Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Just Reaganist tax rates and policy rolling along, dupe. And mindless GOP obstruction for 7 1/2 years...

Reagan has been out of office for nearly 30 years now. You still have that candle in the window?
Reaganism is still going strong DUH.

Always blaming someone else, dupe.

Someone good at making excuses, and you're good at it, isn't worth anything else. In other words, you're good for nothing.
Balogna. ...By obstructing all investment in training and education for 3-6 million good jobs going begging that NAFTA and other treaties that are giving us new markets for smarter free or cheaper community college and public U's etc etc etc. See also our collapsing infrastructure that could be many millions of good jobs. That's for 35 years now...

I thought that's what DumBama did, invest in our collapsing infrastructure. What happened to all that infrastructure money anyway? That was close to a trillion dollars if I remember correctly.

Republicans never obstructed anything when it comes to education. Plenty of schools around for those people who wish to invest in themselves.
Only 200 billion was for infrastructure. The New BS GOP routinely blockS cheap loans and the rest of it LOL...

$200 billion is a lot of money. Where are the results of it being used?

Cheap loans? Why should you or anyone else determine the costs of someone borrowing money that isn't yours? If you want to make cheap loans, let's see you prove you support them by loaning your money.
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .
Feel free to move to one of your socialist utopias
You're already there, it's just that the USA is tilted to the greedy idiot rich. Great job!

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care was passed.

So the USA a socialist utopia tilted towards the greedy rich? Even if that were true, don't you think that reveals a flaw with socialism?
In other words, yes.

Thank for playing!
7-8 trillion is about what you need to spend to avert a full blown depression, STILL 300 billion for assistance for victims. Great job, GOP.
Bullsit. You avoid a keeping the government'sout of the economy. Government is the cause of almost every recession or depression.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.
Both depressions were caused by the Fed and the federal government inflating the supply of credit.
We are headed towards a plutocracy....cant stop it. To believe if you have a strong work ethic you can do well is not true. You can barely get by with that. This country aint paradisen
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .
Feel free to move to one of your socialist utopias
You're already there, it's just that the USA is tilted to the greedy idiot rich. Great job!

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care was passed.

Yep. That's socialism. When government controls all the wealth, the only way to be wealthy is to be in government.
We've never had a worse rich-poor gap etc. see sig 1st pp. Ridiculous comment, dupe.

So 8 years of Obama has made the problem worse? Don't you see a problem with the solutions you propose?
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

Corporations are getting their hands on more and more of the value of the productivity of American workers.

Through taxation, we take some of that back.

Why don't the workers try earning it instead of expecting it to be handed to them?

You aren't going to take a damn thing. You'll hide as usual then claim credit for having done nothing but run your dick sucker.
Back to the good old days before unions- 6-7 day work weeks, 16 hour days, poisonous food and lodging, poorhouses, potters fields! Great idea...

Henry Ford created the 40 hour week, not the government, moron. If food was so poisonous back then, you should be able to show us news reports of thousands of people dying. What is "poisonous" lodging? As for poorhouses, why should people who can't pay their bills get to live in their own apartments at taxpayer expense?
7-8 trillion is about what you need to spend to avert a full blown depression, STILL 300 billion for assistance for victims. Great job, GOP.
Bullsit. You avoid a keeping the government'sout of the economy. Government is the cause of almost every recession or depression.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.

I thought you said you were a history teacher. Guess knowing history wasn't a qualification for you to work.
The idea that Franco teaches impressionable minds is enough to make you pee your pants, isn't it?
Can anyone see the massive liberal irony in this post?

Why no austerity and loss of hundreds of thousands of government jobs when Reagan and Bush were trying to dig out of recession? They spent like drunken sailors. Obama has been obstructed from having the same recovery measures.

Blame Austerity, Not Obama, For Slow Economic Recovery
$9 trillion in new debt is austerity?
No, refusing to spend any money on the usual solutions is austerity, stupid, mindlessly obstructive GOP austerity.
You mean pointing out your redistribution of wealth to fuel trickle up poverty failed?
Hasn't been tried yet, obviously. Worked great in the 50's and 60's before Reaganism duh...

Wrong again.
Bullsit. You avoid a keeping the government'sout of the economy. Government is the cause of almost every recession or depression.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.

I thought you said you were a history teacher. Guess knowing history wasn't a qualification for you to work.
The idea that Franco teaches impressionable minds is enough to make you pee your pants, isn't it?

It's enough to prove that wherever he taught, if that is actually true, had unions protecting incompetent teachers.
College education is vital. You can tell your emoyer to stick it. Wonderful feeling. Elation.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.

I thought you said you were a history teacher. Guess knowing history wasn't a qualification for you to work.
The idea that Franco teaches impressionable minds is enough to make you pee your pants, isn't it?

It's enough to prove that wherever he taught, if that is actually true, had unions protecting incompetent teachers.
Private schools, no unions.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.

I thought you said you were a history teacher. Guess knowing history wasn't a qualification for you to work.
The idea that Franco teaches impressionable minds is enough to make you pee your pants, isn't it?

It's enough to prove that wherever he taught, if that is actually true, had unions protecting incompetent teachers.
Private schools, no unions.

You didn't teach in any private school with the tripe you spread. Liar. I doubt you ever taught. If you did, prove it.
WEll, they use the roads, enjoy the weather updates, like the clean air, water, food and the safety the police provide. They shouldn't be allowed to get all this for free while most of the middle class and smaller businesses pay up the ass.

It isn't right.
WEll, they use the roads, enjoy the weather updates, like the clean air, water, food and the safety the police provide. They shouldn't be allowed to get all this for free while most of the middle class and smaller businesses pay up the ass.

It isn't right.

Corporations pay more in taxes in one year than you could make in a hundred lifetimes.
TWO GOP world depressions, both caused by crap GOP regulation of financial institutions and Wall St. see also S+L scandal.

I thought you said you were a history teacher. Guess knowing history wasn't a qualification for you to work.
The idea that Franco teaches impressionable minds is enough to make you pee your pants, isn't it?

It's enough to prove that wherever he taught, if that is actually true, had unions protecting incompetent teachers.

Teaching is one area that I think unions have had a negative effect on society...Teachers and professors must be held to high standards. Otherwise, I think unions are great as long as it isn't in teaching.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Turning companies inward again and lessening the Pac Man Feeding Frenzy of speculation and sheltering...

The Corporatists have had things all their way, for far too long, and have enjoyed far too many tax breaks and tax cuts and tax incentives...

It's about time to get them off their asses and to start pulling their weight again, in society, and ensuring that they're vested in the betterment of this country...
WEll, they use the roads, enjoy the weather updates, like the clean air, water, food and the safety the police provide. They shouldn't be allowed to get all this for free while most of the middle class and smaller businesses pay up the ass.

It isn't right.

Corporations pay more in taxes in one year than you could make in a hundred lifetimes.

Well, most of them use the loop holes that allow them to pay 1/3rds as much as what is on paper. That is a fact. Also, if they're using the resources they should pay taxes.
We've never had a worse rich-poor gap etc. see sig 1st pp. Ridiculous comment, dupe.

Those that are becoming richer have done things to better their financial situation. Those getting poorer are still doing jobs that require the same skills that it took to do them 50 years ago. When the skills required to do higher paying jobs increase, so do the wages. When the skills to do low paying jobs don't change, neither does the pay. Therefore, a gap. Easy solution. People without skills get some and STFU about being given more for nothing.
Perhaps the GOP could stop making it so difficult and expensive to do so....

If you think someone that can't afford to go to college should be able to go, you can always write a check on their behalf to pay for it. That way it wouldn't cost them anything and they could get what you think they deserve without a single dime coming from their pocket. Remember, YOU have to totally pay for it yourself on their behalf.

As for difficult, it should be. Some dumb fuck shouldn't go to college simply because they want to go.
I guess you never went...silly stuff. We want the bloated rich and laughing giant corps to pay for it.

Graduated three times fully funded by me and/or scholarships and my wife is working on #4.

Typical Liberal answer. You want something to happen but want someone else to be forced to pay for it. Didn't think you were man enough to support your own causes. Most Liberals aren't.
Not history, ethics, or poli sci I guess...
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

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