Can someone find me a Law that Forces someone into a Union?

I would joke that the Philadelphia City Charter does, but it's gotten so sad and corrupt, it's not even funny any more.
What forces people into a Union is the contractual agreement between the Company and the existing Unionized employees of that Company. The Company agrees that the position is a Union position in the contract and from then on cannot hire non-Union workers to do the job unless those workers join the Union (or at least pay dues).
My parents worked for the state of Il.

If you didn't join the union, they took out of your check what was called "Fair share" fee. The idea was that they still, some how, benefited from what the union did. Course, they never mentioned that the union would keep you back if you didn't join.
I haven't been able to find one.

When States do not pass laws that forbid Companies making all positions Union only the State is supporting the Unions in forcing Companies and people to do business only with the Union.

Right to work should be the law of the land. Any Democrat that claims they are for the people and does not support right to work is lying through their teeth.
I haven't been able to find one.

You're kidding, right? Don't you know how to use Google? Of course there are places where you have to join a Union. Look it up. Please let us know if you have trouble finding any of the thousands of examples available and we'll help you out.
You're kidding, right? Don't you know how to use Google? Of course there are places where you have to join a Union. Look it up. Please let us know if you have trouble finding any of the thousands of examples available and we'll help you out.

In most cases the requirement is CONTRACTUAL between the Company and the Union, not Mandated by law.
I know that some states have what is called a Right To Work law that gives you the right to work for anyone without having to join a Union, some states don't have this law and if the company has a contract with a Union you have to join to get a job.
What forces people into a Union is the contractual agreement between the Company and the existing Unionized employees of that Company. The Company agrees that the position is a Union position in the contract and from then on cannot hire non-Union workers to do the job unless those workers join the Union (or at least pay dues).

So it is a good faith contract with a corporation?
I know that some states have what is called a Right To Work law that gives you the right to work for anyone without having to join a Union, some states don't have this law and if the company has a contract with a Union you have to join to get a job.

Ahh so that is all a right to work law is huh?

You lose more than you gain with all right to work laws I have seen and lived under.

and there are open shops and closed shops as far as unions go.
So it is a good faith contract with a corporation?

It is generally written directly into the Union Contract which positions are Unionized. By signing the Contract the Company agrees to only employ Union members (or those paying Union dues) in those positions.
Why do unions exist? That must be the first question. The anti-union message (movement!?) seems to overlook that important question.

In terms of why an employee pays union dues even when they are philosopically opposed to unions, in the agencies where I was employed, the employee either joined the union and paid the dues, or did not join the union but paid the same amount to an approved non-profit of his/her choice. Human nature being what it is, some employees would be freeloaders which would create striff in the workplace.
I'd add, as a manager who participated in selecting employees for promotions, union membership was not offically used in decision making, however, unofficially, if an employee was a militant shit disturber, it's likely that alone might prevent advancement.
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Taft Hartley enables unions to force employees to pay dues in union shop states even if they don't want to belong to the union. Given the current bias of the NLRB, it's highly unlikely that any protesting employees will be left off the hook.
There is no law per se.

No one will put a gun to your head to make you join any union.

It will be your decision all the way.
Taft Hartley enables unions to force employees to pay dues in union shop states even if they don't want to belong to the union. Given the current bias of the NLRB, it's highly unlikely that any protesting employees will be left off the hook.

The NLRB is biased? My goodness, what has happened to our country. Thank the Lord that no conservative bias exists in America.
[sarcasm sucks, but does have a purpose once in a while]
I'd add, as a manager who participated in selecting employees for promotions, union membership was not offically used in decision making, however, unofficially, if an employee was a militant shit disturber, it's likely that alone might prevent advancement.

See, that's why we have Automatic Progression for most of our rosters. Put in the time, prove you can do the work, you progress automatically. In most cases the top roster classification (Senior, 1St Class, Working Leader, etc...) isn't progression, but the lower ones all are.
What forces people into a Union is the contractual agreement between the Company and the existing Unionized employees of that Company. The Company agrees that the position is a Union position in the contract and from then on cannot hire non-Union workers to do the job unless those workers join the Union (or at least pay dues).
And who forces them to work for that company?

I'm not required to labour for a capitalist, according to the Righties, but I'm forced to join a union? :cuckoo:
Taft Hartley enables unions to force employees to pay dues in union shop states even if they don't want to belong to the union. .
And I have to pay taxes whether I want to support Der Staat or not.

Same shit, different scale.

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