Can some one tell me what Paula Deen did?

during the dozen years I lived in a predominantly black neighborhood...

(and, believe me, I was 'bout the only white face around...)

there were at least a half-dozen instances of me coming home to find my house broken into and stuff stolen...

btw... I loved my black neighbors... and I miss living there... and I really hate living in white-bread land...

but, back then, whenever I'd come home to find my house broken into and my stuff stolen, I'm pretty sure that, at the time, I muttered under my breath sumpin' like "fuckin' *******..."

so, fry me...

Can do, but first we need you to have your brother run a restaurant where he runs around drunk, watches porn in front of his female staff, treats them all like shit and goes home with the register cash. Then when the staff complains we'll all talk about that time 30 years ago when your house got popped.

Get dat done and you too can be an internet board legend. :rolleyes:
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An' Paula don't do dit....

"WINNSBORO, La. - State police say a 20-year woman suffering from extensive burns apparently made up a story about being set on fire by three men wearing white hoodies who wrote the initials KKK and a racial slur on her car. Instead, authorities said Tuesday she burned herself and then fabricated the story about being attacked."
Isn't it obvious what Paula Deen did?

She failed to show enough white guilt , which is of course racist in the emerging emotional utopia we call Amerika.
What did Deen do? She was politically incorrect in a politically correct society. She became a target for something she did 30 years ago. Now, instead of people rethinking brash decisions, they may have very well ended her career with malice in their hearts.

What did Paula Deen do? She was a conservative in a liberal America. Where only she can be punished for something like this, whereas people like Alec Baldwin cannot. What did Paula Deen do? She was honest about her past, unlike some people. She is an unfortunate victim of political hypocrisy.

What should she have done? Kept her mouth closed. Regardless of whatever else happened to her, a good PR team would have easily softened the blow. But she did not hire one, and went out on her own. Big mistake. This does not excuse the double standard, however.
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Hello TK,

You mentioned that Paula Deen is a conservative in a liberal America.

I she very political? Is she known for expressing conservative views? I was not aware of that.

I am guessing that you have no clue about her politics. So I must ask, why would you assume that she is a conservative? What gives you that impression?
Hello TK,

You mentioned that Paula Deen is a conservative in a liberal America.

I she very political? Is she known for expressing conservative views? I was not aware of that.

I am guessing that you have no clue about her politics. So I must ask, why would you assume that she is a conservative? What gives you that impression?
You're right. She could be one of those Robert Byrd supporters.
Yanno......................Don Imus made some really fucked up remarks when it came to talking about a bunch of black women on a basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes".

He was only taken off the air for a year.

Me personally? I believe that Mrs. Deen should know that her behavior was unacceptable, but losing her brand and her job? Totally unacceptable on the sides of those who sponsored her.

At the most, maybe a 6 month ban off the airwaves.

And yeah...................I'm a "liberal" according to some on these boards, but shit................she's being unjustly pilloried for what she said a long time ago.

Give her a 6 month break to think about what she'd said, and then put her back on the airwaves. I mean....................a 1 year break kinda smoothed out Imus, didn't it?
From everything I've seen, her admission, under oath, to saying the "N" word several decades ago is the reason for all these contract cancellations.

There must be something else, isn't there. This just doesn't pass the common sense test!

It wasn't just several decades ago, she went into a rant in a restaurant concerning an employee.

And when you are trying to establish and keep a "brand name" that's not something you do.

It was completely self inflicted.
Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

Excellent job, well done.

You’ve provided an accurate, succinct, and factual account of the issue.

One small problem…

For conservatives the facts are meaningless.

This is yet another opportunity for the right to whine about the myth of ‘political correctness,’ make hyperbolic and hysterical proclamations concerning ‘reverse discrimination,’ and how the poor, oppressed white man suffers under the infamous burden of a racial ‘double standard.’

Very true.

And none of them seemed to have a problem with Maher's show "Politically Incorrect" being cancelled or the Dixie Chicks being banned from Clear Channel's airwaves.

Gotta love it.
Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

Excellent job, well done.

You’ve provided an accurate, succinct, and factual account of the issue.

One small problem…

For conservatives the facts are meaningless.

This is yet another opportunity for the right to whine about the myth of ‘political correctness,’ make hyperbolic and hysterical proclamations concerning ‘reverse discrimination,’ and how the poor, oppressed white man suffers under the infamous burden of a racial ‘double standard.’

Very true.

And none of them seemed to have a problem with Maher's show "Politically Incorrect" being cancelled or the Dixie Chicks being banned from Clear Channel's airwaves.

Gotta love it.

Actually, "Politically Incorrect" has been replaced and Bill Maher has a new show.

If you'd check HBO once in a while, you'd see that Bill Maher has a show that is now called "Real Time With Bill Maher", and if you'd actually watch the show, you'd also see that not only does it include left wing types like himself, but he also seems to season the show with a lot of right wing types as well.

I mean shit......................he's even had tea baggers on there to express their viewpoints, even at the round (or rather, roundish triangle) table.
Hello TK,

You mentioned that Paula Deen is a conservative in a liberal America.

I she very political? Is she known for expressing conservative views? I was not aware of that.

I am guessing that you have no clue about her politics. So I must ask, why would you assume that she is a conservative? What gives you that impression?

Paula Deen isn't a Conservative, she was a vocal Obama supporter and donator.
Yanno......................Don Imus made some really fucked up remarks when it came to talking about a bunch of black women on a basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes".

He was only taken off the air for a year.

Me personally? I believe that Mrs. Deen should know that her behavior was unacceptable, but losing her brand and her job? Totally unacceptable on the sides of those who sponsored her.

At the most, maybe a 6 month ban off the airwaves.

And yeah...................I'm a "liberal" according to some on these boards, but shit................she's being unjustly pilloried for what she said a long time ago.

Give her a 6 month break to think about what she'd said, and then put her back on the airwaves. I mean....................a 1 year break kinda smoothed out Imus, didn't it?

Give her a 6 month break to think about something she said 30yrs ago? You're a genius ain't ya. How about the fact that she was a vocal obama supporter? How does that jibe with her having to take off 6 months to think about calling some scumbag who stuck a gun in her head exactly what he was, a ******? Seem to me if she voted for, spoke out for and donated money to a half negro for President she doesn't need to "think about what she said".
Yanno......................Don Imus made some really fucked up remarks when it came to talking about a bunch of black women on a basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes".

He was only taken off the air for a year.

Me personally? I believe that Mrs. Deen should know that her behavior was unacceptable, but losing her brand and her job? Totally unacceptable on the sides of those who sponsored her.

At the most, maybe a 6 month ban off the airwaves.

And yeah...................I'm a "liberal" according to some on these boards, but shit................she's being unjustly pilloried for what she said a long time ago.

Give her a 6 month break to think about what she'd said, and then put her back on the airwaves. I mean....................a 1 year break kinda smoothed out Imus, didn't it?

Give her a 6 month break to think about something she said 30yrs ago? You're a genius ain't ya. How about the fact that she was a vocal obama supporter? How does that jibe with her having to take off 6 months to think about calling some scumbag who stuck a gun in her head exactly what he was, a ******? Seem to me if she voted for, spoke out for and donated money to a half negro for President she doesn't need to "think about what she said".

Doesn't really matter......................if you're a bigoted asshole and say shit that you shouldn't, you need a vacation from your platform.

Speaking of're one of those bigots, ain't ya? Might wanna give yourself a 3 month vacation (because you're only a messagboard idiot) yourself.

However...........................because of the stupidity of your bigotry, I know you won't.

See you tomorrow...........................
Hello TK,

You mentioned that Paula Deen is a conservative in a liberal America.

I she very political? Is she known for expressing conservative views? I was not aware of that.

I am guessing that you have no clue about her politics. So I must ask, why would you assume that she is a conservative? What gives you that impression?

Paula Deen isn't a Conservative, she was a vocal Obama supporter and donator.

Is that right? Who woulda thunk it?

Does that mean that the liberal media has eaten one of its own? Or.....does it mean that the idea of a liberal media is a fallacy?

Helloooooooooo TK! Why did you think Deen is a conservative?
Excellent job, well done.

You’ve provided an accurate, succinct, and factual account of the issue.

One small problem…

For conservatives the facts are meaningless.

This is yet another opportunity for the right to whine about the myth of ‘political correctness,’ make hyperbolic and hysterical proclamations concerning ‘reverse discrimination,’ and how the poor, oppressed white man suffers under the infamous burden of a racial ‘double standard.’

Very true.

And none of them seemed to have a problem with Maher's show "Politically Incorrect" being cancelled or the Dixie Chicks being banned from Clear Channel's airwaves.

Gotta love it.

Actually, "Politically Incorrect" has been replaced and Bill Maher has a new show.

If you'd check HBO once in a while, you'd see that Bill Maher has a show that is now called "Real Time With Bill Maher", and if you'd actually watch the show, you'd also see that not only does it include left wing types like himself, but he also seems to season the show with a lot of right wing types as well.

I mean shit......................he's even had tea baggers on there to express their viewpoints, even at the round (or rather, roundish triangle) table.

Well was.

But Maher was out of work for a while..and he's still pretty bitter about it.

But the point was, no conservatives were lamenting the show's demise. They actually were celebrating it.
Very true.

And none of them seemed to have a problem with Maher's show "Politically Incorrect" being cancelled or the Dixie Chicks being banned from Clear Channel's airwaves.

Gotta love it.

Actually, "Politically Incorrect" has been replaced and Bill Maher has a new show.

If you'd check HBO once in a while, you'd see that Bill Maher has a show that is now called "Real Time With Bill Maher", and if you'd actually watch the show, you'd also see that not only does it include left wing types like himself, but he also seems to season the show with a lot of right wing types as well.

I mean shit......................he's even had tea baggers on there to express their viewpoints, even at the round (or rather, roundish triangle) table.

Well was.

But Maher was out of work for a while..and he's still pretty bitter about it.

But the point was, no conservatives were lamenting the show's demise. They actually were celebrating it.

Really? He was out of work for a while and was bitter about it?


Sorry, but Real Time is much bigger than what Politically Incorrect ever could have thought about being.

I mean....................instead of Christine O'Donnell showing up to talk about how she had sex, he now has many people who are movers and shakers instead of being third rate talk show candidates.

Hate to tell you, but many of Bill Maher's guests have outshined Christine (I'm not a witch) on a regular basis and have done much better.

Matter of fact, I'd love to see Bill Maher have her on his show as a round table participant.

It would be fun to see her taken apart.
From everything I've seen, her admission, under oath, to saying the "N" word several decades ago is the reason for all these contract cancellations.

There must be something else, isn't there. This just doesn't pass the common sense test!

Shes said Michelle Obama had a fat ass
Actually, "Politically Incorrect" has been replaced and Bill Maher has a new show.

If you'd check HBO once in a while, you'd see that Bill Maher has a show that is now called "Real Time With Bill Maher", and if you'd actually watch the show, you'd also see that not only does it include left wing types like himself, but he also seems to season the show with a lot of right wing types as well.

I mean shit......................he's even had tea baggers on there to express their viewpoints, even at the round (or rather, roundish triangle) table.

Well was.

But Maher was out of work for a while..and he's still pretty bitter about it.

But the point was, no conservatives were lamenting the show's demise. They actually were celebrating it.

Really? He was out of work for a while and was bitter about it?


Sorry, but Real Time is much bigger than what Politically Incorrect ever could have thought about being.

I mean....................instead of Christine O'Donnell showing up to talk about how she had sex, he now has many people who are movers and shakers instead of being third rate talk show candidates.

Hate to tell you, but many of Bill Maher's guests have outshined Christine (I'm not a witch) on a regular basis and have done much better.

Matter of fact, I'd love to see Bill Maher have her on his show as a round table participant.

It would be fun to see her taken apart.

Bill Maher vs. Dinesh D'Souza On "Obama's America" Documentary | RealClearPolitics


I'd say so.

Maher also argues with D'Souza about the comments he made about 9/11 that cost him his job with ABC.

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