Can someone explain what has happened to the GOP?

So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?
What the country is desperate for is a President who is a proven success as a businessman. Someone who has actually fucking ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING in his life!
The country flirted with the 'First AA' President's Socialist agenda. How did THAT work out??????
Obama had ZERO experience in business, finance, geo-global politics, ME policy. Fucking NIL!
The fucking 'OJ jury' and White guilt soccer moms voted for a fucking 'community organizer' based SOLELY on the color of his skin. OH the sweet irony! The 'OJ jury' and the White guilt soccer moms ended up in worse circumstances under Obama's attempted Socialist wet-dream.
This time the country must have a hard nosed 'geterdone! businessman as President.

Well, then, let's run right out and recruit George Soros!

Voting for someone because of his bank account makes no more sense than voting for someone on the color of his skin.

I don't know if you've noticed, but real-estate mogul and President are NOT the same skill set.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?
This is what happens when you no-longer represent your constituency. When you've sold out to special interests and rich donors.

So you nominate one of the rich donors? It would be like you're pissed at your CEO for not coming out with a new product in 20 years then promoting the head of new product development to the job of CEO because he's funny.
I think you have missed the point. Trump was one of those donors who expected the politicians to perform for him. He knows the game and used it to his advantage. He is quite honest about it, isn't he?

So, if he wins the race and becomes president, the game in the White House stops. He doesn't have the wealthy donors who are expecting him to act for their agenda, he's working for the agenda of all the people. I don't think many candidates can say that. Even Bernie who I think is basically honest will have favors to give and play the game.

That is the most incredibly ignorant leap in "logic" I've ever heard.

What you basically said is, "Politicians with rich donors are bad, because they'll make policy to benefit rich people. So we should just elect the rich donor himself, because HE'LL care about everyone!"

Or, y'know, maybe he'll just make policy for rich people directly, and save on the middle man. Duhhhh.
Rich people are generally happy living their lives without the headaches of the job of president. Of course there have been wealthy presidents in the past. The successful ones turned their talents to working for the country instead of for themselves. However political office is generally a job of sponging off rich lobbyists. Getting a representative with intergrity is hard to find these days.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

Yeah, it's vexing. The GOP has given in to the mistaken notion that people want more of the same, just not as bad as what the left offers. Makes no sense, I know. So, Trump comes along, tells the establishment to fuck off, and its refreshing. After years of Democrat lite, O'Connell, Boehner, Bush, etc., people enjoy watching somebody not pulling punches.

So, we get Trump. Thanks GOP.


What can I say? We have become a nation that misconstrues talking shit as "being strong". And now we have a candidate whose behavior is indistinguishable from drunks right before they get 86ed from the bar.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?
This is what happens when you no-longer represent your constituency. When you've sold out to special interests and rich donors.

So you nominate one of the rich donors? It would be like you're pissed at your CEO for not coming out with a new product in 20 years then promoting the head of new product development to the job of CEO because he's funny.
I think you have missed the point. Trump was one of those donors who expected the politicians to perform for him. He knows the game and used it to his advantage. He is quite honest about it, isn't he?

So, if he wins the race and becomes president, the game in the White House stops. He doesn't have the wealthy donors who are expecting him to act for their agenda, he's working for the agenda of all the people. I don't think many candidates can say that. Even Bernie who I think is basically honest will have favors to give and play the game.

That is the most incredibly ignorant leap in "logic" I've ever heard.

What you basically said is, "Politicians with rich donors are bad, because they'll make policy to benefit rich people. So we should just elect the rich donor himself, because HE'LL care about everyone!"

Or, y'know, maybe he'll just make policy for rich people directly, and save on the middle man. Duhhhh.
Rich people are generally happy living their lives without the headaches of the job of president. Of course there have been wealthy presidents in the past. The successful ones turned their talents to working for the country instead of for themselves. However political office is generally a job of sponging off rich lobbyists. Getting a representative with intergrity is hard to find these days.

Which has exactly fuck and all to do with contradicting what I said.

You don't like politicians who are working for rich donors, so you want to just elect the rich donor, because somehow, he's going to choose different policies directly than he used to pay politicians for.

Explain the logic WITHOUT gasbagging at me about the wonders of rich candidates and the evils of "career politicians".
So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?
What the country is desperate for is a President who is a proven success as a businessman. Someone who has actually fucking ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING in his life!
The country flirted with the 'First AA' President's Socialist agenda. How did THAT work out??????
Obama had ZERO experience in business, finance, geo-global politics, ME policy. Fucking NIL!
The fucking 'OJ jury' and White guilt soccer moms voted for a fucking 'community organizer' based SOLELY on the color of his skin. OH the sweet irony! The 'OJ jury' and the White guilt soccer moms ended up in worse circumstances under Obama's attempted Socialist wet-dream.
This time the country must have a hard nosed 'geterdone! businessman as President.

Well, then, let's run right out and recruit George Soros!

Voting for someone because of his bank account makes no more sense than voting for someone on the color of his skin.

I don't know if you've noticed, but real-estate mogul and President are NOT the same skill set.
I'd rather see Trump negotiate nuclear treaties, trade pacts and bringing jobs back to Americans than have Obama and Kerry try. They can't negotiate their way out of paper bag.
So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?
What the country is desperate for is a President who is a proven success as a businessman. Someone who has actually fucking ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING in his life!
The country flirted with the 'First AA' President's Socialist agenda. How did THAT work out??????
Obama had ZERO experience in business, finance, geo-global politics, ME policy. Fucking NIL!
The fucking 'OJ jury' and White guilt soccer moms voted for a fucking 'community organizer' based SOLELY on the color of his skin. OH the sweet irony! The 'OJ jury' and the White guilt soccer moms ended up in worse circumstances under Obama's attempted Socialist wet-dream.
This time the country must have a hard nosed 'geterdone! businessman as President.

Well, then, let's run right out and recruit George Soros!

Voting for someone because of his bank account makes no more sense than voting for someone on the color of his skin.

I don't know if you've noticed, but real-estate mogul and President are NOT the same skill set.
I'd rather see Trump negotiate nuclear treaties, trade pacts and bringing jobs back to Americans than have Obama and Kerry try. They can't negotiate their way out of paper bag.

And those are the only choices? At what point did The Donald purchase and copyright conservatism for his very own, such that there is only his egotistical bloviating or Barack Obama, black or white, yes or no, no third, SANE option need apply?

I can just see Trump negotiating a nuclear treaty: barging into the meeting room and calling the other head of state "fat", bragging about how many Americans voted for him, and then doing an offensive imitation of the guy more suitable for a playground and threatening to take his toys and go home if he doesn't stop saying mean things to him.

Yeah, THAT'S what our foreign diplomacy has been missing: a return to being respected and taken seriously. :haha:
Donald Trump might be a New York City Conservative, but he is not a true Conservative.

I believe those that are supporting Donald Trump are doing so to punish those that voted for President Obama and gave us two terms of President Obama.

Anyone that believe Donald Trump is a actual Conservative and those that oppose him are RINO's are the really ignorant voter in the GOP tent.

Trump is not Lincoln.

Trump is not Grant.

Trump is not Teddy Roosevelt.

Trump is not Ike.

Trump is not Reagan.

So why would anyone support a New York City Conservative which is a moderate at best?

Trump talk like Joe McCarthy and would most likely be the embarrassment Richard Nixon became.

A true Conservative would never support anyone like Trump, and if they say they would then I would have to question their Conservatism!

If a Conservative want to support a Conservative then vote Cruz or Paul and if they want a Neo-Conservative then vote for Rubio, Bush or Kasich but if they want New York Conservative that invokes the memory of Nixon and McCarthy then Trump is their man...
Donald Trump might be a New York City Conservative, but he is not a true Conservative.

I believe those that are supporting Donald Trump are doing so to punish those that voted for President Obama and gave us two terms of President Obama.

Anyone that believe Donald Trump is a actual Conservative and those that oppose him are RINO's are the really ignorant voter in the GOP tent.

Trump is not Lincoln.

Trump is not Grant.

Trump is not Teddy Roosevelt.

Trump is not Ike.

Trump is not Reagan.

So why would anyone support a New York City Conservative which is a moderate at best?

Trump talk like Joe McCarthy and would most likely be the embarrassment Richard Nixon became.

A true Conservative would never support anyone like Trump, and if they say they would then I would have to question their Conservatism!

If a Conservative want to support a Conservative then vote Cruz or Paul and if they want a Neo-Conservative then vote for Rubio, Bush or Kasich but if they want New York Conservative that invokes the memory of Nixon and McCarthy then Trump is their man...

It's more important to be entertained than enlightened for Trump worshippers.
It was hijacked by the Nazi element within it. Today's Republican Party really does resemble the Nazi Party. All the hate and disdain for the least fortunate among us. And the lunatic obsession with starting more wars.

It all started when the Neocons seized control. They're very dangerous people with a Nazi mentality. They want our poor to just die, or even have them locked away in cages. They want them disappeared. And they desperately want to start WWIII. I can't call myself a Republican at this point.

The Party began its descent into dark madness when it allowed the Neocons (Nazis) to seize power. It was mainly the radical Christian fundamantalist Conservatives who supported their rise. These madmen do want their Police State and WWIII. The Republican Party needs to remove them from power. Before it's too late.

Agree--the demise of the Republican party couldn't be better explained than in this article.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

And of course the Tea Party has thrown gasoline onto the fire by chasing off large voting blocks. In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's Hispanics. It's really impossible for Republicans to win the White House anymore.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Let’s Elect Hillary Now
Last edited:
I don't think Trump would want to control the lives of 300 million people. He wants what's best for the country...and that is what makes the difference from the other candidates. Most of the other candidates are using their position to enhance their own personal wealth.

You have GOT to be shitting me.

I think you have missed the point. Trump was one of those donors who expected the politicians to perform for him. He knows the game and used it to his advantage. He is quite honest about it, isn't he?

So, if he wins the race and becomes president, the game in the White House stops. He doesn't have the wealthy donors who are expecting him to act for their agenda, he's working for the agenda of all the people. I don't think many candidates can say that. Even Bernie who I think is basically honest will have favors to give and play the game.

That is the most incredibly ignorant leap in "logic" I've ever heard.

What you basically said is, "Politicians with rich donors are bad, because they'll make policy to benefit rich people. So we should just elect the rich donor himself, because HE'LL care about everyone!"

Or, y'know, maybe he'll just make policy for rich people directly, and save on the middle man. Duhhhh.

We finally agree on something

So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?
What the country is desperate for is a President who is a proven success as a businessman. Someone who has actually fucking ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING in his life!
The country flirted with the 'First AA' President's Socialist agenda. How did THAT work out??????
Obama had ZERO experience in business, finance, geo-global politics, ME policy. Fucking NIL!
The fucking 'OJ jury' and White guilt soccer moms voted for a fucking 'community organizer' based SOLELY on the color of his skin. OH the sweet irony! The 'OJ jury' and the White guilt soccer moms ended up in worse circumstances under Obama's attempted Socialist wet-dream.
This time the country must have a hard nosed 'geterdone! businessman as President.

Well, then, let's run right out and recruit George Soros!

Voting for someone because of his bank account makes no more sense than voting for someone on the color of his skin.

I don't know if you've noticed, but real-estate mogul and President are NOT the same skill set.
Who are you and what have you done w/ Cecille1200?!!! :mad-61:

And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

Pretty simple. Our nation has been becoming progressively dumber, more shallow, and less mature with each passing year. This is just the latest iteration of our coming collapse under the weight of our own spoiled ignorance.
Sad but true. And a self-inflicted wound.
I don't think Trump would want to control the lives of 300 million people. He wants what's best for the country...and that is what makes the difference from the other candidates. Most of the other candidates are using their position to enhance their own personal wealth.

You have GOT to be shitting me.

I think you have missed the point. Trump was one of those donors who expected the politicians to perform for him. He knows the game and used it to his advantage. He is quite honest about it, isn't he?

So, if he wins the race and becomes president, the game in the White House stops. He doesn't have the wealthy donors who are expecting him to act for their agenda, he's working for the agenda of all the people. I don't think many candidates can say that. Even Bernie who I think is basically honest will have favors to give and play the game.

That is the most incredibly ignorant leap in "logic" I've ever heard.

What you basically said is, "Politicians with rich donors are bad, because they'll make policy to benefit rich people. So we should just elect the rich donor himself, because HE'LL care about everyone!"

Or, y'know, maybe he'll just make policy for rich people directly, and save on the middle man. Duhhhh.

We finally agree on something


I concur
There is nothing "fucking stupid" about his policies or his handling of the media and his challenge to Political Correctness.

The rest of the world think it is fucking stupid that Republicans would nominate Trump

The rest of the world is benefiting from an America that has been the World's Bitch on Trade and Immigration.

And is wrong.

Once again, Republicans think trade agreements have to be 100% in your favor to be acceptable.....the real world doesn't work like that

No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

YES--In 2012 Republicans were EXTREME--in 2016 Republicans have gone BAT SHIT CRAZY

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So this:


Produces this


Because of these people


In their efforts to get a non-Establishment candidate have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Wanting to enforce our democratically enacted immigration laws and NOT have record trade deficits every year is hardly "BAT SHIT CRAZY".

Ironically, pretending it is, is Bat shit crazy.
It's not the specific positions on issues that is troubling. We all have positions, and, fortunately for us, we're able to vote for people who will represent us to advocate for those positions. If you and those who oppose you are confident you can win at the ballot box with those positions, great, let's vote and see what happens.

The issue with Trump is, to use one of zillion possible words, is his character. Endless amazingly shallow platitudes ("it's gonna be great', "you're gonna love it", "we're gonna have so many wins", good gawd, on and on and on), a never-ending string of juvenile personal insults, a personal history that simply doesn't match his current rhetoric, behaviors that make a reasonable person wonder what he would do under pressure, and an overall immaturity and lack of grace is a pretty unattractive package for a lot of people in normal situations, let alone someone who could become President of the United States and leader of the free world.

The individual issues can be debated, let's do it. But this guy is a horrible messenger -- this is a guy who makes Jesse Ventura and Ross Perot look like dignified statesmen -- and his various behaviors make having a reasonable debate almost impossible.

As I have pointed out, we have had this message before.

The messengers were attacked and marginalized by the PC MSM.

Trump's methods seem to be what is required to smash though the lies of the Left to get the message to the People.

Patrick Buchanan didn't spew "shallow platitudes" or "a never-ending string of juvenile personal insults" and did have a personal history that did match his rhetoric and was very mature and dignified.

And he was chewed up and spit out by the Media and the Left.

You don't like Trump being "The Messenger"?

Then blame Political Correctness for shooting every messenger.

NONE of the above links come from MSNBC dumb ass. They are election historic facts. Trump supporter aka Tea Party member--in their efforts to get a non-Establishment candidate has effectively rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, along with a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. This is election HISTORY & MATH.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. Independents will NOT vote for far right candidates. ..."

There is nothing extreme about Trumps policies.

That you consider enforcing our laws extreme shows how fucked up America is, not how extreme Trump is.

Trump's message is crafted to sell to the American working class and is the best hope that the GOP has to make inroads in Democratic Rust Belt Cities and with minority voters.

We don't have to convince them all that better trade policy and lower immigration will be in their interests.

Just enough of them to tip the balance.

Your use of "Reich" shows that you are the nutty extremist.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

Pretty simple. Our nation has been becoming progressively dumber, more shallow, and less mature with each passing year. This is just the latest iteration of our coming collapse under the weight of our own spoiled ignorance.
Sad but true. And a self-inflicted wound.

If Trump can weaken Political Correctness enough, that would be a huge step in the right direction.

If he can wake people up to stop letting the Media define reality for them, that would be a huge step in the right direction.

If both? This country might have hope after all.

The pissed off people are the sane people.
...Republicans are "fucking stupid" and I can prove it..... Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders

What is wrong with Bernie Sanders?

Wanting to send kids to college?
When everybody's special, then nobody's special.

When everybody has a bachelor's degree, you'll be able to wipe your ass with one; about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Never mind who's going to pay for it.

Medieval European Literature 202 is not a prerequisite for flipping burgers or cleaning toilets or collecting food stamps or welfare after graduation.
Same about High School

How many students graduated with a degree in Midieval European Literature? One?
Stop trying to distract and deflect.

We don't need to shell-out untold billions, only to cheapen Bachelors Degrees to the point where they're used as a substitute for toilet paper.

AND artificially rise prices in the process.
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
Not everyone will pursue a college degree. Those that do will be able to afford it......the rest can flip burgers

There is no reason a lack of a college degree should relegate anyone to just flipping burgers.

I suspect my plumber might be a millionaire.
...The additional knowledge and skills of the American workforce is what matters

When Bachelor Degrees are as common as toilet paper, burger flippers and toilet cleaners can console themselves with the idea of being better-educated worker bees.
Not everyone will pursue a college degree. Those that do will be able to afford it......the rest can flip burgers

There is no reason a lack of a college degree should relegate anyone to just flipping burgers.

I suspect my plumber might be a millionaire.

I know my electrician is. Skilled trades are a great way to go right now but many young people don't seem to want to go that route.

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