Can Sarah Palin Win? ...You betchya!

Threads such as this one always make me laugh. How stupid some people are about the way politics works.
Do you think for one minute the democrats would not love to see her run again. She makes money like preachers make money, promoting the mind thoughts of the mindless.
Palin again would be equivalent to Dukakis running again.
Stupid post.
I know this will provoke the lefties to come out of the woodwork and perform the familiar Sarah-bashing ritual, which always accompanies the mention of her name in politics.

This is what is known as "poisoning the well", boys and girls.

I am old school conservative, and it is far past time to take out the trash. Namely, those who go around calling themselves "conservatives" these days who are actually psychos, hypocrites, retards, bigots, liars, and nascent Nazis. The GOP has sacrificed every last one of its principles in the past dozen years. Now, there is only one new principle: Win at any cost. Lie, cheat, steal. Whatever it takes.

Sarah Palin is trash. No one is going to vote for an airheaded bimbo who can barely put together a coherent sentence that is not previously written down for her.

Nor are they going to vote for a person who betrayed the voters and ran out on her last elected job.

You idiots keep on dreaming these pieces of trash are viable and you will find more red seats turning blue.
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Palin cannot even in elected office in Alaska. She will never hold elected office again

YEAH, just like Mark Sanford...

Mark Sanford is hard evidence the GOP has no more principles. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

If he is the best the GOP could find in a deep, deep red district, that certainly reveals much about the state of the party today.

Let's just hope Mr. God-gave-me-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-second-chances is not out of the country banging some ho during a critical vote in the House.
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I keep seeing the well-reasoned and brilliant argument presented, that "Palin is Stupid," but the thing I keep failing to see, is the evidence.
That's because the evidence is spiritual and you do not believe in spiritual evidence. If you believed in spiritual evidence you would know Celebutard Palin is stupid. :eusa_whistle:
Say what you will about her, whenever her bus pulls into town, thousands are there to see her, and this happens all over the country, wherever she goes. The woman is the only personality in America who can Twitter something, and make the evening news.

The right. Wing is top heavy with aging white males and Palin's popularity underlines that fact. I guess a big butt and a smile goes a long way in the " conservative" camp these days
'cause that's about all she has.
She's always been pretty-much a bubble-headed, garden-variety hu$tler.....

"She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”)

Who would vote for Sarah?

Republicans. They just voted for Mark Sanford. They gave us George W Bush. You should expect Republicans to offer appallingly horrible candidates and you should expect Republicans to vote for them.
Mark Sanford is hard evidence the GOP has no more principles. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Good zig - of course your party elects Harry Reid, so you have little to crow about.

But that wasn't the point - you lefties swore that the man could never be elected. I often suspect that your pronouncements are more about your partisan desire than about reality. :dunno:
Much too cerebral for tards like shaman to understand....if she said that it was a statement about the mentality of her opponents.

And she's right. The only thing you loons note is that she's female, anti-abortion, and therefore must be destroyed. As ultimately, all woment deserved to be destroyed.
I know this will provoke the lefties to come out of the woodwork and perform the familiar Sarah-bashing ritual, which always accompanies the mention of her name in politics. I know that so-called righties will weigh in to tell us how Palin is inadequate and unsuitable as a candidate. And I fully realize, such a candidacy would draw fire from the left, center, and right, like no one else who could be nominated. That's why it should be Sarah Palin!

The more I listen to her speak, the more I am convinced she is the voice conservatives need. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people don't like Obama, right? A lot of people HATED Ronald Reagan. Generally speaking, the more the other side hates your guy/gal, the more it proves you've got the right person. There is no one on the right the left hates more than Sarah Palin, since George Bush can't run again. I say, GO FOR IT!

Let's nominate Palin, and maybe have Palin add Rand Paul or Marco Rubio as VP, and let's see what she can do? I think she could do very well, especially if she learns to deal with the left's constant attacks. What Reagan did, was pop them in the kisser with their own rhetoric. He would turn their criticism into a moment of levity with an incontrovertible sense of humor, and that's what Palin needs to do as well. When they launch a personal salvo attack, respond by turning it into humor, then quickly fire back about 3-4 conservative platform points, and move on. Eventually, what starts to happen (it did with Reagan) is the 'attacks' no longer work, and the public becomes more interested in the humorous response to the attacks. When the polls start dramatically shifting, they change strategy quickly, and the personal attacks stop.

Once this weapon is removed from the left, they will begin to attack Palin on policy ideas, and this is where I think Palin would change perceptions about her knowledge and ability to understand the problems we face as a nation, and how to deal with them. Let's face it, this is currently her biggest knock. Because we are stuck in this perpetual personal attack cycle, her ideas and knowledge are largely ignored. But if she can ever overcome that, which I fully believe she can if she follows Regan's model, then she could certainly end up being a conservative juggernaut. No one else on the right, even comes close in terms of appeal and charisma.

The left hates her, makes fun of her, even DARE the right to run her! The indies and elites, dislike her, because she is a populist who doesn't really concern herself with party politics. The libertarian conservatives suffer from brain damage, and can only vote for Gary Johnson or people with the last name, Paul. None of these types are EVER going to support Sarah Palin, she can't WIN their support, it's not possible. It's like Obama winning the racist Hillary vote, it's not going to happen, but it doesn't matter.

I honestly think, we should give the liberal lefties what they want, and run Sarah Palin! Especially, if we can give her a majority conservative congress in the process. Certainly Sarah is smart enough to sign legislation, and that's really most of what she would be doing. As for decisions regarding foreign policy and the middle east, I think she can do as good of a job as the current bunch has done, she certainly couldn't screw it up more.

Besides, I would PAY to see a Palin-Hillary debate!

You mean can Palin win the presidency?????

I don't think we will ever know because I seriously doubt she could pull more than 35% in any primary race and that would be in Alaska. Everywhere else her top end is about 17%.
Mark Sanford is hard evidence the GOP has no more principles. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Good zig - of course your party elects Harry Reid, so you have little to crow about.

But that wasn't the point - you lefties swore that the man could never be elected. I often suspect that your pronouncements are more about your partisan desire than about reality. :dunno:

I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Nice try.

I did not swear Sanford could not be elected. Another miss!

In fact, I wrote a nice long post about how amazing the Mark Sanford story is a few days ago, and what it says about South Carolina's GOP that they revived him.

It is the fact he has made it as far as he has after being a complete adulterous hypocrite that is the evidence of how far the GOP, my party for my entire life, has fallen.
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Much too cerebral for tards like shaman to understand....if she said that it was a statement about the mentality of her opponents.

And she's right. The only thing you loons note is that she's female, anti-abortion, and therefore must be destroyed. As ultimately, all woment deserved to be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi is a woman. You Republicans all want her destroyed.
its not just her lack of basic current events & sense of entitlement that was unsettling, its her entire demeanor- pageant walking, high pitched voice, etc...
Sen. Mark Begich (a Democrat in GOP-strong Alaska) is polling ahead of Palin in the Alaska Senate race 54-38.

It doesn't look good for Sarah.
its not just her lack of basic current events that was unsettling, its her entire demeanor- pageant walking, high pitched voice, etc...

Thanks for proving my point.

The only thing that leftists hate more than women who dare not to abort....

Women who are considered attractive by males (as opposed to dykes).
I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Nice try.

You might consider yourself "Green" or "independent," but your support is DNC all the way.

I did not swear Sanford could not be elected. Another miss!

You know sparky, when you jump to the defense of RW, you OWN it.

In fact, I wrote a nice long post about how amazing the Mark Sanford story is a few days ago, and what it says about South Carolina's GOP that they revived him.

It is the fact he has made it as far as he has after being a complete adulterous hypocrite that is the evidence of how far the GOP, my party for my entire life, has fallen.

Again, whether I like or hate Sanford is utterly irrelevant.

Go back to shrieking the "PALIN IS STUPID," you're better suited for it...
South Carolina would elect a corpse as long as it was a registered Republican. They don't care about principles. Just winning.

Speaking of Sarah Palin, she endorsed Nikki Haley for Sanford's job after his term was up. She and Sanford's wife endorsed her. But another Republican publicly called her a "raghead". Like most bigots, he was too fucking retarded to know the difference between a Muslim and person of Indian descent who is a Methodist.

That's South Carolina for you.

I fully expected those nosepickers to elect Sanford. A raging hypocrite, adulterer, and a liar. He fits right in with that bunch.
Palin makes platitudes come alive, and when she adds a wink or two, to some, she sounds like Aristotle?
Some people need platitudes, slogans and winks, and Palin used correctly, fills that bill. The McCain campaign misused Palin trying to make her look intelligent and filled with knowledge, and it backfired.

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