Can some one tell me what Paula Deen did?

Yanno......................Don Imus made some really fucked up remarks when it came to talking about a bunch of black women on a basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes".

He was only taken off the air for a year.

Me personally? I believe that Mrs. Deen should know that her behavior was unacceptable, but losing her brand and her job? Totally unacceptable on the sides of those who sponsored her.

At the most, maybe a 6 month ban off the airwaves.

And yeah...................I'm a "liberal" according to some on these boards, but shit................she's being unjustly pilloried for what she said a long time ago.

Give her a 6 month break to think about what she'd said, and then put her back on the airwaves. I mean....................a 1 year break kinda smoothed out Imus, didn't it?

Give her a 6 month break to think about something she said 30yrs ago? You're a genius ain't ya. How about the fact that she was a vocal obama supporter? How does that jibe with her having to take off 6 months to think about calling some scumbag who stuck a gun in her head exactly what he was, a ******? Seem to me if she voted for, spoke out for and donated money to a half negro for President she doesn't need to "think about what she said".

Doesn't really matter......................if you're a bigoted asshole and say shit that you shouldn't, you need a vacation from your platform.

Speaking of're one of those bigots, ain't ya? Might wanna give yourself a 3 month vacation (because you're only a messagboard idiot) yourself.

However...........................because of the stupidity of your bigotry, I know you won't.

See you tomorrow...........................

It was 30yrs ago dumbass, and it's OBVIOUS to anyone but a brain dead jackass that if you supported, donated to and campaigned for a sambo that identifies himself as a negro you are obviously NOT a racist, just a dumbass liberal twit.
That 30 years ago lie sure has taken hold in nutterland, hasn't it?

It doesn't take much. Tell some people what they want to hear and off to the echo chamber it goes!
Being herself didn't pass muster with the honest, truthful concerned corporations that sponsored her. They are such honest corporate citizens, and oh, so holy, sins are never excused, the show must go on.

My rant is here:

See link at bottom of rant, interesting piece. PS I'm still not sure what to make of this?

Nice to see you participate in a lynching.

So, what are your thoughts on Alec Baldwin?

I was hoping more would chime in with "things that Paula didn't do". :eusa_whistle:

Lynching? Paula is Paula, is she a racist? I don't know her so I can't say, my point was the biblical one, 'those without sin cast the first stone.' Corporations can cause more harm to people of all colors and blends than all the racists in the US combined. And there are a lot of racists in America, a fact that is lost today in the political correctness that pervades the right and the left. Is Baldwin a racist too or just an frequently obnoxious loud mouth? I don' know him either, he may be all of the above. In the end skirmishes over the trivial hide the fact the fox is at it again. That's not from the Bible or maybe it is. :lol:

"The entire transcript is as revealing as it is fascinating; it’s a bit funny and a bit sad because Deen is so honest and her attitude is utterly unsurprising. I suppose I should be outraged, but I’m not. I’m actually baffled by how much play this story is getting in the news, where everyone seems shocked that an older white woman from the Deep South is racist and harbors a nostalgia for the antebellum era. Or perhaps my lack of surprise reveals my own biases. Though I know better, I have certain ideas about the South. Is this where I say, “I have Southern friends"?" link below

Is this where I say "I have racist friends." :lol:
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That 30 years ago lie sure has taken hold in nutterland, hasn't it?

It doesn't take much. Tell some people what they want to hear and off to the echo chamber it goes!

Yeah, yeah yeah, it wasn't 30yrs ago, you're right, the entire thing is over a statement she made in court about something that she said 27yrs ago not 30yrs. Dumbass.

1986, an armed robber held up the Georgia bank where Deen was working as a teller.

Lawyer: Okay. In what context [did you use the slur]?

Paula: Well, it was probably when a black man burst into the bank that I was working at and put a gun to my head.

Lawyer: Okay. And what did you say?

Paula: Well, I don't remember, but the gun was dancing all around my temple ... I didn't — I didn't feel real favorable towards him.

The lawyer then asks Deen if, in a bold and FUCKING CRAZY move, she directed the n-word at a robber while he was holding a gun to her head. Deen clarifies that she used it to describe him only later, when recounting the story to her husband.
Paula Deen?s ?Bubba? problem - Columns - The Boston Globe

<Bubba admits to drinking on the job, calling his Mexican employee &#8220;amigo,&#8221; remarking on his waitresses&#8217;s bodies, stealing more than $25,000 out of the register, telling a joke about President Obama that used the n-word, going to strip clubs with employees, and viewing porn regularly on the restaurant&#8217;s computer.

Senior staff wanted him to reduce his role to signing autographs.

&#8220;&#8216;I&#8217;ll do whatever y&#8217;all want me to do,&#8221; Bubba told them. But he kept messing up.

After he shook an African-American cook violently by the shoulders, someone sent a message to Deen, who was on a cruise. >
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The only thing that happened since 2005 was that Dean called Michelle Obama a fat ass FLOTUS, this is Michelle revenge
All we seem to know is she is now a racist and radioactive and needs to be punished
and destroyed.

and do you notice how all her attackers, always throw in the fact that she uses butter in her recipes? :cuckoo:
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Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

they call bill clinton bubba.
Paula Deen wasn't a conservative. She is a liberal who campaigned for obama. That does not overcome the disabilities of being white and southern. Certainly not now where the media has an interest in exciting racial animosity because the prosecution is losing in the Zimmerman trial. Someone has to be punished, it may as well be Paul Deen.
white peoples aren't allowed to say black hole either

[ame=]The Black Hole - Commissioner John Wiley Price - YouTube[/ame]
I forgot that blacks wanted this astronomical term changed. Thanks for reminding me.
Yanno......................Don Imus made some really fucked up remarks when it came to talking about a bunch of black women on a basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes".

He was only taken off the air for a year.

Me personally? I believe that Mrs. Deen should know that her behavior was unacceptable, but losing her brand and her job? Totally unacceptable on the sides of those who sponsored her.

At the most, maybe a 6 month ban off the airwaves.

And yeah...................I'm a "liberal" according to some on these boards, but shit................she's being unjustly pilloried for what she said a long time ago.

Give her a 6 month break to think about what she'd said, and then put her back on the airwaves. I mean....................a 1 year break kinda smoothed out Imus, didn't it?

Give her a 6 month break to think about something she said 30yrs ago? You're a genius ain't ya. How about the fact that she was a vocal obama supporter? How does that jibe with her having to take off 6 months to think about calling some scumbag who stuck a gun in her head exactly what he was, a ******? Seem to me if she voted for, spoke out for and donated money to a half negro for President she doesn't need to "think about what she said".

Doesn't really matter......................if you're a bigoted asshole and say shit that you shouldn't, you need a vacation from your platform.

Speaking of're one of those bigots, ain't ya? Might wanna give yourself a 3 month vacation (because you're only a messagboard idiot) yourself.

However...........................because of the stupidity of your bigotry, I know you won't.

See you tomorrow...........................

Seems like he already did.

Didn't work. :dunno:

Doesn't matter anyway, none of this has anything to do with the suit.
Lawsuit comes out, lawyers go to work, public buzz goes to sleep; some anecdote from 30 years ago comes out, we all go "oooh, shiny toys". Way to miss the point.
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Oh fer chrissake, how many times do we have to go through this again?

A manager at one of Paula Deen's businesses filed a lawsuit claiming harassment and assault in the workplace. The central defendant in the suit is Paula Deen's brother, "Bubba".

(I know, just the name "Bubba" should be enough for a settlement right there, right?)

PD is involved because she owns the business and would be by extension negligent in allowing the harassment to continue.

Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got her to tell a story about something from 30 years ago (or 40 or 50, it morphs). Whatever that is and wherever it came from, it has nothing to do with the suit. It's not mentioned in there at all. And the plaintiff only came to the business in 2005, so it wouldn't be relevant anyway.

Now the suit was filed in March; the Food Network, which contracted with PD to run the show, would have had time to run the suit by their lawyers and have them assess whether the suit had merit, and if so, would they stand to be embarrassed when the suit began while they're running her show.

Whatever their lawyers told them we don't know, but FN announced that the contract with Deen would be let to expire. They didn't give a reason, nor did they need to. The suit hasn't gone to trial yet.

That's it. Waiter, check please.

they call bill clinton bubba.

Operative word: "they"

Same "they" also call POTUS "Obummer" :dunno:
What did Deen do? She was politically incorrect in a politically correct society. She became a target for something she did 30 years ago. Now, instead of people rethinking brash decisions, they may have very well ended her career with malice in their hearts.

Ah - no, she failed to control her brother in the business she owns. Or so the plaintiff sez. As a result some private enterprises decided not to continue with new contracts. Not that complex.

What did Paula Deen do? She was a conservative in a liberal America. Where only she can be punished for something like this, whereas people like Alec Baldwin cannot. What did Paula Deen do? She was honest about her past, unlike some people. She is an unfortunate victim of political hypocrisy.

Um- no, she did a TV cooking show. There's no "left" or "right" in cooking except which stove burner is on. That's of course not the point; she's the owner of a business that is under fire for its internal workplace practices. That makes her a responsible party.

I mean it's a nice fantasy to pretend it's all about this shiny object. It isn't. But the more we pretend it is here in the public buzz, the more we make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What should she have done? Kept her mouth closed. Regardless of whatever else happened to her, a good PR team would have easily softened the blow. But she did not hire one, and went out on her own. Big mistake. This does not excuse the double standard, however.

None of that would have addressed the suit. The legal complaint says nothing about Paula Deen's vocabulary.

This is basically like tuning in a TV football game only to find that instead of calling the action on the field, all they talk about is how Plaxico Burris took a gun into a nightclub. Harassment in the workplace? Nobody's interested. Let's get off on this racism tangent. And of course, butter. Doesn't anybody wanna talk about porn?
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Being herself didn't pass muster with the honest, truthful concerned corporations that sponsored her. They are such honest corporate citizens, and oh, so holy, sins are never excused, the show must go on.

My rant is here:

See link at bottom of rant, interesting piece. PS I'm still not sure what to make of this?

I think she thought that coming out and admitting to using the stupid word would make her look better.. Plus, what she said was out of anger 30 yrs ago.
Oh well, she just proved that voting for Obama doesnt mean ya cant be a racist...
(just kidding...I dont think the lady is a racist, but just an idiot)

I have to say though.. I agree with most of what ya said in the link that ya posted.

For once we found a little common ground :eusa_shhh:
So.......................I guess the "plantation themed wedding" which was to be catered exclusively by middle aged black men in white coats isn't racist?

She did that just a couple of years ago, and it is because of that particular incident that the lawsuit is being brought up. Her saying the word "******" is just the icing on the cake.

Even so, I still don't believe she should lose her shows and sponsors, just be put out on vacation for around 6 months to cool her heels.
So.......................I guess the "plantation themed wedding" which was to be catered exclusively by middle aged black men in white coats isn't racist?

She did that just a couple of years ago, and it is because of that particular incident that the lawsuit is being brought up. Her saying the word "******" is just the icing on the cake.

Even so, I still don't believe she should lose her shows and sponsors, just be put out on vacation for around 6 months to cool her heels.

No, it really isn't. The lawsuit was brought by a former employe who worked under Deen's brother. It's a complaint about workplace conditions -- his sexual harassment, assaults on workers, his taking cash out of the drawer, watching porn in front of his employees, verbal abuse, his drunkenness, that sort of thing. That's what generated the lawsuit. Deen herself is named because she's the owner of that business and didn't control him.

Amazing how these myths birth themselves....
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