Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Republicans have show an open disdain and an unwillingness to work with our President. That is why they could not get a simple thing like Keystone passed.
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little

Keystone didn't pass because of DumBama's environmentalist support. That and Warren Buffet owns the trains that bring the oil into the US from Canada. But liberals aren't smart enough to realize that if there were to be an oil spill, it's more likely to happen by train than by pipeline.

Keystone did not pass because Republicans took a simple pipeline that nobody cared about and turned it into a battle of wills with the President

Guess what? They lost
Not power but assistance to unfortunate citizens...We can't just go west anymore, ya know. Times have changed, dingbats.

Your Jefferson quote appears to be RW crap lol. LINK?

Gee, a "supposed" retired teacher that doesn't know how to use Google. No wonder our public education system is failing.
Keystone did not pass because Republicans took a simple pipeline that nobody cared about and turned it into a battle of wills with the President

Guess what? They lost

They were going to lose no matter what they did. DumBama nor any Democrat would cross their environmentalist buddies.
Keystone did not pass because Republicans took a simple pipeline that nobody cared about and turned it into a battle of wills with the President

Guess what? They lost

They were going to lose no matter what they did. DumBama nor any Democrat would cross their environmentalist buddies.

Once rightwing media got a hold of Keystone and turned it into a political stick to beat the President lost

But have Republicans won on any major argument with the President?
If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

You premise is false. Peters have decided to help Pauls.

Now, there is a fringe Peter element, I casually call them rightwing assholes, that don't want to help, but most Peters consent and agree it is the right thing to do.
You premise is false. Peters have decided to help Pauls.

Now, there is a fringe Peter element, I casually call them rightwing assholes, that don't want to help, but most Peters consent and agree it is the right thing to do.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft.

Theft is the act of taking ones property against their will giving them no reasonable alternative.

Somebody walks up to you on the street, points a gun at you demanding all your money. You have no reasonable alternative. You can willing give him your money, or he shoots you and takes your money.

The Paul's of our society are getting aggravated just like they were in the 90's when welfare reform was passed. The problem is Democrats have created so many government dependents that they are now outnumbering the people who work. DumBama created 25 million new government dependents on food stamps alone and Commie Care created another 15 million. This is no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
What I can't stand are people like you that say you care then think showing it involves forcing others to fund it. If you cared, you'd do on your own without being told and not involved the government. Why do you need the government telling you that you need to do something you already say needs to be done? Proves you don't care.

No thanks, I have a day job with side work already. I like paying taxes and letting government handle it.

If you have to be told what to do, it proves you don't care. It also proves you're a lazy little bastard that can't think for himself.
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.
It's OK that you get handouts. If you're so meaningless that you have to have it to live, I can live without it. Understand one thing. Even with you having it handed to you and it be taken from me, I'll still have way more than you ever will.

Oh fuck you, I happen to work, make good money, and pay a lot of taxes.

Not everyone in this world is an asshole like yourself that just can't stand the thought of some of your taxes going to help someone.
Prove it.

What I can't stand are people like you that say you care then think showing it involves forcing others to fund it. If you cared, you'd do on your own without being told and not involved the government. Why do you need the government telling you that you need to do something you already say needs to be done? Proves you don't care.
When left to their own devices businesses usually tell their fellow citizens to go to hell.

I'm not talking about businesses but individuals like antontoo that say they care then think supporting someone else being force to fund it makes them compassionate. If they cared as much as they say, they'd do what they say needs to be done without being told and with their own money.
I disagree as most of today's economic misery has been caused by businesses.

You have a right to be wrong. It's been caused by the government. Businesses simply reacted and get blamed when they fight back. It's like the Obamacare debacle. The Democrats played politics by setting standard to which businesses had to comply provided they meet certain thresholds. When businesses reacted by doing things that put them below the threshold, businesses get blamed for doing business and nothing is said about the politics used by the government to which businesses reacted. If businesses are in business to make a profit, do you expect them to sit on their asses when the politic playing government, to use a sports analogy, runs a play?
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.

Can't get the link to work.
Oh fuck you, I happen to work, make good money, and pay a lot of taxes.

Not everyone in this world is an asshole like yourself that just can't stand the thought of some of your taxes going to help someone.
Prove it.

What I can't stand are people like you that say you care then think showing it involves forcing others to fund it. If you cared, you'd do on your own without being told and not involved the government. Why do you need the government telling you that you need to do something you already say needs to be done? Proves you don't care.
When left to their own devices businesses usually tell their fellow citizens to go to hell.

I'm not talking about businesses but individuals like antontoo that say they care then think supporting someone else being force to fund it makes them compassionate. If they cared as much as they say, they'd do what they say needs to be done without being told and with their own money.
I disagree as most of today's economic misery has been caused by businesses.

You have a right to be wrong. It's been caused by the government. Businesses simply reacted and get blamed when they fight back. It's like the Obamacare debacle. The Democrats played politics by setting standard to which businesses had to comply provided they meet certain thresholds. When businesses reacted by doing things that put them below the threshold, businesses get blamed for doing business and nothing is said about the politics used by the government to which businesses reacted. If businesses are in business to make a profit, do you expect them to sit on their asses when the politic playing government, to use a sports analogy, runs a play?
It's a tug of war but businesses were far from starving before Reagan.
Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.
STILL 3-400 BILLION for assistance for victims of most recent GOP corrupt depression, 7-8 TRILLION in all...Great job!

That assumes they weren't already getting it before Bush.
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...

I don't believe what you SAY. You already said EVERYONE pays a between a certain percentage in taxes then provided a graph that disproved your own claim.
BS. I said for months that fees have to be counted to get the poor into the 20% range. At any rate, the point holds- much of the middle class pays more than the richest in all taxes and fees, the fed income tax obsession of GOP is brainwashed nonsense, and the middle class and the country are going to hell under this Reaganism.

Are you still claiming that your graph shows the 20 - 30% for everyone. I don't give a damn what YOU say. You presented a chart claiming it said what it didn't say then want to include something the chart simply doesn't show.
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.
Send the business visas home, bring back off-shored white collar jobs and send trespassers home.
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.

Can't get the link to work.

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
The House and Senate are run by the republicans....they control the spending.....Shrub left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for FY2008 and destroyed the whole economy. Obama cut the annual deficit in half.

Actually, the facts are somewhat different ... Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate.
If control means 200+ filibusters in 2 years, dupe. lol. Actual control about 30 days in session, all spent on ACA. D'OH!

Control means having a majority just like you consider Republicans having that majority as having control. Typical Liberal double standard where the same conditions mean something different when Democrats fail to do anything.
The difference being that the DEMS are not a lockstep disgrace, always have 4
or 5 Senators who'll go along, and believe in compromise and good government. Control means being able to get things done, dingbat dupe.

You mean like Obamacare? Democrats were in lockstep fighting to see which one could kiss Obama's ass the quickest.
That doesn't include social security, retard. I referenced MEANS-TESTED programs. Do you know what that means.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Contributory programs (Social Security, Medicare) and Non-Contributory programs (the 13 where someone doesn't contribute to the pot from which they draw).

Retard, here is number of people receiving means-tested programs:

52 million - 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

The only way to make into 100 million is to throw in social security, which is where you I thought you were getting your number from...but nope, I stand corrected, you were just using bullshit number.

This says otherwise and it references HHS numbers:

108 million freeloader using non-contributory program. That means they get but don't put in.

Another 43 million receiving contributory programs. That means they had to put in in order to get out.

Even with your number, and it's not true, that mean 1 in every 4 people in this country is a freeloader. You don't seem to care.
Send the business visas home, bring back off-shored white collar jobs and send trespassers home.

Deport the illegal, offer those jobs to freeloaders, cut them off from the dole if they turn those jobs down.

Solve two problems. Illegals gone and freeloaders either working or they get nothing.

So, you invoke your nonsense in your own signature, and we're supposed to be somehow impressed by that?

Consistently, throughout this thread, your comments have been challenged, and you have just as consistently failed to respond to the challenge.

Frankly, you're getting b-o-r-i-n-g.
Sig is more facts than you've heard in years, dupe.

You posted a chart yesterday claiming it said something it didn't. The numbers you said it showed did not do that. Rather than being stand up about it and admit you were wrong, something everyone knows Liberal don't do, you tried to make an excuse and add something to it the chart didn't show nor that you could prove.
Idiot. The graph shows that the rich don't pay their fair share, despite you dupe's obsession with the poor, who pay around 20% in all taxes and fees, as I've been saying for many months. EVERYONE pays between about 20% and 30% in ALL taxes and fees, and the middle class and the country continue to be slowly ruined. Great job, New BS GOP and you silly brainwashed functional morons.

It disproves you claim. Your chart doesn't show what you said. Then you said with fees it does despite showing nothing related to fees. Now, you say around 20%. I don't give a damn what you say. If you're going to show a chart that doesn't say what you claim it says, don't be shocked when someone calls you a liar.
STILL 3-400 BILLION for assistance for victims of most recent GOP corrupt depression, 7-8 TRILLION in all...Great job!

That assumes they weren't already getting it before Bush.
Did you miss the corrupt Boooshie DEPRESSION? That's what those extra figures are for...

I don't believe what you SAY. You already said EVERYONE pays a between a certain percentage in taxes then provided a graph that disproved your own claim.
BS. I said for months that fees have to be counted to get the poor into the 20% range. At any rate, the point holds- much of the middle class pays more than the richest in all taxes and fees, the fed income tax obsession of GOP is brainwashed nonsense, and the middle class and the country are going to hell under this Reaganism.

Are you still claiming that your graph shows the 20 - 30% for everyone. I don't give a damn what YOU say. You presented a chart claiming it said what it didn't say then want to include something the chart simply doesn't show.
You know what fees are and how much they kill the poorest, a-hole? I guess not.

The obvious point is that the richest don't pay their fair share. Neither do giant corps. And the middle class is ruined under Reaganism. You are a gd moron. You don't even need to be brainwashed. Ay caramba.

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