Can The Democrats Even Hold Out Until 2016?

ALL their true strong holds are cities in the north and they ALL share the same problems. Cities like Chicago/St Louis/Baltimore/Detroit/New York and a host of others. ALL those cities share five common failures.

1, FISCAL.....All these cities are facing going broke because of the public sector unions which has nothing short of raped the tax payers coffers in return for nothing far to many times. New York failed once about 15 years ago. Chicago is on the bubble right now and the other cities are fast approaching that bubble.

2, INFRASTRUCTURE.... Money for decades has been wasted on feel good programs and NOT spent on power grids or water supply. This is a problem California is facing NOW plus cities there going broke.

3, SOCIAL STRUCTURE.....Democrats have not only designed but built the racist feral negro. The racist feral negro can be tied to almost if not ALL riots and looting and arson. This has led to the removal of an investment base for those cities. in a LOT of those cities if NOT for government funding there would be no funding at all.

4. PERVERSION...Major democratic cities have endorsed and encouraged and even imported and protected perverts within city limits thus attacking the family structure and the institution of marriage.

5, FAITH....Democrats have invited and protected a 7th century murdering cult which seeks to kill Christians/Catholics/Hindu/Buddhist and Jew.

Their 'System" has run out of other peoples money and in order to keep their system going they NEED to rape the coffers of EVERY American citizen.

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is in play here to over come the system.
Cloward Piven strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At their heart democrats ARE communists. If you read the link you will find EVERY move those cities and democrats have made called for by the communist inventors.

2014 was a bloody nose to them and in 2016 you need to flat knock them out WITHOUT apology WITHOUT thought but with feeling. VERY HARSH feelings.
Some NEED to go to prison and some NEED to be hung. If you ever want what you had then you had better STAND for it.

Because if NOT they will damn sure STEAL it.

Your concern for the democrats is heartwarming. Why aren't the RWers telling the world about the doorknobs they have running? We already know all about Hillary Clinton. Let's hear how Huckelberry Hound is going to make America a better place for everyone to live.
How about YOU write about him? Or are you just a tourist?

Ya...I'm sitting this one out. I don't care for anything named Clinton and you guys are just pushing the same clowns out on the podium as the last presidential election. If I vote it will be local issues and candidates. The presidential race has become a laughing stock. With Letterman gone this will be the funniest thing on TV for the next 18 months.

Wrong! The far left drones like you will vote for whoever your rich white far left masters tell you to vote for. Just look at 2008..
ALL their true strong holds are cities in the north and they ALL share the same problems. Cities like Chicago/St Louis/Baltimore/Detroit/New York and a host of others. ALL those cities share five common failures.

1, FISCAL.....All these cities are facing going broke because of the public sector unions which has nothing short of raped the tax payers coffers in return for nothing far to many times. New York failed once about 15 years ago. Chicago is on the bubble right now and the other cities are fast approaching that bubble.

2, INFRASTRUCTURE.... Money for decades has been wasted on feel good programs and NOT spent on power grids or water supply. This is a problem California is facing NOW plus cities there going broke.

3, SOCIAL STRUCTURE.....Democrats have not only designed but built the racist feral negro. The racist feral negro can be tied to almost if not ALL riots and looting and arson. This has led to the removal of an investment base for those cities. in a LOT of those cities if NOT for government funding there would be no funding at all.

4. PERVERSION...Major democratic cities have endorsed and encouraged and even imported and protected perverts within city limits thus attacking the family structure and the institution of marriage.

5, FAITH....Democrats have invited and protected a 7th century murdering cult which seeks to kill Christians/Catholics/Hindu/Buddhist and Jew.

Their 'System" has run out of other peoples money and in order to keep their system going they NEED to rape the coffers of EVERY American citizen.

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is in play here to over come the system.
Cloward Piven strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At their heart democrats ARE communists. If you read the link you will find EVERY move those cities and democrats have made called for by the communist inventors.

2014 was a bloody nose to them and in 2016 you need to flat knock them out WITHOUT apology WITHOUT thought but with feeling. VERY HARSH feelings.
Some NEED to go to prison and some NEED to be hung. If you ever want what you had then you had better STAND for it.

Because if NOT they will damn sure STEAL it.

Your concern for the democrats is heartwarming. Why aren't the RWers telling the world about the doorknobs they have running? We already know all about Hillary Clinton. Let's hear how Huckelberry Hound is going to make America a better place for everyone to live.
How about YOU write about him? Or are you just a tourist?

Ya...I'm sitting this one out. I don't care for anything named Clinton and you guys are just pushing the same clowns out on the podium as the last presidential election. If I vote it will be local issues and candidates. The presidential race has become a laughing stock. With Letterman gone this will be the funniest thing on TV for the next 18 months.

Wrong! The far left drones like you will vote for whoever your rich white far left masters tell you to vote for. Just look at 2008..

You are so stupid it just makes my eyes water reading the stink you put in print.

You ignorance is breath taking. Now crawl back under your rock and await Karl Rove's marching orders.
ALL their true strong holds are cities in the north and they ALL share the same problems. Cities like Chicago/St Louis/Baltimore/Detroit/New York and a host of others. ALL those cities share five common failures.

1, FISCAL.....All these cities are facing going broke because of the public sector unions which has nothing short of raped the tax payers coffers in return for nothing far to many times. New York failed once about 15 years ago. Chicago is on the bubble right now and the other cities are fast approaching that bubble.

2, INFRASTRUCTURE.... Money for decades has been wasted on feel good programs and NOT spent on power grids or water supply. This is a problem California is facing NOW plus cities there going broke.

3, SOCIAL STRUCTURE.....Democrats have not only designed but built the racist feral negro. The racist feral negro can be tied to almost if not ALL riots and looting and arson. This has led to the removal of an investment base for those cities. in a LOT of those cities if NOT for government funding there would be no funding at all.

4. PERVERSION...Major democratic cities have endorsed and encouraged and even imported and protected perverts within city limits thus attacking the family structure and the institution of marriage.

5, FAITH....Democrats have invited and protected a 7th century murdering cult which seeks to kill Christians/Catholics/Hindu/Buddhist and Jew.

Their 'System" has run out of other peoples money and in order to keep their system going they NEED to rape the coffers of EVERY American citizen.

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is in play here to over come the system.
Cloward Piven strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At their heart democrats ARE communists. If you read the link you will find EVERY move those cities and democrats have made called for by the communist inventors.

2014 was a bloody nose to them and in 2016 you need to flat knock them out WITHOUT apology WITHOUT thought but with feeling. VERY HARSH feelings.
Some NEED to go to prison and some NEED to be hung. If you ever want what you had then you had better STAND for it.

Because if NOT they will damn sure STEAL it.

Your concern for the democrats is heartwarming. Why aren't the RWers telling the world about the doorknobs they have running? We already know all about Hillary Clinton. Let's hear how Huckelberry Hound is going to make America a better place for everyone to live.
How about YOU write about him? Or are you just a tourist?

Ya...I'm sitting this one out. I don't care for anything named Clinton and you guys are just pushing the same clowns out on the podium as the last presidential election. If I vote it will be local issues and candidates. The presidential race has become a laughing stock. With Letterman gone this will be the funniest thing on TV for the next 18 months.

Wrong! The far left drones like you will vote for whoever your rich white far left masters tell you to vote for. Just look at 2008..

You are so stupid it just makes my eyes water reading the stink you put in print.

You ignorance is breath taking. Now crawl back under your rock and await Karl Rove's marching orders.

Says the far left drone!
Your concern for the democrats is heartwarming. Why aren't the RWers telling the world about the doorknobs they have running? We already know all about Hillary Clinton. Let's hear how Huckelberry Hound is going to make America a better place for everyone to live.
How about YOU write about him? Or are you just a tourist?

Ya...I'm sitting this one out. I don't care for anything named Clinton and you guys are just pushing the same clowns out on the podium as the last presidential election. If I vote it will be local issues and candidates. The presidential race has become a laughing stock. With Letterman gone this will be the funniest thing on TV for the next 18 months.

Wrong! The far left drones like you will vote for whoever your rich white far left masters tell you to vote for. Just look at 2008..

You are so stupid it just makes my eyes water reading the stink you put in print.

You ignorance is breath taking. Now crawl back under your rock and await Karl Rove's marching orders.

Says the far left drone!
Why do you idiot RWers all look like 13 year olds? You just babble nonsense. No you ignorant twit. I am not left, far or otherwise. Just because someone has no respect for you does not mean you can assume what they believe politically. I just have no respect for stupidity. All you can assume by that is that I am probably a lot smarter than you and the fact that I think you are a waste of oxygen because you are mentally underdeveloped and simply a burden on society and a waste of our time. You are one of those people that probably should have been diagnosed inferior and rejected at the earliest possible moment.
ALL their true strong holds are cities in the north and they ALL share the same problems. Cities like Chicago/St Louis/Baltimore/Detroit/New York and a host of others. ALL those cities share five common failures.

1, FISCAL.....All these cities are facing going broke because of the public sector unions which has nothing short of raped the tax payers coffers in return for nothing far to many times. New York failed once about 15 years ago. Chicago is on the bubble right now and the other cities are fast approaching that bubble.

2, INFRASTRUCTURE.... Money for decades has been wasted on feel good programs and NOT spent on power grids or water supply. This is a problem California is facing NOW plus cities there going broke.

3, SOCIAL STRUCTURE.....Democrats have not only designed but built the racist feral negro. The racist feral negro can be tied to almost if not ALL riots and looting and arson. This has led to the removal of an investment base for those cities. in a LOT of those cities if NOT for government funding there would be no funding at all.

4. PERVERSION...Major democratic cities have endorsed and encouraged and even imported and protected perverts within city limits thus attacking the family structure and the institution of marriage.

5, FAITH....Democrats have invited and protected a 7th century murdering cult which seeks to kill Christians/Catholics/Hindu/Buddhist and Jew.

Their 'System" has run out of other peoples money and in order to keep their system going they NEED to rape the coffers of EVERY American citizen.

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is in play here to over come the system.
Cloward Piven strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At their heart democrats ARE communists. If you read the link you will find EVERY move those cities and democrats have made called for by the communist inventors.

2014 was a bloody nose to them and in 2016 you need to flat knock them out WITHOUT apology WITHOUT thought but with feeling. VERY HARSH feelings.
Some NEED to go to prison and some NEED to be hung. If you ever want what you had then you had better STAND for it.

Because if NOT they will damn sure STEAL it.
just changing the topic, your avatar. do you know what classic series charles bronson was on,and that he was in episode 1? along with another future star.
A series? TV? No.
Charles Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery were in the first episode of The Twilight Zone, 1959?
sooner or later something will come up,like when her anyrism attacks during a speech/or/interview on MSNBC, and then her brain stops on live TV.
Oh we CAN hope and pray! To watch her turn into a "drooler" as PMH says WOULD be a blessing from God.
or body parts start falling off her head on live TV. (almost like a scene from poltergeist)

Nope. Still not funny. The new user account hasn't changed that fact. What was that old user name again?
Romney won 206 electoral votes, 64 short.

There's not a clown on the current list of GOP candidates who can make up that 64 vote gap.

Want to bet? HRC will lose big to whoever the GOP runs. But if you are so positive, lets have a wager on it. How about $500?

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