Can the CDC be trusted to provide factual/honest information on COVID-19 guidance? Not always...

It's almost as though obtuse dubmfucks like you didn't know that leviathan bureaucracies like the CDC are loaded down with marginally competent bureaucrats, who have been there for 20 years before Trump showed up.

It had a world reputation as the blue ribbon health organisation.


Now China and Taiwan are given more credence.
Had....Until they got exposed for what a band of bungling know-nothings that they are and have been for a long, long time.
The econonmy is more important than your germophobia.
Yeah, dead people spend a lot of money.

No wonder the US has 4% of population and 25% of fatalities, one has only to read this thread.

Well, when you have the morons in the NE. (5 states) contributing 33% of those total deaths you realize that the Cuomovirus has been working overtime.

You also look at the age distribution and you see that Cuomo was killing the elderly as they are most vulnerable (and the ones we said needed protection).

You also see that in the time that 200,000 died, we normally lose 1,500,000 and most of that 200 K come from the pool that would provide the bodies for that 1.5 million. Also well documented that most who died had huge comorbiity factors.

So, how many have we really lost.
So, how many have we really lost.
From my reading, American health professionals living in the real world all agree COVID-19 deaths are under counted in the US. Taking the excess death levels compared to other years lends weight to that opinion.

Much I care, I'm happy to laugh at you guys' wilful ignorance in obeisance to your orange turd's narrative. You can pretend as much as you like it's not a gigantic shit show, after all, you've been doing it for nearly 4 years.
So, how many have we really lost.
From my reading, American health professionals living in the real world all agree COVID-19 deaths are under counted in the US. Taking the excess death levels compared to other years lends weight to that opinion.

Much I care, I'm happy to laugh at you guys' wilful ignorance in obeisance to your orange turd's narrative. You can pretend as much as you like it's not a gigantic shit show, after all, you've been doing it for nearly 4 years.

You can read ?

Yes, there are excess deaths on differential basis, but how many have we really lost ?

Even the claims that it is near the 200,000 level (total deaths due to covid) won't hold sway if two years out we see an underreporting of deaths of the same magnitude.

In the end everyone dies. And we are killing off those who most likely to go. If they were going to wait a year according to some model, then that means we'll be underreporting those same numbers pretty soon.

Point being that it hits cohorts that include the elderly and those with high potential comorbidity factors. The very people we've said all along needed to be protected.

If we were killing off middle aged or young people, there would be a permanent shift. But there is no way to defend it won't unless the virus makes it back to the same places it did all it's killing before.

It's not near the calamity you wish it was and it's nowhere near the fault of Trump the way you wish it was. Trump didn't order people into nursing homes who were sick and he didn't tell people to attend festivals like DeBlazio's bootlickers even after the issue had become alarming.

Willful ignorance ? You guys can't get off your upside down barstools long enough to know what's really going on. The giantic Adam Schitt show already ended and showed how American can still suffer through morons in the WH and bigger morons in the house and senate.

Add to that AOC and the likes of the squad and Max Waters....poster girls for putting dipshits in key governmental positions and Trump looks like fucking Abraham Lincoln.
Yes, they have their heads up the WHO's ass.

And they smell chineese shit.
And are not leading the world in COVID-19 deaths. Reading this thread explains why the US is leading in COVID-19 fatalities.

The U.S. is 10th in terms of normalized deaths (deaths per million).

Belgium has had issues for a long long time and still hasn't figured it out.

BTW: Sweden (the place that didn't shut down...but did do smart things...except protect the elderly) is 13th on the list.

We really fucked ourselves for no good reason.
Rachel Maddow deserves an award for this blockbuster. She and her team have been working hard since April to get their hands on this information. Go Rachel.
Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of a Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020

NOW! ?
Now you dont trust them ........rotflmao
Certainly not in this case. Rachel Maddow proved that last night with her blockbuster report of the CDC watering down their reports of a Smithfield meat packing plant due to political pressure from the Trump Administration.

Document: The original CDC recommendations to prevent Covid spread at the Sioux Falls, SD Smithfield plant
April 21, 2020

Document: These are the watered-down CDC recommendations that replaced the original guidance a day later.
April 22, 2020


I took the time to watch the Maddow Comedy hour article.

They took nothing out between the reports.

The only thing she's pissed about is that they said it should be recommended or where feasible.

Nothing is taken out.

She's throwing a fit over nothing.
Maddcow says this is something the CDC never does.

She never shows us a report from something else that is normal report.

Since when does the CDC tell people what to do.

Their work did not get squelched. She's full of shit.

Watered down ? Once again...nothing taken out.

She's really fucking full of shit.

She's acting like they took shit out.

They simply told the CDC you can't tell them what to do. You can provide them with guidance.

Nothing was removed.

She acts like they cut stuff out....they didn't.

She's a liar.

No wonder Lakhota loves her.

He loves liars.
Maddcow says this is something the CDC never does.

She never shows us a report from something else that is normal report.

Since when does the CDC tell people what to do.

Their work did not get squelched. She's full of shit.

Watered down ? Once again...nothing taken out.


C'mon Lakhota, show us in her raving mad bullshit segment where they took stuff out. They didn't.

Go ahead and show us.

You can flag a post that you don't like it, but you can't prove it to be any different than claimed.

Then she brings Barbara Bullshit Boxer's twin sister (Dizzy Lizzy Warren) to lie about the SCOTUS.

The RM comedy hour didn't disappoint.
She's really fucking full of shit.

She's acting like they took shit out.

They simply told the CDC you can't tell them what to do. You can provide them with guidance.

Nothing was removed.

She acts like they cut stuff out....they didn't.

She's a liar.

No wonder Lakhota loves her.

He loves liars.

I'm sorry that you have a reading and comprehension problem. I will pray for you.
She's really fucking full of shit.

She's acting like they took shit out.

They simply told the CDC you can't tell them what to do. You can provide them with guidance.

Nothing was removed.

She acts like they cut stuff out....they didn't.

She's a liar.

No wonder Lakhota loves her.

He loves liars.

I'm sorry that you have a reading and comprehension problem. I will pray for you.

Should be easy for you to prove me wrong.

But you can't.

You got nothing.

You continue in your lying ways.
She's really fucking full of shit.

She's acting like they took shit out.

They simply told the CDC you can't tell them what to do. You can provide them with guidance.

Nothing was removed.

She acts like they cut stuff out....they didn't.

She's a liar.

No wonder Lakhota loves her.

He loves liars.

I'm sorry that you have a reading and comprehension problem. I will pray for you.

You'll pray for me ?

To who.....? Jack Daniels.

You've stated repeatedly you don't believe in God.

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