Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

:auiqs.jpg: show me a liberal worth discussing something with and I will have at it.

You aint it. You pathetic moron.

Tell ya what. I will lay off your stupid ass just long enough to give you the chance to answer the question posed by the OP.

Once that time has right back on your moms tits and you're dumb ass. Now......GOOOOOO
You can try to come at me, but you don't have the goods.

You just have your childish temper.
That's the thing j-mac, there is no proof of a steal.

You just being a sycophant to the liar by stating that there is. The fact is your too blinded by the cult to grasp reality isn't my concern.

Even if there so far has been no proof of a steal, that does not prove there was no steal, and you still have the obligation to go through all the motions as if you accept their silly claims as being possible.
Nothing would have been lost by being more lenient and impartial seeming to these overly suspicious extremists.
Putting them in jail is the LAST thing that should have been done, because only a guilty government would do that.
there have been over 40 presidents before joe.

personally, i think it’s unfair to compare xiden to trump, who gave us record low UE, 3 vaccines to deal with the china virus, and historic middle east peace deals

I do not like the 3 fake vaccines or believe there was any Mideast peace deal, since peace required the elimination of Israel.
But I agree Trump was good for the economy, especially his trade war with China.
Even if there so far has been no proof of a steal, that does not prove there was no steal, and you still have the obligation to go through all the motions as if you accept their silly claims as being possible.
Nothing would have been lost by being more lenient and impartial seeming to these overly suspicious extremists.
Putting them in jail is the LAST thing that should have been done, because only a guilty government would do that.
You need to take more time and read the actual article you are linking.
It does NOT say that Iran broke the deal with the US to end nuclear enrichment.

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran on Monday began enriching uranium to 4.5%, just breaking the limit set by its nuclear deal with world powers, while it is still seeking a way for Europe to help it bypass U.S. sanctions amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington.

It is clearly saying the US broke the 2015 deal in 2016 by imposing economic sanctions against Iran.
Iran tried to save the agreement by continuing to abide by it for 3 years after the US broke the deal.
But then finally gave up on 2019, and resumed enrichment.

The article clearly shows the US was the criminal and Iran the one who tried to save the agreement.

"Iran on Monday began enriching uranium to 4.5%, just breaking the limit set by its nuclear deal with world powers..."​

The ayatollahs thank you for your slavish devotion.
Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, etc., were neither Islamic nor communist.
Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and Syria were secular and not communist either.
The one common denominator was the US lying and committing murder over profits.
Imperialism, colonialism, etc., is simply illegal.
The only legal use of force is if directly attacked, or if the UN votes for it.
So the Pentagon and Congress are entirely criminal.
Eat shit. Pay attention.
That is EXACTLY when and how they should be challenged by a suspicious population that believes they are being defrauded!

I personally do not believe the states could be so corrupt that some one would not have divulged the fraud, and that someone would have raised a red flag.
But if you do not trust the state machinery, (and no one should trust state political machinery), then the ONLY possible means of drawing attention to your suspicious would be at the federal certification process.
There is absolutely no other possible place or time.
Again, when does proof of election fraud get presented.

Multiple states recounted, recounted again and found no evidence of any election fraud. Funny that you're only suspicious of one line on all those ballots and not the ones that elected all the other people. It's also funny that sycophants think the courts should have went along with their election fraud phishing. Courts are for presenting evidence, not inventing it.
Dude, apples and oranges.

If you post on the internet you believe the election lies nobody is coming for you.

If you break into our US Capitol to stop an election you are clearly going to be arrested.

People not only have a right to break into the capital if they believe the election was defrauded, but it is a duty or obligation.
Being wrong does not at all change that.

You can temporarily arrest them, but once they have been convinced the election was not defrauded, you should NOT continue to punish them.
Because given the information they had, they did the RIGHT thing!
I didn't constantly compare Trump to Obama after Trump took office.
Exactly,I have said that many times myself.these America haters
The Globalists had to take down Trump because he was an unabashed Nationalist who placed country first like most of our Presidents throughout history. It was vital for them to train the proles to hate him with a blood-curdling passion so he could be eliminated. This was certainly made easier due to the fact that the man is such an ass personally, but all the TDS is really just a manufactured creation by a media with an agenda and too many uneducated people who are too stupid to understand how they are being manipulated quite intentionally.

:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: That is why the Biden loving America haters like Otis hate him so much and rag on him a year later after he is gone talking about him much more than trump supporters do Because he is the first president sense kennedy who placed his country first before the corporations which is what most of our other presidents did,thst is why there is an extreme hate for Trump by the left like no other president ever.
You can try to come at me, but you don't have the goods.

You just have your childish temper.
Yeah.....keep telling yourself that dip shit.

You can kiss me right square in the middle of the crack of my ass. You came in this thread to spew liberal talking points and every single one of you pieces of shit on this board do. You had not a single desire to answer the OPs question or engage him/her in a serious discussion about anything.

So you and your liberal ilk on this site get from me exactly what you have earned, and thats a flame and ass chewing every chance I get. So suck it pussy.

Go back to your liberal, lying, bullshit talking points and keep eating that bag of dicks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah.....keep telling yourself that dip shit.

You can kiss me right square in the middle of the crack of my ass. You came in this thread to spew liberal talking points and every single one of you pieces of shit on this board do. You had not a single desire to answer the OPs question or engage him/her in a serious discussion about anything.

So you and your liberal ilk on this site get from me exactly what you have earned, and thats a flame and ass chewing every chance I get. So suck it pussy.

Go back to your liberal, lying, bullshit talking points and keep eating that bag of dicks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just more childish blather.

Where's the meat?
He had no proof of that during the two months after the election or in any of the state or federal courts. You might say he had shitty lawyers, unwilling to say it out loud in court, but that doesn't change anything. There were no and are no legitimate suspicions left, except the suspicion he attempted to overthrow the election.

Of course by NOW there should be little doubt left.
But on Jan. 6th, it was not at all so clear.
For example, voting machines are ALWAYS so suspect, they should obviously NEVER be used.
The only point of voting machines is criminal.
One is to more quickly get partial tallies, and that is illegal because it tends to influence those who have not voted yet.
And two is so that you can have a backdoor.
There is no software without a back door.

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