Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

That does NOT include the authority to issue subpoenas or hold someone in contempt, as congress is illegally doing.
Again, the intent was to allow for public hearings, where people would be able to speak their mind.
Again Congress has the oversight authority to issue subpoenas for testimony and refer to the DOJ for contempt charges if people refuse them.
Trump never held up any aid to the Ukraine.

And actually you are wrong in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine as well.
Russia actually is the good guy in that the Ukraine a gas and oil thief.

Russia provides approximately a quarter of the natural gas consumed in the European Union; approximately 80% of those exports travel through pipelines across Ukrainian soil prior to arriving in the EU.[1]

A serious dispute began in March 2005 over the price of natural gas supplied and the cost of transit. During this conflict, Russia claimed Ukraine was not paying for gas, but diverting that which was intended to be exported to the EU from the pipelines. Ukrainian officials at first denied the accusation,[2][3] but later Naftogaz admitted that because of harsh winter (lower than minus 30C) some natural gas intended for other European countries was retained and used for domestic needs. Ukraine said it will still meet its contractual transit obligations. The dispute reached a high point on 1 January 2006, when Russia cut off all gas supplies passing through Ukrainian territory.[4] On 4 January 2006, a preliminary agreement between Russia and Ukraine was achieved, and the supply was restored. The situation calmed until October 2007 when new disputes began over Ukrainian gas debts. This led to reduction of gas supplies in March 2008. During the last months of 2008, relations once again became tense when Ukraine and Russia could not agree on the debts owed by Ukraine.[citation needed]

In January 2009, this disagreement resulted in supply disruptions in many European nations, with eighteen European countries reporting major drops in or complete cut-offs of their gas supplies transported through Ukraine from Russia.[5][6] In September 2009 officials from both countries stated they felt the situation was under control and that there would be no more conflicts over the topic,[7][8] at least until the Ukrainian 2010 presidential elections.[9] However, in October 2009, another disagreement arose about the amount of gas Ukraine would import from Russia in 2010. Ukraine intended to import less gas in 2010 as a result of reduced industry needs because of its economic recession; however, Gazprom insisted that Ukraine fulfill its contractual obligations and purchase the previously agreed upon quantities of gas.[10]

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]

Also the Crimea historically was always part of Russia until Khrushchev for some inexplicable reason gave it to the Ukraine in the 1950s.
But now that the Ukraine has seceeded from Russia, the Crimea should be returned.
The people there are ethic Russians, speak Russian, etc.

You have problem with never...

Trump administration broke law in withholding Ukraine aid, watchdog says as Senate prepares for impeachment trial

Congress approved it and trumpie sat on it for his demands.
Yeah, it shows that he asked for a favor, brought up his Obama/Biden grievance BS and told him to meet barr and rudy.

Yes, VP Biden did demand that they fire Shoken because he was not doing his job against corruption. He currently lives in Russia. The President of Ukraine can fire him.

VP Biden was carrying out the policy of President Obama that was supported by the EU and IMF.

Again, what law did Hunter Biden break.
Executives can ask for an exchange of favors as long as one side is not personal and the other side governmental.
As long as both sides are personal or both sides are governmental, that is fine.
And for one executive to ask another to investigate anything if fine.

And no, the head prosecutor is CIVIL SERVICE, and then can NOT legally be fired by the President of the Ukraine.
You should know that.
That is why Trump firing Comey was so bad, but not nearly as bad as firing Shokin.

And it is silly to claim that Shokin was not doing his job against corruption, when he was fired for investigating Burisma Holdings.
If Obama wanted Shokin fired, that would not make it any more legal.
The EU and IMF only make it MORE corrupt.

As to what laws Hunter Biden broke, we won't know WITHOUT AN INVESTIGATION.
But clearly when someone is paid millions for doing NOTHING, you can easily tell dozens of laws were likely broken.

Nor is it bad that Shokin may not want to be in the Ukraine, since the Ukraine is guilty of stealing billions worth of gas and oil, and likely will have to pay it back.
The Ukraine is in a LOT of trouble, and likely their whole government is going to collapse.
You have problem with never...

Trump administration broke law in withholding Ukraine aid, watchdog says as Senate prepares for impeachment trial

Congress approved it and trumpie sat on it for his demands.

That article is simply a lie.
I showed you the transcript.
Trump NEVER asked for any announcement, and never with held any funds.
Which is why the impeachment failed.
No wrong doing was ever found to be true, and these allegations were proven totally and completely false.

Here is the quote from the article:
"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.
That does NOT imply any funds were to be with held at all.
It says to "hold off on any additional DoD obligations" in reference to those funds.
DoD obligations would be additional requirements.
So this is saying to reduce the restrictions on the funds, not to increase them.
Two things sycophant 1) what proof of manipulation can you present and 2) are you posting that a recount include different ballots.

Also, do republics distrust everyone because they're untruthful?
1. I’ve already told you where you can find the proof. I’m not here to do your homework.

2. Reading comprehension a problem for you? Go back and read it again.
It is illegal slander to charge someone with crimes you know they did not commit.
I saw all the evidence that claimed Trump collusion, and it was all bogus.
At no time did Russia illegally aid Trump's campaign.
Similarly with the Ukraine, we all listened to the phone call, and Trump neither threatened to with hold aid or offered any bribes.
There not only was no quid pro quo, but the investigation into Burisma Holdings Trump was asking for was NECESSARY.
There is always supposed to be investigations of suspicious potential kickbacks as it seems likely was happening.
It is not like Hunter was worth a single cent.
The Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach and remove the President,1 Vice President, and all federal civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.2

Slander is a legal term that refers to a false, oral statement about an individual that harms his reputation or standing within the community. Slander is not a crime, but a civil wrong that is subject to being held responsible in a civil lawsuit. Statements made about a person must be factual, or they must express the legitimate opinion of the speaker. Statements that are made in anger or malice, which are untrue, are commonly viewed as slander.

These are the articles against him from his first impeachment.

This is Graham on what constitutes impeachable offenses.

As for what you claim was in the phonecall.

It's kind of like claiming a mob enforcer is expressing genuine concern when he says "it would be a shame if something happened to the place" to a shopkeeper. Ukraine knew what was happening during the phonecall.

And a NECESSARY investigation from a foreign government of anyone, let alone a citizen of the United States, let alone into the son of your main political rival by the US. Something that is unheard of without the DOJ actually requesting it. Would run from an actual complaint by the DOJ, through a request to the State Department, to be delivered by the legal attachee of the countries embassy to a representative of the justice department of the country. Not via a personal request by the president to work with his personal lawyer.

The reason for it is simple. Without going through the proper channels no US judge would EVER allow for extradition of anyone to the Ukraine. There is one and only one believable reason why Trump would pressure the Ukraine to investigate Biden if you aren't actually interested in making charges stick. It is to damage your political opponent. Any other explanation defies credulity.
He didn't say anything about comparing anyone to anyone.

His point is that, when someone starts talking about Biden, idiot libs start bleating about Trump in an effort to deflect the conversation away from Biden's monumental failure as a President...
We listened to four years of idiot bleats “but but Obama”…
Cheering massive debt again?

Let me explain about debt

If you borrow $10,000 to fix your roof, that is good debt
If you borrow $10,000 to go to Vegas, that is bad debt

Infrastructure is good debt
There are many that would disagree with this...Including what Obama did right before leaving office, including placing radicals in positions in the government that could work against the Trump administration from within. And ofcourse using his CIA, and FBI to make up, and bolster the Russian collusion hoax..
Poor Donald...he was powerless to hire his own people...except when he wanted to....and they all turned on him too....
Here is the quote from the article:
"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," the email from Duffey said, according to the documents.
That does NOT imply any funds were to be with held at all.
It says to "hold off on any additional DoD obligations" in reference to those funds.
DoD obligations would be additional requirements.
So this is saying to reduce the restrictions on the funds, not to increase them.

People can read the article and determine for themselves that your full of shit.

Also, it is against our laws to solicit foreign countries for domestic campaign benefits.

Also, what law did Hunter Biden break? Additionally, it's not up the courts to do phishing investigations of political opponents. Your assertion that Burisma was under any investigation during the time or for two years before is simply false. Shoken was a stooge of Putin and was correctly fired.

What civil service law in Ukraine prevented him from being fired for cause?
Funny how you didn't seem to have a problem with Quid Pro Joe doing that.
The US and EU were acting in concert to help the Ukrainian government root out corruption. It was official policy and the request would not have personally benefitted the campaign of any US politician unlike the former 1-term president's request while withholding military aid approved by Congress.
The US and EU were acting in concert to help the Ukrainian government root out corruption. It was official policy and the request would not have personally benefitted the campaign of any US politician unlike the former 1-term president's request while withholding military aid approved by Congress.
“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden said during a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations. He was referring to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and former Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. Biden added that the prosecutor was then fired.

Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs
Read more
Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs

“Well, son of a b***h. (Laughter.) He got fired.”

Oh, but wait -- it's okay when a Democrat does it.
“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden said during a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations. He was referring to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and former Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. Biden added that the prosecutor was then fired.

Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs
Read more
Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs
“Well, son of a b***h. (Laughter.) He got fired.”

Oh, but wait -- it's okay when a Democrat does it.

Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter

'I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma, and Joe Biden's son'

Published September 27, 2019 at 3:18pm

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

…Solomon reports that hundreds of pages "of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative."
…Shokin said he was planning to question Hunter Biden about "$3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma."

Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Strike First
Strike Hard
No Mercy
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Yes, they are. Also, since the country is doing terrible under Biden, they believe they can deflect that by bringing up Trump because they certainly can't bring up anything good that has been happening under Biden.

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