Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

Dude, you can't play the game because the evidence doesn't exist.

You can't play because you know that.

Yesterday GA Secretary of State in an interview on 620 WTMJ in Milwaukee refuted the lie from sycophants that as many as 10,000 dead people voted in the 2020 election.

He stated that a state review found just 4 cases of people who voted absentee and died before the election.

Is this the same guy that said recounting the same manipulated ballots in question, by the same people constituted an audit?

Is this the same guy that said recounting the same manipulated ballots in question, by the same people constituted an audit?

Two things sycophant 1) what proof of manipulation can you present and 2) are you posting that a recount include different ballots.

Also, do republics distrust everyone because they're untruthful?
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?

Trump, covid, racism, Jan 6th, climate change. That's pretty much all democrats have. They can't reason, relate or listen, all they can do is hate anyone that doesn't agree with them. And like anyone who truly hates, they are irrational about it and will yell nonsense and repeat the same thing over and again even if it doesn't relate until the other person gives up in disgust.

They win by attrition.
What makes an impeachment attempt illegal exactly?

It is illegal slander to charge someone with crimes you know they did not commit.
I saw all the evidence that claimed Trump collusion, and it was all bogus.
At no time did Russia illegally aid Trump's campaign.
Similarly with the Ukraine, we all listened to the phone call, and Trump neither threatened to with hold aid or offered any bribes.
There not only was no quid pro quo, but the investigation into Burisma Holdings Trump was asking for was NECESSARY.
There is always supposed to be investigations of suspicious potential kickbacks as it seems likely was happening.
It is not like Hunter was worth a single cent.
You mean like this?

So a bipartisan committee can't investigate fairly either? Because the GOP rejected the notion.

Yes, a congressional investigation is deliberately trying to usurp the authority and powers of both the executive and judiciary, by the single most corrupt body on the planet.
Congress likely should have been not just occupied, but burned to the ground.
It is totally corrupt.
Same with the impeachment of Clinton and Johnson.
There has not been an impeachment that was not corrupt and illegal yet.
It is illegal slander to charge someone with crimes you know they did not commit.
I saw all the evidence that claimed Trump collusion, and it was all bogus.
At no time did Russia illegally aid Trump's campaign.
Similarly with the Ukraine, we all listened to the phone call, and Trump neither threatened to with hold aid or offered any bribes.
There not only was no quid pro quo, but the investigation into Burisma Holdings Trump was asking for was NECESSARY.
There is always supposed to be investigations of suspicious potential kickbacks as it seems likely was happening.
It is not like Hunter was worth a single cent.
Dude the president asked for a favor which was communicated to the president of Ukraine before the call. They knew the ask was for them to announce an investigation into the Biden's in return for the US military's help.

Stop with the stupidity.
Dude, what do the Soviets have to do with the House Select Committee investigation the actions on 1/6/2021?

All House investigations are equally illegal, just like the House on Un-American Activities Committee from 1945 tp 1991.
They were and are totally illegal and corrupt.
Yes, a congressional investigation is deliberately trying to usurp the authority and powers of both the executive and judiciary, by the single most corrupt body on the planet.
Congress likely should have been not just occupied, but burned to the ground.
It is totally corrupt.
Same with the impeachment of Clinton and Johnson.
There has not been an impeachment that was not corrupt and illegal yet.
Are you trying and failing to state that Congress lacks the power to investigate?
Dude the president asked for a favor which was communicated to the president of Ukraine before the call. They knew the ask was for them to announce an investigation into the Biden's in return for the US military's help.

Stop with the stupidity.
That's called diplomacy.
Dude the president asked for a favor which was communicated to the president of Ukraine before the call. They knew the ask was for them to announce an investigation into the Biden's in return for the US military's help.

Stop with the stupidity.

A president can't give military or any kind of aid.
Only congress do that.
And it is not at all inappropriate for one president to ask another president for local law enforcement investigations of suspicious activity.
Are you claiming the millions paid to Hunter Biden are NOT suspicious?

Nor was there any statement of "announcing" anything.
In fact, you never announce investigations.
That generally ruins any chance of the investigation finding anything but ashes left from all the papers.

What is criminal is NOT investigating such an obvious crime as Hunter Biden being paid millions for no work.
A president can't give military or any kind of aid.
Only congress do that.
And it is not at all inappropriate for one president to ask another president for local law enforcement investigations of suspicious activity.
Are you claiming the millions paid to Hunter Biden are NOT suspicious?

Nor was there any statement of "announcing" anything.
In fact, you never announce investigations.
That generally ruins any chance of the investigation finding anything but ashes left from all the papers.

What is criminal is NOT investigating such an obvious crime as Hunter Biden being paid millions for no work.
What obvious crime did Hunter commit?

There was no active investigation of Burisma or Hunter Biden in the Ukraine. Testimony from the impeachment showed that the former 1-term president's administration was holding up the sale of the military hardware. Hardware which Ukraine needed against Russian aggression. Testimony also showed that if the Ukrainian president announced an investigation the hardware would be released.

Did you even watch the impeachment?
What obvious crime did Hunter commit?

There was no active investigation of Burisma or Hunter Biden in the Ukraine. Testimony from the impeachment showed that the former 1-term president's administration was holding up the sale of the military hardware. Hardware which Ukraine needed against Russian aggression. Testimony also showed that if the Ukrainian president announced an investigation the hardware would be released.

Did you even watch the impeachment?
There was no active investigation of Burisma or Hunter Biden in the Ukraine.


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