Can Sarah Palin Win? ...You betchya!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
I know this will provoke the lefties to come out of the woodwork and perform the familiar Sarah-bashing ritual, which always accompanies the mention of her name in politics. I know that so-called righties will weigh in to tell us how Palin is inadequate and unsuitable as a candidate. And I fully realize, such a candidacy would draw fire from the left, center, and right, like no one else who could be nominated. That's why it should be Sarah Palin!

The more I listen to her speak, the more I am convinced she is the voice conservatives need. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people don't like Obama, right? A lot of people HATED Ronald Reagan. Generally speaking, the more the other side hates your guy/gal, the more it proves you've got the right person. There is no one on the right the left hates more than Sarah Palin, since George Bush can't run again. I say, GO FOR IT!

Let's nominate Palin, and maybe have Palin add Rand Paul or Marco Rubio as VP, and let's see what she can do? I think she could do very well, especially if she learns to deal with the left's constant attacks. What Reagan did, was pop them in the kisser with their own rhetoric. He would turn their criticism into a moment of levity with an incontrovertible sense of humor, and that's what Palin needs to do as well. When they launch a personal salvo attack, respond by turning it into humor, then quickly fire back about 3-4 conservative platform points, and move on. Eventually, what starts to happen (it did with Reagan) is the 'attacks' no longer work, and the public becomes more interested in the humorous response to the attacks. When the polls start dramatically shifting, they change strategy quickly, and the personal attacks stop.

Once this weapon is removed from the left, they will begin to attack Palin on policy ideas, and this is where I think Palin would change perceptions about her knowledge and ability to understand the problems we face as a nation, and how to deal with them. Let's face it, this is currently her biggest knock. Because we are stuck in this perpetual personal attack cycle, her ideas and knowledge are largely ignored. But if she can ever overcome that, which I fully believe she can if she follows Regan's model, then she could certainly end up being a conservative juggernaut. No one else on the right, even comes close in terms of appeal and charisma.

The left hates her, makes fun of her, even DARE the right to run her! The indies and elites, dislike her, because she is a populist who doesn't really concern herself with party politics. The libertarian conservatives suffer from brain damage, and can only vote for Gary Johnson or people with the last name, Paul. None of these types are EVER going to support Sarah Palin, she can't WIN their support, it's not possible. It's like Obama winning the racist Hillary vote, it's not going to happen, but it doesn't matter.

I honestly think, we should give the liberal lefties what they want, and run Sarah Palin! Especially, if we can give her a majority conservative congress in the process. Certainly Sarah is smart enough to sign legislation, and that's really most of what she would be doing. As for decisions regarding foreign policy and the middle east, I think she can do as good of a job as the current bunch has done, she certainly couldn't screw it up more.

Besides, I would PAY to see a Palin-Hillary debate!
I know this will provoke the lefties to come out of the woodwork and perform the familiar Sarah-bashing ritual, which always accompanies the mention of her name in politics. I know that so-called righties will weigh in to tell us how Palin is inadequate and unsuitable as a candidate. And I fully realize, such a candidacy would draw fire from the left, center, and right, like no one else who could be nominated. That's why it should be Sarah Palin!

The more I listen to her speak, the more I am convinced she is the voice conservatives need. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people don't like Obama, right? A lot of people HATED Ronald Reagan. Generally speaking, the more the other side hates your guy/gal, the more it proves you've got the right person. There is no one on the right the left hates more than Sarah Palin, since George Bush can't run again. I say, GO FOR IT!

Let's nominate Palin, and maybe have Palin add Rand Paul or Marco Rubio as VP, and let's see what she can do? I think she could do very well, especially if she learns to deal with the left's constant attacks. What Reagan did, was pop them in the kisser with their own rhetoric. He would turn their criticism into a moment of levity with an incontrovertible sense of humor, and that's what Palin needs to do as well. When they launch a personal salvo attack, respond by turning it into humor, then quickly fire back about 3-4 conservative platform points, and move on. Eventually, what starts to happen (it did with Reagan) is the 'attacks' no longer work, and the public becomes more interested in the humorous response to the attacks. When the polls start dramatically shifting, they change strategy quickly, and the personal attacks stop.

Once this weapon is removed from the left, they will begin to attack Palin on policy ideas, and this is where I think Palin would change perceptions about her knowledge and ability to understand the problems we face as a nation, and how to deal with them. Let's face it, this is currently her biggest knock. Because we are stuck in this perpetual personal attack cycle, her ideas and knowledge are largely ignored. But if she can ever overcome that, which I fully believe she can if she follows Regan's model, then she could certainly end up being a conservative juggernaut. No one else on the right, even comes close in terms of appeal and charisma.

The left hates her, makes fun of her, even DARE the right to run her! The indies and elites, dislike her, because she is a populist who doesn't really concern herself with party politics. The libertarian conservatives suffer from brain damage, and can only vote for Gary Johnson or people with the last name, Paul. None of these types are EVER going to support Sarah Palin, she can't WIN their support, it's not possible. It's like Obama winning the racist Hillary vote, it's not going to happen, but it doesn't matter.

I honestly think, we should give the liberal lefties what they want, and run Sarah Palin! Especially, if we can give her a majority conservative congress in the process. Certainly Sarah is smart enough to sign legislation, and that's really most of what she would be doing. As for decisions regarding foreign policy and the middle east, I think she can do as good of a job as the current bunch has done, she certainly couldn't screw it up more.

Besides, I would PAY to see a Palin-Hillary debate!

Good luck with that. Dems would love to see her nominated. Seriously, if Sarah wants to make her way back into politics, maybe she should run for Congress or the Senate. I do think she would have a shot at winning a race in her home state for either of those seats.
Thanks for the post.. I had all but forgotten about Palin. However, she wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell against Hillary - or anyone else articulate for that matter. But, thanks for the smile.
I know this will provoke the lefties to come out of the woodwork and perform the familiar Sarah-bashing ritual, which always accompanies the mention of her name in politics. I know that so-called righties will weigh in to tell us how Palin is inadequate and unsuitable as a candidate. And I fully realize, such a candidacy would draw fire from the left, center, and right, like no one else who could be nominated. That's why it should be Sarah Palin!

The more I listen to her speak, the more I am convinced she is the voice conservatives need. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people don't like Obama, right? A lot of people HATED Ronald Reagan. Generally speaking, the more the other side hates your guy/gal, the more it proves you've got the right person. There is no one on the right the left hates more than Sarah Palin, since George Bush can't run again. I say, GO FOR IT!

Let's nominate Palin, and maybe have Palin add Rand Paul or Marco Rubio as VP, and let's see what she can do? I think she could do very well, especially if she learns to deal with the left's constant attacks. What Reagan did, was pop them in the kisser with their own rhetoric. He would turn their criticism into a moment of levity with an incontrovertible sense of humor, and that's what Palin needs to do as well. When they launch a personal salvo attack, respond by turning it into humor, then quickly fire back about 3-4 conservative platform points, and move on. Eventually, what starts to happen (it did with Reagan) is the 'attacks' no longer work, and the public becomes more interested in the humorous response to the attacks. When the polls start dramatically shifting, they change strategy quickly, and the personal attacks stop.

Once this weapon is removed from the left, they will begin to attack Palin on policy ideas, and this is where I think Palin would change perceptions about her knowledge and ability to understand the problems we face as a nation, and how to deal with them. Let's face it, this is currently her biggest knock. Because we are stuck in this perpetual personal attack cycle, her ideas and knowledge are largely ignored. But if she can ever overcome that, which I fully believe she can if she follows Regan's model, then she could certainly end up being a conservative juggernaut. No one else on the right, even comes close in terms of appeal and charisma.

The left hates her, makes fun of her, even DARE the right to run her! The indies and elites, dislike her, because she is a populist who doesn't really concern herself with party politics. The libertarian conservatives suffer from brain damage, and can only vote for Gary Johnson or people with the last name, Paul. None of these types are EVER going to support Sarah Palin, she can't WIN their support, it's not possible. It's like Obama winning the racist Hillary vote, it's not going to happen, but it doesn't matter.

I honestly think, we should give the liberal lefties what they want, and run Sarah Palin! Especially, if we can give her a majority conservative congress in the process. Certainly Sarah is smart enough to sign legislation, and that's really most of what she would be doing. As for decisions regarding foreign policy and the middle east, I think she can do as good of a job as the current bunch has done, she certainly couldn't screw it up more.

Besides, I would PAY to see a Palin-Hillary debate!

Good luck with that. Dems would love to see her nominated. Seriously, if Sarah wants to make her way back into politics, maybe she should run for Congress or the Senate. I do think she would have a shot at winning a race in her home state for either of those seats.

I do agree with you auditor on for national I'd like to see it, but I really think senate against Murkowski would be awesome.....She beat her dad......
I think Todd Palin would have a better chance at the presidency than his wife. Sarah is NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME.

Who would vote for Sarah?
Say what you will about her, whenever her bus pulls into town, thousands are there to see her, and this happens all over the country, wherever she goes. The woman is the only personality in America who can Twitter something, and make the evening news.

I keep seeing the well-reasoned and brilliant argument presented, that "Palin is Stupid," but the thing I keep failing to see, is the evidence. It sounds a bit like a baseless opinion, because it is almost never presented with an example of said "stupidity." When I have pressed people on these examples, I usually get some example of something Palin never actually said, but was part of a skit on SNL, or some gross misinterpretation of something she did say. It seems as though people have judged her based on rhetoric from her detractors, and they are going to defiantly refuse to open their minds.

Again, the key to Palin being successful, would highly depend on her ability to change perception, and that starts with ending the personal attacks and rhetoric strategy of the left. Reagan was a master of this, some idiot liberal would throw something stupid at Reagan, and he would make them look like fools for bringing it up, and then fire off a series of sensible and pragmatic policies average Americans could relate to. He made the left look like absolute nut cases, and they had to abandon their strategy. He was beating their brains out in the polls, because people laughed along with him about the silliness of his rivals, and before they knew it, he was connecting with them about policy.

Reagan freaking LIVED for a nutbag liberal to hurl some stupid personal insult at him! He could knock those out of the park every time, and eventually, the personal attacks about his age, acting career, etc., all stopped. It was because he found a way to turn their strategy on them, and that is what Palin would need to do, or ANY candidate, for that matter.
Say what you will about her, whenever her bus pulls into town, thousands are there to see her,

I know. They are waiting for her to say something stupid so they can laugh at her.
Obama isn't my hero by a long shot, just that 'W' is pretty much the low rung, especially if the subject is in reference to Republican Party candidates.

America needs to throw out the two dominating rival mobs that have taken over.
I think that Palin is popular, but the people of Alaska will remember that she quit as governor to follow the money.

actually that's a good thing. And she quit because all the libtards were throwing frivolous law suits at her making it difficult to do her job.

Resignation of Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the regular salaries of state employees who would have to be paid, regardless

However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies had had to set aside their normal duties, state lawyers had been pulled off other cases resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" had been spent on outside legal counsel and equipment
I think that Palin is popular, but the people of Alaska will remember that she quit as governor to follow the money.
actually that's a good thing. And she quit because all the libtards were throwing frivolous law suits at her making it difficult to do her job.

Resignation of Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the regular salaries of state employees who would have to be paid, regardless

However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies had had to set aside their normal duties, state lawyers had been pulled off other cases resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" had been spent on outside legal counsel and equipment

Here's a prime example of what I was talking about. The left successfully controlled the conversation about Palin's resignation. Because it wasn't countered, it was allowed to continue, in an echo chamber of public opinion, we now have bold-ass liberals proclaiming, as if it were fact, that she just up and quit her job so she could cash in.

This is the kind of thing, when it happens, she needs to turn it into a joke on them, make them look like fools for raising the issue. Then, after thoroughly shredding them, fire off 3-4 good conservative points, and move on... and I guarantee, this would END the personal attacks. This was how Reagan handled them, and it worked his entire political career.

You have to be able to know how to handle a liberal, and Reagan played them like a Stradivarius. No one recalls all the breathless op-eds from liberals, so concerned with Reagan's age, you know he would be the oldest person we ever elected president... blah blah blah... No one remembers how this was a big deal to liberals, and they were trying to do the same thing they are doing to Palin now, but what they do remember, is the comment Reagan made to Mondale in the debates, about not holding his opponent's youth and inexperience against him. That pretty much ENDED the attacks over his age. *BOOM*

The one-two punch... Make them look like fools for raising a silly issue, then hit on major points of your message, and move on. Don't let it fester, don't allow them to control the conversation, don't get trapped into back and forth drama, just pop them in the kisser with humor and levity, make them look stupid, hit on your key points, and move along. I think Palin has the right personality for this, I always have.

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