Can racist whites prove that they're smarter than Aristotle?

This is why I've won...A idiot can attack the messenger instead of the facts within the message, but it will just make you look the fool!

I'm putting down hard fucking data. It's like Biden lying about Lybia...

It's laughable.
This is why I've won...A idiot can attack the messenger instead of the facts within the message, but it will just make you look the fool!

I'm putting down hard fucking data. It's like Biden lying about Lybia...

It's laughable.

What's laughable is you thinking that you have put down any "hard facts."

And your grasp on truly simple & well known rules of English grammar and spelling? Hysterical.

:clap2: Thank for the laughs you moron.
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Aristotle- why do you think it is important that you have several degrees? are you trying to say that you are the norm rather than the exception? your accomplishments are above the norm for any racial group even Jews. if I declare that women are taller on average than men because my aunt is the tallest member of my family, would you agree with me? or would you point to the overwhelming evidence that men are in fact taller on average?

someone who has taken as many courses as you must have some knowledge of statistics and the concept behind normal (bell) curves. why do you think outliers on the right side somehow disproves the average and standard deviation of the overall curve? do you honestly believe that there are as many blacks in the area of the curve that you supposedly in? proportionally of course, there are more whites.

First off we are not talking about IQ's or statistics here. The thread is titled "Can the racists prove they are more intelligent than me."

Now, your participation through questioning me just exploited you as being racist. You neither questioned, nor challenged my accusation of calling people racist. You immedistely nose dived into the discussion without questioning me on who were the racists I was referring......FAIL

Anyone that questions you is racist? Do you have anything to back that up other than your claim that you are black?
Aristotle- why do you think it is important that you have several degrees? are you trying to say that you are the norm rather than the exception? your accomplishments are above the norm for any racial group even Jews. if I declare that women are taller on average than men because my aunt is the tallest member of my family, would you agree with me? or would you point to the overwhelming evidence that men are in fact taller on average?

someone who has taken as many courses as you must have some knowledge of statistics and the concept behind normal (bell) curves. why do you think outliers on the right side somehow disproves the average and standard deviation of the overall curve? do you honestly believe that there are as many blacks in the area of the curve that you supposedly in? proportionally of course, there are more whites.

First off we are not talking about IQ's or statistics here. The thread is titled "Can the racists prove they are more intelligent than me."

Now, your participation through questioning me just exploited you as being racist. You neither questioned, nor challenged my accusation of calling people racist. You immedistely nose dived into the discussion without questioning me on who were the racists I was referring......FAIL

Anyone that questions you is racist? Do you have anything to back that up other than your claim that you are black?

I don't need to prove anything.....

Its sad you question this because this thread is about trolling racist.

If you read the title "can the racist prove they are more intelligent than Aristotle?"

The first sentence I typed I admitted that I am trolling self-admitted racist here. Thereby exclaiming that I am not serious about intellectual discussion I am more concerned about baiting racists and pissing them off.

The very fact that any racist that actually responds with statistics and scales and articles not only proves they are a racist but they are too stupid to realize I am trolling them therefore I win everytime they respond because I clearly said in the first page that I am trolling them.

So if you respond to me in all seriousness about blacks being this or that not only have you've been baited but are too stupid to realize this is a trolling thread therefore you've proven that you're not smarter than me because you fail to pay attention to details...

See my point?
This is why I've won...A idiot can attack the messenger instead of the facts within the message, but it will just make you look the fool!

I'm putting down hard fucking data. It's like Biden lying about Lybia...

It's laughable.

No Matthew you didn't win let me present why:

1) This thread is for purposes of trolling
2) You post data that is irrelevant, for one none of it applies to me
3) You didn't pay attention to detail because this is a trolling thread
4) Did I mention you failed to pay attention to details?

You fail big time. If you failed to read "Trolling" you are not smarter than me because reading is a fundamental aspect of comprehension which in turn is an aspect of intelligence. No you haven't won because you failed to realize this thread isn't serious......

No. I win.

Aristotle 1

Racist -5
[/B]]FYI I am trolling the racist here and by no mean meant to offend my level headed caucasian friends.

Ariux, Crap Shooter, Dingle Berry and Matthew,

One of you idiots actually said my science degree was in a social science. Let me say that had to be the dumbest response ever. I've asked Matthew several times his highest education. Of course he didn't answer. Let me just say its very empowering that a black man such as myself has progressed intellectually than you four. I mean with the tremendous amount of debt and late night studying its all worth it to know, that I progressed further than some JuCo reject or someone that didn't even achieve their 4 year degree especially in light of all the horrible biased statistics Matthew presents.

I have to ask you guys.....

How does it feel to know there is a black man more accomplished than you intellectually? it must suck since most blacks have low intelligence. How does it feel to have a sub-human primate do better than you in life?

Hey guys read the first sentence......
First off we are not talking about IQ's or statistics here. The thread is titled "Can the racists prove they are more intelligent than me."

Now, your participation through questioning me just exploited you as being racist. You neither questioned, nor challenged my accusation of calling people racist. You immedistely nose dived into the discussion without questioning me on who were the racists I was referring......FAIL

Anyone that questions you is racist? Do you have anything to back that up other than your claim that you are black?

I don't need to prove anything.....

Its sad you question this because this thread is about trolling racist.

If you read the title "can the racist prove they are more intelligent than Aristotle?"

The first sentence I typed I admitted that I am trolling self-admitted racist here. Thereby exclaiming that I am not serious about intellectual discussion I am more concerned about baiting racists and pissing them off.

The very fact that any racist that actually responds with statistics and scales and articles not only proves they are a racist but they are too stupid to realize I am trolling them therefore I win everytime they respond because I clearly said in the first page that I am trolling them.

So if you respond to me in all seriousness about blacks being this or that not only have you've been baited but are too stupid to realize this is a trolling thread therefore you've proven that you're not smarter than me because you fail to pay attention to details...

See my point?

Feel free to point out which part of my post was serious? The only serious post I made in this entire thread was pointing out how you will succeed in proving you are dumber than them. So far, you are doing an excellent job of proving me right, keep up the good work.
having read many of ari's posts now, i'm thinking that asking if someone is as smart as he is...

is setting the bar pretty low.
Anyone that questions you is racist? Do you have anything to back that up other than your claim that you are black?

I don't need to prove anything.....

Its sad you question this because this thread is about trolling racist.

If you read the title "can the racist prove they are more intelligent than Aristotle?"

The first sentence I typed I admitted that I am trolling self-admitted racist here. Thereby exclaiming that I am not serious about intellectual discussion I am more concerned about baiting racists and pissing them off.

The very fact that any racist that actually responds with statistics and scales and articles not only proves they are a racist but they are too stupid to realize I am trolling them therefore I win everytime they respond because I clearly said in the first page that I am trolling them.

So if you respond to me in all seriousness about blacks being this or that not only have you've been baited but are too stupid to realize this is a trolling thread therefore you've proven that you're not smarter than me because you fail to pay attention to details...

See my point?

Feel free to point out which part of my post was serious? The only serious post I made in this entire thread was pointing out how you will succeed in proving you are dumber than them. So far, you are doing an excellent job of proving me right, keep up the good work.


I post official data and you post BS.
-Crime rate
-ACT, SAT, IQ, etc

This is getting to be laughable.

You have to be careful with raw data. Statistics are often misleading, and I will give you one very relevant example. There is no doubt – based upon official data – that Blacks as a group commit disproportionately more crimes than Whites as a group. Based upon this information many people would conclude that Blacks are more prone to criminal activity than Whites; however, they would be wrong.

When one analyzes the data and compares it to factors other than race, it becomes apparent that the real cause of the epidemic in crime among Blacks has nothing to do with genetics; instead the phenomenon can be traced to a marked decline in the Black family structure. Most Blacks who commit crimes were raised by unwed mothers. When Blacks are compared to Whites with similar family structures, the racial element disappears. It's about family structure, not race. No surprise there.

The situation with Blacks is a fairly recent development. In the early and mid 1900s, about 80% of Black children lived in 2-parent households compared to about only 30% today. It should be obvious that something happened since then, something that has nothing to do with race, that caused this change. I cannot say with certainty what the actual causes were, but many experts believe the Black family was destroyed by two wars: the war on poverty and the war on drugs. Here is a link which explains it fairly well:

The Collapse of the Family Unit as the Building Block of Society

Whether genetics or deterioration of the family structure are the root cause, are you saying that the end results change?

Of course not. The evidence is what it is, no more and no less.

The point I was at least attempting to make is that the crime rate among Blacks is no more significant than the crime rate among Whites if allowances were made for one particular demographic: single parent households.

I was attempting to show that those posters who blamed genetics for the disproportionately higher crime rate among Blacks were wrong.

Apparently, I didn't do so well.

I'll try to do better.
Well this is one's answered Aristotle's question lol

Here, as far as I can understand is the question: "How does it feel to know there is a black man more accomplished than you intellectually? it must suck since most blacks have low intelligence. How does it feel to have a sub-human primate do better than you in life?"

And here is my answer. I am fully aware that there are those whose intelligence is superior to my own. This group naturally includes members of all races. I do not feel anything but respect when I know that a Black person does better in life than I.

I am proud of my accomplishments; however, I am always cognizant of the fact that others have done better.

If that does not answer your question, then I don't now how.
"Ah gots me uh fo yeah dugree! That's mean's ahms mo smahtuh dam all yoo Rasis, White, crackuh mudduh f*ckuhs! Suck mah big black d*ck!"

What a Moran! :D

You called me a Moran?

You forgot the "o"

OK, Mr Aristotle , you asked for it!!

Ode to Misspelling

I don't care if it's hear or here.
Or even fair or fare;
Or or, or o're, or ore or oar;
Or there or their or they're!

So let your hand write everything
Your earnest mind doth tell it,
And I will understand each word
No matter how you spell it.

So if you say “they took there stuff
And their not coming back again,”
I know you mean they took their stuff
And they're gone for good, amen.

There's so much strife in this short life
Sometimes it's overwhelming.
So I don't give a damn about
Such trite things as misspelling.

To those who wish to criticize
I can't, I shan't eschew it.
I know you cannot help yourself
So, just do it, dew it, due it.

- The Professor

You have to be careful with raw data. Statistics are often misleading, and I will give you one very relevant example. There is no doubt – based upon official data – that Blacks as a group commit disproportionately more crimes than Whites as a group. Based upon this information many people would conclude that Blacks are more prone to criminal activity than Whites; however, they would be wrong.

When one analyzes the data and compares it to factors other than race, it becomes apparent that the real cause of the epidemic in crime among Blacks has nothing to do with genetics; instead the phenomenon can be traced to a marked decline in the Black family structure. Most Blacks who commit crimes were raised by unwed mothers. When Blacks are compared to Whites with similar family structures, the racial element disappears. It's about family structure, not race. No surprise there.

The situation with Blacks is a fairly recent development. In the early and mid 1900s, about 80% of Black children lived in 2-parent households compared to about only 30% today. It should be obvious that something happened since then, something that has nothing to do with race, that caused this change. I cannot say with certainty what the actual causes were, but many experts believe the Black family was destroyed by two wars: the war on poverty and the war on drugs. Here is a link which explains it fairly well:

The Collapse of the Family Unit as the Building Block of Society

Whether genetics or deterioration of the family structure are the root cause, are you saying that the end results change?

Of course not. The evidence is what it is, no more and no less.

The point I was at least attempting to make is that the crime rate among Blacks is no more significant than the crime rate among Whites if allowances were made for one particular demographic: single parent households.

I was attempting to show that those posters who blamed genetics for the disproportionately higher crime rate among Blacks were wrong.

Apparently, I didn't do so well.

I'll try to do better.

I think you may be unintentionally believing something that you read, simply because it sounds plausible and you wish it was true. a lot of black social pathologies can be 'adjusted out', but criminality is not one of them.

You have to be careful with raw data. Statistics are often misleading, and I will give you one very relevant example. There is no doubt – based upon official data – that Blacks as a group commit disproportionately more crimes than Whites as a group. Based upon this information many people would conclude that Blacks are more prone to criminal activity than Whites; however, they would be wrong.

When one analyzes the data and compares it to factors other than race, it becomes apparent that the real cause of the epidemic in crime among Blacks has nothing to do with genetics; instead the phenomenon can be traced to a marked decline in the Black family structure. Most Blacks who commit crimes were raised by unwed mothers. When Blacks are compared to Whites with similar family structures, the racial element disappears. It's about family structure, not race. No surprise there.

The situation with Blacks is a fairly recent development. In the early and mid 1900s, about 80% of Black children lived in 2-parent households compared to about only 30% today. It should be obvious that something happened since then, something that has nothing to do with race, that caused this change. I cannot say with certainty what the actual causes were, but many experts believe the Black family was destroyed by two wars: the war on poverty and the war on drugs. Here is a link which explains it fairly well:

The Collapse of the Family Unit as the Building Block of Society

Whether genetics or deterioration of the family structure are the root cause, are you saying that the end results change?

Of course not. The evidence is what it is, no more and no less.

The point I was at least attempting to make is that the crime rate among Blacks is no more significant than the crime rate among Whites if allowances were made for one particular demographic: single parent households.

I was attempting to show that those posters who blamed genetics for the disproportionately higher crime rate among Blacks were wrong.

Apparently, I didn't do so well.

I'll try to do better.

A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.
From 'Guilty,' by Coulter.

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