Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?

Haha, let me ask you, what is wrong with being a night manager of a fast food place? See, THAT attitude is so typical of a liberal. "I'm too good to do THAT job". Thats why so many liberal college grads are jobless now. They look down on people and jobs they deem to be below them. Others, however, will work through jobs like that, and eventually land better ones. And earn their money and their jobs.

Yet, liberals will mock and look down on working people. In fact, it's ironic you say that. My mother was a single mom and raised me and my brother by working double shifts as a manager at Hardees fast food (Carl's Jr for you California guys). She made ends meet though and we always had what we needed. Our family never had food stamps, although we would've qualified. We never complained. She worked 70-80 hours a week. Our grandparents watched us often so she could work.

But now? She saved money. Took night classes to earn a degree, got a better job. Remarried. My parent's household income now exceeds $300,000. They are now amongst the greedy rich people Obama seeks to punish.

But, guys like you will continue to look down on people working jobs like that. Why? You feel you are too good to do it. You feel your bills and needs should be met and paid for by others. By others who make over $200,000 a year. By others who worked as a manager at a Wendy's until something better came along, and then worked their way up to that income, if only to be taxed higher so their money could go to pay for the healthcare of someone, like you, who looked down on the work they did on the road the took them there.

You must feel so proud of yourself.

Not proud, just thankful I did the right thing and got a my self one of those "liberal" college degrees so I wouldn't have to kill myself at some shit job to make ends meet.


Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?
Haha, let me ask you, what is wrong with being a night manager of a fast food place? See, THAT attitude is so typical of a liberal. "I'm too good to do THAT job". Thats why so many liberal college grads are jobless now. They look down on people and jobs they deem to be below them. Others, however, will work through jobs like that, and eventually land better ones. And earn their money and their jobs.

Yet, liberals will mock and look down on working people. In fact, it's ironic you say that. My mother was a single mom and raised me and my brother by working double shifts as a manager at Hardees fast food (Carl's Jr for you California guys). She made ends meet though and we always had what we needed. Our family never had food stamps, although we would've qualified. We never complained. She worked 70-80 hours a week. Our grandparents watched us often so she could work.

But now? She saved money. Took night classes to earn a degree, got a better job. Remarried. My parent's household income now exceeds $300,000. They are now amongst the greedy rich people Obama seeks to punish.

But, guys like you will continue to look down on people working jobs like that. Why? You feel you are too good to do it. You feel your bills and needs should be met and paid for by others. By others who make over $200,000 a year. By others who worked as a manager at a Wendy's until something better came along, and then worked their way up to that income, if only to be taxed higher so their money could go to pay for the healthcare of someone, like you, who looked down on the work they did on the road the took them there.

You must feel so proud of yourself.

Not proud, just thankful I did the right thing and got a my self one of those "liberal" college degrees so I wouldn't have to kill myself at some shit job to make ends meet.


Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

What the fuck are babbling about now?
☭proletarian☭;2195284 said:
Wait... did someone just call Mao a conservative?

Have you read Mao?

Chairman Mao's policies led to the greatest famine in human history. He is responsible for 10s of millions of deaths. His leadership led to a purge of the educated and a return to more primitive times.

Anti education
anti individualism
anti human rights

These are hallmarks of conservative philosophy.

Republicans say they are for "freedom". They use that as a sound byte. But the reality is demonstrated in their never ending fight against human rights and personal freedom. Hallmarks of "liberalism".

This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read in a long time....

Mao caused 10s of millions of deaths because he attempted to institute COMMUNISM you fool...

....obviously you are a star product of those great pro-liberal "pro-education" schools.....:cuckoo:
☭proletarian☭;2195613 said:
One Liberal Ideal that has worked?

The United States of America.

*NOT* in the present Tense of Liberalism as espoused by Jefferson. Modern-Day Conservatives are more aligned with Jefferson than you care to admit...

Modern day Liberalism is more Progressive/Marxist/Socialist.
You do realize that Marxist, Progressive (American Progressivism) and Socialism are different thing, right?

Just different shades of red.....
Polio vaccine for everyone.
Among other vacckines that pretty much erradicated some crippling and deadly diseases in the USA.

And depending on your definition of working. CHIPS and food for hungry children. Public education worked pretty well for a long time.

Problem is programs need review and revising periodically.
SS worked very well for a long time and if the govt had not spent the surplus would be fine for 20 more years.
Various VA benefits have worked out very well.

govt tends to just keep making them bigger and including more.
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Not proud, just thankful I did the right thing and got a my self one of those "liberal" college degrees so I wouldn't have to kill myself at some shit job to make ends meet.


Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

Yeah, those with college degrees and union workers.

Who's left?
Not proud, just thankful I did the right thing and got a my self one of those "liberal" college degrees so I wouldn't have to kill myself at some shit job to make ends meet.


Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

A college degree doesn't entitle you to anything. What it does is puts you ahead of those who don't have one.

And in this day and age if you don't have one, you're screwed.
☭proletarian☭;2195598 said:
environmental Leftists

Hey, you learned something from my posts. Not calling them Librals anymore?

I've never called them Librals. I call them Libtards.

Which is fitting. They are non-thinkers and respond to stimuli only. (Knee-jerk emotionialism with thought seen in animals lower than Humans).
How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

A college degree doesn't entitle you to anything. What it does is puts you ahead of those who don't have one.

And in this day and age if you don't have one, you're screwed.

Puts you ahead in what way Mr. Dirt?

Oh, and let me guess, you got a $90,000 a year job the week after graduation with a corner office and 2 hour lunch break and a company car, right? You must have missed the countless stories on the tens of thousands of college grads who can't find work (aka, refuse to do shitty jobs b/c they feel too good for it). A college degree is great. You still must work your way up. Well, except you, who got the above job upon graduation I'm sure.

How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

I really wonder how these College grads will feel the minute they get out, and there's NOTHING to be had except 'Blue Collar" labour at best that these self-proclaimed elistists say is beneath them?

It's Obama's economy now. Good luck at even digging a ditch you college grads that Voted for 'Change"...serves yer asses right.
How can you claim you belief a college degree is great, while also looking down your nose at those with degrees?

You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

I really wonder how these College grads will feel the minute they get out, and there's NOTHING to be had except 'Blue Collar" labour at best that these self-proclaimed elistists say is beneath them?

It's Obama's economy now. Good luck at even digging a ditch you college grads that Voted for 'Change"...serves yer asses right.

Check on those college kids thirty years from now and see how they compare to non-college grads
  • Thanks
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Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

Those Democrats that voted against civil rights in the 60's weren't liberals. In fact they called themselves CONSERVATIVES.

Conservative Coalition.

Look it up. Learn something.

Thats just a play on definitions. The definitions of liberal and conservative have basically flip-flopped since. Liberals of the 60's on the right were for MORE FREEDOMS. "Conservatives" on the left, as they called themselves, were for more control, less freedom, less rights, basically the same thought process of those who today identify themselves as "Liberals" in politics, aka, Maxine Waters, stating "This liberal is gonna be for socializing.........uh, um, basically, taking over your business if you don't do what we want". I did learn. You need to interpret.

That is the tallest pile of horseshit I've seen all week. Southern Conservative Democrats of the 60's were not on any left, for god's sake.

btw, didn't REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE Barry Goldwater voted against the civil rights act of 1964? Are you magically going to turn him into a liberal as well?

I can't wait to see this.
That is the tallest pile of horseshit I've seen all week. Southern Conservative Democrats of the 60's were not on any left, for god's sake.

btw, didn't REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE Barry Goldwater voted against the civil rights act of 1964? Are you magically going to turn him into a liberal as well?

I can't wait to see this.

Goldwater did say that one day his own party would consider him (a Conservative) to be Liberal. :lol:
You misunderstand. A college degree is great. Thinking having a college degree entitles you to not working entry level or non-related tough jobs is bad.

By the way, you should get a refund on your degree, as the sentence "How can you claim you belief a college...." should instead read "How can you claim you BELIEVE a college" or "can you claim your belief that a college..".

Get a refund, they failed you. I'm hiring at Wendy's though....if you're interested.

I really wonder how these College grads will feel the minute they get out, and there's NOTHING to be had except 'Blue Collar" labour at best that these self-proclaimed elistists say is beneath them?

It's Obama's economy now. Good luck at even digging a ditch you college grads that Voted for 'Change"...serves yer asses right.

Check on those college kids thirty years from now and see how they compare to non-college grads

That will be a LOOOONG 30 years at the rate that Obama and the Statist Congress are destroying free enterprise.
I really wonder how these College grads will feel the minute they get out, and there's NOTHING to be had except 'Blue Collar" labour at best that these self-proclaimed elistists say is beneath them?

It's Obama's economy now. Good luck at even digging a ditch you college grads that Voted for 'Change"...serves yer asses right.

Check on those college kids thirty years from now and see how they compare to non-college grads

That will be a LOOOONG 30 years at the rate that Obama and the Statist Congress are destroying free enterprise.

Not really.

I came out of college during a recession and worse unemployment than we have now. The jobs came back and all it really takes is a little patience.

We are making progress against the Bush Recession and those most qualified will be the first to get jobs
Famous Liberals of their day

1. Jesus Christ
2. Gahndi
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Abe Lincoln
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. FDR
7. JFK
8. Martin Luther King

Famous Conservatives of their day:

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Saddam Hussein
The Pope (all of them)
Bin Laden
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Anyone who fights change and wants to keep things the same. Anyone who is against civil rights and education. These are signs of being conservative.


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