Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Let me ask you....are equal civil rights ONLY based on race?

no, but marriage is ONLY based on the union of opposite sexes. Have your legal, equal civil union-------it is not, and will never be, a marriage. :smiliehug:

Not anymore it isn't. Marriage USED to be based on race, 'till it wasn't. Marriage USED to be based on gender, 'till it wasn't.

Legally they are marriages and your option doesn't matter a whit.

neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.
I said all citizens should be treated the same by government. How does that not answer your question? Gays are not discriminated against, they have the same rights as everyone else. Obviously I would not take that away.

No, they don't. We cannot marry the non familial consenting adult of our choice (in some states) and straights can. That IS discrimination....which is why court after court after court is finding in favor of marriage equality. Oh, I know...all those judges are WRONG, right?

You want to be equal to some citizens and unequal to others. That is not a fight for equality.

How do you figure? I want to be equal with married people like you. You want no civil marriage. I say "go right ahead and good luck".
no, but marriage is ONLY based on the union of opposite sexes. Have your legal, equal civil union-------it is not, and will never be, a marriage. :smiliehug:

Not anymore it isn't. Marriage USED to be based on race, 'till it wasn't. Marriage USED to be based on gender, 'till it wasn't.

Legally they are marriages and your option doesn't matter a whit.

neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.

No, it doesn't. The law matters, not how you feel about it, otherwise interracial marriage wouldn't have happened until the 90s.

It is a marriage. (I have a marriage license) If you don't like it, change the name for everyone.
Not anymore it isn't. Marriage USED to be based on race, 'till it wasn't. Marriage USED to be based on gender, 'till it wasn't.

Legally they are marriages and your option doesn't matter a whit.

neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.

No, it doesn't. The law matters, not how you feel about it, otherwise interracial marriage wouldn't have happened until the 90s.

It is a marriage. (I have a marriage license) If you don't like it, change the name for everyone.

no matter what you call it, what you have is not a marriage. BTW, race and sex are not equivalent in this discussion. interracial marriage involves a man and woman of different races. your attempt at moral equivalency fails once again.
mal, you're looking at the analogy all wrong -- mostly because homosexuality has been hidden and in the closet for centuries-- kept in the closet by puritan attitudes and violence against anyone outted -- DE FACTO OPRESSION.

The correct way to look at the analogy is that both the segregationists and the homophobes misuse biblical scripture to justify their bigotry. Christians today scream that they have religious freedom and their beliefs come from the bible -- Shit, you could used the bible to justify anything--war, torture, slavery, wife-beating, child beating, stoning--ALL in the bible and God's law.

The FACT is the bible says almost nothing about homosexuality -- today's Christians take one or two lines wa-aaay out of historical, cultural context and misuse it to create a bigoted fear-fed version of Christianity. A twisted evil faux Christianity.

If you are anti-gay-- You are NOT really Christian. You are practicing an twisted version of Christianity. Stop now and be REALLY saved.
Is homosexuality now a race? nice pics but its pretty clear that they were separate but NOT equal.

you are not going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours, so lets stop wasting time. This country has much more pressing problems than your sexual behavior and what your partnership is called.

Let me ask you....are equal civil rights ONLY based on race?

no, but marriage is ONLY based on the union of opposite sexes. Have your legal, equal civil union-------it is not, and will never be, a marriage. :smiliehug:

So you do not believe in gender equality under the law.
screw you, I have other things in my life than arguing with idiots on a message board.

I made my points, destroyed yours and have nothing more to say. Time will tell how this plays out. Enjoy your newly "married" neighbors: Ted, mary, joan, marie, Jose, and fido.

I want the legal fees for that divorce.

:lol: You were spanked like a toddler and refused to answer valid questions posed.

geez, wytch, your sexual fantasies never end, do they? NO, I will not do a 3 way with you and your chubby partner. Stop asking.

Wait....what? She says "spanked like a toddler" and you go to "sexual fantasies"????? and then "3 way with you and your chubby partner"?????

Again, the glimpse into your psyche.....yikes!!!! :eek:
no, but marriage is ONLY based on the union of opposite sexes. Have your legal, equal civil union-------it is not, and will never be, a marriage. :smiliehug:

Not anymore it isn't. Marriage USED to be based on race, 'till it wasn't. Marriage USED to be based on gender, 'till it wasn't.

Legally they are marriages and your option doesn't matter a whit.

neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.

So...not only do you believe in legal gender also believe that civil rights can be voted on and determined by popular vote.

More insight into your psyche. :eusa_whistle:
:lol: You were spanked like a toddler and refused to answer valid questions posed.

geez, wytch, your sexual fantasies never end, do they? NO, I will not do a 3 way with you and your chubby partner. Stop asking.

Wait....what? She says "spanked like a toddler" and you go to "sexual fantasies"????? and then "3 way with you and your chubby partner"?????

Again, the glimpse into your psyche.....yikes!!!! :eek:

there is a lot more to it than that. But you will just have to use your imagination. :eusa_whistle:
geez, wytch, your sexual fantasies never end, do they? NO, I will not do a 3 way with you and your chubby partner. Stop asking.

Wait....what? She says "spanked like a toddler" and you go to "sexual fantasies"????? and then "3 way with you and your chubby partner"?????

Again, the glimpse into your psyche.....yikes!!!! :eek:

there is a lot more to it than that. But you will just have to use your imagination. :eusa_whistle:

My imagination does not run in the same dark alleys yours seems to run in.
Not anymore it isn't. Marriage USED to be based on race, 'till it wasn't. Marriage USED to be based on gender, 'till it wasn't.

Legally they are marriages and your option doesn't matter a whit.

neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.

So...not only do you believe in legal gender also believe that civil rights can be voted on and determined by popular vote.

More insight into your psyche. :eusa_whistle:

how is it discrimination if you have fully equal rights? why does the use of one word make it discrimination? I thought you gays wanted equal civil rights, how does the use of the word marriage infringe on your civil rights?

you need to face reality, the gay agenda is about government mandated societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition, calling your relationship a marriage is one step towards forcing that view on the general population.

Why can't you admit the truth ?
neither, apparently, do the votes of the citizens of california. since liberal judges have overturned the will of the people twice.

sorry twytchey, but my opinion does matter, so do the opinions of millions who believe as I do.

I want you and your partner to have equal rights and benefits, I want you to be able to legally commit to each other. But thats it. a gay union is a gay union, not a marriage.

So...not only do you believe in legal gender also believe that civil rights can be voted on and determined by popular vote.

More insight into your psyche. :eusa_whistle:

how is it discrimination if you have fully equal rights? why does the use of one word make it discrimination? I thought you gays wanted equal civil rights, how does the use of the word marriage infringe on your civil rights?

you need to face reality, the gay agenda is about government mandated societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition, calling your relationship a marriage is one step towards forcing that view on the general population.

Why can't you admit the truth ?

We are not equal when it comes to the gender of whom we wish to marry. Gender discrimination is not equal rights.

But if you want to call "legal marriage" "civil union" instead...fine....for ALL legal marriages. THen it's equal.
Wait....what? She says "spanked like a toddler" and you go to "sexual fantasies"????? and then "3 way with you and your chubby partner"?????

Again, the glimpse into your psyche.....yikes!!!! :eek:

there is a lot more to it than that. But you will just have to use your imagination. :eusa_whistle:

My imagination does not run in the same dark alleys yours seems to run in.

maybe wytchey will offer to PM you with the details of what she and her partner do in private, as she offered me. The dark alleys are on the gay side, bode.
So...not only do you believe in legal gender also believe that civil rights can be voted on and determined by popular vote.

More insight into your psyche. :eusa_whistle:

how is it discrimination if you have fully equal rights? why does the use of one word make it discrimination? I thought you gays wanted equal civil rights, how does the use of the word marriage infringe on your civil rights?

you need to face reality, the gay agenda is about government mandated societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition, calling your relationship a marriage is one step towards forcing that view on the general population.

Why can't you admit the truth ?

We are not equal when it comes to the gender of whom we wish to marry. Gender discrimination is not equal rights.

But if you want to call "legal marriage" "civil union" instead...fine....for ALL legal marriages. THen it's equal.

well at least you finally admitted that your entire agenda is about the word, not equality. thanks for that bit of honesty.
there is a lot more to it than that. But you will just have to use your imagination. :eusa_whistle:

My imagination does not run in the same dark alleys yours seems to run in.

maybe wytchey will offer to PM you with the details of what she and her partner do in private, as she offered me. The dark alleys are on the gay side, bode.

Here's the difference between you and me, Redfish. I am not interested in dwelling on Seawytch's sex life.....nor am I interesting in dwelling on your sex life.

You....however...seem to be quite a voyeuristic kind of way.
how is it discrimination if you have fully equal rights? why does the use of one word make it discrimination? I thought you gays wanted equal civil rights, how does the use of the word marriage infringe on your civil rights?

you need to face reality, the gay agenda is about government mandated societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition, calling your relationship a marriage is one step towards forcing that view on the general population.

Why can't you admit the truth ?

We are not equal when it comes to the gender of whom we wish to marry. Gender discrimination is not equal rights.

But if you want to call "legal marriage" "civil union" instead...fine....for ALL legal marriages. THen it's equal.

well at least you finally admitted that your entire agenda is about the word, not equality. thanks for that bit of honesty.

Whoosh! That one went right over your head, didn't it? The word I am interested in IS "equality". :D
So...not only do you believe in legal gender also believe that civil rights can be voted on and determined by popular vote.

More insight into your psyche. :eusa_whistle:

how is it discrimination if you have fully equal rights? why does the use of one word make it discrimination? I thought you gays wanted equal civil rights, how does the use of the word marriage infringe on your civil rights?

you need to face reality, the gay agenda is about government mandated societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition, calling your relationship a marriage is one step towards forcing that view on the general population.

Why can't you admit the truth ?

We are not equal when it comes to the gender of whom we wish to marry. Gender discrimination is not equal rights.

But if you want to call "legal marriage" "civil union" instead...fine....for ALL legal marriages. THen it's equal.

That's not acceptable to Red Herring. If he can't call his a marriage and ours something else, he doesn't feel special anymore. It's all about special rights for these hets. :lol:
No Fishy, it's about the word for you, we just care about the I've told you over and over. We'd be perfectly happy if you go ahead and change the word for all civil marriages. (Oh, but then you wouldn't have that special "marriage" license that makes you feel superior)

So you now are saying that if you can't call your legal union a marriage that somehow makes you inferior? I thought your issue was fairness and equality. But its not, now is it?

Explain how not calling your legal binding union a marriage makes your inferior. I am very interested in understanding your thinking on this.

and try to give a real answer, not some rhetoric about why don't I call mine a civil union. Tell me why using the word "marriage" somehow changes you from inferior to equal.

That's right, Fishy. When you set something up for one group of people and something different for another group of people, what do they call that? Oh, that's right, separate but equal.

Did the same exact water come out of both of these water fountains, Fishy?


And yet having these different water fountains with the same water made blacks feel inferior, 2nd class citizens didn't it?

You want the same thing. You want the same water to come out of two different fountains. Why? Why not the same water out of the same fountain?

What's wrong with Civil Marriage for all couples?


Water fountains?

What about shower rooms, restrooms

Separate but equal based on gender.

Has worked for many hundreds of years, maybe thousands, and nobody calls it discrimination.
So you now are saying that if you can't call your legal union a marriage that somehow makes you inferior? I thought your issue was fairness and equality. But its not, now is it?

Explain how not calling your legal binding union a marriage makes your inferior. I am very interested in understanding your thinking on this.

and try to give a real answer, not some rhetoric about why don't I call mine a civil union. Tell me why using the word "marriage" somehow changes you from inferior to equal.

That's right, Fishy. When you set something up for one group of people and something different for another group of people, what do they call that? Oh, that's right, separate but equal.

Did the same exact water come out of both of these water fountains, Fishy?


And yet having these different water fountains with the same water made blacks feel inferior, 2nd class citizens didn't it?

You want the same thing. You want the same water to come out of two different fountains. Why? Why not the same water out of the same fountain?

What's wrong with Civil Marriage for all couples?


Water fountains?

What about shower rooms, restrooms

Separate but equal based on gender.

Has worked for many hundreds of years, maybe thousands, and nobody calls it discrimination.

What about them? They have nothing to do with marriage equality. Good luck with your cases though.

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