Can someone explain what has happened to the GOP?

...Republicans are "fucking stupid" and I can prove it..... Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders

What is wrong with Bernie Sanders?

Wanting to send kids to college?
When everybody's special, then nobody's special.

When everybody has a bachelor's degree, you'll be able to wipe your ass with one; about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Never mind who's going to pay for it.

Medieval European Literature 202 is not a prerequisite for flipping burgers or cleaning toilets or collecting food stamps or welfare after graduation.
Same about High School

How many students graduated with a degree in Midieval European Literature? One?
Stop trying to distract and deflect.

We don't need to shell-out untold billions, only to cheapen Bachelors Degrees to the point where they're used as a substitute for toilet paper.
The GOP woke up one morning and realized they can no longer win Presidential elections......been in a bad mood ever since
...Republicans are "fucking stupid" and I can prove it..... Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders

What is wrong with Bernie Sanders?

Wanting to send kids to college?
When everybody's special, then nobody's special.

When everybody has a bachelor's degree, you'll be able to wipe your ass with one; about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Never mind who's going to pay for it.

Medieval European Literature 202 is not a prerequisite for flipping burgers or cleaning toilets or collecting food stamps or welfare after graduation.
Same about High School

How many students graduated with a degree in Midieval European Literature? One?
Stop trying to distract and deflect.

We don't need to shell-out untold billions, only to cheapen Bachelors Degrees to the point where they're used as a substitute for toilet paper.
The degree is merely a piece of paper

The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters
...The Party began its descent into dark madness when it allowed the Necons (Nazis) to seize power. It was mainly the radical Christian fundamantalist Conservatives who supported their rise. These madmen do want their Police State and WWIII. The Republican Party needs to remove them from power. Before it's too late.
The Party began its descent into madness when it stopped being the Party of the Common Man (the Grand Old Party) and allowed itself to be hijacked by the Corporatists, way back in the opening decades of the 20th Century... the better part of a century ago, now. It's weirdo Paulite offshoot was another latter-day harbinger of detachment from Reality.

Ron Paul isn't a Conservative. Neither am i. Conservatives = Nazis at this point. If not stopped, they will have their Police State and WWIII. Republicans are living in denial about what they're supporting. They're supporting their own doom.
Then vote Democrat... I'm sure they won't mind overly much.

I don't like the Communist assholes who run that Party either. Unfortunately, you Nazis and the Communists are the only choices. It's a very sad mess.
What's sad is this sort of delusional stupidity.
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
Not everyone will pursue a college degree. Those that do will be able to afford it......the rest can flip burgers
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
College isn't meant to teach a trade goober, it isn't like jethros skool of brain doctorin and car fixin. but being a uneducated dolt you wouldn't know that
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
College isn't meant to teach a trade goober, it isn't like jethros skool of brain doctorin and car fixin. but being a uneducated dolt you wouldn't know that
Not everyone is capable of going to college or wants to

But those that do should be able to afford it
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
Not everyone will pursue a college degree. Those that do will be able to afford it......the rest can flip burgers
The field is already morbidly overcrowded with useless degreed folk... we don't need more, nor the expense of creating more.
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
College isn't meant to teach a trade goober, it isn't like jethros skool of brain doctorin and car fixin. but being a uneducated dolt you wouldn't know that
Calm yourself, Princess...
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
College isn't meant to teach a trade goober, it isn't like jethros skool of brain doctorin and car fixin. but being a uneducated dolt you wouldn't know that
Not everyone is capable of going to college or wants to

But those that do should be able to afford it
Why? Says who?
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
Not everyone will pursue a college degree. Those that do will be able to afford it......the rest can flip burgers
The field is already morbidly overcrowded with useless degreed folk... we don't need more, nor the expense of creating more.
I never understood the rightwing hostility towards education

It is always derided as useless and think you're better than me?

Last edited:
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

Pretty simple. Our nation has been becoming progressively dumber, more shallow, and less mature with each passing year. This is just the latest iteration of our coming collapse under the weight of our own spoiled ignorance.
Apparently you are as out of touch as the media and the government is. Here you go, what you asked for:

The majority of the people are FED UP with the government and the media. Trump is telling people what they want to hear and I see no reason why he will not try very hard to deliver. The republicans are a corrupt entity just like the democrats

Yeah, the majority are so "fed up" that they've gone completely wild-eyed, slack-jawed insane and started lashing out at anyone and everyone who doesn't immediately plant his or her nose up the new Messiah's ass as "establishment" or "media", including people who were fighting the ACTUAL establishment and media when Donald was still schmoozing with them.

This went from being a rational backlash to being a political Jonestown about a month ago.
The question is not can the inter-party schism be healed, the question is can we turn this country around from it's path of decline.
Certainly you'd need the votes to do that. Are you confident you can get them on a macro scale?


Actually, I think it is very late in the game to turn things around for America.

The most likely scenario for the US, imo, in the foreseeable future, is pretty grim.

But, Trump is shaking things up enough to give me hope.

Especially his strong challenge to Political Correctness.

Oh, yeah, great. The world's in crisis, edging toward catastrophe, and we're supposed to be hopeful because someone can be crude and vulgar.

Hey, I can do both. Does that qualify ME to be President?
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

This is what happens when a carnival barker and reality show diva gets bored.
Simple answer. Voters are retarded.

But simple answers are supposed to be bad.

Where's the nuance?

Sometimes simple answers are bad. Retarded voters are bad.

So, when Trump offers a simple answer that's bad, but when you offer a simple answer, that's good?


LIberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

I'm just some guy on a message board. Trump is trying to control a nuclear arsenal, and the lives of 300 million people. See the difference?
I don't think Trump would want to control the lives of 300 million people. He wants what's best for the country...and that is what makes the difference from the other candidates. Most of the other candidates are using their position to enhance their own personal wealth.

You have GOT to be shitting me.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?
This is what happens when you no-longer represent your constituency. When you've sold out to special interests and rich donors.

So you nominate one of the rich donors? It would be like you're pissed at your CEO for not coming out with a new product in 20 years then promoting the head of new product development to the job of CEO because he's funny.
I think you have missed the point. Trump was one of those donors who expected the politicians to perform for him. He knows the game and used it to his advantage. He is quite honest about it, isn't he?

So, if he wins the race and becomes president, the game in the White House stops. He doesn't have the wealthy donors who are expecting him to act for their agenda, he's working for the agenda of all the people. I don't think many candidates can say that. Even Bernie who I think is basically honest will have favors to give and play the game.

That is the most incredibly ignorant leap in "logic" I've ever heard.

What you basically said is, "Politicians with rich donors are bad, because they'll make policy to benefit rich people. So we should just elect the rich donor himself, because HE'LL care about everyone!"

Or, y'know, maybe he'll just make policy for rich people directly, and save on the middle man. Duhhhh.
So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?

What amazes me is that Trump's supporters want him because they're throwing a tantrum at the establishment GOP. And why are they pissed at the establishment GOP? For too much deal-making. But that's the trait they're most proud of in Trump.

WTF? :eusa_eh:

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