Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.

Can't get the link to work.


Thanks . Couple things .

The stat only goes back to 1993. And the basis can be a little misleading . For example , SSI . If you have a disabled kid he can be getting SSI . The whole household now counts as "receiving welfare ". That's a bit misleading . Same as if you had a family taking care of some elderly relative .

Now if you want to talk about the issue if SSI being overdone . I'm with you .
Fair share? Tell me how much is your fair share of someone else's money?

It is the workers creating that wealth. Because their ability to collectively negotiate, they see less and less of that wealth they generate

There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

If you are not a rich guy I dont understand your views. Socialists fought to change the working week to humanistic hours and to improve work environment for workers. Before even children had to work in factories hard menial labour. The minimum wage is another improvement, you cant pay 1$ a hour for hard work thats inhumane. There needs to be regulations or capitalists would eat the small people.

Socialists worked hard to get those that don't want to work something for nothing. Do you think those that own businesses and make lots doing it work just 40 hours week?

Paying someone with $1/hour skills more than $1/hour is inhumane.

Capitalism is an incentive for people to do better and improve themselves financially. Socialism is an incentive for people that want something for nothing to have more handed to them than they could earn based on their poor work ethic.

I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.
Funding the non-rich means more social mobility, for example when attending college, while now only rich can attend college.

Gee, I can't wait to tell my college educated niece and nephew that they are rich and didn't even know it.

It's not the federal governments job to fund you or anybody else. Get a job and fund yourself. If you want social equality, go to Cuba where everybody is equal.........equally poor.

I can tell my daughter the same thing. According to Mortimer, since she attends college, she's rich.
It is the workers creating that wealth. Because their ability to collectively negotiate, they see less and less of that wealth they generate

There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

If you are not a rich guy I dont understand your views. Socialists fought to change the working week to humanistic hours and to improve work environment for workers. Before even children had to work in factories hard menial labour. The minimum wage is another improvement, you cant pay 1$ a hour for hard work thats inhumane. There needs to be regulations or capitalists would eat the small people.

Socialists worked hard to get those that don't want to work something for nothing. Do you think those that own businesses and make lots doing it work just 40 hours week?

Paying someone with $1/hour skills more than $1/hour is inhumane.

Capitalism is an incentive for people to do better and improve themselves financially. Socialism is an incentive for people that want something for nothing to have more handed to them than they could earn based on their poor work ethic.

I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.

That's not a nice way to describe war widows !
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.

Can't get the link to work.


Thanks . Couple things .

The stat only goes back to 1993. And the basis can be a little misleading . For example , SSI . If you have a disabled kid he can be getting SSI . The whole household now counts as "receiving welfare ". That's a bit misleading . Same as if you had a family taking care of some elderly relative .

Now if you want to talk about the issue if SSI being overdone . I'm with you .

My source showed individuals not households.
There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

If you are not a rich guy I dont understand your views. Socialists fought to change the working week to humanistic hours and to improve work environment for workers. Before even children had to work in factories hard menial labour. The minimum wage is another improvement, you cant pay 1$ a hour for hard work thats inhumane. There needs to be regulations or capitalists would eat the small people.

Socialists worked hard to get those that don't want to work something for nothing. Do you think those that own businesses and make lots doing it work just 40 hours week?

Paying someone with $1/hour skills more than $1/hour is inhumane.

Capitalism is an incentive for people to do better and improve themselves financially. Socialism is an incentive for people that want something for nothing to have more handed to them than they could earn based on their poor work ethic.

I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.

That's not a nice way to describe war widows !

A war widow has paid the price. Someone that quit high school and now can't pay the bills can go fuck himself.
STILL 3-400 BILLION for assistance for victims of most recent GOP corrupt depression, 7-8 TRILLION in all...Great job!

That assumes they weren't already getting it before Bush.
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...

I don't believe what you SAY. You already said EVERYONE pays a between a certain percentage in taxes then provided a graph that disproved your own claim.
BS. I said for months that fees have to be counted to get the poor into the 20% range. At any rate, the point holds- much of the middle class pays more than the richest in all taxes and fees, the fed income tax obsession of GOP is brainwashed nonsense, and the middle class and the country are going to hell under this Reaganism.

Are you still claiming that your graph shows the 20 - 30% for everyone. I don't give a damn what YOU say. You presented a chart claiming it said what it didn't say then want to include something the chart simply doesn't show.
YEAH- Maybe it's just 19.7%!!!! (sarcasm duh- and that makes me a LIAR- what is wrong with you hater dupes?). WTF is wrong with you? The richest don't pay enough and we're going to hell. And you're an idiot. LOL!
Trump isn't President. Obama is.

Are you saying that something that hasn't been tried fails because the results haven't occurred?
Republicans have had total control of Congress for two years.....why haven't they reduced the debt like they promised?

Because Obama has vetoed every program designed to cut government spending .... check it out.
The spending that helps the nonrich, yes.

You mean handing freeloaders something for nothing.

Stupid, ignorant comment.

Why don't you tell me what someone getting a taxpayer funded handout has done to EARN it.
Once rightwing media got a hold of Keystone and turned it into a political stick to beat the President lost

But have Republicans won on any major argument with the President?

Utter bull. Again, DumBama wasn't going to allow it to happen no matter what:

Warren Buffett Wins Big In Keystone Pipeline Rejection - Home - The Daily Bail
Rush Limbaugh and his klown krew lost Keystone

It was a simple pipeline, nobody gave a shit about it until the rightwing media screwed it up
That assumes they weren't already getting it before Bush.
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...

I don't believe what you SAY. You already said EVERYONE pays a between a certain percentage in taxes then provided a graph that disproved your own claim.
BS. I said for months that fees have to be counted to get the poor into the 20% range. At any rate, the point holds- much of the middle class pays more than the richest in all taxes and fees, the fed income tax obsession of GOP is brainwashed nonsense, and the middle class and the country are going to hell under this Reaganism.

Are you still claiming that your graph shows the 20 - 30% for everyone. I don't give a damn what YOU say. You presented a chart claiming it said what it didn't say then want to include something the chart simply doesn't show.
YEAH- Maybe it's just 19.7%!!!! (sarcasm duh). WTF is wrong with you? The richest don't pay enough and we're going to hell. And you're an idiot. LOL!

Using your chart, it's way less than 19.7%. What was it, 17.5%?

If it weren't for those you chastise paying what they pay, the freeloaders relying on food stamps wouldn't have a damn thing but an empty hand.
Prove it.

What I can't stand are people like you that say you care then think showing it involves forcing others to fund it. If you cared, you'd do on your own without being told and not involved the government. Why do you need the government telling you that you need to do something you already say needs to be done? Proves you don't care.
When left to their own devices businesses usually tell their fellow citizens to go to hell.

I'm not talking about businesses but individuals like antontoo that say they care then think supporting someone else being force to fund it makes them compassionate. If they cared as much as they say, they'd do what they say needs to be done without being told and with their own money.
I disagree as most of today's economic misery has been caused by businesses.

You have a right to be wrong. It's been caused by the government. Businesses simply reacted and get blamed when they fight back. It's like the Obamacare debacle. The Democrats played politics by setting standard to which businesses had to comply provided they meet certain thresholds. When businesses reacted by doing things that put them below the threshold, businesses get blamed for doing business and nothing is said about the politics used by the government to which businesses reacted. If businesses are in business to make a profit, do you expect them to sit on their asses when the politic playing government, to use a sports analogy, runs a play?
It's a tug of war but businesses were far from starving before Reagan.

The problem is when the business side of the rope tugs, it's wrong to those on the government side that gave them a reason to tug harder.
You premise is false. Peters have decided to help Pauls.

Now, there is a fringe Peter element, I casually call them rightwing assholes, that don't want to help, but most Peters consent and agree it is the right thing to do.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft.

Theft is the act of taking ones property against their will giving them no reasonable alternative.

Somebody walks up to you on the street, points a gun at you demanding all your money. You have no reasonable alternative. You can willing give him your money, or he shoots you and takes your money.

The Paul's of our society are getting aggravated just like they were in the 90's when welfare reform was passed. The problem is Democrats have created so many government dependents that they are now outnumbering the people who work. DumBama created 25 million new government dependents on food stamps alone and Commie Care created another 15 million. This is no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Nothing has been forced

We the people have repeatedly elected those who want to help those who need help

If you want people to starve and suffer, you are free to elect those who believe as you do
Republicans have had total control of Congress for two years.....why haven't they reduced the debt like they promised?

Because Obama has vetoed every program designed to cut government spending .... check it out.
The spending that helps the nonrich, yes.

You mean handing freeloaders something for nothing.

Stupid, ignorant comment.

Why don't you tell me what someone getting a taxpayer funded handout has done to EARN it.
They're citizens, and we've tried just letting them die. It's much WORSE for the country. See the 19th century, hater fool.
If you are not a rich guy I dont understand your views. Socialists fought to change the working week to humanistic hours and to improve work environment for workers. Before even children had to work in factories hard menial labour. The minimum wage is another improvement, you cant pay 1$ a hour for hard work thats inhumane. There needs to be regulations or capitalists would eat the small people.

Socialists worked hard to get those that don't want to work something for nothing. Do you think those that own businesses and make lots doing it work just 40 hours week?

Paying someone with $1/hour skills more than $1/hour is inhumane.

Capitalism is an incentive for people to do better and improve themselves financially. Socialism is an incentive for people that want something for nothing to have more handed to them than they could earn based on their poor work ethic.

I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.

That's not a nice way to describe war widows !

A war widow has paid the price. Someone that quit high school and now can't pay the bills can go fuck himself.

Hold on. After that whole Kahn thing, conservatives have made it clear that dead vet family members are not a sacrifice !
Because Obama has vetoed every program designed to cut government spending .... check it out.
The spending that helps the nonrich, yes.

You mean handing freeloaders something for nothing.

Stupid, ignorant comment.

Why don't you tell me what someone getting a taxpayer funded handout has done to EARN it.
They're citizens, and we've tried just letting them die. It's much WORSE for the country. See the 19th century, hater fool.

Still doesn't mean anything I've earned belongs to them unless I personally give it to them of my own free will.

If they're dying, it's because you bleeding hearts aren't personally doing enough with your own money.
Socialists worked hard to get those that don't want to work something for nothing. Do you think those that own businesses and make lots doing it work just 40 hours week?

Paying someone with $1/hour skills more than $1/hour is inhumane.

Capitalism is an incentive for people to do better and improve themselves financially. Socialism is an incentive for people that want something for nothing to have more handed to them than they could earn based on their poor work ethic.

I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.

That's not a nice way to describe war widows !

A war widow has paid the price. Someone that quit high school and now can't pay the bills can go fuck himself.

Hold on. After that whole Kahn thing, conservatives have made it clear that dead vet family members are not a sacrifice !

After the Khan thing, Liberals have made it clear they'll use dead soldiers to misrepresent things.
Republicans have had total control of Congress for two years.....why haven't they reduced the debt like they promised?

Because Obama has vetoed every program designed to cut government spending .... check it out.
The spending that helps the nonrich, yes.

You mean handing freeloaders something for nothing.

Stupid, ignorant comment.

Why don't you tell me what someone getting a taxpayer funded handout has done to EARN it.

Most people on stamps have or do work. Bob paid taxes all his life, his employer closes shop and Bob goes on stamps to help out until he's back to work .

Any one of us could end up being Bob.
I see you are not from a working class family who did menial labour, thats why you talk so stupid. The ones who own businesses probably work more then 40 hours a week counting their money its all they do and talk and make orders for others. While people who work on construction or hard menial labour or people in factories etc. get their health destroyed. And you even deny the achievements of socialists, like some days off, sick days etc. weekends free etc. basic improvements.

That's what those in business do. They tell others they're paying to do things what to do. Don't like it, start your own business.

Part of what I do is in construction. I do it in addition to my full time job. I flip houses. While my full time work schedule prevents me from doing more of what you call menial labor, when I get a chance I do much of the work myself. That way when I sell what I've flipped, I make more.

Weekends free? It's easy to tell you're a worker. Can't remember the last time I didn't do something on a weekend. The only thing socialists have done related to that is take more of what I've earned to give to some worthless freeloader that thinks it's owed to him.

That's not a nice way to describe war widows !

A war widow has paid the price. Someone that quit high school and now can't pay the bills can go fuck himself.

Hold on. After that whole Kahn thing, conservatives have made it clear that dead vet family members are not a sacrifice !

After the Khan thing, Liberals have made it clear they'll use dead soldiers to misrepresent things.

I ain't misrepresenting shit . Should I link that thread ?
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...

I don't believe what you SAY. You already said EVERYONE pays a between a certain percentage in taxes then provided a graph that disproved your own claim.
BS. I said for months that fees have to be counted to get the poor into the 20% range. At any rate, the point holds- much of the middle class pays more than the richest in all taxes and fees, the fed income tax obsession of GOP is brainwashed nonsense, and the middle class and the country are going to hell under this Reaganism.

Are you still claiming that your graph shows the 20 - 30% for everyone. I don't give a damn what YOU say. You presented a chart claiming it said what it didn't say then want to include something the chart simply doesn't show.
YEAH- Maybe it's just 19.7%!!!! (sarcasm duh). WTF is wrong with you? The richest don't pay enough and we're going to hell. And you're an idiot. LOL!

Using your chart, it's way less than 19.7%. What was it, 17.5%?

If it weren't for those you chastise paying what they pay, the freeloaders relying on food stamps wouldn't have a damn thing but an empty hand.
Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.

Can't get the link to work.


Thanks . Couple things .

The stat only goes back to 1993. And the basis can be a little misleading . For example , SSI . If you have a disabled kid he can be getting SSI . The whole household now counts as "receiving welfare ". That's a bit misleading . Same as if you had a family taking care of some elderly relative .

Now if you want to talk about the issue if SSI being overdone . I'm with you .

My source showed individuals not households.

From your link .

HHS has calculated the percentage of all persons in the United States who live in families that receive “welfare” going back to fiscal 1993. It has not calculated a percentage for years prior to that.

As defined in the report ("Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors"), a welfare recipient is any person living in a family where someone received benefits from any of just three programs—Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (formerly Aid to Families With Dependent Children), Supplemental Security Income, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or food stamps).

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