Can The Govt FORCE You To Promote A Choice That Goes Against Your Religion? The Fight Continues...

The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.

Polygamy is a good example

Polygamy was an accepted practice of the Mormon Church. The "Government" forced them to abandon the practice.

Isn't that the Government FORCING you to go against your religion?

Dear rightwinger
YES, the govt is imposing on these people's religious beliefs.
And yes, they do contest it.

I agree with Rand Paul and other Libertarians who are the most vocal on this point:
to keep marriage out of govt and govt out of marriage.

Keep it private period, and we won't have these problems.
You confuse the rights of an individual with the rights of a business

An individual can have a sloppy kitchen....a business can't
An individual can decide not to have negroes or gays over for dinner....a business can't

Again , those aren't rights.

And of course a business can have a sloppy kitchen and not invite negroes or gays for dinner. If they aren't in the food business.

LOL @ you trying to equate health codes for restaurants with the right to free assembly. That's just sad.

There are many rules and regulations a business must codes, labor laws, zoning ordinances, workplace safety, smoking....even public accomodation

And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual
Again , those aren't rights.

And of course a business can have a sloppy kitchen and not invite negroes or gays for dinner. If they aren't in the food business.

LOL @ you trying to equate health codes for restaurants with the right to free assembly. That's just sad.

There are many rules and regulations a business must codes, labor laws, zoning ordinances, workplace safety, smoking....even public accomodation

And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Duh stupid, I don't have a right to pollute the air other people are breathing whether I'm a private individual OR a business owner.

And I would probably argue that the government doesn't have a right to force me to make my restaurant smoke free anyway.
How is having the same rights as you now "special"????

I'm not a polygamist. Ask someone whose sexual orientation is polyamory. They are still not able to legally marry. Yet they are a sexual orientation. Tell me how that is legal when states may not deny people marriage based on sexual orientation? And remember, if man/woman father/mother isn't sacred, neither is "two". You can't be the subjective judge of sexual orientations the majority find repugnant. If one repugnant orientation escapes regulation, all of them do. You understand the concept of "equality" right?

I doubt if polygamy is a sexual orientation. They are still heterosexual

rightwinger nobody can prove or disprove
that sexual orientation isn't also a behavior as is polygamy.

To be fair, by treating these equally as beliefs, we include
all people equally instead of trying to impose one person's belief over anothers.

If you are saying people can discriminate in private, but not businesses and govt.
Then why allow govt to be abused to impose one belief about orientation and identity
above another belief? When NEITHER is proven or disproven by science, but BOTH are FAITH BASED.
Again , those aren't rights.

And of course a business can have a sloppy kitchen and not invite negroes or gays for dinner. If they aren't in the food business.

LOL @ you trying to equate health codes for restaurants with the right to free assembly. That's just sad.

There are many rules and regulations a business must codes, labor laws, zoning ordinances, workplace safety, smoking....even public accomodation

And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Okay rightwinger so this goes both ways

Individuals have the right to put their LGBT beliefs about orientation and transgender identity
above someone else's beliefs that these are behavioral choices and not genetic like race.

Why are you saying Govt has the right to endorse the LGBT beliefs that are faith based and to penalize people for not changing or complying with these beliefs? When neither side is proven by science.
There are many rules and regulations a business must codes, labor laws, zoning ordinances, workplace safety, smoking....even public accomodation

And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Okay rightwinger so this goes both ways

Individuals have the right to put their LGBT beliefs about orientation and transgender identity
above someone else's beliefs that these are behavioral choices and not genetic like race.

Why are you saying Govt has the right to endorse the LGBT beliefs that are faith based and to penalize people for not changing or complying with these beliefs? When neither side is proven by science.

I heard RightWInger goes both ways as well.
And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Okay rightwinger so this goes both ways

Individuals have the right to put their LGBT beliefs about orientation and transgender identity
above someone else's beliefs that these are behavioral choices and not genetic like race.

Why are you saying Govt has the right to endorse the LGBT beliefs that are faith based and to penalize people for not changing or complying with these beliefs? When neither side is proven by science.

I heard RightWInger goes both ways as well.

Oh, you! You can be serious and have a sense of humor, too.
You can make the point, and keep it short. Well done Fair&Balanced!

Tell your wife you think some chick online may be hot for you.
And maybe she will start flirting and accommodating your
wishes to keep up with perceived competition.
A. we agree the discrimination against persons is unlawful
B. we don't agree on forcing people into speech or private activities regulated by govt under penalty of law
C. I offer mediation and gave examples of "unintented consequences" that affect private customers
an why we need conflict resolution where some cases blur A and B.

rightwinger I apologize but i MUST take exception to this limitation.
The problem is MORE complex than just A. Issues in B cross the line into PRIVATE beliefs
and activities and customers that Govt cannot be abused to impose regulations and consequences on!

The problems and solutions are MUCH MORE comprehensive
than what I covered as A B and C. If you can't even read that,
then how dare you impose a policy that requires much more than that!

You are like saying it is okay to ban abortion if you can't answer briefly.
the problems and solutions are MORE COMPLEX and deserve a full
answer to ALL objections.

If you can't even allow the freedom of speech necessary to resolve
these conflicts, then no law should be imposed at all.

Sorry rightwinger you don't deserve the freedom of choice to
have the beliefs you want "imposed on everyone else"
if you can't take responsibility for the CONSEQUENCES and GRIEVANCES this causes others!!!

Sorry Emily

Still takes you way too long to make a point
Get it down to three sentences and I will reply

Here's a point.

Do I, as an individual have the right to discriminate? Yes or no?

As an sure do

As a have to follow the law

So you can't even just answer a question.

Great, we've determined that I DO have a right to discriminate. Excellent.

Now, can you name one other right that I have to give up to own a business?

Further, can you explain to me why I should have to give up what you admit is a right, just to own a business?
No one says you don’t have the right to discriminate – you can discriminate to your heart’s content.

But as a business owner in a jurisdiction whose public accommodations law has a provision for sexual orientation, you may not deny services to a gay patron, having nothing to do with ‘discrimination’ – just as you cannot pay your employees less than the minimum wage or endanger your employees’ safety in the workplace.

Public accommodations laws are regulatory policy, where jurisdictions have determined that to refuse services based on race, religion, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market, and local governments are at liberty to regulate local markets as they so desire consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

When not running your business you may discriminate all you want, revel in your ignorance and hate.

But while running your business you’ll obey the law, including accommodating gay patrons, as such laws neither ‘violate’ your religious liberty, nor ‘force’ you to ‘give up’ any rights.

And that is the crux of it. These bigots are free to think like a bigot or a racist, many of them obviously do. But they can't act on it. They are free to gather in their church and pass judgement on their fellow human beings until the cows come home. They are free to sit in their living rooms with each other pining for the days when women wore dresses no higher than their ankles or when it was legal for men to beat their wives with a board as long as it was no wider than their thumb (where we get the phrase 'rule of thumb'). They are free to long for the days when children could be made to work 12 hours a day, women couldn't vote, and people owned other people. They are free to THINK and talk about such vile crap all day long. They just don't get to enact their thoughts on others at a public business.

Besides isn't there a restaurant somewhere that is right now ordering green cups that don't havce candy canes on them that will be used for Christmas time? OH THE OUTRAGE. Get activated oh crusaders of truth and justice, Superman needs your help.

With the cups.
Sorry Emily

Still takes you way too long to make a point
Get it down to three sentences and I will reply

Here's a point.

Do I, as an individual have the right to discriminate? Yes or no?

As an sure do

As a have to follow the law

So you can't even just answer a question.

Great, we've determined that I DO have a right to discriminate. Excellent.

Now, can you name one other right that I have to give up to own a business?

Further, can you explain to me why I should have to give up what you admit is a right, just to own a business?
No one says you don’t have the right to discriminate – you can discriminate to your heart’s content.

But as a business owner in a jurisdiction whose public accommodations law has a provision for sexual orientation, you may not deny services to a gay patron, having nothing to do with ‘discrimination’ – just as you cannot pay your employees less than the minimum wage or endanger your employees’ safety in the workplace.

Public accommodations laws are regulatory policy, where jurisdictions have determined that to refuse services based on race, religion, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market, and local governments are at liberty to regulate local markets as they so desire consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

When not running your business you may discriminate all you want, revel in your ignorance and hate.

But while running your business you’ll obey the law, including accommodating gay patrons, as such laws neither ‘violate’ your religious liberty, nor ‘force’ you to ‘give up’ any rights.

And that is the crux of it. These bigots are free to think like a bigot or a racist, many of them obviously do. But they can't act on it. They are free to gather in their church and pass judgement on their fellow human beings until the cows come home. They are free to sit in their living rooms with each other pining for the days when women wore dresses no higher than their ankles or when it was legal for men to beat their wives with a board as long as it was no wider than their thumb (where we get the phrase 'rule of thumb'). They are free to long for the days when children could be made to work 12 hours a day, women couldn't vote, and people owned other people. They are free to THINK and talk about such vile crap all day long. They just don't get to enact their thoughts on others at a public business.

Besides isn't there a restaurant somewhere that is right now ordering green cups that don't havce candy canes on them that will be used for Christmas time? OH THE OUTRAGE. Get activated oh crusaders of truth and justice, Superman needs your help.

With the cups.

IsaacNewton And the same holds for LGBT beliefs and creeds not proven by science but faith-based.
Why should Govt be used or abused to endorse one side's beliefs or creeds, while penalizing another?
When both are faith-based and neither proven nor disproven. Clearly LGBT beliefs about
homosexuality like beliefs about Christianity should remain private choice and not under penalty of govt!

You can do what you want in private, but when your orientation/identity
affects other people's right to use the restroom without fear that men will abuse the policy you want to impose,
you are affecting other people in public and in private, if you consider the bathroom to be private.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Okay rightwinger so this goes both ways

Individuals have the right to put their LGBT beliefs about orientation and transgender identity
above someone else's beliefs that these are behavioral choices and not genetic like race.

Why are you saying Govt has the right to endorse the LGBT beliefs that are faith based and to penalize people for not changing or complying with these beliefs? When neither side is proven by science.

I heard RightWInger goes both ways as well.

Oh, you! You can be serious and have a sense of humor, too.
You can make the point, and keep it short. Well done Fair&Balanced!

Tell your wife you think some chick online may be hot for you.
And maybe she will start flirting and accommodating your
wishes to keep up with perceived competition.

My wife doesn't have enough time in her day to get jealous over the women who have the hots for me.
Here's a point.

Do I, as an individual have the right to discriminate? Yes or no?

As an sure do

As a have to follow the law

So you can't even just answer a question.

Great, we've determined that I DO have a right to discriminate. Excellent.

Now, can you name one other right that I have to give up to own a business?

Further, can you explain to me why I should have to give up what you admit is a right, just to own a business?
No one says you don’t have the right to discriminate – you can discriminate to your heart’s content.

But as a business owner in a jurisdiction whose public accommodations law has a provision for sexual orientation, you may not deny services to a gay patron, having nothing to do with ‘discrimination’ – just as you cannot pay your employees less than the minimum wage or endanger your employees’ safety in the workplace.

Public accommodations laws are regulatory policy, where jurisdictions have determined that to refuse services based on race, religion, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market, and local governments are at liberty to regulate local markets as they so desire consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

When not running your business you may discriminate all you want, revel in your ignorance and hate.

But while running your business you’ll obey the law, including accommodating gay patrons, as such laws neither ‘violate’ your religious liberty, nor ‘force’ you to ‘give up’ any rights.

And that is the crux of it. These bigots are free to think like a bigot or a racist, many of them obviously do. But they can't act on it. They are free to gather in their church and pass judgement on their fellow human beings until the cows come home. They are free to sit in their living rooms with each other pining for the days when women wore dresses no higher than their ankles or when it was legal for men to beat their wives with a board as long as it was no wider than their thumb (where we get the phrase 'rule of thumb'). They are free to long for the days when children could be made to work 12 hours a day, women couldn't vote, and people owned other people. They are free to THINK and talk about such vile crap all day long. They just don't get to enact their thoughts on others at a public business.

Besides isn't there a restaurant somewhere that is right now ordering green cups that don't havce candy canes on them that will be used for Christmas time? OH THE OUTRAGE. Get activated oh crusaders of truth and justice, Superman needs your help.

With the cups.

IsaacNewton And the same holds for LGBT beliefs and creeds not proven by science but faith-based.
Why should Govt be used or abused to endorse one side's beliefs or creeds, while penalizing another?
When both are faith-based and neither proven nor disproven. Clearly LGBT beliefs about
homosexuality like beliefs about Christianity should remain private choice and not under penalty of govt!

You can do what you want in private, but when your orientation/identity
affects other people's right to use the restroom without fear that men will abuse the policy you want to impose,
you are affecting other people in public and in private, if you consider the bathroom to be private.

You don't get to define what faith is re the law. Pretending to be a lawyer or legislator doesn't make it so.
(blather omitted for brevity)

2. Makes no sense. If a photographer is not in the business of filming pornography, nobody is forcing him to
If he is a wedding photographer he has to photograph weddings

Even, nay, in liberal view, ESPECIALLY if the proceedings of said wedding are pornographic.
As an sure do

As a have to follow the law

So you can't even just answer a question.

Great, we've determined that I DO have a right to discriminate. Excellent.

Now, can you name one other right that I have to give up to own a business?

Further, can you explain to me why I should have to give up what you admit is a right, just to own a business?
No one says you don’t have the right to discriminate – you can discriminate to your heart’s content.

But as a business owner in a jurisdiction whose public accommodations law has a provision for sexual orientation, you may not deny services to a gay patron, having nothing to do with ‘discrimination’ – just as you cannot pay your employees less than the minimum wage or endanger your employees’ safety in the workplace.

Public accommodations laws are regulatory policy, where jurisdictions have determined that to refuse services based on race, religion, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market, and local governments are at liberty to regulate local markets as they so desire consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

When not running your business you may discriminate all you want, revel in your ignorance and hate.

But while running your business you’ll obey the law, including accommodating gay patrons, as such laws neither ‘violate’ your religious liberty, nor ‘force’ you to ‘give up’ any rights.

And that is the crux of it. These bigots are free to think like a bigot or a racist, many of them obviously do. But they can't act on it. They are free to gather in their church and pass judgement on their fellow human beings until the cows come home. They are free to sit in their living rooms with each other pining for the days when women wore dresses no higher than their ankles or when it was legal for men to beat their wives with a board as long as it was no wider than their thumb (where we get the phrase 'rule of thumb'). They are free to long for the days when children could be made to work 12 hours a day, women couldn't vote, and people owned other people. They are free to THINK and talk about such vile crap all day long. They just don't get to enact their thoughts on others at a public business.

Besides isn't there a restaurant somewhere that is right now ordering green cups that don't havce candy canes on them that will be used for Christmas time? OH THE OUTRAGE. Get activated oh crusaders of truth and justice, Superman needs your help.

With the cups.

IsaacNewton And the same holds for LGBT beliefs and creeds not proven by science but faith-based.
Why should Govt be used or abused to endorse one side's beliefs or creeds, while penalizing another?
When both are faith-based and neither proven nor disproven. Clearly LGBT beliefs about
homosexuality like beliefs about Christianity should remain private choice and not under penalty of govt!

You can do what you want in private, but when your orientation/identity
affects other people's right to use the restroom without fear that men will abuse the policy you want to impose,
you are affecting other people in public and in private, if you consider the bathroom to be private.

You don't get to define what faith is re the law. Pretending to be a lawyer or legislator doesn't make it so.

And you don't get to tell people their religion is wrong.

Isaac Newton would shove that apple up your ass if he seen you shitting on his memory the way you do.
The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.

Polygamy is a good example

Polygamy was an accepted practice of the Mormon Church. The "Government" forced them to abandon the practice.

Isn't that the Government FORCING you to go against your religion?

Dear rightwinger
YES, the govt is imposing on these people's religious beliefs.
And yes, they do contest it.

I agree with Rand Paul and other Libertarians who are the most vocal on this point:
to keep marriage out of govt and govt out of marriage.

Keep it private period, and we won't have these problems.

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

So the USSC will mandate that black bakers will be forced under threat of law to ice cakes with white hooded figures saying "KKK is Awesome!" Christians will have to ice cakes that say "Happy marriage Adam and Steve" and gay billboard artists will have to print signs that say "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". Oh, and also, catholic hospitals offering OB/GYN will have to also perform abortions. Why? Because the KKK is legal, gay marriage is "legal" (it isn't but we'll get to that next year), Christianity is legal and so is abortion.
There are many rules and regulations a business must codes, labor laws, zoning ordinances, workplace safety, smoking....even public accomodation

And yet, ONLY public accommodation laws violate the rights of a business owner.

You've yet to explain that.

You open for business, you follow the law
If the owner is a smoker he can't do it at the place of business....even if it is his business
If the owner hates fags, he still has to open his business to them

Bullshit, if person owns a business, he can smoke all the cigarettes he wants in his business. Just not in the food prep or dining area (assuming the food industry)

So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

Okay rightwinger so this goes both ways

Individuals have the right to put their LGBT beliefs about orientation and transgender identity
above someone else's beliefs that these are behavioral choices and not genetic like race.

Why are you saying Govt has the right to endorse the LGBT beliefs that are faith based and to penalize people for not changing or complying with these beliefs? When neither side is proven by science.
I disagree

I don't think they are putting their LGBT orientation above someone else's religious beliefs

They are merely testing who they are and expecting equal treatment under our laws
So now we have another example of where your rights as an individual are not the same as your rights as a business owner
You are free to smoke in your home....not free to smoke in a public business
See how it works?

Business is not treated the same as an individual

So the USSC will mandate that black bakers will be forced under threat of law to ice cakes with white hooded figures saying "KKK is Awesome!" Christians will have to ice cakes that say "Happy marriage Adam and Steve" and gay billboard artists will have to print signs that say "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". Oh, and also, catholic hospitals offering OB/GYN will have to also perform abortions. Why? Because the KKK is legal, gay marriage is "legal" (it isn't but we'll get to that next year), Christianity is legal and so is abortion.
Again with that lame analogy
No, they will not demand that black bakers produce KKK cakes. If the black baker sells KKK cakes as part of his business then he would have to sell the cake to either blacks or whites....he cannot discriminate
If a black baker sells wedding cakes as part of his business, then he must sell to blacks, whites or gays
I don't think they are putting their LGBT orientation above someone else's religious beliefs

They are merely testing who they are and expecting equal treatment under our laws

Well I think I'm the Queen of England and the US didn't win the Revolutionary war. So hand over your taxes to me or I'll sue you. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot and a hater and shall be fined for daring to challenge me with an alternate opinion!
Sorry Emily

Still takes you way too long to make a point
Get it down to three sentences and I will reply

Here's a point.

Do I, as an individual have the right to discriminate? Yes or no?

As an sure do

As a have to follow the law

So you can't even just answer a question.

Great, we've determined that I DO have a right to discriminate. Excellent.

Now, can you name one other right that I have to give up to own a business?

Further, can you explain to me why I should have to give up what you admit is a right, just to own a business?

Your question is answered....You just don't like the answer

Once you open a business you lose your freedom of association. You don't get to put up a sign that says "We don't serve negroes here"
You also lose your right to set your own labor rules, you lose the right to have your building any way you want, you lose the right to have a sloppy kitchen if you want one

Dear rightwinger
If you read my message I already said there is no legal dispute over this, if there is it is resolved as you state.

The dispute is over
* going to PRIVATE venues OFF SITE and engaging in PRIVATE activities
* violating FREE SPEECH by govt regulations and penalty for not complying

Please answer if this is short enough.
I didn't agree to give up freedom of speech but apparently you believe in regulating it.
Free speech is necessary for DUE PROCESS. why are you so opposed to DUE PROCESS?
OK Emily, mediate for me

You own a beautiful banquet hall overlooking a lake. I am a gay and would like to rent your hall for my wedding. No other facility in town comes close to the beauty and quality you provide.
I go to rent for my wedding and you tell me you won't rent to gay weddings


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