Can Somebody Help Me Find A Link For Something Joe Biden Related Please?

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Does not matter what the DNA is.
What does matter is that a fat cell has no sentience and never will.
If a fetus is developing without a head, then it should also be removed because it is never song to be sentient either.
It is sentience that matters, not DNA, heartbeat, or anything else.

It does matter what the DNA is. For a zygote or embryo or fetus, the DNA is totally distinct. It is not a part of the mother. It is a unique human being.

By contrast, a fat cell’s DNA is the same as the hosts. It IS a part of that host.

I can choose to lob off a cancerous prostate. I can choose to lob off a dangerously inflamed appendix. Those things are part of me.

A preborn baby? Not so much.
I could see if the infant was actually terminally ill but spinal bifida? Get a fucking clue!! :rolleyes:

It does matter what the DNA is. For a zygote or embryo or fetus, the DNA is totally distinct. It is not a part of the mother. It is a unique human being.

By contrast, a fat cell’s DNA is the same as the hosts. It IS a part of that host.

I can choose to lob off a cancerous prostate. I can choose to lob off a dangerously inflamed appendix. Those things are part of me.

A preborn baby? Not so much.

Totally irrelevant.
When a human cell become malignant, it no longer shares the same DNA as its host, but you kill it anyway.
Cancerous prostate is NOT the same DNA.
Totally irrelevant.
When a human cell become malignant, it no longer shares the same DNA as its host, but you kill it anyway.
Cancerous prostate is NOT the same DNA.
Yes, it is, you retard. The fact that my prostate cells have been invaded by cancer doesn’t change the fact that they are my cells.

Jesus! You’re truly a retard.
Of course the choice is totally up to the parents and doctors.
No one else.
Especially NOT lawyers or politicians, (since they are inherently subhuman).
Wrong, you moron. Upon conception, the individual created is a unique human life. It’s right to life isn’t up to you. Or to anyone else.

Does not matter.
Pick any birth defect that precludes viability, is painful, and costs a bundle.
For example, those who do survive spinal bifida, cost almost $1 million.
The estimated lifetime cost of care for a person with spina bifida, with caregiving costs, is $791,900.
Yes, it is, you retard. The fact that my prostate cells have been invaded by cancer doesn’t change the fact that they are my cells.

Jesus! You’re truly a retard.

Cancer is NOT an "invasion".
Cancer is where your own cells have mutated DNA that has an abnormally high growth rate.
Cells that have become cancerous are your own cells, but no longer have identical DNA.
Cancer is where your own cells have mutated DNA that has an abnormally high growth rate.
Cells that have become cancerous are your own cells, but no longer have identical DNA.

A fifth grader could tell you that that isn't right.
Wrong, you moron. Upon conception, the individual created is a unique human life. It’s right to life isn’t up to you. Or to anyone else.

If the parents deem the newborn will never have a quality life, then it is their responsibility to do the right thing and end it quickly and without pain.
If the parents deem the newborn will never have a quality life, then it is their responsibility to do the right thing and end it quickly and without pain.
Absolutely wrong. Immoral and illegal.

But other than that, you’re still a complete moron.
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