Can someone making $1 million a year afford a 5.87% tax increase?

I said dance. Cmon girlie boy, do your best moves for the audience.

:lmao: again!

Do you seriously believe that your puerile taunts are going to do anything more than make me :lol: at your expense?

Rather than being a snarky prick [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], can you articulate (like a mature adult) exactly how much is "wealthy" in your mind and why they should pay so much more in your mind?

This is your FINAL WARNING!

You are in violation of the following Rule:

When placed on Ignore by a Member, You may Pos and Neg Rep them. You may not PM, VM, or @Mention them, it is considered harassment.

You were initially informed by post that were being placed on ignore.

Your were given another warning yesterday.

This is your 3rd and final warning.

You will be reported for harassment if you @mention me ever again.
:lmao: again!

Do you seriously believe that your puerile taunts are going to do anything more than make me :lol: at your expense?

Rather than being a snarky prick [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], can you articulate (like a mature adult) exactly how much is "wealthy" in your mind and why they should pay so much more in your mind?

This is your FINAL WARNING!

You are in violation of the following Rule:

When placed on Ignore by a Member, You may Pos and Neg Rep them. You may not PM, VM, or @Mention them, it is considered harassment.

You were initially informed by post that were being placed on ignore.

Your were given another warning yesterday.

This is your 3rd and final warning.

You will be reported for harassment if you @mention me ever again.

Hey asshole, what the FUCK are you talking about?!?! First of all, this is the FIRST time I've been made aware of you being a pussy. Second, how could I possibly know what you do with your profile and who you place on ignore?!?

Derideo_Te proving once again what an asshole she is (and how she runs from people that she is incapable of debating).
So you ARE a socialist after all. What is it with you? You already get a piece of my income to buy votes for Liberals. Now you want privately held corporations to fork over their profits? And just how do wars benefit the wealthy? Wars do tend to put people to work, so don't they benefit labor?

Nope! As a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE I strongly believe in holding people accountable! The taxcuts were sold on the premise that "job creators" would actually create more jobs if they were given massive tax cuts. In the decade since those tax cuts were granted job growth has been non existent. Therefore the taxpayers have been screwed over by giving the wealthy tax breaks with nothing in return.

Genuine conservatives do hold people accountable for failure to perform. There has been an abysmal failure and it is time to hold them responsible and remedy the harm they have caused by taking these taxpayer funds and not providing anything of value in return.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]. That is a fact.

And that fact has forced jobs overseas (as Dumbocrats always do). Now that your ignorance has been exposed, would you like to attempt a new narrative?

Dumbocrats have told job creators and producers "fuck you - we will punish you". In return, job creators and producers have told Dumbocrats "no need to be hate'n brother - we will simply take our jobs somewhere that they are welcome and appreciated". It really is that simple, stupid. :eusa_doh:

Nope! As a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE I strongly believe in holding people accountable! The taxcuts were sold on the premise that "job creators" would actually create more jobs if they were given massive tax cuts. In the decade since those tax cuts were granted job growth has been non existent. Therefore the taxpayers have been screwed over by giving the wealthy tax breaks with nothing in return.

Genuine conservatives do hold people accountable for failure to perform. There has been an abysmal failure and it is time to hold them responsible and remedy the harm they have caused by taking these taxpayer funds and not providing anything of value in return.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]. That is a fact.

And that fact has forced jobs overseas (as Dumbocrats always do). Now that your ignorance has been exposed, would you like to attempt a new narrative?

Dumbocrats have told job creators and producers "fuck you - we will punish you". In return, job creators and producers have told Dumbocrats "no need to be hate'n brother - we will simply take our jobs somewhere that they are welcome and appreciated". It really is that simple, stupid. :eusa_doh:


U.S. corporate tax rate poised to become highest - Mar. 27, 2012

Another Study Confirms: U.S. Has One of the Highest Effective Corporate Tax Rates in the World | Tax Foundation

World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically - Economic Intelligence (

Oops! Would you like to try again?
We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]. That is a fact.

And that fact has forced jobs overseas (as Dumbocrats always do). Now that your ignorance has been exposed, would you like to attempt a new narrative?

Dumbocrats have told job creators and producers "fuck you - we will punish you". In return, job creators and producers have told Dumbocrats "no need to be hate'n brother - we will simply take our jobs somewhere that they are welcome and appreciated". It really is that simple, stupid. :eusa_doh:


U.S. corporate tax rate poised to become highest - Mar. 27, 2012

Another Study Confirms: U.S. Has One of the Highest Effective Corporate Tax Rates in the World | Tax Foundation

World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate Hurts U.S. Economically - Economic Intelligence (

Oops! Would you like to try again?

Don't need to.

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

In 2012, my portfolio which is a Nevada corporation paid 3% effective federal tax.

If you believe that Americans businesses pay high taxes, YOU ARE A CHUMP!!!!

Don't need to.

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

In 2012, my portfolio which is a Nevada corporation paid 3% effective federal tax.

If you believe that Americans businesses pay high taxes, YOU ARE A CHUMP!!!!

ROFL Where do you get this bull shit? Do the Math? On what? How could you possibly become "rich" without knowing how corporations work?

Walmart 2013:
Revenue (ttm): 474.88B
Qtrly Revenue Growth (yoy): 1.50%
Gross Profit (ttm): 116.67B

Care to show where you got the numbers for 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes? Care to explain to the class how corporate taxes are calculated? Care to explain how stupid it is to compare revenue to taxes paid for a retail outlet that has to buy the products it sells and pay for the buildings & people that sell the products to it's customers? WTF is wrong with you?
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Capita gains and corporate taxes needs to be a SOLID 25% for all businesses making over one million a year.

Anything less is bull crap!

Oh so you want all restaurants to increase prices by 25% overnight?

Are you another one of these libtards who don't know the difference between profit and revenue?

Don't need to.

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

In 2012, my portfolio which is a Nevada corporation paid 3% effective federal tax.

If you believe that Americans businesses pay high taxes, YOU ARE A CHUMP!!!!

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

Holy crap. You pulled those numbers out of your ass, didn't you? :lol:
Just raise the minimum wage to 30 an hour, raise taxes to 40% and heavily regulate any other aspect of business you want to. I mean, we are just looking out for the little guy right?
Capita gains and corporate taxes needs to be a SOLID 25% for all businesses making over one million a year.

Anything less is bull crap!

You HAVE to be the most naive person on the board. Do you even know who pays corporate taxes? The consumer, you idiot. If you add 25% to the cost of business, you add 25% to the price of its goods or services.

Don't need to.

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

In 2012, my portfolio which is a Nevada corporation paid 3% effective federal tax.

If you believe that Americans businesses pay high taxes, YOU ARE A CHUMP!!!!

In 2012, Apple paid 12% effective Federal tax domestic and foreign sales.

In 2012, Walmart income was 774B and paid 7.3B in taxes. Care to do the math?

Holy crap. You pulled those numbers out of your ass, didn't you? :lol:

AAPL Annual Income Statement - Apple Inc. Annual Financials
Social Security proposals are wrongheaded - The Washington Post

For someone earning $1 million, the tax increase would be $58,700.

The options are keeping Social Security solvent or allowing those making $1 million a year to keep 5.87% of their pre-tax earnings.

Seems like a small enough increase for the long term benefit of the nation to a fiscal conservative like myself. And yes, I will personally pay more in taxes if this passes. But having a stable future for this nation means more to me than this paltry amount. If anything it is cheap at the price.

What is even more attractive is that it is a flat tax, something that fiscal conservatives have been advocating for ever since the Reagan era.

Besides the kneejerk opposition to any tax increase what are the legitimate objections to a reasonable and effective solution of this modest nature?

If the government wants to implement an increase, do the percentage across the board regardless what you make.
WOW! Got dyslexic!

Should have been

2012 - The last full year: Sales/Revenue 446.95B Income Tax 7.94B

WMT Annual Income Statement - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Annual Financials

After cost of goods, salaries building casts etc, pretax income was 24.4B. 8 billion is 1/3 of that, isn't it?

In making an apples to apples comparison you have to use effective. Anything else would be deceptive.



someone help I've fallen and I can't get up....


Dude, put down the bong, we know you don't have the slightest clue about finance, let alone corporate income vs. revenue, let alone what effective tax rate is for corporations or even for personal income tax or capital gains. You are clearly someone on welfare pretending to be rich.
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