Can the 2016 Election be Rigged? You Betcha

The Democrat victory in November would be so much better if every RWnut in this country suffered the torment of genuinely believing that the election had been rigged.

Plus, that would make it that much more likely that they would be still angry enough in 2020 to nominate another unelectable nutcase.

If they rigged the election against Bernard Sanders WHY would't they do it against Trump?


Excellent point!!!
It's being rigged right in front of our very eyes. The MSM is clearly all-in on getting the corrupt Globalist Elite Hillary Clinton elected. I'm deeply concerned about what's gonna happen on Election Day. Keep in mind, Voter Fraud was invented by the Democratic Party. Trump may not have a chance. The fix very well could be in.

Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strong, in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines? I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety."

The Democrat victory in November would be so much better if every RWnut in this country suffered the torment of genuinely believing that the election had been rigged.

Plus, that would make it that much more likely that they would be still angry enough in 2020 to nominate another unelectable nutcase.

If they rigged the election against Bernard Sanders WHY would't they do it against Trump?


Excellent point!!!

More excellent counterpoint:
Can the 2016 Election be Rigged? You Bet

By Roger Stone

Donald Trump has said publicly that he fears the next election will be rigged. Based both on technical capability and recent history, Trump’s concerns are not unfounded.

A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

What was done to Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin is stunning.

Why would the Clintons not cheat again?

The issue here is both voter fraud, which is limited but does happen, and election theft through the manipulation of the computerized voting machines, particularly the DIEBOLD/PES voting machines in wide usage in most states.

POLITICO profiled a Princeton professor — who has demonstrated how the electronic voting machines that are most widely used can be hacked in five minutes or less! Robert Fitrakis Professor of Political Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Columbus State Community College has written a must-read book on the strip and flip technique sued to rig these machines. Professor Fitrakis is a Green Party activist.

A computer hacker showed CBS how to vote multiple times using a simple $15.00 electronic device.

Today, the polling industry has been reported to be “in a state of crisis” because they are altering their samples to favor Hillary. The Reuters poll actually got busted for oversampling Democrats in order to inflate Hillary’s lead. We even had the absurdity of a Gallup poll proclaiming that 51% of those who had heard Trump’s speech were less likely to vote for him, which was endlessly repeated by the shills at MSNBC."

I see the braindead have invaded the thread to troll. Critical thinking skills are beyond them. Everything the government does is right and they can never be wrong! They are the most pure of heart there can be!
The Democrat victory in November would be so much better if every RWnut in this country suffered the torment of genuinely believing that the election had been rigged.

Plus, that would make it that much more likely that they would be still angry enough in 2020 to nominate another unelectable nutcase.

If they rigged the election against Bernard Sanders WHY would't they do it against Trump?

This is a textbook example of an Equivocation Fallacy.

The "rigging" against Sanders was not done in the voting booth, retard, and can't be repeated against Trump. Trump is not competing for the Democratic nomination.

Maybe he will in 2020.

This a textbook example of Fucktard Apologism

Are they INCLINED to rig elections? YES

Is the US voting system Hackable? YES

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised


Then logically, if all the polls show Hillary ahead at the end of October, and then Trump wins,

then the election must have been rigged by Trump.

The purpose of the scam is to deceive Trump's supporters into believing that the Trump campaign is in caos, disarrayed to stay home and not to vote. Unfortunately, many people believe that Pravda broadcasts truthfully and does not try i to manipulate.

Unfortunate for them Trumps supporters are not dumbocrats and that won't happen
It's being rigged right in front of our very eyes. The MSM is clearly all-in on getting the corrupt Globalist Elite Hillary Clinton elected. I'm deeply concerned about what's gonna happen on Election Day. Keep in mind, Voter Fraud was invented by the Democratic Party. Trump may not have a chance. The fix very well could be in.

Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strong, in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines? I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety."


Uhh--Hillary Clinton has double digit leads in Illinois. One poll she is 25 points ahead, the other 18 points ahead of Trump.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Illinois: Trump vs. Clinton
It's being rigged right in front of our very eyes. The MSM is clearly all-in on getting the corrupt Globalist Elite Hillary Clinton elected. I'm deeply concerned about what's gonna happen on Election Day. Keep in mind, Voter Fraud was invented by the Democratic Party. Trump may not have a chance. The fix very well could be in.

Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strong, in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines? I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety."


Uhh--Hillary Clinton has double digit leads in Illinois. One poll she is 25 points ahead, the other 18 points ahead of Trump.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Illinois: Trump vs. Clinton

I am surprised that the "pollsters" haven't claimed that they state of Illinois will UNANIMOUSLY vote for Killary.Trump supporters must understand that special interest groups are motivated to lie and manipulate the elections.

If they rigged the election against Bernard Sanders WHY would't they do it against Trump?

They didn't though. This is being repeated as if it were a fact. Yes, the dems internally conspired against Sanders, but even if that weren't the case, she still had more total votes and would've won anyway.

Conservatives are running with the email leaks and changing the narrative to say that the Clinton campaign "rigged" the nomination process against Sanders. They did no such thing, as it would be fucking impossible to do.
It's being rigged right in front of our very eyes. The MSM is clearly all-in on getting the corrupt Globalist Elite Hillary Clinton elected. I'm deeply concerned about what's gonna happen on Election Day. Keep in mind, Voter Fraud was invented by the Democratic Party. Trump may not have a chance. The fix very well could be in.

Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strong, in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines? I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety."


Uhh--Hillary Clinton has double digit leads in Illinois. One poll she is 25 points ahead, the other 18 points ahead of Trump.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Illinois: Trump vs. Clinton

I am surprised that the "pollsters" haven't claimed that they state of Illinois will UNANIMOUSLY vote for Killary.Trump supporters must understand that special interest groups are motivated to lie and manipulate the elections.


Again conspiracy babble with not one single verifiable source or link. Someday volunteer to be an election judge and see what you can get away with--LOL
It's being rigged right in front of our very eyes. The MSM is clearly all-in on getting the corrupt Globalist Elite Hillary Clinton elected. I'm deeply concerned about what's gonna happen on Election Day. Keep in mind, Voter Fraud was invented by the Democratic Party. Trump may not have a chance. The fix very well could be in.

Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strong, in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines? I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety."


Uhh--Hillary Clinton has double digit leads in Illinois. One poll she is 25 points ahead, the other 18 points ahead of Trump.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Illinois: Trump vs. Clinton

I am surprised that the "pollsters" haven't claimed that they state of Illinois will UNANIMOUSLY vote for Killary.Trump supporters must understand that special interest groups are motivated to lie and manipulate the elections.


Again conspiracy babble with not one single verifiable source or link. Someday volunteer to be an election judge and see what you can get away with--LOL

You dingle berry

identify one poll - just one - which you were to verify - remember just one poll.


Are they MORE inclined to rig elections than Republicans? NO.

Has your brain been hacked by propagandists? YES.

A poll worker can compromise a paper ballot with a two dollar pen. Your point?

For weeks, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has told his supporters the outcome of the 2016 election could be out of his control.

"I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have got to be honest," Trump said to Ohio voters last week.

But for the hackers at Symantec Security Response, Election Day results could be manipulated by an affordable device you can find online.

"I can insert it, and then it resets the card, and now I'm able to vote again," said Brian Varner, a principle researcher at Symantec, demonstrating the device.

Did you think bigger fonts would obscure your dodging of my question?

Election Day results can be manipulated by an affordable device you can find at your local street corner convenience store.


Your point?

Is the US voting system Hackable? YES


Could the Republicans hack it? YES.

Do the Republicans have the more reason to? YES

ANY FREEDOM loving American must do whatever it takes to PREVENT

1- Americans from being permanently disarmed

2- to prevent SCOTUS from amending the Constitution and reducing the right to defend their lives to a privilege subject to bureaucratic discretion

3- prevent WWIII by a crazed bitch determined to defend Israel


ANY FREEDOM loving American must do whatever it takes to PREVENT

1- Americans from being permanently disarmed

2- to prevent SCOTUS from amending the Constitution and reducing the right to defend their lives to a privilege subject to bureaucratic discretion

3- prevent WWIII by a crazed bitch determined to defend Israel

Can the 2016 Election be Rigged? You Bet

By Roger Stone

Donald Trump has said publicly that he fears the next election will be rigged. Based both on technical capability and recent history, Trump’s concerns are not unfounded.

A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

What was done to Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin is stunning.

Why would the Clintons not cheat again?

The issue here is both voter fraud, which is limited but does happen, and election theft through the manipulation of the computerized voting machines, particularly the DIEBOLD/PES voting machines in wide usage in most states.

POLITICO profiled a Princeton professor — who has demonstrated how the electronic voting machines that are most widely used can be hacked in five minutes or less! Robert Fitrakis Professor of Political Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Columbus State Community College has written a must-read book on the strip and flip technique sued to rig these machines. Professor Fitrakis is a Green Party activist.

A computer hacker showed CBS how to vote multiple times using a simple $15.00 electronic device.

Today, the polling industry has been reported to be “in a state of crisis” because they are altering their samples to favor Hillary. The Reuters poll actually got busted for oversampling Democrats in order to inflate Hillary’s lead. We even had the absurdity of a Gallup poll proclaiming that 51% of those who had heard Trump’s speech were less likely to vote for him, which was endlessly repeated by the shills at MSNBC."


Given that the DNC already rigged the election - I believe it can be rigged.
Trump is already working on saving face if he gets totally destroyed.

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