Can someone explain what has happened to the GOP?

Sadly, it is either you Communists or the Nazis in the other Party. Those are the only choices for Americans. We're flucked.


Donald seems to be offering authoritarianism.

Read the definition of authoritianism. It is a recognized form of government. As well as being hard to spell.

And I beleive it comes naturally to Donald.
And some people want to be ruled that way. For a while anyway.

Most people who call themselves Conservatives, have adopted a Nazi mentality. They have disdain for the poor and weak among us. They would like to see them disappeared. They want them dead or locked away in cages. They're anything but 'Good Christians.' And their constant Warmongering is truly shocking and disturbing. They do want WWIII.

Very dangerous madmen currently control the Republican Party. I can't support it anymore. But i do see Trump as somwhat different. He's always criticized Republican leadership. He truly despises Neocons like the Bush's, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and so on. I'm not saying he's the answer, but we just don't have a lot of choices. It's either the Nazi madmen Republicans or the Communist lunatic Democrats. Them's the choices. Read em and weep.
No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners
Once again, Republicans think trade agreements have to be 100% in your favor to be acceptable.....the real world doesn't work like that

No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

Trump has bullied local politicians to get his real estate projects approved. Won't work with foreign nations. Trumps threats to carpet bomb or invade unless he gets his way will be laughed at
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.
No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name
No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

Trump has bullied local politicians to get his real estate projects approved. Won't work with foreign nations. Trumps threats to carpet bomb or invade unless he gets his way will be laughed at

Trump will be the head of the world's largest economy and the world's largest market.

When he starts his negotiation with his normal Extreme Demand Opening Position, no one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

The fringes of both parties took control of their respective parties, driving a divide between the two that has made it impossible for any bipartisan action on anything at all. Because of this, we have not seen any significant legislation that has really been good for America. What we have seen is partisan hackery that has led us to a do nothing Congress, which in turn has many Americans fed up with the entire system. Now they think, for some reason, that "The Donald" is the answer to all of this, and that he will somehow magically make everything work again.

Let's look at the immigration problem as an example. Illegals have been blamed for just about everything that is wrong with the US, but in truth they aren't much of a problem. While it would be prudent and logical to find a way to allow them to stay here, to work here, and pay taxes here, saying we are going to deport them all is the winning sales call, even though we all know that we are not going to deport 11 to 20 million illegals. Why not allow them to stay and get them on the books by giving them green cards, if they have no felonies, but also make it that the will not be permitted citizenship in the future unless they leave the country and begin the process legally.

The problem now is that the Republican Party has pretty much chased any moderates away. Personally, I think the Republican Party is in real trouble. Until they welcome back moderate Republicans, the conservative movement is not going anywhere fast, because in truth, truly conservative policies don't help average Americans.
So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.
Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.

I don't believe your graph is correct.

And the US is the world's largest market. Russia in number 10. India is number 9. China is a distant second, barely more than half.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States 17,348,075
China 10,356,508
Japan 4,602,367
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Brazil 2,346,583
Italy 2,147,744
India 2,051,228
Russia[n 2] 1,860,598
Canada 1,785,387
Australia 1,442,722
South Korea 1,410,383
So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

Trump has bullied local politicians to get his real estate projects approved. Won't work with foreign nations. Trumps threats to carpet bomb or invade unless he gets his way will be laughed at

Trump will be the head of the world's largest economy and the world's largest market.

When he starts his negotiation with his normal Extreme Demand Opening Position, no one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.
If Trump were the negotiator he claims he is, he would be a lot richer.

In reality, he has blown more big deals than he has made. He is a minor player in NY real estate
Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.

I don't believe your graph is correct.

And the US is the world's largest market. Russia in number 10. India is number 9. China is a distant second, barely more than half.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States 17,348,075
China 10,356,508
Japan 4,602,367
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Brazil 2,346,583
Italy 2,147,744
India 2,051,228
Russia[n 2] 1,860,598
Canada 1,785,387
Australia 1,442,722
South Korea 1,410,383

Russia is nowhere close to us. China is bigger than us already based on purchasing power. The biggest thing about China and India is that both have much greater upside than the US. The long term potential of both is much greater than that of the US, just based on their population.

World GDP Ranking 2015 | Data and Charts -
So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.
They laughed at Bush when he tried the " my way or the highway" tactics

I doubt the world will take Trump seriously.....or congress for that matter
Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.

China is NOT the only country Trump can make a difference on.

China is not going to become less dependent on exports unless they are forced to. They are not going to walk away from the wealth fountain that unfair trade has been for them.

The past policies you mention have nothing to do with the "liberals" of today.
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

Trump has bullied local politicians to get his real estate projects approved. Won't work with foreign nations. Trumps threats to carpet bomb or invade unless he gets his way will be laughed at

Trump will be the head of the world's largest economy and the world's largest market.

When he starts his negotiation with his normal Extreme Demand Opening Position, no one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.

The largest economy is that way because of the trade deals that have been negotiated in the past. Just for a "for instance", how many cell phones have you gone through in the last 20 years? For most, it's a new one every 2-3 years.

Americans replace their cell phones every 2 years, Finns – every six, a study claims

So those 10 phones you bought were likely progressively better with more gizmos and capabilities. Few downgrade on purpose. None of them were made in America. So, when Trump goes in and tries to bully the nations that have the factories that make the cell phones; 1 of 3 things will happen.

1. They will cave. Not at all likely. America is 300 million people and is way over saturated. There are millions of people in other nations who never had a cell phone and those markets will have to be exploited by someone. So when the contracts they have with Verizon or Sprint are done; that is that.

2. China walks away from the table (or Sinagpore, or Japan, or England) The factories in their nations that once made products for American businesses? They will simply start selling phones elsewhere. And, in cruel irony, companies like Verizon will be right there with them to exploit the new markets. They are making inroads to that already. Global Network Infrastructure | Verizon Enterprise Solutions What has stopped them in the past is that regulators want to keep their nation's carriers vital so they have run into roadblocks. Since Verizon is now having to sell crappy phones to access their network thanks to Mr. Trump, they can either "be a good American" and watch their customers drop off. Or they can move to Brazil and cash in on the markets not exploited yet.

3. The governmental bodies begin to realize that the US economy is going to really take a fall. The reason is because that once-every-two-year-cycle is now once every four years because the "new" phones are sub standard. And the price is outrageous. So places that sell phones are taking a hit; the kiosks in the mall that sell the "skins" for the phones are gone. So, the nations begin to cash in their debt instruments while they are most valuable. Thus causing interest rates to rise.

The example is just for cell phones but the same could be said for nearly every electronics device. The video games your kids play, the Keurig that makes your coffee, the ear buds in your ears....the computer you're using right now.

The reason we have a large economy is because we have more "deals" being made here than anywhere else--it is a consumer based operation. When you drive up the price to consumers; the economy slows down. Not rocket science.

It is precisely what Mr. Trump (Wages are too high) will bring us. They aren't playing around and frankly, the assessment that we somehow, have been, is ridiculous.
I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.

I don't believe your graph is correct.

And the US is the world's largest market. Russia in number 10. India is number 9. China is a distant second, barely more than half.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States 17,348,075
China 10,356,508
Japan 4,602,367
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Brazil 2,346,583
Italy 2,147,744
India 2,051,228
Russia[n 2] 1,860,598
Canada 1,785,387
Australia 1,442,722
South Korea 1,410,383

Russia is nowhere close to us. China is bigger than us already based on purchasing power. The biggest thing about China and India is that both have much greater upside than the US. The long term potential of both is much greater than that of the US, just based on their population.

Long term potential? Perhaps.

Right now, though, we have the largest economy in the world and controlling/granting access to it should give US tremendous leverage, if we are not to stupid to take advantage of that.
Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.

I don't believe your graph is correct.

And the US is the world's largest market. Russia in number 10. India is number 9. China is a distant second, barely more than half.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States 17,348,075
China 10,356,508
Japan 4,602,367
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Brazil 2,346,583
Italy 2,147,744
India 2,051,228
Russia[n 2] 1,860,598
Canada 1,785,387
Australia 1,442,722
South Korea 1,410,383

Gross Domestic Product is not a measure of the size of markets but the size of the economy. Total amount of goods and services produced.
Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.

China is NOT the only country Trump can make a difference on.

China is not going to become less dependent on exports unless they are forced to. They are not going to walk away from the wealth fountain that unfair trade has been for them.

The past policies you mention have nothing to do with the "liberals" of today.

As I said. Force China into a corner and they may well decide to become less dependent on exports. China is at the point that they really don't need the US market should they decide they want to grow their economy from within. It's just a matter of time until they figure this out anyway. I'm not sure I want "The Donald" helping them to speed up that process.

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