Can Sarah Palin Win? ...You betchya!

its not just her lack of basic current events & sense of entitlement that was unsettling, its her entire demeanor- pageant walking, high pitched voice, etc...

Yeah, she is a woman - you leftists hate that.

In the leftist hive-mind, women have only two functions; porn and getting abortions.
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I can think of nothing else that would make Democrats happier than to see Sarah Palin be the Republican candidate. It would be a dream come true for them.
The thing is...leftist freaks consider Palin stupid because of her looks, lol. They have to fabricate statements and assign them to her to attack her on any other grounds.

Pelosi's comments are unremittingly stupid. No fabrication needed.
The thing is...leftist freaks consider Palin stupid because of her looks, lol. They have to fabricate statements and assign them to her to attack her on any other grounds.

Pelosi's comments are unremittingly stupid. No fabrication needed.

Just like before the MSM would be on full attack mode against her. She would not have a chance considering whoever the Dems put up will have the full cooperation of the MSM.
I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Nice try.

You might consider yourself "Green" or "independent," but your support is DNC all the way.

Wow, you decided to double down on your stupidity and missed again! Strike three!

I'm old school conservative. I know you maniacs don't recognize real conservatives any more in your quest to see how batshit you can go. Everyone looks like a leftie to a right wing extremist totalitarian.

I did not swear Sanford could not be elected. Another miss!

You know sparky, when you jump to the defense of RW, you OWN it.

I jump to the defense of the facts, and truth, and honesty. And I am pround to own that.

Don't be such a batshit crazy fool that you defend lies just because they make someone you don't like look bad.

When you defend lies which smear your opponents, you reveal your true character. There are a lot of lie being thrown about against our opponents. Just because I debunk those lies does not mean I am on their side.

That's what principles look like, fool. I am sick and tired of waiting for you assholes to figure out we can win bigger and better by going after the opposition with the TRUTH.

In fact, I wrote a nice long post about how amazing the Mark Sanford story is a few days ago, and what it says about South Carolina's GOP that they revived him.

It is the fact he has made it as far as he has after being a complete adulterous hypocrite that is the evidence of how far the GOP, my party for my entire life, has fallen.

Again, whether I like or hate Sanford is utterly irrelevant.

Go back to shrieking the "PALIN IS STUPID," you're better suited for it...

Palin is more than stupid. She is a liar, which goes back to my overarching point. We need to ditch lying hypocrites like her and Sanford. It is time to take out the trash.

Christ, the GOP just rewarded an adulterer! A man who abandoned his post to screw a mistress, then refused to resign and actually used the HOLY BIBLE to justify his adultery and refusal to repent!

Our party has become sick, sick, sick.
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Just like before the MSM would be on full attack mode against her. She would not have a chance considering whoever the Dems put up will have the full cooperation of the MSM.

What you say is true, but that's going to be the case no matter who runs. Look at the way they smeared Romney?

The left is shameless and evil - they will attack anyone who dares contest their power with the most vile slander and libel that they and the press can fabricate.
its not just her lack of basic current events that was unsettling, its her entire demeanor- pageant walking, high pitched voice, etc...

Thanks for proving my point.

The only thing that leftists hate more than women who dare not to abort....

Women who are considered attractive by males (as opposed to dykes).

So she's a MILF. So what? Now you're saying liberals don't like attractive women? :cuckoo:

It's when she opens her mouth and says unattractive things that turns me off.

And we don't hate women that choose not to abort. What a load of BS. We don't like a bunch of holy-rollers waving fetuses in jars telling us how to live.
Say what you will about her, whenever her bus pulls into town, thousands are there to see her, and this happens all over the country, wherever she goes. The woman is the only personality in America who can Twitter something, and make the evening news.

The right. Wing is top heavy with aging white males and Palin's popularity underlines that fact. I guess a big butt and a smile goes a long way in the " conservative" camp these days
'cause that's about all she has.

I love this line from dipshits like you, if we have women and minorities, you try and use it against us......well fuck you, lots of chicks are republicans, lots of younger people are republicans, and lots of minorities are republicans,
In fact, democrats are embarrassed by how many white folk they have and how many GOP minorities there are.

So take your talking points and shove em, Jungle Feva!
Just like before the MSM would be on full attack mode against her. She would not have a chance considering whoever the Dems put up will have the full cooperation of the MSM.

What you say is true, but that's going to be the case no matter who runs. Look at the way they smeared Romney?

The left is shameless and evil - they will attack anyone who dares contest their power with the most vile slander and libel that they and the press can fabricate.

...while convincing themselves they have the moral high ground.
Just like before the MSM would be on full attack mode against her. She would not have a chance considering whoever the Dems put up will have the full cooperation of the MSM.

What you say is true, but that's going to be the case no matter who runs. Look at the way they smeared Romney?

The left is shameless and evil - they will attack anyone who dares contest their power with the most vile slander and libel that they and the press can fabricate.

Pot - kettle - black.
The thing is...leftist freaks consider Palin stupid because of her looks, lol. They have to fabricate statements and assign them to her to attack her on any other grounds.

Pelosi's comments are unremittingly stupid. No fabrication needed.

Actually we think she is stupid and mean because of the stupid and mean shit that spews from her pie hole. That and the fact that she got her ass handed to her by that hard hitting journalist, Katie Couric, who wasn't even trying to stump her.
I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Nice try.

You might consider yourself "Green" or "independent," but your support is DNC all the way.

Wow, you decided to double down on your stupidity and missed again! Strike three!

I'm old school conservative. I know you maniacs don't recognize real conservatives any more in your quest to see how batshit you can go. Everyone looks like a leftie to a right wing extremist totalitarian.

I jump to the defense of the facts, and truth, and honesty. And I am pround to own that.

Don't be such a batshit crazy fool that you defend lies just because they make someone you don't like look bad.

When you defend lies which smear your opponents, you reveal your true character. There are a lot of lie being thrown about against our opponents. Just because I debunk those lies does not mean I am on their side.

That's what principles look like, fool. I am sick and tired of waiting for you assholes to figure out we can win bigger and better by going after the opposition with the TRUTH.

In fact, I wrote a nice long post about how amazing the Mark Sanford story is a few days ago, and what it says about South Carolina's GOP that they revived him.

It is the fact he has made it as far as he has after being a complete adulterous hypocrite that is the evidence of how far the GOP, my party for my entire life, has fallen.

Again, whether I like or hate Sanford is utterly irrelevant.

Go back to shrieking the "PALIN IS STUPID," you're better suited for it...

Palin is more than stupid. She is a liar, which goes back to my overarching point. We need to ditch lying hypocrites like her and Sanford. It is time to take out the trash.

Christ, the GOP just rewarded an adulterer! A man who abandoned his post to screw a mistress, then refused to resign and actually used the HOLY BIBLE to justify his adultery and refusal to repent!

Our party has become sick, sick, sick.

Wait a sec, what is an old school conservative?
If you listen to democrats they try to paint them as jim crow democrats (I disagree and have owned them several times on that point)
As for Palin, she's not stupid, she was new and the leftwing media ambushed the shit out of her.
As for Sanford, I agree, that he shouldnt have run and I would not have voted for him, but why do people only bitch about GOP hypocrits, and never a democrat hypocrit, who bitches about the rich and is actually rich!
Wow, you decided to double down on your stupidity and missed again! Strike three!

I'm old school conservative.

Ohh, say something "conservative?"

(No, not "tax the rich" and "free medical care for all..")

I know you maniacs don't recognize real conservatives any more in your quest to see how batshit you can go. Everyone looks like a leftie to a right wing extremist totalitarian.

You consider yourself a "Josef Stalin Republican?"

I jump to the defense of the facts, and truth, and honesty. And I am pround to own that.

Ah, the "truth" as espoused by RW..


Ya just can't make this shit up...

Don't be such a batshit crazy fool that you defend lies just because they make someone you don't like look bad.

So, I defended a "lie?" DOOD, I never defended the claim that Obama is a good president.

I think you're confused. (Or drunk, as the case may be...)

When you defend lies which smear your opponents, you reveal your true character.

Oh, you mean lies like "Palin is stupid?"

Yeah, I see your point - it DOES reveal your lack of character....

There are a lot of lie being thrown about against our opponents. Just because I debunk those lies does not mean I am on their side.

So, "lies" such as "Obama is NOT god" get you worked up, and you feel you have to intervene?

That's what principles look like, fool. I am sick and tired of waiting for you assholes to figure out we can win bigger and better by going after the opposition with the TRUTH.

Oh, and you know DA TROOOFF because Rachel Maddow tells it to you, right?

Palin is more than stupid. She is a liar, which goes back to my overarching point. We need to ditch lying hypocrites like her and Sanford. It is time to take out the trash.

A liar?

Did she deny that Obama is god?

Christ, the GOP just rewarded an adulterer! A man who abandoned his post to screw a mistress, then refused to resign and actually used the HOLY BIBLE to justify his adultery and refusal to repent!

Our party has become sick, sick, sick.

Sounds a lot like Bill Clinton....
Well, sometimes before there's a willingness for a person to accept intervention there has to be a watershed humilating event, so perhaps Sarah could serve a positive purpose for the gop.

Who would vote for Sarah?
That's a good one! :lol:
Say what you will about her, whenever her bus pulls into town, thousands are there to see her, and this happens all over the country, wherever she goes. The woman is the only personality in America who can Twitter something, and make the evening news.

I keep seeing the well-reasoned and brilliant argument presented, that "Palin is Stupid," but the thing I keep failing to see, is the evidence. It sounds a bit like a baseless opinion, because it is almost never presented with an example of said "stupidity." When I have pressed people on these examples, I usually get some example of something Palin never actually said, but was part of a skit on SNL, or some gross misinterpretation of something she did say. It seems as though people have judged her based on rhetoric from her detractors, and they are going to defiantly refuse to open their minds.

Again, the key to Palin being successful, would highly depend on her ability to change perception, and that starts with ending the personal attacks and rhetoric strategy of the left. Reagan was a master of this, some idiot liberal would throw something stupid at Reagan, and he would make them look like fools for bringing it up, and then fire off a series of sensible and pragmatic policies average Americans could relate to. He made the left look like absolute nut cases, and they had to abandon their strategy. He was beating their brains out in the polls, because people laughed along with him about the silliness of his rivals, and before they knew it, he was connecting with them about policy.

Reagan freaking LIVED for a nutbag liberal to hurl some stupid personal insult at him! He could knock those out of the park every time, and eventually, the personal attacks about his age, acting career, etc., all stopped. It was because he found a way to turn their strategy on them, and that is what Palin would need to do, or ANY candidate, for that matter.

I agree she's not stupid. She knows the value of appealing to the lowest common denominator.
I agree she's not stupid. She knows the value of appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Overly harsh, imo. Hulk Hogan, Steve Austen, the Rock .... I don't see their audience necessarily as the lowest common denominator. I mean we Al Sharpton and Jesse, too. A niche audience, imo. That's why absent the gop becoming even more bat shite crazy, I don't see her having a role. I think AK is finished with her, and that's about it

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