Can The Biased Media Sink The Donald's Campaign?

Bullshit, that liar cant prove it and if it was true why hasnt the ass aht spoken u p these past few decades? It is too late for him to have any credibility, obviously being bought by the Clinton Machine to smear Trump, the ass hole. I hope he never again gets a job assisting people in writing their own books as he is obviously not to be trusted by anyone.


Bullshit? LOL your BS detector has been overwhelmed by Trump's bullshit.

You think Trump is credible- but not his ghost writer? LOL.

Well lets see what the facts show:
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
Schwartz had ghostwritten Trump’s 1987 breakthrough memoir, earning a joint byline on the cover, half of the book’s five-hundred-thousand-dollar advance, and half of the royalties

Hmmm joint byline- is that possible?

The idea of Trump writing an autobiography didn’t originate with either Trump or Schwartz. It began with Si Newhouse, the media magnate whose company, Advance Publications, owned Random House at the time, and continues to own Condé Nast, the parent company of this magazine. “It was very definitely, and almost uniquely, Si Newhouse’s idea,” Peter Osnos, who edited the book, recalls. GQ, which Condé Nast also owns, had published a cover story on Trump, and Newhouse noticed that newsstand sales had been unusually strong.

In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.”

Howard Kaminsky, the former Random House head, laughed and said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”

Some dweeb taking money under the table from Dimbocrats to claim authorship when all he did was coach and assist is standard Dimbocrat dirty tricks and fodder for fools like you.

The guy should have spoken out BEFORE there was anything at stake, which makes him revealed to be the liar he is.

You stupid fucking retards cant even lie well any more.
Bullshit, that liar cant prove it and if it was true why hasnt the ass aht spoken u p these past few decades? It is too late for him to have any credibility, obviously being bought by the Clinton Machine to smear Trump, the ass hole. I hope he never again gets a job assisting people in writing their own books as he is obviously not to be trusted by anyone.


Bullshit? LOL your BS detector has been overwhelmed by Trump's bullshit.

You think Trump is credible- but not his ghost writer? LOL.

Well lets see what the facts show:
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
Schwartz had ghostwritten Trump’s 1987 breakthrough memoir, earning a joint byline on the cover, half of the book’s five-hundred-thousand-dollar advance, and half of the royalties

Hmmm joint byline- is that possible?

The idea of Trump writing an autobiography didn’t originate with either Trump or Schwartz. It began with Si Newhouse, the media magnate whose company, Advance Publications, owned Random House at the time, and continues to own Condé Nast, the parent company of this magazine. “It was very definitely, and almost uniquely, Si Newhouse’s idea,” Peter Osnos, who edited the book, recalls. GQ, which Condé Nast also owns, had published a cover story on Trump, and Newhouse noticed that newsstand sales had been unusually strong.

In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.”

Howard Kaminsky, the former Random House head, laughed and said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”

Some dweeb taking money under the table from Dimbocrats to claim authorship when all he did was coach and assist is standard Dimbocrat dirty tricks and fodder for fools like you.

The guy should have spoken out BEFORE there was anything at stake, which makes him revealed to be the liar he is.

You stupid fucking retards cant even lie well any more.

LOL- you poor gullible Trumpster.

'coach and assist'? You think Trump would pay him half of the advance and half of the royalties to 'coach and assist'?

You are stupid fucking retard. But being a Trumpster that is pretty redundant.

I mean I am amazed Trump would let anyone share a byline with his ego- but Trump sure did.
LOL- you poor gullible Trumpster.

'coach and assist'? You think Trump would pay him half of the advance and half of the royalties to 'coach and assist'?

You are stupid fucking retard. But being a Trumpster that is pretty redundant.

I mean I am amazed Trump would let anyone share a byline with his ego- but Trump sure did.
oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You can go and play catcher somewhere, fagot for all I care.

The LA Times polls i far more reliabel than the typical Clintonista poll these days and they show a close race and TRUMP HAS ONLY JUST STARTED, twatface.
And is warning our Asian and NATO allies that if he is President the United States might not defend them if attacked.

He did not say that, liar.


Why yes he did:
The Latest: Trump says US might not defend some NATO members
Donald Trump says the United States under his leadership might not come to the defense of some NATO members if Russia were to attack them.

Trump tells The New York Times he would decide whether to protect the Baltic republics against Russian aggression based on whether those countries "have fulfilled their obligations to us."

Donald Trump Defends Proposals to Deconstruct U.S. Military Treaty With Europe

“Many countries are not paying their fair share. That means we are protecting them, giving them military protection,” Mr. Trump told an a crowd of about 650 people at the Racine Civic Center. “They’re ripping off the United States. And you know what we do? Nothing. Either they have to pay up for past deficiencies or they have to get out. And if it breaks up NATO, it breaks up NATO.”

Donald Trump to Europe: Pay up or go it alone -
"The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense. And if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves," he added.

Donald Trump Defends Proposals to Deconstruct U.S. Military Treaty With Europe
Mr. Trump also offered an explanation for his suggestion, broached during a CNN interview this week, that the U.S. should end military arrangements with countries like Japan and South Korea and allow them to build their own nuclear arsenals.
“I didn’t say anything about letting Japan go nuclear,” Mr. Trump said on Saturday. “We have to let them take care of themselves,
and if that means they have to someday get nuclear weapons–in all fairness folks, I don’t really like this– eventually they’re going to want to get them anyway.”

Japan-U.S. security alliance not fair, Donald Trump says | The Japan Times
WASHINGTON – The Japan-U.S. alliance that obligates the United States to protect Japan is unfair, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said.

If a President Trump Turns His Back on Taiwan
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to withdraw American forces from Asia and let allies Japan and South Korea defend themselves. He suggests that these two Asian powers might best develop their own nuclear weapons.

“If Japan gets attacked, we have to immediately go to their aid,” Trump said, and “if we get attacked, Japan doesn’t have to help us.”
LOL- you poor gullible Trumpster.

'coach and assist'? You think Trump would pay him half of the advance and half of the royalties to 'coach and assist'?

You are stupid fucking retard. But being a Trumpster that is pretty redundant.

I mean I am amazed Trump would let anyone share a byline with his ego- but Trump sure did.
oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You can go and play catcher somewhere, fagot for all I care..

Spoken like a True Trumpster- you do your idol proud!
An interesting question posed by the article. But, it also points out that most of us have little faith in the “news” being presented to us. That being the case, could it also mean that the very bias against Trump they are showing could actually enhance his chances of winning?

The media may think their versions are logical extensions of what Republicans have said, but this is a presidential election. I think voters deserve to hear the truth and not Rachel Maddow’s demented translations.

Essay @ How The Media Work | Human Events
I think he's already proven they can't sink his campaign. He'' ride out the storm all the way into the Whitehouse. In general peole are not stupid and see the bias even though they won't admit it..

In general people are not stupid.

Which is why Trump is doing worse and worse.

Having the head of Breitbart and the former head of Fox join Trump's campaign just shows the people how biased right wing 'news' is.
Why yes he did:
The Latest: Trump says US might not defend some NATO members
Donald Trump says the United States under his leadership might not come to the defense of some NATO members if Russia were to attack them.

Trump tells The New York Times he would decide whether to protect the Baltic republics against Russian aggression based on whether those countries "have fulfilled their obligations to us."

He did not say that, independent of any other factor, we might not defend our NATO allies. He said if they do not live up to their commitments under the treaty we might not, AS IT SHOULD BE. We never gave these little piss ant states carte blanche, idiot. They have things that they are supposed to do as well, like not making alliances with China, which is very unlikely but that is an example of failing to keep their commitments.

“Many countries are not paying their fair share. That means we are protecting them, giving them military protection,” Mr. Trump told an a crowd of about 650 people at the Racine Civic Center. “They’re ripping off the United States. And you know what we do? Nothing. Either they have to pay up for past deficiencies or they have to get out. And if it breaks up NATO, it breaks up NATO.”

Of course, that is how the treaties are set up. Why do you think that we have listed conditions they have to meet to be an active part of the treaty, dimwit?

"The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense. And if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves," he added.

Yep. They fail us, we rewrite the treaty with them or trash it.

What the hell is wrong with you? You think we have some divine obligation to defend Europe? But if they keep their end of the bargain we keep ours. That is called not being a fool or not being a liberal.

I deleted the rest of your redundant bullshit because it is all the same. You twist Trumps statements regarding other nations obligations to us as though he were making a comment that he might want to unilaterally pull out with no other conditions being set by our allies.

But in the spirit of full disclosure, I say 'Fuck Europe' and lets pull out NOW.

I am sick of the gutless ungrateful pricks. Let the good ones migrate here instead of living in the midst of their continent degenerating into Eurabia and just let the whole pile of shit collapse for all I care. I am sick to death of saving Europes ass every 30 to 50 years.
In general people are not stupid.

Which is why Trump is doing worse and worse.

Having the head of Breitbart and the former head of Fox join Trump's campaign just shows the people how biased right wing 'news' is.

But Trump is NOT doing worse and worse, you fucking liar.

Can you ever post anything that is not a lie?

I dont think you can based on your track record.
In general people are not stupid.

Which is why Trump is doing worse and worse.

Having the head of Breitbart and the former head of Fox join Trump's campaign just shows the people how biased right wing 'news' is.

But Trump is NOT doing worse and worse, you fucking liar.

Can you ever post anything that is not a lie?

I dont think you can based on your track record. are so quick to call me a liar- and then I just post the facts.....which show that you are just lying again.

When was the last time that a national poll showed Trump in the lead?

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 45 48 Trump +3
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2150 LV -- 40 47 Trump +7
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 43 44 Trump +1

Basically a month ago- since that time- its been all Clinton.

Reuters/Ipsos 8/13 - 8/17 1049 LV 3.5 41 36 Clinton +5
LA Times/USC 8/12 - 8/18 2551 LV -- 45 43 Clinton +2
Economist/YouGov 8/14 - 8/16 911 RV 4.2 47 41 Clinton +6
NBC News/SM 8/8 - 8/14 15179 RV 1.2 50 41 Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos 8/6 - 8/10 974 LV 3.5 42 36 Clinton +6
Bloomberg 8/5 - 8/8 749 LV 3.6 50 44 Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov 8/6 - 8/9 911 RV 4.2 48 41 Clinton +7
NBC News/SM 8/1 - 8/7 11480 RV 1.2 51 41 Clinton +10
ABC News/Wash Post 8/1 - 8/4 815 RV 4.0 50 42 Clinton +8

The Electoral Map looks even better

“Many countries are not paying their fair share. That means we are protecting them, giving them military protection,” Mr. Trump told an a crowd of about 650 people at the Racine Civic Center. “They’re ripping off the United States. And you know what we do? Nothing. Either they have to pay up for past deficiencies or they have to get out. And if it breaks up NATO, it breaks up NATO.”

Of course, that is how the treaties are set up. Why do you think that we have listed conditions they have to meet to be an active part of the treaty, dimwit?.

Trump says 'fair share'- not treaty obligations.

Treaties are set up with what each partner is supposed to do. Trump doesn't like how the treaties are set up -because he doesn't think that they are fair.

And is warning our NATO- and Japanese and Korean allies- that under Trump- if they don't pay what he demands- the United States will not honor our treaty obligations.

Because that is how Trump is- a treaty is just another thing to bankrupt- or threaten to bankrupt to negotiate a 'better deal'
In general people are not stupid.

Which is why Trump is doing worse and worse.

Having the head of Breitbart and the former head of Fox join Trump's campaign just shows the people how biased right wing 'news' is.

But Trump is NOT doing worse and worse, you fucking liar.

Can you ever post anything that is not a lie?

I dont think you can based on your track record. are so quick to call me a liar- and then I just post the facts.....which show that you are just lying again.

When was the last time that a national poll showed Trump in the lead?

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 45 48 Trump +3
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2150 LV -- 40 47 Trump +7
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 43 44 Trump +1

Basically a month ago- since that time- its been all Clinton.

Reuters/Ipsos 8/13 - 8/17 1049 LV 3.5 41 36 Clinton +5
LA Times/USC 8/12 - 8/18 2551 LV -- 45 43 Clinton +2
Economist/YouGov 8/14 - 8/16 911 RV 4.2 47 41 Clinton +6
NBC News/SM 8/8 - 8/14 15179 RV 1.2 50 41 Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos 8/6 - 8/10 974 LV 3.5 42 36 Clinton +6
Bloomberg 8/5 - 8/8 749 LV 3.6 50 44 Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov 8/6 - 8/9 911 RV 4.2 48 41 Clinton +7
NBC News/SM 8/1 - 8/7 11480 RV 1.2 51 41 Clinton +10
ABC News/Wash Post 8/1 - 8/4 815 RV 4.0 50 42 Clinton +8

The Electoral Map looks even better

Again you lie, lie and lie some more.

It must be pathological; you need some clinical help dude.



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Trump says 'fair share'- not treaty obligations.
That is what he is referring to, for fucks sake.

Do you EVER get tired of lying in every post you make?

I never get tired of watching you get unhinged, foaming at the mouth and calling me a liar.

It is endlessly entertaining watching Trump's Borg Collective.
Lol, you lie with every post, but *I* am unhinged?

roflmao, you Dimbocrats cant be honest for even one second.

About a week before the election, Gallup had Carter up at 47% and Reagan at 39%, and REAGAN WON IN A LANDSLIDE.

Gallup Oct. 13, 1980: Poll Says Carter 44%, Reagan 40% – Texas Insider

Then came more hard punches. On Oct. 13, Gallup put the race nationally at Carter 44%, Reagan 40%. The bottom appeared to fall out two weeks later when a new national Gallup poll had Carter 47%, Reagan 39%.

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