Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

He's talking about multi-millionaires and billionaires...

He's talking about sitcoms and movies that portray millionaires and billionaires.

No, I am taking about people I have researched and know something about. Sure there are some self made millionaires but a lot of them inherited their wealth. The self-made rich folks came about due to luck, some hard work and perseverance if you believe their version…but there is always another story they would rather you and I didn't know about how they gained their wealth. There may be a few exceptions.
Stop being silly. If you make $20,000 a year it is impossible to live a $200,000 a year lifestyle. A family of 4 is impoverished if their income is 20,000. And their kids will have to go to school wearing second hand clothing and worn shoes. They will have to suffer all the indignations other more affluent kids heap upon them. If they do graduate from high school, college is out of the question unless they get an academic or athletic scholarship. But all too often, the damage done by poverty has already taken it's toll and the kids drop out to become fringe elements in an unsympathetic society.

That being said I want to make it clear that I am not talking about Black kids only. The face of poverty in America is White.

Then that begs the question: why did those people have children they couldn't afford in the first place?
Ask your parents!!!
No, I am taking about people I have researched and know something about. Sure there are some self made millionaires but a lot of them inherited their wealth. The self-made rich folks came about due to luck, some hard work and perseverance if you believe their version…but there is always another story they would rather you and I didn't know about how they gained their wealth. There may be a few exceptions.

Yes, just a few:

NCPA Study: Inheritance Has Little To Do With Wealth
Clinton? What? And for the millionth time, Obama got ACA, the stim, and Dodd-Frank. And 200+ filibusters.

Clinton got tax increases for the wealthy. DumBama got tax increases for the wealthy, corporations, and capital gains. DumBama got the failing ACA with Dems only.
Clinton? What? And for the millionth time, Obama got ACA, the stim, and Dodd-Frank. And 200+ filibusters.

Clinton got tax increases for the wealthy. DumBama got tax increases for the wealthy, corporations, and capital gains. DumBama got the failing ACA with Dems only.
4% lol. Right, Dems had control for a month. Like most dupes, you believe the lie he had 2 years and his policies are to blame. Pffffftt!!
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland

How is this possible?

They have minorities in ghettoes who get left behind....duh.

Who is running those ten cities?
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland

How is this possible?

They have minorities in ghettoes who get left behind....duh.

Who is running those ten cities?
Reaganism rolls on, blacks get rolled over, dupe. What about Atlanta, NYC, and LA. But thanks for the bs propaganda...
Yes, socialism can sure explain tax procedure, tax rates and tax return.

The particular benefit of socialism doing the job is that the companies can expand their business and include other companies in their exchanges within the national and international economy.
Other political approaches would either enhance the companies' organizations already established that are still developing their profits internally, or would include the general public as well as private companies and governmental agencies in promoting more benefits to the American economy by an increase in taxation.

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No, I am taking about people I have researched and know something about. Sure there are some self made millionaires but a lot of them inherited their wealth. The self-made rich folks came about due to luck, some hard work and perseverance if you believe their version…but there is always another story they would rather you and I didn't know about how they gained their wealth. There may be a few exceptions.

Yes, just a few:

NCPA Study: Inheritance Has Little To Do With Wealth

My point is that to build wealth you have to have people working for you for a small portion of what YOU gain from their labor!
Ray Ray, would you look at the disparity of income distribution since 1980? Those republican policies sure worked well for the working man.

Good ole Ray will tell you if those low end workers would only buckle down and work harder they would make as much as anyone

Not at all. Chances are slim to none that a low-income worker would earn as much as I simply by working harder. Now, if they were willing to learn a good trade, improve their education at the same time, yep, their limits are only limited by what is in their heart...whether they want success or WANT SUCCESS.
Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland

How is this possible?

They have minorities in ghettoes who get left behind....duh.

Who is running those ten cities?
Reaganism rolls on, blacks get rolled over, dupe. What about Atlanta, NYC, and LA. But thanks for the bs propaganda...

How does Reaganism roll on when it is Democrats who are running those cities? Atlanta, NYC, and LA are all run by Democrats as well. Why didn't you include Chicago and New Orleans?
No one wants to take anything from you. You are probably one of those 80% struggling to get or maintain a piece of the small slice of wealth left to us by the 20%. If you actually worked for what you have I respect you. If you are like Trump, who never worked a day in his life, I don't respect you.

Yeah, Trump never worked a day in his life. He just sat home and millions came rushing through his doorway.

You people on the left need to get away from your television and movies. Movies are a bad source to get your financial information from.

People who work for a living never get rich, People who know how to be good thieves and how to work the system never get their hands dirty. They just exploit the clock punchers and reap the profits their workers make. Then, to protect their ill gotten assets, they send the sons and daughters of the poor and lower middle classes off to fight for their interests…all in the name of patriotism. But their children are shielded form the atrocities of war… They go to universities to lear how to exploit the 80% even more…all to graban even bigger share of that sliver of wealth the masses are fawning over.

I beg your pardon. I went from poor --- very poor -- to being "rich". And,I worked for a living to get there. Shielded from the atrocities of war? I did two tours in Vietnam. Believe me, I strongly resent your childish characterization.

Your whole post smacks of jealousy.
WELL, PRAY TELL, how did you amass your fortune? BTW if you have less than 500 million don't bother responding.

Busted my ass ... worked 3 jobs until I was 49 years old ... one of them was as a member of USAF. Started my own tech business when I retired from AF ... grew it to 200 employees ... sold it. Revenue at time of sale ... $131 million. Started another ... grew it to 420 employees .... sold it. Revenue at time of sale ... #481 million. Started a 3rd business ... currently at 140 employees, 2015 revenue ... $86 million.

You'll notice .... I responded, though I must admit, I haven't crossed the $500 million threshold .... yet.
He's talking about multi-millionaires and billionaires...

He's talking about sitcoms and movies that portray millionaires and billionaires.

No, I am taking about people I have researched and know something about. Sure there are some self made millionaires but a lot of them inherited their wealth. The self-made rich folks came about due to luck, some hard work and perseverance if you believe their version…but there is always another story they would rather you and I didn't know about how they gained their wealth. There may be a few exceptions.

Unmitigated absolute and complete bullshit ....
Yes, socialism can sure explain tax procedure, tax rates and tax return.

The particular benefit of socialism doing the job is that the companies can expand their business and include other companies in their exchanges within the national and international economy.
Other political approaches would either enhance the companies' organizations already established that are still developing their profits internally, or would include the general public as well as private companies and governmental agencies in promoting more benefits to the American economy by an increase in taxation.

Apparently, you do not understand the meaning of Socialism.

Allow me:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Yes, socialism can sure explain tax procedure, tax rates and tax return.

The particular benefit of socialism doing the job is that the companies can expand their business and include other companies in their exchanges within the national and international economy.
Other political approaches would either enhance the companies' organizations already established that are still developing their profits internally, or would include the general public as well as private companies and governmental agencies in promoting more benefits to the American economy by an increase in taxation.

Apparently, you do not understand the meaning of Socialism.

Allow me:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The thread is inquiring about practice, not about theory.
Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.
That's barely progressive. The corp figures are actually upside down. Great job!

Of course, corporate "figures" have nothing to do with it.

Tell me ... how come your hallowed table (misleading as it is) doesn't have a tax consumption column? Which one of your "divisions" - something you seem to be particularly good at - consume the most tax dollars?
If corps don't pay, who does, dupe?

Tax consumption is hard to say...who uses infrastructure the most? Etc etc etc....The point is, who's laughing to the bank? Who's losing? see sig.

Corps don't pay .... citizens pay. Oh wait ... they already do.

You are just trying to find an alternative source so you don't have to pay. Pretty damn selfish, if you ask me.
Corps paid 30% of total in the 50's, now 10%. Don't be such a chump. I don't mind paying my fair share, but resent GOP fat cats ruining our country.

Will you please tell us all specifically WHO PAYS CORPORATE TAXES? Where does that money originate?

I'd be willing to bet that you believe your employer pays half of your payment to Social Security too.

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