Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

Did I mention the insurrection. No. I mentioned him wanting to overthrow the results of the election as represented by the electoral votes of the states, with those vote being already agreed by state governments, election commissions and courts to be representing the true votes of the peoples of the various states. I simply do not approve his going against the Constitution of the United States, he took and oath on a bible, swearing to protect and defend. Do you?

While I do not believe the elections were bad, there is nothing illegal about challenging them and demanding a delay in accepting the state results.
The only reason to ignore the suspicions about the election results is if they really have been illegally manipulated.
Trump haters have absorbed Trump into their Global Statist Covidian Cult Religion. Trump is their equivalent of the AntiChrist: The Anti-Statist.

He's also the only thing that gets the "devoted" to tune into the Lame Stream Media, so they continue to flog the TDS as their final life support measure.
It is you that today put the jackboot on the throats of people by your dictums. You have used groups who in the past have not been favored for top ways of living with power as your push. And for many people in our nation we believed it to be for equal chances for every way to be successful without being disparaged in living their lives. But you are not that. We are now a Progressive Socialist Warner Brothers Cartoon.
there have been over 40 presidents before joe.

Yeah, that's another really good point. Why isn't Lincoln or Roosevelt or even (George W) Bush ever brought up? Okay so sometimes Bush is mentioned I admit, but not as often as Trump is.
It matters quite a lot if proof exists. Your side has shown nothing to convince anyone that the election was not accurate. Your continued participation in the lie makes you a sycophant.

Wear it, you bought it.

I personally do not believe the election was stolen, but there is absolutely no good reason to ignore the beliefs of those who think it was.
I hold out hope that at some point the posters in here that continually cause trouble, and hamper actual debate, or discussion will grow tired of their negativity and come out of it....Maybe I am an optimist...

I wasn't alive the last time the progressive movement was driven underground, I suspect it was much like this...
An actual discussion in here with a conservative or orange sycophant? Is that possible?

Discuss the pandemic? Orange sycophants scream communism.

The 2020 election? Oh, it was stolen without any proof.

The 1/6/2021 coup attempt? Just tourists or an FBI false flag operation and NAZIs.

The 3.9% unemployment rate? The BLS is lying and communism.

Media? It's all Liberal. FOX hosts texting the former 1-term president on 1/6 and before is not anything.

Russian influence on our elections? The Ruskies love Biden and so do the Ghinese and terrorists...

COVID? Everyone is lying and the Ghinese made it in a lab directed personally by Doctor Fauci.

And so on and so...
Well answer this question, have we Ever had a perfect president from either party?

No, but what does that have to do with it? (Trump was sure close to perfection though when it came to being president.)
Yeah, that's another really good point. Why isn't Lincoln or Roosevelt or even (George W) Bush ever brought up? Okay so sometimes Bush is mentioned I admit, but not as often as Trump is.
Oh, because the Bush's dislike Trump and have worked against him in the party....That is what progressive Democrats see as courageous these days....
An actual discussion in here with a conservative or orange sycophant? Is that possible?

Discuss the pandemic? Orange sycophants scream communism.

The 2020 election? Oh, it was stolen without any proof.

The 1/6/2021 coup attempt? Just tourists or an FBI false flag operation and NAZIs.

The 3.9% unemployment rate? The BLS is lying and communism.

Media? It's all Liberal. FOX hosts texting the former 1-term president on 1/6 and before is not anything.

Russian influence on our elections? The Ruskies love Biden and so do the Ghinese and terrorists...

COVID? Everyone is lying and the Ghinese made it in a lab directed personally by Doctor Fauci.

And so on and so...
7 sentences!
Wow! We must have really riled you up!
I personally do not believe the election was stolen, but there is absolutely no good reason to ignore the beliefs of those who think it was.
I'm not ignoring them, I'm call them out as the lies they are.
Oh, because the Bush's dislike Trump and have worked against him in the party....That is what progressive Democrats see as courageous these days....

Yep,.. and it's all back to Trump now. Makes sense.
Well, I used to be fairly proggy but little by little started stepping away from the indoctrination, leaving behind ideology and behavior I had known all along was immoral and wrong and evil.

I am extremely progressive, liberal, left wing, etc., but the actions of the DNC, democrats, congress, etc., are so disgusting as to make it impossible to vote dem.
After all, Biden was the jerk who penned the 1994 Federal Crime bill, which illegally federalized the War on Drug, with asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, etc.
He should NEVER have been elected.
It is you that today put the jackboot on the throats of people by your dictums. You have used groups who in the past have not been favored for top ways of living with power as your push. And for many people in our nation we believed it to be for equal chances for every way to be successful without being disparaged in living their lives. But you are not that. We are now a Progressive Socialist Warner Brothers Cartoon.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzzz.

I have done no such things.
lol...There it is...See, the premise that I must agree with your ideas on what happened is not a measure of anything more than your own sycophancy to your opinionated narrative. Proof does exist....It's there....Right in front of you, and when presented with it, you dismiss it outright without any critical thinking at all...I believe what I believe, as do you...But you notice, you're the only one calling names right now....
Where is the evidence? Present it....

Also, you must agree to facts or you just live in a false reality based on a lie.
I admire those that see the folly of progressivism, and move away from it...It's hard to do....
I guess I was lucky in that I never fully bought into it. I kept a core of values that only allowed me to go so far, usually just to fit in, often to fit in with clients. When I was behaving like the progs behave, I knew it was wrong. It was such a huge relief to finally let it all go and be moral and clean again!
An actual discussion in here with a conservative or orange sycophant? Is that possible?

Discuss the pandemic? Orange sycophants scream communism.

The 2020 election? Oh, it was stolen without any proof.

The 1/6/2021 coup attempt? Just tourists or an FBI false flag operation and NAZIs.

The 3.9% unemployment rate? The BLS is lying and communism.

Media? It's all Liberal. FOX hosts texting the former 1-term president on 1/6 and before is not anything.

Russian influence on our elections? The Ruskies love Biden and so do the Ghinese and terrorists...

COVID? Everyone is lying and the Ghinese made it in a lab directed personally by Doctor Fauci.

And so on and so...
Yep, it's difficult...But, constantly whining about it, or getting frustrated when someone in opposition to you doesn't immediately agree with you, so you resort to name calling, isn't the way to get past this division....

I've been around for a long time on boards like this, as some in here can attest to, and am more than capable of having a discussion about anything. But, what I am not going to do without repercussion is allow snotty little snowflakes to goad me into anything by purely contemptuous behavior....

So, I think I have been pretty civil in our conversation here, do you disagree? Or are you just getting frustrated that we are at a stalemate, and I won't capitulate to your thoughts on things?
Well answer this question, have we Ever had a perfect president from either party?

Parties are NOT supposed to influence elections at all, in any way.
The best presidents would be someone in the middle, who could appeal to the most of all the voters.
But parties prevent that.
The don't accept anyone who is not extreme according to their party goals, forgetting that they are supposed to represent all the people and not just their party.

So the whole system is now deliberately and fatally flawed, and has to be totally redone.
I suggest we drop the primary and just have a single election without any party interference, with ranking of all candidates by voters, so a run off can be avoided.

I personally would love to see ranked voting, (like most of the world does already), so we could see how many voted against some candidates.

But as it is, the government is so incredibly corrupt and guilty of massive crimes, there likely SHOULD be an insurrection and a new government started.
Yep, it's difficult...But, constantly whining about it, or getting frustrated when someone in opposition to you doesn't immediately agree with you, so you resort to name calling, isn't the way to get past this division....

I've been around for a long time on boards like this, as some in here can attest to, and am more than capable of having a discussion about anything. But, what I am not going to do without repercussion is allow snotty little snowflakes to goad me into anything by purely contemptuous behavior....

So, I think I have been pretty civil in our conversation here, do you disagree? Or are you just getting frustrated that we are at a stalemate, and I won't capitulate to your thoughts on things?
Ley's see otto discuss one topic at a time.

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