Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

While I do not believe the elections were bad, there is nothing illegal about challenging them and demanding a delay in accepting the state results.
The only reason to ignore the suspicions about the election results is if they really have been illegally manipulated.
You don't challenge national elections at the ceremonial reading of the 50 state certified electoral college recording in the House of Representatives.
I'm not ignoring them, I'm call them out as the lies they are.

Does not matter if the source of the election fraud claims were lies or not.
Those believing them were only guilty of being naive, not criminals.
They should not have been denied reasonable bail, and to do so is SO criminal, as to make the entire government complicit in crime.
When you have honest people who wrongly believe the election was defrauded, you do NOT arrest them.
Instead you try to be lenient in order to convince them.
The harsher you are, the more you prove them right.
An actual discussion in here with a conservative or orange sycophant? Is that possible?

Discuss the pandemic? Orange sycophants scream communism.

The 2020 election? Oh, it was stolen without any proof.

The 1/6/2021 coup attempt? Just tourists or an FBI false flag operation and NAZIs.

The 3.9% unemployment rate? The BLS is lying and communism.

Media? It's all Liberal. FOX hosts texting the former 1-term president on 1/6 and before is not anything.

Russian influence on our elections? The Ruskies love Biden and so do the Ghinese and terrorists...

COVID? Everyone is lying and the Ghinese made it in a lab directed personally by Doctor Fauci.

And so on and so...
does your wife know she married a complete BITCH?
No otto, It's all over these boards....I won't play the game of wasting time yet again, posting what you refuse to acknowledge...
Dude, you can't play the game because the evidence doesn't exist.

You can't play because you know that.

Yesterday GA Secretary of State in an interview on 620 WTMJ in Milwaukee refuted the lie from sycophants that as many as 10,000 dead people voted in the 2020 election.

He stated that a state review found just 4 cases of people who voted absentee and died before the election.

I guess I was lucky in that I never fully bought into it. I kept a core of values that only allowed me to go so far, usually just to fit in, often to fit in with clients. When I was behaving like the progs behave, I knew it was wrong. It was such a huge relief to finally let it all go and be moral and clean again!
Yeah, good olde conservative core values which include but are not limited to;

Intolerance of homosexuality

White privilege/nationalism

Intolerance of Diversity

Intolerance of other religions/beliefs
Well of course he wanted to! If somebody committed a felony and there was enough proof to convict them, even if people said they were innocent,.. wouldn't you still want their asses thrown behind bars?
After 63 trips to court, there were no felonies proved. Trump simply wanted to overthrow the legitimate election, he lost. This is contrary to the Constitution. He just felt personal entitlement and acted against his oath of office, like the anti-American scum he is.
Does not matter if the source of the election fraud claims were lies or not.
Those believing them were only guilty of being naive, not criminals.
They should not have been denied reasonable bail, and to do so is SO criminal, as to make the entire government complicit in crime.
When you have honest people who wrongly believe the election was defrauded, you do NOT arrest them.
Instead you try to be lenient in order to convince them.
The harsher you are, the more you prove them right.
Dude, apples and oranges.

If you post on the internet you believe the election lies nobody is coming for you.

If you break into our US Capitol to stop an election you are clearly going to be arrested.
Note to anyone who thinks conservative can discuss anything.
:auiqs.jpg: show me a liberal worth discussing something with and I will have at it.

You aint it. You pathetic moron.

Tell ya what. I will lay off your stupid ass just long enough to give you the chance to answer the question posed by the OP.

Once that time has right back on your moms tits and you're dumb ass. Now......GOOOOOO
While I do not believe the elections were bad, there is nothing illegal about challenging them and demanding a delay in accepting the state results.
The only reason to ignore the suspicions about the election results is if they really have been illegally manipulated.
He had no proof of that during the two months after the election or in any of the state or federal courts. You might say he had shitty lawyers, unwilling to say it out loud in court, but that doesn't change anything. There were no and are no legitimate suspicions left, except the suspicion he attempted to overthrow the election.
Yeah, good olde conservative core values which include but are not limited to;

Intolerance of homosexuality

White privilege/nationalism

Intolerance of Diversity

Intolerance of other religions/beliefs
In your world. If that's what you must believe to get your ass to sleep at night, so let it be.
After 63 trips to court, there were no felonies proved. Trump simply wanted to overthrow the legitimate election, he lost. This is contrary to the Constitution. He just felt personal entitlement and acted against his oath of office, like the anti-American scum he is.

So you never heard of guilty people going free? It's happening right now for goodness sake!
You don't challenge national elections at the ceremonial reading of the 50 state certified electoral college recording in the House of Representatives.

That is EXACTLY when and how they should be challenged by a suspicious population that believes they are being defrauded!

I personally do not believe the states could be so corrupt that some one would not have divulged the fraud, and that someone would have raised a red flag.
But if you do not trust the state machinery, (and no one should trust state political machinery), then the ONLY possible means of drawing attention to your suspicious would be at the federal certification process.
There is absolutely no other possible place or time.

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