Can someone making $1 million a year afford a 5.87% tax increase?

the point that is being missed here is this:

If the tax rates on the rich were increased by 5.85% as suggested, would that solve the deficit problem? No, of course not. the govt would continue to spend more than it takes in.

the solution is not more taxes on anyone, the solution is to reduce govt spending.

We don't have a spending problem, we have an income problem.

In your case, we have an asshole problem.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Labor unions priced themselves out of their jobs. American consumers can't afford to buy goods produced by American labor.

Another attack the middle class post?

Some Americans can't afford to buy goods produced by Americans because their wages are so disproportionate with costs.

Because greedy Dumbocrats (highest corporate tax rates in the world) and greedy left-wing unions (extorted wages) have forced jobs overseas.

The problem with Dumbocrats is their greed and envy. They can't accept living within their means. They can't accept not having what the Jones's have. God forbid you work a factory job and NOT own a 65" plasma tv, 3 iPad's, and a $700 iPhone, right?

Fuck'n greedy - but too lazy to earn what they want.
Let me see if I can put this idea in a way that you MIGHT understand. I'll type big.

If the choice is cutting some programs or services that benefits myself or some one else that I care about VS. the raising of taxes on the ultra wealthy by a few percent, (here is the part you need to pay attention to) I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR IDEA OF "FAIRNESS."

Maybe that will explain my position cause you sure as hell didn't explain yours.

Why do you care what amount of taxes some very very rich pay? Or do you think the very very rich are worried about YOU? LMAO.

Let me see if I can put this idea in a way that you WON'T understand (because people like you are ignorant fuck'n idiots - but it's fun to point out the facts anyway [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]). I'll type big.

I don't care about the wealthy. I don't care about the poor. What I do care about is the United States. And your ignorant policies of greed and sloth collapses nations. While conservative's policies of personal responsibility and freedom creates monumental prosperity for nations.

Let me dumb this down for you in a way you MIGHT understand:


The very practice of having the ultra wealthy amass more and more of the nations wealth is the very thing that will ruin the nation you claim to love so much.

Do you know what the solution is then [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]? For you to get up off of your lazy ass and become one of the "ultra wealthy". Then YOU can spread your own wealth around to the rest of America.

See how simple that is? So why don't you do it? Oh that's right - you're too fuck'n lazy and too fuck'n useless. So the USEFUL people out there who are PRODUCING the goods, services, and JOBS that this nation desperately needs should be punished simply because you're lazy and you envy them? Yeah - because that makes sense. Lets punish the producers and reward the parasites. Gee, that won't end in collapse... Fuck'n moron! No wonder you are a Dumbocrat parasite zeke. You're far too fuck'n stupid to stand on your own two feet and survive on your own. You're definitely example of someone who needs government to survive.
Off to play poker. Have fun, y'all.

[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION] - make sure if you win you split the pot with EVERYONE at the game as Dumbocrats will tell you that's the only "FAIR" way to play poker... :lmao:

Oh - and make sure you all take turns winning too. Because even if you evenly distribute the final result of the poker game, you have to be "FAIR" and make sure everyone feels good getting wins as well. "FAIR" is more than just financial Ernie! :lmao:

Fuck'n Dumbocrats. Is there a dumber creature in the universe than a Dumbocrat? Even the dumbest wild animal in the world can figure out how to survive on it's own in the wild without petitioning government for assistance, and yet, a Dumbocrat hasn't figured out how to do the same... :lmao:
As opposed to paying for the wars that only benefit the wealthy?

If everyone pays the exact same flat rate of taxes for "services" from the government then conversely everyone should receive an equal share of the profits from the companies that do business with the government. After all the taxpayers are the ones who are paying for those profits, right? So why do only the wealthy get to benefit from the profits generated by taxpayer funds? If you want to go 100% flat then it has to equitable in every respect.

So you ARE a socialist after all. What is it with you? You already get a piece of my income to buy votes for Liberals. Now you want privately held corporations to fork over their profits? And just how do wars benefit the wealthy? Wars do tend to put people to work, so don't they benefit labor?

Nope! As a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE I strongly believe in holding people accountable! The taxcuts were sold on the premise that "job creators" would actually create more jobs if they were given massive tax cuts. In the decade since those tax cuts were granted job growth has been non existent. Therefore the taxpayers have been screwed over by giving the wealthy tax breaks with nothing in return.

Genuine conservatives do hold people accountable for failure to perform. There has been an abysmal failure and it is time to hold them responsible and remedy the harm they have caused by taking these taxpayer funds and not providing anything of value in return.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]. That is a fact.

And that fact has forced jobs overseas (as Dumbocrats always do). Now that your ignorance has been exposed, would you like to attempt a new narrative?

Dumbocrats have told job creators and producers "fuck you - we will punish you". In return, job creators and producers have told Dumbocrats "no need to be hate'n brother - we will simply take our jobs somewhere that they are welcome and appreciated". It really is that simple, stupid. :eusa_doh:
So you ARE a socialist after all. What is it with you? You already get a piece of my income to buy votes for Liberals. Now you want privately held corporations to fork over their profits? And just how do wars benefit the wealthy? Wars do tend to put people to work, so don't they benefit labor?

Nope! As a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE I strongly believe in holding people accountable! The taxcuts were sold on the premise that "job creators" would actually create more jobs if they were given massive tax cuts. In the decade since those tax cuts were granted job growth has been non existent. Therefore the taxpayers have been screwed over by giving the wealthy tax breaks with nothing in return.

Genuine conservatives do hold people accountable for failure to perform. There has been an abysmal failure and it is time to hold them responsible and remedy the harm they have caused by taking these taxpayer funds and not providing anything of value in return.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]. That is a fact.

And that fact has forced jobs overseas (as Dumbocrats always do). Now that your ignorance has been exposed, would you like to attempt a new narrative?

Dumbocrats have told job creators and producers "fuck you - we will punish you". In return, job creators and producers have told Dumbocrats "no need to be hate'n brother - we will simply take our jobs somewhere that they are welcome and appreciated". It really is that simple, stupid. :eusa_doh:

I love when Dumbocrats act like we "cut" taxes. Oooooh - we got $100 back one year! Yipeee!

Until we're not in the top 25 countries in the world with our corporate tax rate, then we have no REAL tax cuts and the Dumbocrat failure will continue.
So you ARE a socialist after all. What is it with you? You already get a piece of my income to buy votes for Liberals. Now you want privately held corporations to fork over their profits? And just how do wars benefit the wealthy? Wars do tend to put people to work, so don't they benefit labor?

Nope! As a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE I strongly believe in holding people accountable! The taxcuts were sold on the premise that "job creators" would actually create more jobs if they were given massive tax cuts. In the decade since those tax cuts were granted job growth has been non existent. Therefore the taxpayers have been screwed over by giving the wealthy tax breaks with nothing in return.

Genuine conservatives do hold people accountable for failure to perform. There has been an abysmal failure and it is time to hold them responsible and remedy the harm they have caused by taking these taxpayer funds and not providing anything of value in return.

You are no more a fiscal conservative than I am a Marxist.

You conveniently fail to mention that the Bush tax cuts gave everyone a break, yet you and yours only are interested in bitching about the cuts to the wealthy.

You have no interest in cutting EITC's or dropping the threshold for the first bracket.

Yeah unfortunately for some it meant paying no tax at all, which would not have been a problem if no one had to pay. But now we have a situation where 51% think they are above paying taxes and the other 49% should be the ones paying not them. Entitlement society, here we some.

Everyone should have been given a 30% reduction or something like that vs some people getting 100% reduction and others 50% off etc.. Damn these socialists to hell.
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The issue of fairness you say.

Let me see if I can put this idea in a way that you MIGHT understand. I'll type big.

If the choice is cutting some programs or services that benefits myself or some one else that I care about VS. the raising of taxes on the ultra wealthy by a few percent, (here is the part you need to pay attention to) I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR IDEA OF "FAIRNESS."

Maybe that will explain my position cause you sure as hell didn't explain yours.

Why do you care what amount of taxes some very very rich pay? Or do you think the very very rich are worried about YOU? LMAO.

And I don't care about services that benefit you or your family. Understand? If you need something, get the fuck off your ass and earn it.
The "Ultra wealthy" already pay hundreds of time more in taxes than what they receive in benefits, yet you want them to do YOUR job and provide for your family?

Amazingly, the effective Federal tax rate for the 'ultra rich' is much lower than the middle class or poor.

Who pays more in sales tax, the ultra rich, or the middle class and poor?

Amazingly, the effective Federal tax rate for the 'ultra rich' is much lower than the middle class or poor.

Amazingly, you refuse to prove it.
Amazingly, the effective Federal tax rate for the 'ultra rich' is much lower than the middle class or poor.

Who pays more in sales tax, the ultra rich, or the middle class and poor?

The rich. They buy more. They pay more property tax,sales tax, income tax, more licensing fees, they pay 7.5% on all employees' salaries. In many cased, their tax burden exceeds 50% of their salary, yet you want more.

There are tens of millions more middle class and poor than there are rich. How can we rich buy more?


The top 1% of US taxpayers pay almost as much in federal income taxes as the entire bottom 95%, and half of that bottom group paid no taxes at all in 2010 | AEIdeas
Off to play poker. Have fun, y'all.

[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION] - make sure if you win you split the pot with EVERYONE at the game as Dumbocrats will tell you that's the only "FAIR" way to play poker... :lmao:

Oh - and make sure you all take turns winning too. Because even if you evenly distribute the final result of the poker game, you have to be "FAIR" and make sure everyone feels good getting wins as well. "FAIR" is more than just financial Ernie! :lmao:

Fuck'n Dumbocrats. Is there a dumber creature in the universe than a Dumbocrat? Even the dumbest wild animal in the world can figure out how to survive on it's own in the wild without petitioning government for assistance, and yet, a Dumbocrat hasn't figured out how to do the same... :lmao:

I don't have to split my winnings here, Dog. There are no Democrats in Alabama.
And I don't care about services that benefit you or your family. Understand? If you need something, get the fuck off your ass and earn it.
The "Ultra wealthy" already pay hundreds of time more in taxes than what they receive in benefits, yet you want them to do YOUR job and provide for your family?

Amazingly, the effective Federal tax rate for the 'ultra rich' is much lower than the middle class or poor.

Who pays more in sales tax, the ultra rich, or the middle class and poor?

Amazingly, the effective Federal tax rate for the 'ultra rich' is much lower than the middle class or poor.

Amazingly, you refuse to prove it.

Amazingly, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Would you like to try again [MENTION=29707]Toddsterpatriot[/MENTION]?
The irony here is that you are advocating Marxist concepts when you demand that everyone must pay an equal amount for government services irrespective of income level.

How is it "marxism" in your mind when people are charged the same price for the same exact good or service? Is it "marxism" that a cup of coffee at Starbucks costs the same for a billionaire as it does for someone in poverty? Is it "marxism" that a burger at McDonald's costs the same for a billionaire as it does for someone in poverty? Is it "marxism" that a newspaper from the USA Today costs the same for a billionaire as it does for someone in poverty? :bang3:

And do you realize that if any one of these FREE market institutions tried to charge someone more for the exact same product or service, you Dumbocrats would scream "discrimination"! :bang3:

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