Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

We've been over this dip shit.

I give you blathering liberal idiots exactly what you've earned on this site. Not a one of you deserves a serious response to a single keep on that bag of dicks.
Whenever you can get media publicity, which usually requires a riot first, these days.
The fact they likely were wrong about election fraud, is totally and completely irrelevant.
If there was no election fraud, there was no reason to ignore their suspicions, and instead we should have worked harder at placating them.

Why would we placate a group of sore losers and their feelings about a lost election in which they present no evidence of fraud.
We've been over this dip shit.

I give you blathering liberal idiots exactly what you've earned on this site. Not a one of you deserves a serious response to a single keep on that bag of dicks.
Again with a sexual reference, are you okay? Are you confused?
Pretty sure Bodecca is female, and often times correct, or at least well intentioned.
You are confusing thst IT Bodecca with Boedicca whom IS female.America hater bodecca before I knew how evil he was and put him on ignore,used to tell me In pm messages he had a wife,
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Again with a sexual reference, are you okay? Are you confused?
Not confused at all. You are a liberal that spews lying liberal talking points and has no clue what facts or the truth are.

You aren't worthy of serious discussion so I continue to barrage you with dick jokes and jokes about how your mom is an average lay.

I hope you are enjoying the exchange. Im a little bored today and just killing some time. When your sorry, lousy, lying, conniving, ignorant liberal ass has served its purpose I will discard you like the POS you are.


Why would we placate a group of sore losers and their feelings about a lost election in which they present no evidence of fraud.

You placate a bunch of sore losers because the winner can be magnanimous, it shows you have nothing to hide, and it promotes national unity.
By arresting them and illegally withholding bail, you become more criminal than the rioters were.
You prove their suspicions were right, and you make them want revenge.
Ya, you have a picture of it on all your posts.
dip shit.png
Not confused at all. You are a liberal that spews lying liberal talking points and has no clue what facts or the truth are.

You aren't worthy of serious discussion so I continue to barrage you with dick jokes and jokes about how your mom is an average lay.

I hope you are enjoying the exchange. Im a little bored today and just killing some time. When your sorry, lousy, lying, conniving, ignorant liberal ass has served its purpose I will discard you like the POS you are.

All you have done is confirm that you're immature and selfish.
You placate a bunch of sore losers because the winner can be magnanimous, it shows you have nothing to hide, and it promotes national unity.
By arresting them and illegally withholding bail, you become more criminal than the rioters were.
You prove their suspicions were right, and you make them want revenge.
We had already showed that we had nothing to hide. We did the recounts, more recounts and finally refuted point by point your election fraud lies.

If those people could not do the time they should have stayed home on the internet like you.
You are confusing thst IT Bodecca with Boedicca whom IS female.America hater bodecca before I knew how evil he was,used to tell me In pm messages he had a wife,

The name is traditional Celtic female name.
After a Celtic queen who rebelled against Rome and succeeded for awhile.

Boudica or Boudicca (UK: /ˈbuːdɪkə, boʊˈdɪkə/, US: /buːˈdɪkə/), also known as Boadicea (/ˌboʊ(ə)dɪˈsiːə/, also US: /ˌboʊæd-/) or Boudicea, and in Welsh as Buddug (IPA: [ˈbɨðɨɡ]),[1][2] was a queen of the British Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61. According to Roman sources, shortly after the uprising failed, she poisoned herself or died of her wounds, although there is no actual evidence of her fate. She is considered a British folk hero.[3]

Boudica's husband Prasutagus, with whom she had two children whose names are unknown, ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome, and left his kingdom jointly to his daughters and to the Roman emperor in his will. However, when he died, his will was ignored, and the kingdom was annexed and his property taken. According to Tacitus, Boudica was flogged and her daughters raped.[4] Cassius Dio explains Boudica's response by saying that previous imperial donations to influential Britons were confiscated and the Roman financier and philosopher Seneca called in the loans he had forced on the reluctant Celtic Britons.[5]

In AD 60 or 61, when the Roman governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was campaigning on the island of Mona (modern Anglesey) on the northwest coast of Wales, Boudica led the Iceni, the Trinovantes, and others in revolt.[6] They destroyed Camulodunum (modern Colchester), earlier the capital of the Trinovantes but at that time a colonia, a settlement for discharged Roman soldiers and site of a temple to the former Emperor Claudius. Upon hearing of the revolt, Suetonius hurried to Londinium (modern London), the 20-year-old commercial settlement that was the rebels' next target. He lacked sufficient numbers to defend the settlement, and he evacuated and abandoned Londinium. Boudica led a very large army of Iceni, Trinovantes, and others against a detachment of the Legio IX Hispana, defeating them, and burning Londinium and Verulamium.

An estimated 70,000–80,000 Romans and Britons were killed in the three cities by those following Boudica,[7] many by torture.[7] Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces, possibly in the West Midlands; despite being heavily outnumbered, he decisively defeated the Britons. The crisis caused Nero to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from Britain, but Suetonius's victory over Boudica confirmed Roman control of the province. Boudica then either killed herself to avoid capture (according to Tacitus),[8] or died of illness (according to Cassius Dio).[9]

The adjective, bodacious, is a tribute to her bravery.

I will stop now. Im sure the OP is as bored with you as I am. If you wish to continue to have me bitch slap you all over the board hit me up in a PM or something.
I'm not looking for you and your childish posting.

You can continue being the dreck that you are.
We had already showed that we had nothing to hide. We did the recounts, more recounts and finally refuted point by point your election fraud lies.

If those people could not do the time they should have stayed home on the internet like you.

I never doubted the election results because I think it would likely take too many people, and there would be bound to be a leak.
But by Jan 6 there had not been recounts of any significance.
You can't have the same people recount then as counted them the first time.
There is no point in doing that.
And clearly voting machines should NEVER be used.
They are never safe or legal, and never can be.
Anyone who claims there is no reason to ever doubt election results clearly does not remember the 2000 election, with butterfly ballots, hanging chads, etc.
Elections are always at least a little corrupt.
And they are not getting better with voting machines, but much worse.
I never doubted the election results because I think it would likely take too many people, and there would be bound to be a leak.
But by Jan 6 there had not been recounts of any significance.
You can't have the same people recount then as counted them the first time.
There is no point in doing that.
And clearly voting machines should NEVER be used.
They are never safe or legal, and never can be.
Anyone who claims there is no reason to ever doubt election results clearly does not remember the 2000 election, with butterfly ballots, hanging chads, etc.
Elections are always at least a little corrupt.
And they are not getting better with voting machines, but much worse.

By 1/6/2021 every state in question had done recounts, more recounts and finally another recount.

In GA they did a hand recount and another machine recount of all 5 million votes. They all showed the same thing, no voter fraud.

In Maricopa County AZ they counted 4 times. Every one showed a Biden win.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Yea. It’s not like Republicans constantly brought up Obama or Hillary or anything.

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