Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter

'I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma, and Joe Biden's son'

Published September 27, 2019 at 3:18pm

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

…Solomon reports that hundreds of pages "of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative."
…Shokin said he was planning to question Hunter Biden about "$3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma."

Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter
Well, looky there. Otto, looks like you're wrong. The guy who Biden got fired says so.

I'd expect you to apologize, but I know better.
He got people back to work and kept the fucking illegals out of this country and you're saying he wasn't the best president ever? Okay, tell me your idea of what America should be like. I'm just curious.

Btw, still waiting on this answer as I don't think that it's been given yet.
By who exactly? It wasn't me. I can't really speak for anybody on this board though since it was before the days I got here.
By many, too many to name. But it is also normal, people are going to make comparisons/blame on the previous POTUS.
Poor Donald...he was powerless to hire his own people...except when he wanted to....and they all turned on him too....
You can mock all you want. But it’s a fact that no other President that I know of in my lifetime faced the amount of sabotage, duplicity, opposition, and outright lies that Trump did. And still does.
The Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach and remove the President,1 Vice President, and all federal civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.2

Slander is a legal term that refers to a false, oral statement about an individual that harms his reputation or standing within the community. Slander is not a crime, but a civil wrong that is subject to being held responsible in a civil lawsuit. Statements made about a person must be factual, or they must express the legitimate opinion of the speaker. Statements that are made in anger or malice, which are untrue, are commonly viewed as slander.

These are the articles against him from his first impeachment.

This is Graham on what constitutes impeachable offenses.

As for what you claim was in the phonecall.

It's kind of like claiming a mob enforcer is expressing genuine concern when he says "it would be a shame if something happened to the place" to a shopkeeper. Ukraine knew what was happening during the phonecall.

And a NECESSARY investigation from a foreign government of anyone, let alone a citizen of the United States, let alone into the son of your main political rival by the US. Something that is unheard of without the DOJ actually requesting it. Would run from an actual complaint by the DOJ, through a request to the State Department, to be delivered by the legal attachee of the countries embassy to a representative of the justice department of the country. Not via a personal request by the president to work with his personal lawyer.

The reason for it is simple. Without going through the proper channels no US judge would EVER allow for extradition of anyone to the Ukraine. There is one and only one believable reason why Trump would pressure the Ukraine to investigate Biden if you aren't actually interested in making charges stick. It is to damage your political opponent. Any other explanation defies credulity.

There is civil slander where you just harmed a peron's reputation.
But lying in order to cause impeachment is a criminal slander.
It is an attempt to illegal remove someone from their official office.

The first impeachment was over collusion with Russia, which is NOT illegal in any way.
The only way it could have been illegal is if Russia had contributed to the campaign with something of monetary value that was not declared.
That never happened.
And in fact, the FBI determined Russia did not influence the election at all, in any way.

You have to be an idiot.
When the president of the US ask for something, that IS the DOJ requesting it.
The president is the head of the DOJ.
And if you already had a complaint, you could not need an investigation.
An investigation is in order to determine IF anything illegal occurred.
And obviously Hunter Biden getting paid millions to do nothing, and Joe Biden demanding the chief Ukrainian prosecutor be fired, IS EXTREMELY suspicious.
Anyone not investigating should themselves be investigated.

As or extradition, that would be AFTER the investigation, if the investigation found probable cause.
The State Department of DOJ can NOT conduct an investigation in the Ukraine.
Only the Ukrainian government can.
That is obvious, simple, and anyone should immediately see that.
Let me explain about debt

If you borrow $10,000 to fix your roof, that is good debt
If you borrow $10,000 to go to Vegas, that is bad debt

Infrastructure is good debt

Not if your roof is only half worn out and in reality you plumbing is leaking and all needs to be redone.
Debt is always bad because it has to be repaid with interest.
Sometimes it is necessary, but it is always bad and to be avoid if possible.
Not if your roof is only half worn out and in reality you plumbing is leaking and all needs to be redone.
Debt is always bad because it has to be repaid with interest.
Sometimes it is necessary, but it is always bad and to be avoid if possible.
Infrastructure is a sold investment in our future
You can mock all you want. But it’s a fact that no other President that I know of in my lifetime faced the amount of sabotage, duplicity, opposition, and outright lies that Trump did. And still does.

Oh brother...

Yeah, you guys were accepting of Obama... practically rolled out the red carpet! Hell, one of Obama's supreme court nominees didn't even get a hearing. And I'm sure it'll be a repeat performance if the GOP takes the Senate under Biden and he has to nominate a replacement. So you really don't know jack shit sonny boy. The only one who sabotaged your blob was your blob himself.

People can read the article and determine for themselves that your full of shit.

Also, it is against our laws to solicit foreign countries for domestic campaign benefits.

Also, what law did Hunter Biden break? Additionally, it's not up the courts to do phishing investigations of political opponents. Your assertion that Burisma was under any investigation during the time or for two years before is simply false. Shoken was a stooge of Putin and was correctly fired.

What civil service law in Ukraine prevented him from being fired for cause?

Anyone reading the transcript can clearly tell Trump said NOTHING about any announcement, and asked for nothing remotely illegal.

It is not at all against our laws or ANY laws to hire any foreign country to benefit a campaign.
What is illegal is for a country to donate any campaign benefits.
But investigating Burisma holdings is not illegal and would only reveal the truth, not remotely attempt anything illegal.

Most likely the law Hunter Biden is guilty of is call kickbacks.
That is where government foreign aid is given to a country only if some of it is illegally and secretly returned to the private use of someone who awarded it in the first place.

12 U.S. Code § 2607 - Prohibition against kickbacks and unearned fees​

Who said anything about the courts doing any investigating?
Investigating supposed to be done by the DOJ domestically, and the State Dept or CIA internationally.
What I said is that the courts can't do anything until AFTER there is an investigation that determines if there is probable cause for charges, warrants, extraditions, etc.

As for anyone being a "stooge for Putin", that shows you are either really corrupt or stupid.
I just got done showing you that it is the Ukraine that is the criminal.
They have been stealing Russian gas and oil for over 30 years.
The courts already ruled against them.
The ARE guilty.
Putin IS the good guy on this case.
Putin has done nothing illegal with the Ukraine, but the Ukrainian govenrment is so totally corrupt, they should all be in jail.
And the US is criminally complicit for giving the Ukraine military aid to avoid paying the judgement against them.
You appear to be an apologist for the crimes the Ukraine has been proven to have committed.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Dude, do you know how many hate posts toward Hillary and Obama there have been?

Tens of thousands more than anti-Trump posts.
Infrastructure is a sold investment in our future

Depends on the infrastructure.
If you want more nuclear plants, I am all for it.
If you want to reforest, that is great.
But if you want to invest in charging stations for EVs, that is a silly waste.
There are lots of things we can do, like smaller cars, bio fuels, etc.
But I have not heard anything good about BBB.
The main thing we need to do is stop the offshoring of essential technology to China.
We are badly losing everything due to that.
Oh brother...

Yeah, you guys were accepting of Obama... practically rolled out the red carpet! Hell, one of Obama's supreme court nominees didn't even get a hearing. And I'm sure it'll be a repeat performance if the GOP takes the Senate under Biden and he has to nominate a replacement. So you really don't know jack shit sonny boy. The only one who sabotaged your blob was your blob himself.

The 2 nonsense impeachments speak for themselves.
I hate Trump, but the impeachments were ridiculous, and those voting for them should be impeached and jailed for their obvious lies.
Depends on the infrastructure.
If you want more nuclear plants, I am all for it.
If you want to reforest, that is great.
But if you want to invest in charging stations for EVs, that is a silly waste.
There are lots of things we can do, like smaller cars, bio fuels, etc.
But I have not heard anything good about BBB.
The main thing we need to do is stop the offshoring of essential technology to China.
We are badly losing everything due to that.
EVs are the future
Dude, do you know how many hate posts toward Hillary and Obama there have been?

Tens of thousands more than anti-Trump posts.

I mostly liked Obama, but still he murdered tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, etc.
Hillary was worse and was part of the Iraqi WMD lies.
She is a war criminal.
In comparison, as bad as Trump is, he comes off like a saint.
He murdered no one.
I mostly liked Obama, but still he murdered tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, etc.
Hillary was worse and was part of the Iraqi WMD lies.
She is a war criminal.
In comparison, as bad as Trump is, he comes off like a saint.
He murdered no one.
I like to remind those who bleev Obama is a Muslim that he killed more Muslims than anyone ever.
EVs are the future

EVs are stupid.
They have no source of energy.
And electricity is the single hardest and least efficient means of transporting energy.
First you have about a 40% loss in generating electricity, 10% loss in transmission, 40% loss in charging batteries, later 40% loss in discharging the batteries, and then 50% loss converting the electricity back into motion.
And that does not even include the fact the batteries double the weight of the vehicle, because that depends on how flat or hilly the landscape is.
The main source of electricity right now is coal, and you can never convert to solar and wind, because they are so inconsistent that you would need another huge battery network.

Far cleaner, cheaper, more practical, and longer range, are bio fuels.
Bio fuels absorb more carbon than they release later when burned.

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