Joe Biden Reveals What World Leaders Are Telling Him About trump

Kerik was selling propaganda to radicalize the base. He is to Rudy what Rudy is to Trump.
What he says is political theater. Good God man.
Than teh other link was of a mad women, not even American. Foreign actors have caled for teh assassination of USA officials forever.

Do you have ANYTHING of substance? ANYTHING?
I do! You're a fuckin' peckerhead. :dunno:

With mighty dubious English skills.
A few points
I am not liberal
College would be of benefit to you, any education would e of benefit to you
I understand why you have turned off your critical thinking skills to join the cult and that explain things to you is pointless. A fMRI scan of your brain would show this.

It is amazing the things you can learn in college and how dumb you stay without making an effort to learn.
Oh look it's an elitist Dem snob. Still paying off your student loans loser? :auiqs.jpg:
So Biden said some people told him this I will take this seriously when Joe lets us know what cornpops take on Trump is.
There is no doubt that our Allies are very worried about a second Trump term. Trump has absolutely no respect for our alliances. They know Trump will tear these treaties up. Our adversaries are routing for a Trump presidency. Why wouldn’t they? Putin would gain Ukraine; China would most likely get free rein to do what it wants in Taiwan; Kim Jung Un gets a friend in the White House who will suck up to him. Above all our adversaries get a leader in Trump who will rip asunder not only our alliances, but the Country as well. Our Allies are right to be afraid.
The Allies have been fxcking us for long enough. They can take 12 week vacations because we pay for their defense. The Chinese ignore intellectual property rights and use child slave labor. I would like to see Trump ally with Putin and go after the Ziocons.
Gee, little buddy...if our economy is so strong and we're producing so much oil...why hasn't Joe Biden put back all of the oil he took out of the Strategic Oil Reserve?

Because the US has the highest production costs in the world.
It's much more likely that the threat to Trump's life will come from a secret service agent who acts on behalf of his country. Either that or some patriot from within.
You think it's patriotic to kill a Presidential candidate? What country would that agent be representing China just like Joe?

Joe Biden Reveals What World Leaders Are Telling Him About trump

President Biden recently revealed that multiple world leaders have expressed to him their fear of trump returning to the White House.

“‘I’ve been doing foreign policy for a long, long time,’ Biden told the congregation at Brookland Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, over the weekend.”

“‘I know every one of those heads of state, and I’ve known them for a while. And every meeting I go to internationally, as they’re walking out, this is the God’s truth […] virtually every one of them pull me aside and says, ‘You’ve got to win. We can’t let that happen again. You can’t let that happen again. You can’t let that happen again.’”

Given trump’s negative effect on the foreign billionaires’ profits during his first stint in the White House, the economic threat he poses if elected again is disastrous. Understanding the power these foreign billionaires wield, it will be surprising if a consortium of these European oligarchs don’t establish an assassin squad to put an abrupt end to trump’s third presidential campaign. As Election Day 2024 approaches, trump’s Secret Service bodyguards must become increasingly alert.

Like U.S. billionaires, the foreign oligarchs must guard their wealth carefully, and trump’s constant Nazi-speak has long been heard outside the United States. His hate-speech has not been “normalized” by the foreign press the way it has by most U.S. news outlets. Coupled with late-night comics’ monologues on U.S. television, which tend to make trump appear as a harmless buffoon, the sanitized news reports of trump heard by Americans belie his true malevolence and corruption.

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Foreigners aren't stupid. They know Trump's history. They know what he is.


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