CAN President appears on national TV to expose America’s Islamic ‘no-go zones’

....and do you think that those enclaves engaging in training of terrorists are not conspiring to murder?

Do you have any actual evidence that this is happening in the first place? Or are you content to simply insinuate and hope that people will take you at face value?


Unsubstantiated claims by unreliable sources do not evidence make.

Statements of people (accompanied by on site video) that have actually tried to get into the enclaves is highly more reliable than your "it ain't so" opinion.
Islam really isn't a religion. It's a form of oppressive government that dictates virtually every aspect of peoples' lives.

In a free country, people have a right to practice their religions and they can do so within the laws of the country. While opinions on certain topics will vary depending on people's religions, or lack thereof, the separation of church and state protects our country from being overrun by any one religion.

Muslims do not seek to live like everyone else, meaning to obey our country's laws and practice their religion in their personal lives. Their "religion" is their government and Sharia law is the only rules they are willing to abide by. By allowing Muslims in our country and allowing no-go zones, we are ceding authority over land and laws of our own country. Muslims refuse to recognize women's rights and they don't respect laws regarding domestic abuse or divorce. They do allow women to be treated worse than animals and too many still practice honor killings.

There is no way we should allow them to come here and then takeover areas where they live by their own rules, which are often direct violations of our own laws. Yet, that is what is happening in many countries and the seeds have been planted here as well.

Allowing Muslims here isn't about respecting freedom of religion. With them, it's about allowing a new form of government that goes against ours. Yes, it is dangerous.
There's also no sense is allowing them total freedom of religion here when their pseudo-religion calls for our heads on sticks...all in the name of Allah.
Fuck the constitution right? We don't need to actually respect freedoms of anyone that disagrees with you.

No thank you. This nation is based on freedom, not your bigoted need to eradicate Muslims.
I contend that stoning to death is cruel and unusual punishment...illegal in the USA.
....and do you think that those enclaves engaging in training of terrorists are not conspiring to murder?
There are many American patriot militia groups which train for a future conflict with the government.

Training is not illegal. ...... :cool:
It is when you're training people to carry out attacks on innocent people. That is conspiracy to murder.
You are arguing with a man that OPENLY supports terrorist around the world, do you really think he will change his opinion because they happen to be in the States? Now ask him the same question if Jews were doing it and watch his answer change.
....and do you think that those enclaves engaging in training of terrorists are not conspiring to murder?

Do you have any actual evidence that this is happening in the first place? Or are you content to simply insinuate and hope that people will take you at face value?


Unsubstantiated claims by unreliable sources do not evidence make.

Statements of people (accompanied by on site video) that have actually tried to get into the enclaves is highly more reliable than your "it ain't so" opinion.

No, they actually don't. You need actual evidence - evidence that the government though the largest spy network ever dreamed of is gathering at this very moment. Or are you under the impression that the universal spying that the NSA is doing is only interested in tapping conversations to grandma and ignores those Muslim communities.
There's also no sense is allowing them total freedom of religion here when their pseudo-religion calls for our heads on sticks...all in the name of Allah.
Fuck the constitution right? We don't need to actually respect freedoms of anyone that disagrees with you.

No thank you. This nation is based on freedom, not your bigoted need to eradicate Muslims.
We are fucking the Constitution when we allow the observance of sharia law in certain areas. Women subjected to sharia law lose big time.

Immigrants that abide by US laws are welcome. Immigrants that insist on changing our laws and legal system are not. It's that simple. SHARIA LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It does NOT represent FREEDOM OF RELIGION!

Freedom of religion should be granted to radical Islam only in Muslim nations. Thius is NOT a Muslim nation. This is a free republic where all people are free to WORSHIP AS THEY CHOOSE....something that is not allowed under sharia law.

So my statement stands. Total freedom of religion should NOT be granted to radical Muslims. To do so would be to sanction murder.

...and I don't want to eradicate all Muslims....just all of the radical assholes that insist that ALL OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD DIE.

You have got to be 99% stupid not to understand the difference.
There's also no sense is allowing them total freedom of religion here when their pseudo-religion calls for our heads on sticks...all in the name of Allah.
Fuck the constitution right? We don't need to actually respect freedoms of anyone that disagrees with you.

No thank you. This nation is based on freedom, not your bigoted need to eradicate Muslims.
We are fucking the Constitution when we allow the observance of sharia law in certain areas. Women subjected to sharia law lose big time.

Immigrants that abide by US laws are welcome. Immigrants that insist on changing our laws and legal system are not. It's that simple. SHARIA LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It does NOT represent FREEDOM OF RELIGION!

Freedom of religion should be granted to radical Islam only in Muslim nations. Thius is NOT a Muslim nation. This is a free republic where all people are free to WORSHIP AS THEY CHOOSE....something that is not allowed under sharia law.

So my statement stands. Total freedom of religion should NOT be granted to radical Muslims. To do so would be to sanction murder.

...and I don't want to eradicate all Muslims....just all of the radical assholes that insist that ALL OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD DIE.

You have got to be 99% stupid not to understand the difference.
Where is sharia law recognized as a replacement to law or American law ignored for sharia law?

Nowhere. Period.

The very premise of your post is incorrect. Anyone can willfully subject themselves to any law or moral code - that is what freedom looks like. Actual law still applies though.
But it’s important for Americans to understand that right here in the United States we have real “no-go” zones that have been in existence for decades.

On Wednesday I appeared on the Fox and Friends show to discuss America’s Islamic no-go zones with host Brian Kilmeade. I explained that a group of Muslims known as Muslims of America (MOA) has as many as two dozen enclaves scattered around the nation, including in Virginia, California, Georgia, South Carolina and New York.

I will also be appearing on Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV this Friday, Jan. 16.

MOA was founded by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarik Gilani, and are also known as Jamaat al Fuqra (community of the impoverished).

Several years ago, when my camera crew attempted to enter one of the enclaves in Red House, Virginia, we were angrily and violently forced to leave. Some of the enclaves, including the ones located in Hancock, N.Y., and York, S.C., have entrances protected by armed guards.

Even in France and England, where large no-go zones have been established within some of their largest cities, it is still possible to walk into the neighborhoods without being beaten down. I know this from personal experience, because I entered no-go zones in England while filming my new documentary, “Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning”.
The correct term for these enclaves is "Private Property".

The owner has the right to refuse entrance to anyone. ..... :cool:
Dummy. The enclaves refer to public STREETS, PARKS, etc, not private property.
Sharia law is criminal. Conspiracy to murder is criminal.
Sharia law is not criminal.

Conspiracy to commit murder is a crime and those involved should be arrested. ...... :cool:
FALSE! Much of sharia law IS CRIMINAL under US law. Such as many Sharia laws pertaining to women, which discriminate against them on the basis of their sex. Most obvious is that from sura 4:34 of the Koran which tells Muslim husbands to beat their wives. This is just one example among hundreds.

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