Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?

☭proletarian☭;2195211 said:
And has contributed to their enslavement.
Care to elaborate?

Union Dues.

These union thugs take dues from their members enrich themselves and endorse candidates and policies against members' best interest. Just look around you as to what's going on.

We have Progressives telling Americans what they MUST do versus really solving problems. Healthcare is one of the most glaring. It's an affront to true Liberty, and The Union thugs get their payback FROM those in power in Government.

Unions have far outlived their origional intent. Unions were born of violence, and they still use violence as they blame others for it.

Unions are a base of thuggery under the guise of 'caring' for the 'working man'. They are far from it. They are control freaks just like those that they by and large support in the Democrat party.

are you really saying that unions liked the health care bill? you really are insane
•women’s rights
•civil rights
•Voting Rights Act
•regulation of banks and stock brokerage firms
•a minimum wage
•Child Labor Act
•regulation of the stock exchanges
•labor rights – collective bargaining
•National Parks and monuments -Death Valley, Everglades, Blue Ridge, Boulder Dam, Bull Run, Mount Rushmore, Cape Cod
•Tennessee Valley Authority
•Rural electrification
•the GI Bill providing education to thousands upon thousands of veterans
•Housing loans for vets
•FHA housing loans
•The SBA (Small Business Administration)
•Unemployment insurance
•Peace Corp
•Social Security
•National Endowment for the Arts

I think our conservatives friends would consider these accomplishments to be failures at best and unconstitutional at worst.

I would like to see proof conservatives fought agains the bolded. seems quite odd
One Liberal Ideal that has worked?

The United States of America.

*NOT* in the present Tense of Liberalism as espoused by Jefferson. Modern-Day Conservatives are more aligned with Jefferson than you care to admit...

Modern day Liberalism is more Progressive/Marxist/Socialist.

I didn't realize sean hannity had an account here
#2 Woman's suffrage- notice doesn't apply when it's Palin being trashed and mocked as a woman. Where is the left on that one?



who stopped palin from voting???


#6 Gay Rights - Gays have every right that every American has except marriage, and if that was a good idea California would've voted it that way but the majority said no

only after intolernant homophobes spent millions fighting against it (lds)
And have the Unions make contributions to those that YOU may not agree?

Face FACT. Unions are Corporations unto themselves that they decry.

Some union contributions:

40 hour work week
Overtime pay
Minimum wage
Paid Vacation
Child Labor laws

All things conservatives fought every step of the way.

You forgot one other union contribution:

Causing the eventual bankruptcy of the company or government they work for, thus causing the promised pensions and benefits of former employees to dry up and lead to an economic crisis when those union members who became so dependent on the union are all-of-a-sudden out on their own. Oops.

☭proletarian☭;2195609 said:
PROVE your assertion. You cannot.

Those who opposed such changes were conservative by definition.

Are you simple?

All those things basically amounted to what? Getting paid for not being at work. Being guaranteed the right not to "Work too hard" or work more than 40 hours a week in an attempt to out-work the opposition. See how the most competitive fields don't abide by 40 hours work weeks? Because they try to outwork each other, and as a result, all parties end up with a better product.

All those things go along with an overwhelming liberal philosophy: Get paid for work you aren't doing, being entitled to something unearned, not being subject to orders that you need to work harder, and of course, the union makes it nearly impossible to fire someone who sits around and does mediocre work during those 40 hours.

The result? Mediocrity, no worker motivation, aka, THE ENTIRE INEFFICIENT AND LAZY GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE WE SEE NOW.

you do realize this started after overtime pay was iniatited as well as mertric based bonuses? all of which didn't exist before the movemetns discussed and overtime pay was in his list
Just like hammerhead, great white and bull are all different types of sharks, but still sharks. Marxism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Eugenics, all the same species but different breeds.

Eugenics is a conservative ideal...

Oh, no no no my friend. As a sociology grad, who has studied eugenics in-depth, I must argue. See leftist icon George Bernard Shaw. You know.....the same Shaw that is worshipped in liberal professor's offices daily on college campus. He advocated a "humane gas" to kill off "undesireables" and wanted to play classical music to calm them while they "exited". Marx was also a strong advocate of eugenics (dirty little secret they don't like to teach in college or MSNBC). As was Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Che (Yep, same Che that smart ass liberals wear t-shirts of at their coffee shops).

the nazis started and ran their eugenics program off data collected from the eugenics program that liberals were running in america.

also, not all che people like his governmetn ideas. he was a military genius and his guerilla warfare tactics are still taught at usa military schools.

people who parrot the somalia stuff from mises are quite stupid. the article was actually quite good and described what a truly free society would like. following the constitution would get us the ideals from that artcile, not hte pirates and other nonsense in somalia
Haha, I'll give credit, pretty funny comic.

But you forgot: The right has always supported the police. Somalia lacks strong police, which is why it's chaos there. The right is fine with reasonable taxes, b/c that funds police, fire, military. Just not taxing to the point that we are gonna try to subsidize laziness and stupidity, which is what we are doing.

if you believe whats in bold you don't understand what being a conservative is. all those services should be private and funded by communites and not taxes.

The ironic thing is this: Even when the right is in power, we have always been consistent in our stance against big government.

patriot act, fisa updates, medicare part D, homeland security, the war on drugs, wiretapping of all americans... should I go on?

All of a sudden, the lefties have become HUGE fans of government. Where did that come from? They are now "The Man" and they LOVE government. Can't get enough of that Big Daddy Government nipple, huh?

please read up on logical fallacies
The ironic thing is this: Even when the right is in power, we have always been consistent in our stance against big government.

When the right is in power, the left cries about "The Man", big government, distrust of gov't, etc, etc, etc.

All of a sudden, the lefties have become HUGE fans of government. Where did that come from? They are now "The Man" and they LOVE government. Can't get enough of that Big Daddy Government nipple, huh?

Nixon, the Bushes, and ESPECIALLY Reagan sure were with the "War on Drugs" right? :eusa_eh:

Yeah, they were and good for them. Police law enforcement has always been supported by the right. The war on drugs is an ugly thing. It's about to get uglier with the Mexican gangs and cartels flooding our borders. Conservatives have always supported the police, fire and military. No one denies that, in fact, we're proud of it. You guys should join us on that one.

your reply has nothing to do with ihs post. the war on drugs requires huge government. it should be ended
Conservatives are for police law enforcement and the war on drugs for many reasons. Drugs are the root of most other crimes. Theft, murder, rape, most can be traced back to drug use, the attempt to gain money to buy drugs, or behavior as the result of being under the influence of drugs

please stop calling yourself conservative. WE, not you, believe in small government and personal responsibility. drugs should be legal and if you want to do them and then do something stupid you go to jail or whatever punishment for you. we dont need police looking for people with little bags of weed or coke thinking they are heros. and you are quite dumb to lump alcohol and weed together. alochol leads to more crimes by users than all drugs combined.

That aside, the war on drugs, if done correctly, will focus on trafficking, and the use and possession of hard street drugs: Heroin, crack, pcp, etc. Show me any two communities, one with rampant drug use, the other with rare drug use, and I'll show you the cleaner more peaceful place to live.

plenty of people who do drugs live peaceful lives. and why should hard drugs be restricted. where in the constitution can the governmetn limit what substance(s) go into my body whether drugs or not?

Again, conservatives are against the ideal of big government, while also supporting the use of limited government to fund police, fire and military for the general protection of the citizens. Fighting drug use and trafficking for the purpose of lowering the related crimes is one of those causes.

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

A college degree doesn't entitle you to anything. What it does is puts you ahead of those who don't have one.

And in this day and age if you don't have one, you're screwed.

Puts you ahead in what way Mr. Dirt?

knowledge? I would love to see some self taught person go against an engineer who did a 4 or 6 year (masters) program when applying for a job
How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

I really wonder how these College grads will feel the minute they get out, and there's NOTHING to be had except 'Blue Collar" labour at best that these self-proclaimed elistists say is beneath them?

It's Obama's economy now. Good luck at even digging a ditch you college grads that Voted for 'Change"...serves yer asses right.

instead of doing blue collar things I would just build a robot to do it. no reason that humans are doing 99% of min wages jobs now as trivial machines can do it.
Funded by communities and not taxes? Where would the communities get the money to pay for police then?

if there are no or minimum taxes (as there would be) then the money would be allocated elsewhere namely protection if a community found it important. It would not come from an overbearing government that has no oversight. also, if you didn't like the police force you hired then you could replace them from another provider, unlike today unless you move.
Funded by communities and not taxes? Where would the communities get the money to pay for police then?

if there are no or minimum taxes (as there would be) then the money would be allocated elsewhere namely protection if a community found it important. It would not come from an overbearing government that has no oversight. also, if you didn't like the police force you hired then you could replace them from another provider, unlike today unless you move.

Ahh so like the legal system where you get as much justice as you can afford you would get as much police protection as you could afford?

Sorry but Wackenhut and Burns cops do not impress me.

sounds like a Robocop movie or somesuch to me.
Funded by communities and not taxes? Where would the communities get the money to pay for police then?

if there are no or minimum taxes (as there would be) then the money would be allocated elsewhere namely protection if a community found it important. It would not come from an overbearing government that has no oversight. also, if you didn't like the police force you hired then you could replace them from another provider, unlike today unless you move.

Ahh so like the legal system where you get as much justice as you can afford you would get as much police protection as you could afford?

yes, I imagine charity, which there would be more of if less taxes, would also help the really bad areas. I also envision local (community based) groups taking the responsbility of helping to secure their community instead of relying on cops or letting crime run rampant until it personally effects tehm
if there are no or minimum taxes (as there would be) then the money would be allocated elsewhere namely protection if a community found it important. It would not come from an overbearing government that has no oversight. also, if you didn't like the police force you hired then you could replace them from another provider, unlike today unless you move.

Ahh so like the legal system where you get as much justice as you can afford you would get as much police protection as you could afford?

yes, I imagine charity, which there would be more of if less taxes, would also help the really bad areas. I also envision local (community based) groups taking the responsbility of helping to secure their community instead of relying on cops or letting crime run rampant until it personally effects tehm

Vigalantism? I guppose we could just turn the teabaggers loose with guns and badges.

Darned cops mess up enough with all the rules and training.

Check you history about when coprorations hired their own police forces....
It does not work out very well.
I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:


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