Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Democracy and our Constitution is not about "feelings". :D

in the context that wytch used it 'feelings' means 'opinions' or 'beliefs'. If you don't like her choice of words, take it up with her.

When, why did you say this?

my feelings do matter, just as the feelings of every american matter, its called democracy and freedom.

I was replying to wytch when she said this "but like your opinion, your feelings don't really matter all that much."

I know this is tough for you, but maybe if you read it all slowly------------:eusa_whistle:
Actually, it's no matter how often you deny it, I have a legal marriage license. I know you want mine to say something else because you don't feel special enough unless it does, but like your opinion, your feelings don't really matter all that much.

actually wytchey, my feelings do matter, just as the feelings of every american matter, its called democracy and freedom. you want the government to dictate societal acceptance and validation of your aberant lifestyle.

if a majority of americans decide to do that, then so be it. But you are losing every time the people are allowed to vote. You will not always have left wing activist judges to do your bidding.

Continuing to shove this is the face of america, will not further your cause.

your best bet is to STFU about it and see what happens.

you already have the equality you say you want. calling your hook up a marriage does not give you MORE equality.

Wrong. America's "feelings" didn't matter in 1967 when the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia. Do you know what America's "feelings" were then? Do you think we should have considered the "feelings" of the people opposed to interracial marriage?

No, equality isn't fully realized yet. When my legal marriage is as recognized in all 50 states as Bueford's marriage to his 13 year old cousin is recognized, then equality will be realized.

Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL
Democracy and our Constitution is not about "feelings". :D

in the context that wytch used it 'feelings' means 'opinions' or 'beliefs'. If you don't like her choice of words, take it up with her.

Yes, do "take it up with" me. The "feelings" of bigots didn't matter when anti miscegenation laws were overturned. "Feelings" don't trump civil rights.

See, thats where you go off base. There is no bigotry involved in believing that human biology makes homosexuality an abnormality. I don't dislike anyone because they are gay any more than I dislike a person who has a birthmark, both are genetic defects.

I actually like you, wytch. you seem like an intelligent person.
actually wytchey, my feelings do matter, just as the feelings of every american matter, its called democracy and freedom. you want the government to dictate societal acceptance and validation of your aberant lifestyle.

if a majority of americans decide to do that, then so be it. But you are losing every time the people are allowed to vote. You will not always have left wing activist judges to do your bidding.

Continuing to shove this is the face of america, will not further your cause.

your best bet is to STFU about it and see what happens.

you already have the equality you say you want. calling your hook up a marriage does not give you MORE equality.

Wrong. America's "feelings" didn't matter in 1967 when the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia. Do you know what America's "feelings" were then? Do you think we should have considered the "feelings" of the people opposed to interracial marriage?

No, equality isn't fully realized yet. When my legal marriage is as recognized in all 50 states as Bueford's marriage to his 13 year old cousin is recognized, then equality will be realized.

Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL admit to gender discrimination. :D
actually wytchey, my feelings do matter, just as the feelings of every american matter, its called democracy and freedom. you want the government to dictate societal acceptance and validation of your aberant lifestyle.

if a majority of americans decide to do that, then so be it. But you are losing every time the people are allowed to vote. You will not always have left wing activist judges to do your bidding.

Continuing to shove this is the face of america, will not further your cause.

your best bet is to STFU about it and see what happens.

you already have the equality you say you want. calling your hook up a marriage does not give you MORE equality.

Wrong. America's "feelings" didn't matter in 1967 when the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia. Do you know what America's "feelings" were then? Do you think we should have considered the "feelings" of the people opposed to interracial marriage?

No, equality isn't fully realized yet. When my legal marriage is as recognized in all 50 states as Bueford's marriage to his 13 year old cousin is recognized, then equality will be realized.

Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL

Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?

Yes, it would be. Why? Because right now we have gender identified public showers. Are they Constitutional? Don't know, they've never been challenged. You want to? Good luck.

Your Red Herrings, while amusing, have nothing to do with marriage equality.

Your deflection is laughable. It was your diatribe against separate but equal was the issue, not my wants.

The least you could do is defend your own points or admit you're wrong


Stating facts is not a deflection. It is a fact that we have public gender identified restrooms and that the separate but equal factor of that has not been challenged. Try this...go into a public shower of the opposite gender, walk in and shower, walk out. When you get arrested, I wish you the best of luck in the legal battle, really I do.

Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.
Wrong. America's "feelings" didn't matter in 1967 when the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia. Do you know what America's "feelings" were then? Do you think we should have considered the "feelings" of the people opposed to interracial marriage?

No, equality isn't fully realized yet. When my legal marriage is as recognized in all 50 states as Bueford's marriage to his 13 year old cousin is recognized, then equality will be realized.

Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL

Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


That only proves that people are concerningly easy to manipulate...

They don't like you or approve of your agenda... They simply are tired of being called Bigots and Closet Cases so they've given in and joined the masses.

The masses got behind Exterminating the Jews in a very short period of time and without the modern media/news/information outlets.

All of that being said...

Man/Woman is UNEQUAL to Man/Man and Woman/Woman.

Pass whatever Law you want... Won't change what is. :thup:


The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

28 So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up. Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom. There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away, and you are set apart for God; and he has accepted you because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you.
1 corinthians 6:9 ==If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. leviticus 20:13
Wrong. America's "feelings" didn't matter in 1967 when the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia. Do you know what America's "feelings" were then? Do you think we should have considered the "feelings" of the people opposed to interracial marriage?

No, equality isn't fully realized yet. When my legal marriage is as recognized in all 50 states as Bueford's marriage to his 13 year old cousin is recognized, then equality will be realized.

Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL

Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.
Your deflection is laughable. It was your diatribe against separate but equal was the issue, not my wants.

The least you could do is defend your own points or admit you're wrong


Stating facts is not a deflection. It is a fact that we have public gender identified restrooms and that the separate but equal factor of that has not been challenged. Try this...go into a public shower of the opposite gender, walk in and shower, walk out. When you get arrested, I wish you the best of luck in the legal battle, really I do.

Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.

It's might not be legal. Separate restrooms probably wouldn't withstand a Constitutional challenge. You gonna be the first challenge?

I wouldn't protest restrooms. I don't care. Shared a head with the guys on both my ships.
Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL

Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

The Greeks were conquered by the pagan Romans.....who also conquered the Egyptians. They were not destroyed from within....the Romans were conquered by the pagan Germanic tribes well AFTER they had become Christianized....the Eastern Christian Empire fell to the Muslims a 1000 years later.

The Aztecs and Incas were viable civilizations DESTROYED by those loving, christian moral compass Europeans.
Loving was a man and a woman. it is not analogous to gay marriage. nice try-----but FAIL

Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

It's analogous because race and sexual orientation aren't being compared, people's "feelings" about them are. How did people "feel" about interracial marriage? Should their "feelings" about how unnatural and icky Americans "felt" about it have been a factor?
Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

It's analogous because race and sexual orientation aren't being compared, people's "feelings" about them are. How did people "feel" about interracial marriage? Should their "feelings" about how unnatural and icky Americans "felt" about it have been a factor?

OMG, male/female biology is NOT the same as skin pigment--------------you get dumber with each post.
Yes, actually it is precisely analogous to what we're discussing, people's "feelings" on the matter. This is how America "felt" in 1967 (despite it being a man and a woman)


How does America "feel" now?


No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

The Greeks were conquered by the pagan Romans.....who also conquered the Egyptians. They were not destroyed from within....the Romans were conquered by the pagan Germanic tribes well AFTER they had become Christianized....the Eastern Christian Empire fell to the Muslims a 1000 years later.

The Aztecs and Incas were viable civilizations DESTROYED by those loving, christian moral compass Europeans.

obiously you were taught history by a member of the teachers union. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

It's analogous because race and sexual orientation aren't being compared, people's "feelings" about them are. How did people "feel" about interracial marriage? Should their "feelings" about how unnatural and icky Americans "felt" about it have been a factor?

OMG, male/female biology is NOT the same as skin pigment--------------you get dumber with each post.

Nobody is comparing them, but your deflection is obvious. Should the "feelings" of those opposed to interracial marriage have been considered, yes or no?
Stating facts is not a deflection. It is a fact that we have public gender identified restrooms and that the separate but equal factor of that has not been challenged. Try this...go into a public shower of the opposite gender, walk in and shower, walk out. When you get arrested, I wish you the best of luck in the legal battle, really I do.

Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.

It's might not be legal. Separate restrooms probably wouldn't withstand a Constitutional challenge. You gonna be the first challenge?

I wouldn't protest restrooms. I don't care. Shared a head with the guys on both my ships.

Your middle name must be deflect?

A gay women and her gay lover may go to the gym, work out and shower together while a heterosexual may not. Nothing unconstitutional about it.

Now, who is being discriminated against?

Since you cannot discriminate based on gender, when it comes to marriage (your argument), then no gender based discrimination could be allowed. Let's market that to the mothers and fathers of the world. This is why is your teenage daughter will have to share a restroom with men?

Same sex marriage advocates demanded gender neutral laws.


Your support will fall through the floor.

Good luck
Last edited:
No, its not analogous. a man and a woman of different races is not the same as two men or two women.

if you want to go back to the time when interracial marriage was not legal, then you need to also look at how homosexuality was viewed at that time.

Cultures change over time. The Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians all destroyed their cultures when the lost their moral compass and went to a "anything goes" view of sexuality and human behavior in general. We are following that pattern, and you are helping with the destruction of our civilization----------happy?

and I guaranfuckingtee you that the next shoes to fall will be bigamy and polygamy. Then brother/brother, mother/daughter, and every other possible combination of "marriage".

we are witnessing the beginning of the end unless we stop it.

It's analogous because race and sexual orientation aren't being compared, people's "feelings" about them are. How did people "feel" about interracial marriage? Should their "feelings" about how unnatural and icky Americans "felt" about it have been a factor?

OMG, male/female biology is NOT the same as skin pigment--------------you get dumber with each post.

Ah...but there were (and still are) those who believed that blacks and whites had physical differences that GOD meant should not mingle.

But...that being said...what's the big deal about male/female it manditory to have "socket/plug" sex and only "socket/plug" sex to be granted a marriage license?
Stating facts is not a deflection. It is a fact that we have public gender identified restrooms and that the separate but equal factor of that has not been challenged. Try this...go into a public shower of the opposite gender, walk in and shower, walk out. When you get arrested, I wish you the best of luck in the legal battle, really I do.

Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.

It's might not be legal. Separate restrooms probably wouldn't withstand a Constitutional challenge. You gonna be the first challenge?

I wouldn't protest restrooms. I don't care. Shared a head with the guys on both my ships.[/QUOTE]

When did you get out? When I was on the USS Holland in late 80's (the only ship I served on that was coed), men and women did not share berthing or the head.
Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.

It's might not be legal. Separate restrooms probably wouldn't withstand a Constitutional challenge. You gonna be the first challenge?

I wouldn't protest restrooms. I don't care. Shared a head with the guys on both my ships.[/QUOTE]

When did you get out? When I was on the USS Holland in late 80's (the only ship I served on that was coed), men and women did not share berthing or the head.

That was the Navy. I served in the oldest seagoing service.
Address the issue that separate but equal is not legal. It appears you can't. Where's the gender discrimination?

Again, you only protest it when it fits your silly argument. Any other example is equally silly. To that point we agree.

It's might not be legal. Separate restrooms probably wouldn't withstand a Constitutional challenge. You gonna be the first challenge?

I wouldn't protest restrooms. I don't care. Shared a head with the guys on both my ships.

Your middle name must be deflect?

A gay women and her gay lover may go to the gym, work out and shower together while a heterosexual may not. Nothing unconstitutional about it.

Now, who is being discriminated against?

Since you cannot discriminate based on gender, when it comes to marriage (your argument), then no gender based discrimination could be allowed. Let's market that to the mothers and fathers of the world. This is why is your teenage daughter will have to share a restroom with men?

Same sex marriage advocates demanded gender neutral laws.


Your support will fall through the floor.

Good luck

How am I deflecting by answering your ridiculous red herrings directly?

Have the issues of separate bathrooms been challenged at the SCOTUS level?

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