most of your post was just your usual slime against the Palestinians.

It is not uncommon for you to flip-flop. You're going to type here that you didn't complain that the US Security Assistance didn't play a role. That you did not claim that the US attempted to undermine the outcome and start a conflict between HAMAS and FATAH.

PA official to Haniyeh: Change policies or be reduced to mayor of Gaza City.
The new Hamas cabinet is determined to retain its powers despite Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's attempts to undermine it, PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh declared on Saturday.

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinian Authority was established as a limited self-government under the Oslo Accord of the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas condemned the accords, in which the PLO gave Israel its formal recognition.​

Indeed, Hamas was ahead of the curve. Edward Said was against it also as were many knowledgeable people.

Now that the truth about Oslo is getting out, it is universally hated.

LRB · Edward Said · The Morning After

A member of the palestinian council is the best you have, proving once more you cant support your claims
...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...

While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.

The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.

In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.

What a horrible agenda!

The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.

BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
WOW, you don't know much about US history.
...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...

While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.

The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.

In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.

What a horrible agenda!

The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.

BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
WOW, you don't know much about US history.

When you realise that this board has nothing to do with US history you will see why you are laughed at.

But nice DUCK and DEFLECTION rather that answer comment
...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...

While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.

The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.

In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.

What a horrible agenda!

The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.

BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List – William Blum
P F Tinmore, et al,

I don't quite understand this answer. What does US Influence, elsewhere in the world, have to do with the topic (Can Palestinians Govern Palestine?)?

...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...
While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.
The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.
In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.
What a horrible agenda!
The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.
BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List – William Blum

Actually, it does not matter if the US is successful, or the Russians, Saudi's, The Quartet, or The EU. All that matters is what the Arab Palestinians do (or not do) relative to the Israeli response (or ignore).

The scope and magnitude of the violence directed against the Israelis depends on what the Palestinians do to bring Law to the Lawless of Palestine (West Bank + Gaza Strip). But the Arab Palestinians have no equivalent to a Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill, or Bat Masterson ---

Most Respectfully,
...The answer is no because the Arab Palestinians did not (and have not) been able to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to organize themselves and follow the Basic Law. No matter what excuse the Arab Palestinian may present --- in the end, that simple truth expresses it all...
...Hamas won the nationwide elections in all of Palestine. (The West Bank and Gaza.) They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. You imply that the Palestinians were trying to pass the blame onto the US. However, my report was from a journalist in Britain...

While the VF article has many elements of a hit piece on the US - journalists in Europe are big on that - I'll not argue its veracity or its conclusions. Instead I will note that the article illuminates the Quartet's (the US, the EU, Russia & the UN) reaction to the election of a known terrorist organization - one whose own charter specifically rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel - in the Territories and the impact of their election on the prospects for Mideast peace.

The article makes clear Iranian influence on the Muslim Bro-hood affiliated Hamas (for which Iran pays handsomely) and the Quartet's (and Fatah's) realization that what was left of the progress and hope initiated at Oslo would be wiped out.

In effect, the US was desperate to salvage what remained of Oslo as the basis of new peace talks.

What a horrible agenda!

The actions of both Hamas and Fatah in the subsequent violence provided further proof that neither is capable of organizing the rule-of-law gov't or society which the Pals so desperately need if they are to establish a state and self-rule. Simply declaring a Palestinian State is not sufficient.
The US only believes in democracy when the people they like get elected.

BULLSHIT, and you have no evidence to support your claim
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List – William Blum


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