Can Sarah Palin Win? ...You betchya!

Yeah right the foreign policy of proxcimity. :razz: because, on a clear day you can see Russia from Alaska.

Obummer has a policy of "see rat, kill 16 year old American Citizen."

Now in fairness, the Dingo is pretty damned smart. Obama, not so much...

Sure, sure, take your son to a terrorist hideout while you work for the terrorist who flew planes into the WTC and son gets killed. Not a real bright terrorist.

Would you rather we launch another invasion, killing more Americans or would you have preferred we left them alone and let them spark more attacks in the US?
She is a very effective populist firebrand.

She is perfect for agitating poor, under-educated white voters in red state America - the people who've been conditioned to believe that their country has been stolen by Liberals.

Her problem is that she lacks the minimum level of policy knowledge to be effective.

For instance, she didn't know who Mosaddeq or Pinochet was; nor could she name a Constitutional Amendment or a famous Supreme Court Case. In other words, she's the perfect person to tell red staters "them liberals think they're better n' you." Or "The government ain't the boss of you."

She is catnip for red staters. The OP likes her because he buys into it. He doesn't study policy either, nor can explain Reagan's Cold War strategy in the Middle East. For him the world of politics can be reduced to simple talking points... pitting capitalism against socialism; big government versus free markets; "freedom is on the march" versus "blame America first"; religion versus atheism...

Why bother to study Reagan's energy policy or Truman's detente when you can listen to Sarah Palin talk about simple demons?
Yeah right the foreign policy of proxcimity. :razz: because, on a clear day you can see Russia from Alaska.

Obummer has a policy of "see rat, kill 16 year old American Citizen."

Now in fairness, the Dingo is pretty damned smart. Obama, not so much...

A dingo may be smart at catching a rabbit or out running a wolf but I doubt if one even as bright as as you could deal with the complexity of balancing a checkbook, let alone running a nation as complex as the United States of America.

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