Can the KKK rebrand?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
After Former KKK Leader Shoots Up Jewish Centers, CNN Asks: 'Can The Klan Rebrand?' | ThinkProgress
One week after a Ku Klux Klan member shot three people dead at Jewish institutions in Kansas, CNN is speculating, “Can the Klan rebrand?”

“Imperial Ancona, who lives in Missouri, insists there’s a new Klan for modern times — a Klan that’s “about educating people to our ideas and getting people to see our point of view to…help change things,” CNN’s Ashley Fantz writes. “He said he and those like him can spread that message without violence — a sort of rebranding of the Klan.”

To learn if this is possible, Fantz asked marketing and PR experts if America’s most infamous white supremacist group could shed its violent past. According to one quoted ad agency president, lynchings are not too different from products, like a car that kills people because of an exploding gas tank. In his words, “if you have a car that is killing people because the gas tank is exploding, it doesn’t matter how fantastic the ad campaign is for that car.” CNN should have also taken note that this is not the first time the KKK has declared it is “rebranding.”

The 2,000 word story has provoked backlash and derision on Twitter and in the media. Gawker described it as “a landmark expression of idiocy.”

CNN, in a roundabout way, answers its own question of whether this is conceivable. No, a hate group forever linked to lynchings and violence does not have a chance to transform into a kinder form of racism. A Time story called “The KKK Tries To Make a Comeback” arrives at a similar conclusion, quoting experts who say the idea is ridiculous. “Some groups do try to position themselves to say they’re just fighting for white rights, that they’re not racist. But that’s absurd. It’s just racism dressed up in a new language,” Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project told Time.


CNN isn't called Fox Lite for nothing but WTF?
Yes. They can rebrand themselves as Loathsome Bigoted Jackoffs or LBJ'ers.

LBJ: I'll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years.
The shooting at the Jewish center made it clear that so-called white supremacists are registered democrats. The shooter even ran for office as a democrat. KKK bigots were democrats during the 50's and 60's and the democrat party was the party of segregation. Robert Byrd, the democrat senator from W.V. was a KKK leader. The bigot supreme court justice appointed by FDR, Hugo Black, hated Catholics and coincidentally wrote the majority opinion regarding the modern version of separation of church and state that bigoted left wingers have used for fifty years to subjugate Christians.
they already have, it's called the Obama administration and the Democrat/progressive party

we have enemy's within folks...please never vote for one again
"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

You can't spell KKK without GOP
After Former KKK Leader Shoots Up Jewish Centers, CNN Asks: 'Can The Klan Rebrand?' | ThinkProgress
One week after a Ku Klux Klan member shot three people dead at Jewish institutions in Kansas, CNN is speculating, “Can the Klan rebrand?”

“Imperial Ancona, who lives in Missouri, insists there’s a new Klan for modern times — a Klan that’s “about educating people to our ideas and getting people to see our point of view to…help change things,” CNN’s Ashley Fantz writes. “He said he and those like him can spread that message without violence — a sort of rebranding of the Klan.”

To learn if this is possible, Fantz asked marketing and PR experts if America’s most infamous white supremacist group could shed its violent past. According to one quoted ad agency president, lynchings are not too different from products, like a car that kills people because of an exploding gas tank. In his words, “if you have a car that is killing people because the gas tank is exploding, it doesn’t matter how fantastic the ad campaign is for that car.” CNN should have also taken note that this is not the first time the KKK has declared it is “rebranding.”

The 2,000 word story has provoked backlash and derision on Twitter and in the media. Gawker described it as “a landmark expression of idiocy.”

CNN, in a roundabout way, answers its own question of whether this is conceivable. No, a hate group forever linked to lynchings and violence does not have a chance to transform into a kinder form of racism. A Time story called “The KKK Tries To Make a Comeback” arrives at a similar conclusion, quoting experts who say the idea is ridiculous. “Some groups do try to position themselves to say they’re just fighting for white rights, that they’re not racist. But that’s absurd. It’s just racism dressed up in a new language,” Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project told Time.


CNN isn't called Fox Lite for nothing but WTF?

It has rebranded -- it's now called the Democrat Party. Still making economic slaves of the black race and whipping anyone who doesn't agree with their dictatorship-mentality.
The shooting at the Jewish center made it clear that so-called white supremacists are registered democrats. The shooter even ran for office as a democrat. KKK bigots were democrats during the 50's and 60's and the democrat party was the party of segregation. Robert Byrd, the democrat senator from W.V. was a KKK leader. The bigot supreme court justice appointed by FDR, Hugo Black, hated Catholics and coincidentally wrote the majority opinion regarding the modern version of separation of church and state that bigoted left wingers have used for fifty years to subjugate Christians.

A couple of examples, separated by sixty years, is nothing more than hasty generalization, which invalidate the premise. Secondly, Byrd spent the rest of his life repenting for his stupidity, while his colleague, Strom Thurmond rebranded himself as a Republican.
Wow, you people don't even try to be creative anymore. Democrats are racists, GOP is racists...blah, blah, whoopity fucking doo, blah, honey boo boo is fat, blah, KKK are dems, blah dah GOP is evil and racist, blah, insert irrelevant link, insert ad hominem attack, blah, blacks are inferior, blah Republican KKK, blah, Stephanie nonsense, blah, Guno nonsense, lublub chimes in, more generalized attacks against one side, blah...

I just saved you 8 pages of USMBC style debate!
Wow, you people don't even try to be creative anymore. Democrats are racists, GOP is racists...blah, blah, whoopity fucking doo, blah, honey boo boo is fat, blah, KKK are dems, blah dah GOP is evil and racist, blah, insert irrelevant link, insert ad hominem attack, blah, blacks are inferior, blah Republican KKK, blah, Stephanie nonsense, blah, Guno nonsense, lublub chimes in, more generalized attacks against one side, blah...

I just saved you 8 pages of USMBC style debate!

It does get a little old and I'm as guilty of the next guy. :(
They have rebranded - They now just call themselves Democrats. Where as in the past they were Klans men and Democrats.

In effect, the Klan was a military force .. of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party.

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
They have rebranded - They now just call themselves Democrats. Where as in the past they were Klans men and Democrats.

In effect, the Klan was a military force .. of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party.

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
Well, I thought I saved you 8 pages of the nonsense. What does this have to do with the KKK rebranding itself?
Hehe... of course they can rebrand, however I seriously doubt that they will embrace multiculturalism ;^)
"The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

State Sen. Stephen Martin says Democratic Party created the Ku Klux Klan | PolitiFact Virginia

You can't spell KKK without GOP

I love how Democrats think they can just sprinkle fairy dust over history.:lol:

You want everyone to believe that just magically one day in 1964 all the racists in the Democrat party switched to the Republican Party.

And that all the "good" Republicans who fought for the uncompensated abolition of slavery, fought the KKK, impeached Andrew Johnson (D), passed the 14th Amendment, fought against Jim Crow laws, pushed back against the Dixiecrats and were the movers and shakers to get the Civil Rights Act passed just one day became Democrats.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Give it up. That boat don't float.

ETA: All but a handful of Dixiecrats left the Democrats. I'll be happy to debate the bullshit point that the Dixiecrats ran to the Republican party anytime and anywhere. I'm loaded for bear. :)
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