Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

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How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?
Federal income tax. 47% pay zero.
Another good reason to tax corporations more...

Here is something all mindless loony lefties need to know: American corps pass their tax burden along to the consumer in the form of higher prices. It's part of the cost of doing biz.

As long as we tax payers and consumers are OK with paying higher prices so that our gov't hacks can fly 1st class, so be it.

For those of us who weary of gov't agencies enjoying that luxury while the rest of us fly coach, it's not such a great deal.

I need people to wake up and smell what they are shoveling.
Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?

That's 47% of working Americans, not all Americans. It's astonishing how fucking ignorant of commonly known facts American leftists are. Remarkable. Meanwhile the rest of us must work longer hours so they can feel good about themselves. Fucking azzholes.
So tell us libtards. What will you replace corporations with when they leave the country?

most of them already left this country even with paying 1/3rd or less in taxes then they should be doing....

Yanno, this is only fun as long as we all deal in real facts ... not the absolute BS you find at or fabricate in your silly little pinhead.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Very little of the upper classes money is invested into this country. I'd rather see the middle class have a chance at competing and expanding the percentage of the populations wealth(middle class)...Any third world shit hole can have a insanely rich 1-2%.
Maybe it's time to start breaking up some of the Big Guns again, like Teddy (R) did a century ago...
... Not with Putin moving his tanks and arty around in Ukraine, and Xi building airbases in the South China Sea.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
These posts are the exact reason why there are no FRUITFULL conversations and debate going on anymore in America. The owl, chose to create a thread based on you're APPEAL TO IGNORANCE, and then you probably wonder why it has gotten you no where (I admit I haven't read anything past the OP, but I'm assuming I will read through and see nothing else but dichotomous bantar). This is because the ART of rhetoric is dead, it's dead in universities, it's dead in media, it's even dead in household conversation. Rhetoric means nothing else more than what one side says over the other these days...which is fundamentally opposed to the definition of rhetoric. THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM IN AMERICA. Forget the fact that we have two of the most unpopular candidates in history...the sad fact is we can't even have a conversation that is based outside of my side says this...I'm right, you're wrong. The crazy part is there is history, since the dawn of human history to back up what we should truly seek out. You chose an appeal to ignorance...ugh, this is why trump is the nominee
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

PLEASE share with us who exactly pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us, please? The specific people please. Where does a corporation get every dime they can spend?

I'll be watching for your brilliant reply.
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .
All of the loser countries are socialist.

You do know that, right?

Let us know the imigration problems a country like Finland has. Thanks.

Are you ready for the country to turn away the mass influx of refugees into this country?

Do any of those countries that you mention (funny too how they are all predominantly white and you morons blame white people for everything) have a military? Do they have a massive number of Mexicans crossing their borders? No?


Name the top 5 winner countries in the world! Hell, name three!

Top 5 "winner" countries of what?
Ok so lets lower taxes in corporations. Then they can double wages. Anythi g under 15 dollars per hour should be unacceptable in our society then except for minimum wage jobs which should only be filled by kids.
What a load of strawman argument. Who the hell living in America agrees with 19th century type child labor?? I will gladly pay 100$ to you per 10000 people who agree with 19th century type child labor. If your argument was valid you would be quite rich, just saying. But it's not so you are part of the problem
Remember when America was 'great'?

As you know, that is a totally worthless chart. All it shows is what the highest tax rates are but says nothing about how many people pay at that level.

You also know that today the lower 47% of workers pay no income taxes. So how are they paying 10%...according to your chart.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

Only way for a socialist to succeed is to tax money from other people. For the country? Screw the country!!

How are we supposed to run the country ? On smiles and sunshine ?

Voluntarily, without socialists sucking up all money like leeches?

Yes I know, doesn't sound that good to a parasite.

Lol! Are you from planet Delusion? Name a place that's ever made it on vol taxation ?!
Liberland actually has that policy. But no one has every really tried that drastic of a policy before them. There have been a couple countries that have come very close though, and have been quite succesful.
College education is vital. You can tell your emoyer to stick it. Wonderful feeling. Elation.

Certainly not vital. There are thousands of good paying jobs available through trade or technical schools. Not everyone is cut out for a college education and they shouldn't waste the money on one. That doesn't make them better or worse than those going to college, the simply have a different skill set.
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?

Are you really that uninformed? Or are you playing a game?
Just Reaganist tax rates and policy rolling along, dupe. And mindless GOP obstruction for 7 1/2 years...

Reagan has been out of office for nearly 30 years now. You still have that candle in the window?
Reaganism is still going strong DUH.

Always blaming someone else, dupe.

Someone good at making excuses, and you're good at it, isn't worth anything else. In other words, you're good for nothing.
Yes, I'm blaming pander to the rich tax rates and policies of Reaganism. D'uhhh. see sig from 2007 pp1. only getting worse, dupes. And the big orange idiot wants to do it some more!
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?

Are you really this uninformed or are you just playing a game?

47% will pay no federal income tax
An increasing number of households end up owing nothing in major federal taxes, but the situation may not be sustainable over the long run.

By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer
Last Updated: October 3, 2009: 2:58 PM ET


NEW YORK ( -- Most people think they pay too much to Uncle Sam, but for some people it simply is not true.

In 2009, roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.

The ranks of those whose major federal tax burdens net out at zero -- or less -- is on the rise. The center's original 2009 estimate was 38%. That was before enactment in February of the $787 billion economic recovery package, which included a host of new or expanded tax breaks.

The issue doesn't get a lot of attention even as lawmakers debate how to pay for policy initiatives like health reform, whether to extend the Bush tax cuts and how to reduce the deficit.

The vast majority of households making up to $30,000 fall into the category, as do nearly half of all households making between $30,000 and $40,000.

47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009
View attachment 85341
How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes ?

Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ?

Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

Hard to believe,,,,

Property taxes for anyone that owns a house
Taxes you pay on the goods you buy

Can you show me where 47% of this country pays no income tax?
Federal income tax. 47% pay zero.
Another good reason to tax corporations more...

Yes, that is working so well.
So tell us libtards. What will you replace corporations with when they leave the country?

most of them already left this country even with paying 1/3rd or less in taxes then they should be doing. The best thing we can do is open our markets up by enforcing our anti-trust laws which will allow competition for the businesses owned by people that care about America.
Nope! You really want to run the rest of them out?

ConocoPhillips - In Photos: The 25 U.S. Corporations That Pay The Highest Taxes

It has been a good stock over the past six or eight months.
College education is vital. You can tell your emoyer to stick it. Wonderful feeling. Elation.

Certainly not vital. There are thousands of good paying jobs available through trade or technical schools. Not everyone is cut out for a college education and they shouldn't waste the money on one. That doesn't make them better or worse than those going to college, the simply have a different skill set.
What skills are colleges/universities really teaching anymore? Universities have sadly become a place of teaching what to think, not how to think. Granted I could bee seen as an old crank saying that, but the only hires I have made that have been successful have been from the non millennial generation opposed to the millennial generation, which have been disastrous. But I am technically a millennial I think (born in 1988), and I have made the call to only hire transfers from other floors. I have had to let go of almost every single person under my age, and it wasn't for lack of experience. It was a lack of being completely dependent and almost causing death. It has caused me to say no to my own little brother when hiring bc I know deep down he is not able to cope with adversity....bc he has never had to apply knowladge that he has gained
College education is vital. You can tell your emoyer to stick it. Wonderful feeling. Elation.

Certainly not vital. There are thousands of good paying jobs available through trade or technical schools. Not everyone is cut out for a college education and they shouldn't waste the money on one. That doesn't make them better or worse than those going to college, the simply have a different skill set.
What skills are colleges/universities really teaching anymore? Universities have sadly become a place of teaching what to think, not how to think. Granted I could bee seen as an old crank saying that, but the only hires I have made that have been successful have been from the non millennial generation opposed to the millennial generation, which have been disastrous. But I am technically a millennial I think (born in 1988), and I have made the call to only hire transfers from other floors. I have had to let go of almost every single person under my age, and it wasn't for lack of experience. It was a lack of being completely dependent and almost causing death. It has caused me to say no to my own little brother when hiring bc I know deep down he is not able to cope with adversity....bc he has never had to apply knowladge that he has gained
You misspelled knowledge. Fucking moron.
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College education is vital. You can tell your emoyer to stick it. Wonderful feeling. Elation.

Certainly not vital. There are thousands of good paying jobs available through trade or technical schools. Not everyone is cut out for a college education and they shouldn't waste the money on one. That doesn't make them better or worse than those going to college, the simply have a different skill set.
What skills are colleges/universities really teaching anymore? Universities have sadly become a place of teaching what to think, not how to think. Granted I could bee seen as an old crank saying that, but the only hires I have made that have been successful have been from the non millennial generation opposed to the millennial generation, which have been disastrous. But I am technically a millennial I think (born in 1988), and I have made the call to only hire transfers from other floors. I have had to let go of almost every single person under my age, and it wasn't for lack of experience. It was a lack of being completely dependent and almost causing death. It has caused me to say no to my own little brother when hiring bc I know deep down he is not able to cope with adversity....bc he has never had to apply knowladge that he has gained
You misspelled knowledge. Fucking moron
I'm glad that's what you took from that entire rant. I misspelled knowledge therefore what I said is moot. Add an ad hominem to your ridiculous arguments on why you are right and everyone else is wrong. The dumb part is, is that I'm on your side on this argument trying to help you, but you'd rather point out that I spelled knowledge wrong...on a blog post. Thought this was a site to practice rhetoric, but no, it's a site to practice spelling...thank you. By the way, do you want to correct my grammar, I have made a couple mistakes in this post. Apparently that is more important to you so have at it.

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