Can Public Option Work?

Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Yes, I am sure people who take health care jobs don't care about people. :cuckoo:
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Yes, I am sure people who take health care jobs don't care about people. :cuckoo:

What a stupid post. Of COURSE the people who administer heath care DRs and to a MUCH higher degree nurses OBVIOUSLY care about people but the topic of this thread is INSURANCE COs. They don't give a f about you, me, or ANYONE ELSE. Like I said they would rather see you DEAD than pay out a claim.
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Them damn farmers are about profit and making a living too.. damn them for not just doing it and giving it because you want and 'need it'

And damn them house builders wanting profit.. you NEED shelter

And damn those water plants.. charging you for the water you so badly need

Verses being denied FOREVER by the ins COs? Wow that post makes a lot of sense.

Coverage is denied where people have lied on their applications. Newsflash: the scumbags are often the insureds, not the insurers.

total backwards out your ass bullshit. It's the people who are TRUTHFULL about their pre-exsisting conditions who have them denied as pre-exsisting and therefor DENIED! Quit you bullshit outright LIES.

I would ask for some kind of proof but that would assume that you can a) read and b) understand properly what you've read. You haven't demonstrated any ability for either.
And btw does your mom know you talk like that?
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Yes, I am sure people who take health care jobs don't care about people. :cuckoo:

What a stupid post. Of COURSE the people who administer heath care DRs and to a MUCH higher degree nurses OBVIOUSLY care about people but the topic of this thread is INSURANCE COs. They don't give a f about you, me, or ANYONE ELSE. Like I said they would rather see you DEAD than pay out a claim.

Yes your post was not very accurate. Yet, they are part of the health care system and also in the business of making money. Making a profit is bad according to you. I have no problem with a profit margin. In fact, it is necessary to encourage people to create jobs in an yindustry. If it was 40% or greater, I may question it or choose another provider. I have not had a single claim not paid. No one at work has had a claim not paid. Reviewing claims is necessary to control fraud. I hope the government does the same if they get more involved. By the way, the government will simply ration care if it gets too expensive. That will kill you too.
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Health care should be about profit. This is America. Reasonable profit is the American Dream.

Everyone, from the medic who scrapes you off the street to the nurse who makes sure the drugs you get are correct, to the doctor and the surgeon who put Humpty Dumpty back together again, right down to the clerks who input the data to track your bad day and make sure your premiums are collected and your bills are paid deserve to make a REASONABLE profit.

Are their services and the products they sell worth what you are required to pay for them? This is a question that must be answered in the privacy of one's own mind.

I see the question on the table as: Are the bosses of the army of clerks tracking our health and financial data worth what we currently pay them, or can we find people of adequate quality at middle class wages to manage the clerks who manage the countries health-data bureaucracy?

Personally, I think we can do better.
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Is High Risk Investment worth it? Who do You think Pays for those losses? We could do better.
Thats how it works in europe and canada. You have to wait months for specialists.


France has very low waiting times.

Do a little research.

And Cuba, Canada, and England have to wait several months for specialists. I had to see a heart specialist a few months ago and I had to wait a week for an appointment.

Cherry pick one country....good job.

Thank you.

We should copy the systems that works like the French one.

Cuba and England are socialized medicine which doesn't work as well as national health insurance.
Yes, I am sure people who take health care jobs don't care about people. :cuckoo:

What a stupid post. Of COURSE the people who administer heath care DRs and to a MUCH higher degree nurses OBVIOUSLY care about people but the topic of this thread is INSURANCE COs. They don't give a f about you, me, or ANYONE ELSE. Like I said they would rather see you DEAD than pay out a claim.

Yes your post was not very accurate. Yet, they are part of the health care system and also in the business of making money. Making a profit is bad according to you. I have no problem with a profit margin. In fact, it is necessary to encourage people to create jobs in an yindustry. If it was 40% or greater, I may question it or choose another provider. I have not had a single claim not paid. No one at work has had a claim not paid. Reviewing claims is necessary to control fraud. I hope the government does the same if they get more involved. By the way, the government will simply ration care if it gets too expensive. That will kill you too.

You are lucky.

The insurance companies are killing Americans every day.

You are living in a fantasy world.
all the doctors are paid, all the nurses are paid all the administration is paid all the board members are paid all the medical technologists are paid, all of the mri machines and cat scans and all other medical instruments are paid and even the light bill for the hospital and the healthcare for all employees are paid ETC,


PROFIT is over and above salaries and the cost of doing business...

Those of you using the word profit for people's salaries are not using the term correctly. ;)
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

if it wasn't about profit, there would be no MRI's or new effective cancer treatments and your doc would still be doing surgery with ether on a rag for anesthesia
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

Yes, I am sure people who take health care jobs don't care about people. :cuckoo:

It's not about the people who work in healthcare, it's about the people we hire to manage the sensitive health and financial data base.

Do we need to pay high-6 and 7 figures to attract quality people to the middle and upper levels of management for the health-financial data base, or will a nice upper-middle class salary of $50,000 to $150,000 attract people of sufficient caliber to do the job?

What's a good book-keeper worth these days?
Is High Risk Investment worth it? Who do You think Pays for those losses? We could do better.

Ultimately, when the current crop of insurance executives deny coverage it is you and I, the taxpayers, who pick up the tab for everything from indigent health care to disasters that overwhelm FEEMA.

We, The People are already on the hook for the big bad days, why should a small group of individuals make personal millions on the every-day bad days we all occasionally have?

Fucking vultures if you ask me.
i have had 2 instances where i needed to use my health care insurance...

once in 1992 when i had surgery, the bill was almost $20k when all added insurance company refused to pay it.

the second time was 2 years ago, a different insurance company, the bill was $2,000, and my insurance refused to pay it.

the best health care (insurance) i ever had, was Fallon massachusetts.... which only operates there or perhaps in a couple of other new england states...the clinic the member doctors operate in was open 24 hours, my doctor and all of her associated doctors, was AN AMERICAN who actually spoke english as a first language!!!! so i could understand her.... she was extremely thorough with testing and in explaining things.

i don't even know what kind of insurance it really an hmo? or non profit of some sort???

whatever it was, it was a good, solid plan, with excellent coverage, in or out of the system.
Health Care is ALL ABOUT PROFIT!!! They don't give a SHIT about the HUMAN cost of their policies. They would let you die rather than pay out make no mistake about that.

if it wasn't about profit, there would be no MRI's or new effective cancer treatments and your doc would still be doing surgery with ether on a rag for anesthesia

You are right, but extreme.

There are other motives for innovation besides money..... in health-care, saving lives is one.
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Listen to Yourself. "A Cheaper Bureaucracy!!!"

Yeah, a cheaper bureaucracy. What do you think companies like Blue Cross are? It's not like they actually make something to sell... They track data and payments!

Here's an example: The largest insurance company on the planet, Social Security, runs at an efficiency of just 1.2%, meaning for every dollar of your FICA 'premium', only one and two-tenths of a penny goes toward overhead and administration.

Blue Cross, by comparison runs at about 22% - for them 22 pennies out of every dollar must go to overhead.

As bureaucracies go, some run more efficiently than others..... True, Social Security is kind of an unfair comparison because they don't have million dollar executives and profit-demanding shareholders to feed, but they do have The President for a boss and Congress as their board of directors. That has to add a few tenths of a penny to the overhead.

Social Security will be broke by 2041...that doesn't sound very efficient.

(AP) The trust fund for Social Security will go broke in 2041 — a year earlier than previously estimated — the trustees reported Wednesday. Trustees also said that Medicare, the giant health care program for the elderly and disabled, faces insolvency in 2020.

Imagine how much sooner the poor management by congress would catch up if the program were run privately by million dollar executives instead of the middle-class bureaucrats who swore an oath to defend the constitution when they were hired on......
I dont understand that.
Health insurance is there to pay for things that you cannot afford to pay for. Catastrophic insurance would seem to be one of those things. Maybe the main one.

'Insurance' can NOT make things more affordable - it is a pool of funds used to spread risk over a group of people or a span of time.

If you can't afford something in the first place, how can hiring a million dollar insurance executive to do the paperwork for you possibly make it more affordable?

Hiring a bureaucracy to track health care payments will only work if everyone understands that it is an additional expenditure that is worth the cost because it helps spread the cost of an unexpected bad day over time (pay premiums starting when you're 20 so there is medical money available when you're 70) or over a group (I'll help cover your broken leg today, 'cause I know your premiums will help cover my ulcer next summer).

You clearly do not understand what insurance is and how it operates. I'd suggest some basic research on the topic before you go blundering off again.


SS was suppose to go in the red by 2000 also, but tweeking of it extended it 40 plus years.

SS is a problem but not that big of a problem...if it were not tweaked again at all, in 2041 it will still be collecting enough to pay everyone on it, at least 75% of what they were promised....with tweaking, this can be overcome....

medicare....that's a whole nuther story! :eek: the pill bill could be addressed and save some of the deficits perhaps?
Ame®icano;1682642 said:
Why would I buy FIAT 500 from the Government Motors for the price of Mustang GT when I can buy Mustang GT directly from Ford Company for the same price?

That sir, is is a question that you must decide in the privacy of your own mind for yourself.

But isn't it nice to have options?​

It sure is but if we allow the public option to pass we will no longer have options....according to those in government who support it at least.

If the public option drives ALL other insurance bureaucracies completely out of business in your lifetime it will have done something incredibly right; you and I will be paying less than we are now and our children will have a much smaller mess to face than we do.

If it doesn't, you and I will be paying less than we do today and our children will face a smaller mess than we do today.

I don't see the down-side.

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