Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Well, actually, this country was built on slavery, genocide and exploitation of immigrant labor, but I try not to hold that against it.

Don't bother trying, just get the fuck out. Your far-left anti-Americanism may fit your wannabe-Marxist fantasies perfectly, but it doesn't fit in my country, asshole.

Well, guy, your Country "died" November 6. The very fact the Republicans are even talking about immigration reform and accepting abortion shows just how over your country is.
Well, I see that this thread, disingenuous to begin with, has further descended into a kindergarten spat.
The world of daveman, Unkotare, Ernie S., Oddball, Contumacious, and the rest of the weirdos came to an end.

The GOP has no room for their weirdness and their hate.
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Well, actually, this country was built on slavery, genocide and exploitation of immigrant labor, but I try not to hold that against it.

Don't bother trying, just get the fuck out. Your far-left anti-Americanism may fit your wannabe-Marxist fantasies perfectly, but it doesn't fit in my country, asshole.

Well, guy, your Country "died" November 6. .

No it didn't, idiot. GTFO.
Don't bother trying, just get the fuck out. Your far-left anti-Americanism may fit your wannabe-Marxist fantasies perfectly, but it doesn't fit in my country, asshole.

Well, guy, your Country "died" November 6. .

No it didn't, idiot. GTFO.

Uh, yes, it did.

You spent 2 billion dollars getting people to bend over for Plutocracy and theocracy, and the people flipped you the bird.
Well, guy, your Country "died" November 6. .

No it didn't, idiot. GTFO.

Uh, yes, it did.

Of course it did not. 'My country' doesn't mean the candidate I personally vote for wins every time, you idiot. I think we've found yet another subject you are too stupid to understand. How many are we up to so far? Let's see: Philosophy, Theology, Democracy, Linguistics, Economics, Human Decency...what else? There are a few more, I'm sure.
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Agreed. I'm a liberal and think giving a hungry man a fish solves the problem, more so than teaching about fishing, after which you have a hungrier albeit somewhat more knowledgeable man, who's near starving, has no pole nor fishing boat/fish finder nor a lake nearby, often, even if the lesson included a free boat or whatever.

Just give him a fucking fish. He's hungry for christsake. Maybe some fries and a drink too.

You have not only perfectly stated the liberal view, you have also - by way of your own pathetic oblivion to the flaw in what you said - demonstrated to everyone why we should never, EVER let liberals be in charge of anything.

Damn those liberal faith based soup kitchens. Send their commie asses to Hell.

Don't they know the fish maxim???

Nice try, Sparkles, but it fails for several reasons, not the least of which being that it was thought up by a halfwit who doesn't have the knowledge or brain power to consider the realities of the situation.

1) We do not accept the childish and false meme of "It's good, therefore it's liberal" around here. Nor do we accept as gospel - you should excuse the expression - that "conservatives don't help people, therefore any assistance to others is automatically liberal". You're going to have to actually get off your dead ass and PROVE your premises before you get to base any arguments on them.

2) Faith-based charities, such as soup kitchens, are PRIVATE organizations, operating on VOLUNTARY donations of money and time, in addition to other PRIVATE fund-raising efforts, such as thrift stores whose proceeds go to the charity. They have to be private, because the instant they start taking money from any level of government, they stop being "faith-based". They also lose a vast chunk - often most - of the control over their operation.

3) Faith-based charities, unlike the government programs that leftists are so fond of, do not simply distribute handouts and let it go at that. This is one of the reasons that they resist becoming involved with the government: because they would lose the ability to try to encourage those who come to them to get their lives together and improve themselves so that they no longer have to look for handouts. (This would be the "teach him to fish" part.)

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely partings gifts for you.
The reason liberals are so quick to attack purported conservative positions on abortion is so that they don't have to explain, much less justify, their own positions. If any liberals out there dispute this assertion, let them explain why they agree or disagree with the following propositions:

1. A woman has an unfettered right to an abortion at any time, including immediately prior to delivery.

2. The government should pay for her abortion if she is poor.

3. The father has absolutely no rights regarding an abortion.

4. The parents of the woman have no rights to be informed, even if the she is a minor.

5. Aborted fetuses may be harvested for stem cell research.

I would also like to know if you agree that abortions should be "safe but rare," and why you think they should be rare.

Are there any honest liberals out there?

1 - Women only have late abortions if something has gone wrong with the pregnancy, and late abortions represent less than 1%. The only reason you nutters go on about that is you can draw diagrams of late trimester pregnancies and they look more like a baby than a cocktail shrimp.

2- Yes, they should.

3- No, he doesn't.

4- This is kind of a tough one, but, yes, how else would you protect a child from potential parental abuse.

5- A fetus probably isn't that good of a source of stem cells, as the cells have tended to specialize at that point.

I do think abortions should be safe and rare... because it's never an easy decision.

But you don't get there by banning them. In the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but 800,000 abortions are performed every year. More per capita than we have in the United States.

Meanwhile in France, the government pays for the abortions, but they also pay for the medical, family leave, and even send government workers around to help new mothers with chores. (DAMNED SOCIALISTS!!!!) France has half the number of abortions per capita that we have in the US.

Meanwhile, in France...


Meanwhile, in other news, we're not fucking France, any more than we're the fucking Netherlands.
In America we are supposed to take care of ourselves, not pay the government the vast majority of our money to do it for us...

Why, because you say so?

Government is there to do for us collectively what we can't do for ourselves.

Helpless losers like you are not what this country was built upon. Why not move to Europe and see if you can find a socialist mommy government to wipe your ass for you, loser?

The purpose of government is to do those things which we cannot do AS INDIVIDUALS, which is not the same as "what we can't do for ourselves". If liberals could ever learn to stop talking about EVERYTHING from a victim standpoint, it would help SO much.
I do think abortions should be safe and rare... because it's never an easy decision.

But you don't get there by banning them. In the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but 800,000 abortions are performed every year. More per capita than we have in the United States.

Meanwhile in France, the government pays for the abortions, but they also pay for the medical, family leave, and even send government workers around to help new mothers with chores. (DAMNED SOCIALISTS!!!!) France has half the number of abortions per capita that we have in the US.

Meanwhile, in France...


Certainly a major part of a woman's decision, to have an abortion, is financial. The self reliant right wants all woman to make a moral decision, then face the financial challenge on her own. It is easier and cheaper to outlaw abortion. No tax dollars spent that way. No abortions stopped either. There is always the possibility of prosecution to look forward to. I can see the allure, no tax dollars spent, and prosecuting those that dare make the wrong choice. I don't see why woman didn't go for that. Does the right really want to stop abortions or do they want to voice their morality.

Of course it did not. 'My country' doesn't mean the candidate I personally vote for wins every time, you idiot. I think we've found yet another subject you are too stupid to understand. How many are we up to so far? Let's see: Philosophy, Theology, Democracy, Linguistics, Economics, Human Decency...what else? There are a few more, I'm sure.

Well, your country is going to have abortion on demand, socialized medicine and it's going to grant citizenship to 12 million illegals.

In short, all the things you hate.

Will it still be your kind of country, because it definitely will be MY kind of country.
In America we are supposed to take care of ourselves, not pay the government the vast majority of our money to do it for us...

Why, because you say so?

Government is there to do for us collectively what we can't do for ourselves.

What is it you can't do for yourself, Joey? Besides think, that is...

Well, can't build a road or a water filtration system by myself.. kind of need a government to do that sort of thing.

I know, it's a horrible notion to Libertarian hippies, but we really do need government.

I also know I can't make my boss provide a safe working environment for me, unless thre's an OSHA out there ready to slap him with a shitload of fines if he doesn't.
1 - Women only have late abortions if something has gone wrong with the pregnancy, and late abortions represent less than 1%. The only reason you nutters go on about that is you can draw diagrams of late trimester pregnancies and they look more like a baby than a cocktail shrimp.

2- Yes, they should.

3- No, he doesn't.

4- This is kind of a tough one, but, yes, how else would you protect a child from potential parental abuse.

5- A fetus probably isn't that good of a source of stem cells, as the cells have tended to specialize at that point.

I do think abortions should be safe and rare... because it's never an easy decision.

But you don't get there by banning them. In the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but 800,000 abortions are performed every year. More per capita than we have in the United States.

Meanwhile in France, the government pays for the abortions, but they also pay for the medical, family leave, and even send government workers around to help new mothers with chores. (DAMNED SOCIALISTS!!!!) France has half the number of abortions per capita that we have in the US.

Meanwhile, in France...


Meanwhile, in other news, we're not fucking France, any more than we're the fucking Netherlands.

Why do you have such a hard time admitting #1, #4 or #5? Would you rather not think about them? Also, why do you think abortions should be rare? Is it any more of your business than breast implants? If so, why?

Meanwhile, in other news, we're not fucking France, any more than we're the fucking Netherlands.

No, we're not.

But if they are doing it right, and we are doing it wrong, maybe we need to look at what they are doing. My point being, they have half as many abortions as we do because they have social policies that stop the woman on the edge from either having the abortion, or getting pregnant to start with.

Conversely, if you advocate a policy, and you look around the wide world to go find an example of a country that does what you suggest, and find it's a total fiasco, then you should really rethink your position.

We aren't the Philippines, either (although they used to be a US Territory) but they have done EXACTLY what you suggest. Abortion is outlawed in all cases except a threat to the Mother's life. And they have 500-900K abortions a year in a population of 90 Million. (Compare that to 1.2 million abortions in the US in a population of 300 million.)

Why do you have such a hard time admitting #1, #4 or #5? Would you rather not think about them? Also, why do you think abortions should be rare? Is it any more of your business than breast implants? If so, why?

I think breast implants should probably be rare, too. Frankly, nothing annoys me more than some bimbo with gravity defying fake looking breasts.

I think a woman should have an abortion any time she wants one because she will have it, no matter what the laws are. Again- look at the Philippines, where they have MORE abortions per capita than we do DESPITE it being nearly completely illegal there.

I don't think a fetus for a moment is a human being. Sorry, just isn't, and you don't think it is, either.

If you guys really cared about abortion, you'd get behind a lot of liberal policies to reduce the number of them. You wouldn't be trying to stick the camel's nose under the tent with parental notification laws or ultrasound laws or laws to restrict late abortions.

And the total fucking irony of it is, you are being played. They are getting you to vote against your own economic interests. That's why in 40 years, the Plutocrats have gotten EVERYTHING they wanted on trade, labor laws, banking regulation, etc.

And abortion is every bit as legal as it was in 1972.

Of course it did not. 'My country' doesn't mean the candidate I personally vote for wins every time, you idiot. I think we've found yet another subject you are too stupid to understand. How many are we up to so far? Let's see: Philosophy, Theology, Democracy, Linguistics, Economics, Human Decency...what else? There are a few more, I'm sure.

Well, your country is going to have abortion on demand, socialized medicine and it's going to grant citizenship to 12 million illegals.

In short, all the things you hate.

Will it still be your kind of country, because it definitely will be MY kind of country.

First of all, I never used the word "hate." That shit is for you wannabe Marxists.

Increasing numbers of Americans favor restrictions on abortion. The trend is not headed in your direction. Many states have passed laws placing increased restrictions on the practice and this is likely to continue.

By the time obama finally gets out of our hair, the full consequence of that mess that he and his cronies forced on the American people will be clear even to idiots like you. We will spend the next few generations trying to undo the damage.

No one, not even among democrats, is talking about "granting citizenship" to 12 million illegals

In short, you are full of shit - AGAIN.
AmyNation is right. Outlawing abortion would not probably not really change the rate, particularly in the areas of rape, incest, and life of the mother.

This is an issue that women in the last election notified the GOP is off limits to it from now on if it wants to win national elections.

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