Can Republicans explain to me the difference between right wing extremism and GOP ideology?

yes we're all nazis who want a strong central government headed by a dictator .
only moral progressives can save us by shipping us off to re education camps..... which will take a strong centralized government headed by a dictator
I can agree with everything you said except the part where you say that somebody wants to save you. Believe me nobody cares.

au contraire mon frere
the left runs around under the guise that only they know whats right for you , me, everyone else and have even gone as far as to wanting to tare everybody's houses down ...for their own good and the good of the planet

they'll even try to outlaw big gulps and force you to bake a gay butt sex cake
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

Record breaking number of neo-Nazis and white nationalists running for office in the U.S.

I don't see a lot of difference.

And if I were to go by what those on the right at the USMB are saying, the difference is even less clear.

Can I get someone to take a stab at it and try to explain the difference?

I will even read your post. All of it.





Can anyone tell the difference between Nazis ideology and Left-wing ideology? No. Because there is no difference.

Gun Control. Check. check.
State Control of all human activity. Check. Check.
Socialism. Check. Check.

I have peer reviewed the above and find that Left Wing ideology is 100% consistent with Fascism.

We have Consensus!

The Science is Settled!
The only real difference is the absence of advocacy for violence.

Otherwise, the rhetoric of bigotry, racism, and hate is in essence the same.

Of course, this is been a problem for Republicans for quite some time now: neo-fascists, rightwing extremists, and white supremacists have long found refuge among the ranks of Republicans and conservatives.

Neo-fascists, rightwing extremists, and white supremacists identify as conservative and for the most part vote Republican.

And Republicans are loath to expel neo-fascists, rightwing extremists, and white supremacists from their ranks out of a fear of losing a political advantage and alienating a significant segment of the GOP base.
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