Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
Maybe it's time to start breaking up some of the Big Guns again, like Teddy (R) did a century ago...
We've never had a worse rich-poor gap etc. see sig 1st pp. Ridiculous comment, dupe.

Those that are becoming richer have done things to better their financial situation. Those getting poorer are still doing jobs that require the same skills that it took to do them 50 years ago. When the skills required to do higher paying jobs increase, so do the wages. When the skills to do low paying jobs don't change, neither does the pay. Therefore, a gap. Easy solution. People without skills get some and STFU about being given more for nothing.
Perhaps the GOP could stop making it so difficult and expensive to do so....

If you think someone that can't afford to go to college should be able to go, you can always write a check on their behalf to pay for it. That way it wouldn't cost them anything and they could get what you think they deserve without a single dime coming from their pocket. Remember, YOU have to totally pay for it yourself on their behalf.

As for difficult, it should be. Some dumb fuck shouldn't go to college simply because they want to go.
I guess you never went...silly stuff. We want the bloated rich and laughing giant corps to pay for it.

Graduated three times fully funded by me and/or scholarships and my wife is working on #4.

Typical Liberal answer. You want something to happen but want someone else to be forced to pay for it. Didn't think you were man enough to support your own causes. Most Liberals aren't.
And it was a lot cheaper back then, before the New BS GOP...
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?
Federal income tax. 47% pay zero.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
Maybe it's time to start breaking up some of the Big Guns again, like Teddy (R) did a century ago...

Exactly, we need to enforce our anti-trust laws and prevent the big guns from buying out all the little competition every time it springs up. This is killing our middle class and hurting our market.
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?
Federal income tax. 47% pay zero.
Another good reason to tax corporations more...
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
Maybe it's time to start breaking up some of the Big Guns again, like Teddy (R) did a century ago...

Exactly, we need to enforce our anti-trust laws and prevent the big guns from buying out all the little competition every time it springs up. This is killing our middle class and hurting our market.
We can start with the Media... no media organization can be larger than X, nor own more than Y outlets, etc...
So tell us libtards. What will you replace corporations with when they leave the country?
They won't leave...

The US can make departure or off-shoring cost-prohibitive...

Staying (and paying the tax increase) would be much cheaper than leaving...

As well as Nationalizing any security-critical firm that might attempt such a stunt...

Plenty of ways to get 'radical' with these Corporatists without killing the goose that laid the golden egg...
So tell us libtards. What will you replace corporations with when they leave the country?

most of them already left this country even with paying 1/3rd or less in taxes then they should be doing. The best thing we can do is open our markets up by enforcing our anti-trust laws which will allow competition for the businesses owned by people that care about America.
Liberal regressive definition of austerity is a president who has spent more than any other before him, generating a larger deficit than pretty much all presidents combined.

Of course, they could care less about logic as long as free stuff flows to the plantation.
They won't leave...

The US can make departure or off-shoring cost-prohibitive...

Staying (and paying the tax increase) would be much cheaper than leaving...

As well as Nationalizing any security-critical firm that might attempt such a stunt...

Plenty of ways to get 'radical' with these Corporatists without killing the goose that laid the golden egg...

Yep, because that's exactly why our founders allowed for a tax system: to tax people into submission.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Turning companies inward again and lessening the Pac Man Feeding Frenzy of speculation and sheltering...

The Corporatists have had things all their way, for far too long, and have enjoyed far too many tax breaks and tax cuts and tax incentives...

It's about time to get them off their asses and to start pulling their weight again, in society, and ensuring that they're vested in the betterment of this country...

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
If it's not invested, then where is it?
Only 200 billion was for infrastructure. The New BS GOP routinely blockS cheap loans and the rest of it LOL...


The government isn't supposed to be in the school loan business.........that was until DumBama rode into the White House and had government takeover school loans. Now look how F'd up everything is for kids today.
So tell us libtards. What will you replace corporations with when they leave the country?

most of them already left this country even with paying 1/3rd or less in taxes then they should be doing. The best thing we can do is open our markets up by enforcing our anti-trust laws which will allow competition for the businesses owned by people that care about America.
Nope! You really want to run the rest of them out?

ConocoPhillips - In Photos: The 25 U.S. Corporations That Pay The Highest Taxes

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