Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Anyone who read Unkotare would say, Yup, little Marxist doggie is a hater.

The poster is not a ‘Marxist,’

He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.
Unkotare, the little Marxist doggie, says only Marxists hate, somewhere above. Thus, . . .

Reverting to form, Fakey? You've got the 'Rubber and Glue' thing going, and now you are playing with straw men again, trying to fabricate statements you want to respond to. You're looking pretty desperate there, Fakey.
No one is saying it out loud, but it's gonna happen.

Do you really expect to be taken seriously when you post nonsense like that?

Um, yeah, I do by sensible people on this issue.

The GOP is already looking to escape its hard-core anti-immigrant stance. It'll probably be the first thing chucked over the side. And the crazies on Abortion will be the second.

And it won't do them a bit of good. The GOP has always sold the bitter pill of Plutocracy with a coating of racism, homophobia and misogyny, none of which anyone will tolerate anymore.

Raw Plutocracy is even a worse seller... as only about 10% benefit from it.
He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.
He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

No, that happens to be YOUR opinion. The opinion of someone who will never be in that situation.

When you have a uterus and an unwanted pregnancy that is going to ruin your entire life, you can get back to me.
I do think abortions should be safe and rare... because it's never an easy decision.

But you don't get there by banning them. In the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but 800,000 abortions are performed every year. More per capita than we have in the United States.

Meanwhile in France, the government pays for the abortions, but they also pay for the medical, family leave, and even send government workers around to help new mothers with chores. (DAMNED SOCIALISTS!!!!) France has half the number of abortions per capita that we have in the US.

Meanwhile, in France...


Certainly a major part of a woman's decision, to have an abortion, is financial. The self reliant right wants all woman to make a moral decision, then face the financial challenge on her own. It is easier and cheaper to outlaw abortion. No tax dollars spent that way. No abortions stopped either. There is always the possibility of prosecution to look forward to. I can see the allure, no tax dollars spent, and prosecuting those that dare make the wrong choice. I don't see why woman didn't go for that. Does the right really want to stop abortions or do they want to voice their morality.

He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

A good example.
He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

No, that happens to be YOUR opinion. The opinion of someone who will never be in that situation.

When you have a uterus and an unwanted pregnancy that is going to ruin your entire life, you can get back to me.

You are not only deliberately and nihilistically immoral, but you are an illogical dunce. You need to update your handbook of liberal responses, because "you don't have a uterus!" is a ridiculously failed 'argument.'
The GOP has always sold the bitter pill of Plutocracy with a coating of racism, homophobia and misogyny, none of which anyone will tolerate anymore.

Don't kid yourself, clown. The democrats have always had at least as much "racism, homophobia and misogyny" as anyone.
There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

No, that happens to be YOUR opinion. The opinion of someone who will never be in that situation.

When you have a uterus and an unwanted pregnancy that is going to ruin your entire life, you can get back to me.

You are not only deliberately and nihilistically immoral, but you are an illogical dunce. You need to update your handbook of liberal responses, because "you don't have a uterus!" is a ridiculously failed 'argument.'

Particularly when it's being uttered by a MAN who isn't letting HIS lack of a uterus shut him up. :lol:
He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

Of course it’s hypocritical – you either abide by a doctrine of less and limited government or you don’t.

And if one abides by a doctrine of less and limited government, he does so with the understanding that follow Americans are going to believe in and do things he disagrees with, and will respect those actions and beliefs, even if he considers them ‘immoral.’

You are not only deliberately and nihilistically immoral, but you are an illogical dunce. You need to update your handbook of liberal responses, because "you don't have a uterus!" is a ridiculously failed 'argument.'

So besides the name-calling (your usually response when you lose an argument) can you you actually REFUTE THE POINT?

Unless you are going to put GPS trackers on each and every EPT test and put the women under house arrest, i really don't see how you are going to practically reduce the number of abortions.

There were just as many abortions performed BEFORE Roe v. Wade as after. Most of them done in Doctor's offices, who called them something else on the charts.
The GOP has always sold the bitter pill of Plutocracy with a coating of racism, homophobia and misogyny, none of which anyone will tolerate anymore.

Don't kid yourself, clown. The democrats have always had at least as much "racism, homophobia and misogyny" as anyone.

No, they really don't... Having been on both sides of the fence, I can attest to that much.
He does exhibit, however, the hypocrisy typical of many on the right: where he claims to advocate ‘less government’ yet approves of government interfering in our most personal of affairs, and disallowing the citizen to follow his conscience in good faith concerning subjective ‘moral’ issues, such as abortion.

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

Of course it’s hypocritical – you either abide by a doctrine of less and limited government or you don’t.

And if one abides by a doctrine of less and limited government, he does so with the understanding that follow Americans are going to believe in and do things he disagrees with, and will respect those actions and beliefs, even if he considers them ‘immoral.’

Only leftists are arrogant enough to believe that THEY get to dictate to others how those others practice their own beliefs . . . beliefs which the leftists don't share, but nevertheless consider themselves experts on.
Unkotare and the far righties are the equivalent of political "terrorists" in our GOP.

These losers are not going to do anything about "it". They are on the outside looking in, and unless they change their hate (oh, thats' right, Unkotare says only Marxists hate), the far right Marxist terrorists are simply pissing down their own legs.

There is no "our" as far as you are concerned, Fakey.

dude shut up, you are not going to do anything about it.

Where did I mention "doing anything about it"? Go stick your nose somewhere else if you're too stupid to follow along, "dude." :rolleyes:
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The GOP has always sold the bitter pill of Plutocracy with a coating of racism, homophobia and misogyny, none of which anyone will tolerate anymore.

Don't kid yourself, clown. The democrats have always had at least as much "racism, homophobia and misogyny" as anyone.

The only difference is unlike the republican party, the democratic social policy has kept current with the times.
The GOP has always sold the bitter pill of Plutocracy with a coating of racism, homophobia and misogyny, none of which anyone will tolerate anymore.

Don't kid yourself, clown. The democrats have always had at least as much "racism, homophobia and misogyny" as anyone.

The only difference is unlike the republican party, the democratic social policy has kept current with the times.

Translation: Democrats decide morality by what gets them votes in the current election.

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