Zone1 Can someone who is only 1-2% Ashkenazi/Sephardi be considered in any Israeli Category or not at all?

Do you think one can be considered in any israeli category, if one is only 1-2% ashkenazi/sephardi or like that, or not at all? 23andme tells me Im 1-2% ashkenazi....

You mean Jewish, not Israeli.

If you are of the Jewish religion, then you are Jewish.

If 1 to 2%, and not following the Jewish religion, what it means is that you have ancestors who were Jewish in religion and ethnicity, who knows how far back.
You mean Jewish, not Israeli.

If you are of the Jewish religion, then you are Jewish.
Jewish, not Jew.

Do you think one can be considered in any israeli category, if one is only 1-2% ashkenazi/sephardi or like that, or not at all? 23andme tells me Im 1-2% ashkenazi....

Is your mother Jewish? her mother? And so forth? Did you convert to Judaism? If no to those questions, then no.
If the Gentiles can be adopted into the house of Israel, then even if you have the smallest drop of Israeli blood in your veins, you should still be able to be adopted or even be a direct descendant of the House of Israel.
If the Gentiles can be adopted into the house of Israel, then even if you have the smallest drop of Israeli blood in your veins, you should still be able to be adopted or even be a direct descendant of the House of Israel.
Doesn't work that way. Halacha says born of a Jewish mother or converted. That's it.
Yup. Takes a bit of chutzpah for a Christian to declare what is required to be Jewish, and that he doesn’t care what Jews have to say about it.

Rubbish. Christians are the largest Jewish sect. This annoys the racist Jews who consider themselves a master race. Orthodox and Hasidics aren't Jewish, they're evolved from a Babylonian cult with no religious or biological connection with Abraham or Moses.
If the Gentiles can be adopted into the house of Israel, then even if you have the smallest drop of Israeli blood in your veins, you should still be able to be adopted or even be a direct descendant of the House of Israel.

Ashkenazi are Europeans, and most Sephardi are descendi from Arab converts. ALmost no self-proclaimed Jews' have any biological connections to the Palestine region or Hebrews of the OT. A very few Ashkenazis trace back to some place in Iran over a thousand miles away, the closest they come. Sephardi make up about half of Israelis, and they're Arabs, which also makes the fake 'Apartheid State' claims just as stupid, for that matter. If any can claim ancient Jewish biological roots in Palestine region, it would be a handful of Sephardi. there was no 'Great Jewish Diaspora'; those were nearly all converts. As for Christians, the last great Jewish Prophet stated this:

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

No need to care what counterfeit 'Jews' think about anything either.

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