Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Unkotare must be a Marxist if he believes only they engage in hater, because he is a hater along the lines of a daveman, an Uncensored, a bigrebnc, a koshergrl, etc. They are all disguised Marxists.
I don't think a fetus for a moment is a human being. Sorry, just isn't, and you don't think it is, either.

You've got that backwards. YOU don't have the courage to face the moral consequences of your political position.
The moral position in this argument is that a fetus cannot be a human being until it is born.

First of all, I never used the word "hate." That shit is for you wannabe Marxists.

no, you don't use the word "hate", but you are definitely full of it...

Increasing numbers of Americans favor restrictions on abortion. The trend is not headed in your direction. Many states have passed laws placing increased restrictions on the practice and this is likely to continue.

Doesn't matter. None of those laws ever go into effect because the FEDERAL ruling trumps them. So what's his name can commit career suicide in VA signing the Ultrasound act, but the fact is, no woman was ever going to actually get the unwanted wand stuck up her hoochie.

By the time obama finally gets out of our hair, the full consequence of that mess that he and his cronies forced on the American people will be clear even to idiots like you. We will spend the next few generations trying to undo the damage.

Unless the Republicans have the good sense to purge people like you, we'll probably be looking at a GENERATION of Democratic Presidents. The thing is, people are going to find out they LIKE not having to go to an emergency room to treat the baby's cold.

No one, not even among democrats, is talking about "granting citizenship" to 12 million illegals

In short, you are full of shit - AGAIN.

No one is saying it out loud, but it's gonna happen. Really, kind of inevitable. Since deporting them is out of the question, what else can you do with them?
Meanwhile, in France...


Meanwhile, in other news, we're not fucking France, any more than we're the fucking Netherlands.

Why do you have such a hard time admitting #1, #4 or #5? Would you rather not think about them? Also, why do you think abortions should be rare? Is it any more of your business than breast implants? If so, why?

Why do you assume that my refusal to let you hide behind excuses constitutes "a hard time admitting" something? Would you rather not think about all the abortions that DON'T fit your smokescreen? Are you really incapable of figuring out the difference between an abortion and a breast implant? And if you're THAT fucking stupid and/or immoral, why should I supply the brains and/or morals that you lack?
Cecilie1200 continues to have trouble with coherent and cogent writing, though her language remains foul and unladylike.
I don't think a fetus for a moment is a human being. Sorry, just isn't, and you don't think it is, either.

You've got that backwards. YOU don't have the courage to face the moral consequences of your political position.

‘Moral’ according to whom? By what standard or authority?

If one believes in good faith that a fetus is not a ‘person,’ then there are no ‘moral consequences.’

The genius of the Constitution and its guarantee of the right to privacy is that it allows each citizen to follow his conscience free from government interference.

The Framers understood the threat posed by religious and moral absolutism expressed by you and many others on the right, and codified the Bill of Rights to protect Americans from that threat.
Anyone who read Unkotare would say, Yup, little Marxist doggie is a hater.
Good smart mainstream Republicans are going to purge the far right and libertarians who continue the hate campaigns against other Americans.
Unkotare, the little Marxist doggie, says only Marxists hate, somewhere above. Thus, . . .

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