Can some one tell me what Paula Deen did?


Mar 2, 2013
From everything I've seen, her admission, under oath, to saying the "N" word several decades ago is the reason for all these contract cancellations.

There must be something else, isn't there. This just doesn't pass the common sense test!
Good question...
Some say it had something to do with her using the N word in jokes years ago.
Some reports were about her wanting to use all black waiters at a function like it was done years
ago then she backed off saying she would catch grief for it so it never happened.
Then it was something she did recently that's why the law suit.

All I really know is that people she had a relationship with in business like the food Network and publishers dropped her so fast it wasn't funny.

And what exactly did she do?....

I really don't know.
Paula Deen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What Wiki doesn't tell you is this is blackmail. Jackson's lawyer sent a letter to Deen saying, in effect, "Settle with us for $1.25 million or we'll go public and destroy your brand."

Jackson isn't black, by the way.

Paula Deen Fires Back In ?N Word? Lawsuit: Former GM Wanted $1.25 Million Settlement | Radar Online

Deen fired back in court documents filed Friday in Georgia and states: “Prior to the filing of this suit, Jackson repeatedly threatened to assert scurrilous claims publicly in the press unless huge sums of money were paid to Jackson and her counsel, which demand was refused. Jackson’s suit should be dismissed, for among other reasons, on equitable grounds on the basis of clean hands.”

According to a letter from Jackson’s attorney, she would settle out of court for $1.25 million, but Deen’s lawyers declined that offer, and shortly thereafter the lawsuit was filed.​
Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.
What Paula Deen Did: refused to be blackmailed by an employee who threatened to accuse her in public if she didn't fork over $1M+.
Being herself didn't pass muster with the honest, truthful concerned corporations that sponsored her. They are such honest corporate citizens, and oh, so holy, sins are never excused, the show must go on.

My rant is here:

See link at bottom of rant, interesting piece. PS I'm still not sure what to make of this?

Nice to see you participate in a lynching.

So, what are your thoughts on Alec Baldwin?
It s clear that she did absolutely nothing. Her sponsors just wanted to punish her for no reason. Isn't it obvious?

Her sponsors are reacting to bad PR.

Corporate blackmail is the way racebaiting hustlers like Jesse Jackson have made a living for years. Good for Paula for not falling for it.
What Paula Deen Did: refused to be blackmailed by an employee who threatened to accuse her in public if she didn't fork over $1M+.

You don't know that. It hasn't gone to trial.

And again, the Food Network, as well as Wal-Mart, Target, et al, would have run the suit by their lawyers immediately to see if it had legs. If it was as frivolous as you say they wouldn't be treating her like toxic waste, now would they?

This fantasy would have us believe that all any of us has to do to destroy a rich celeb is make up a story and threaten a lawsuit.

I love these internet wags who know who all the guilty/not guilty parties are before trail, before evidence, before discovery, all via the internets, which of course are always right.
Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

Excellent job, well done.

You’ve provided an accurate, succinct, and factual account of the issue.

One small problem…

For conservatives the facts are meaningless.

This is yet another opportunity for the right to whine about the myth of ‘political correctness,’ make hyperbolic and hysterical proclamations concerning ‘reverse discrimination,’ and how the poor, oppressed white man suffers under the infamous burden of a racial ‘double standard.’
Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

Excellent job, well done.

You’ve provided an accurate, succinct, and factual account of the issue.

One small problem…

For conservatives the facts are meaningless.

This is yet another opportunity for the right to whine about the myth of ‘political correctness,’ make hyperbolic and hysterical proclamations concerning ‘reverse discrimination,’ and how the poor, oppressed white man suffers under the infamous burden of a racial ‘double standard.’
Pointing to your own bigotry as proof of a claim proves only that you're a bigot.

Prediction: You will fail to see how that applies to you, and will make some faux-superior comment to flap the shreds of your fragile ego.
Being herself didn't pass muster with the honest, truthful concerned corporations that sponsored her. They are such honest corporate citizens, and oh, so holy, sins are never excused, the show must go on.

My rant is here:

See link at bottom of rant, interesting piece. PS I'm still not sure what to make of this?

Nice to see you participate in a lynching.

So, what are your thoughts on Alec Baldwin?

I was hoping more would chime in with "things that Paula didn't do". :eusa_whistle:
during the dozen years I lived in a predominantly black neighborhood...

(and, believe me, I was 'bout the only white face around...)

there were at least a half-dozen instances of me coming home to find my house broken into and stuff stolen...

btw... I loved my black neighbors... and I miss living there... and I really hate living in white-bread land...

but, back then, whenever I'd come home to find my house broken into and my stuff stolen, I'm pretty sure that, at the time, I muttered under my breath sumpin' like "fuckin' *******..."

so, fry me...

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